View Full Version : traveled into ignis through water!?!?

11-29-2008, 05:03 AM
K. Im Haldor of Alsius. on berserkka island. i fell in the water and the O2 bar wasnt coming up. so i ran from berserkka island all the way to an ignis beach inside their great wall. but other people could still see me at the altar.

i want to put the pics up but i cant figure out how to get to my snapshots.

11-29-2008, 05:24 AM
That's the old "out of body" experience. I'm not sure but i think it's caused by some lag when you login.

There's a lot of screenshots about that one in the images sub forum. Check threads about central island.

Click the small picture icon at the top row of the post window or upload the screenshots to rapid share or any site like that and post the link.

off topic: From Alsius and with a Syrtis flag as avatar? blasphemy xD

11-29-2008, 12:09 PM
i want to put the pics up but i cant figure out how to get to my snapshots.
I think the pathway is games, NGD Studios, Regnum Online, live server, screen shots.

12-02-2008, 03:53 AM
I'm not naming names but I know of one person that travels through water into ignis using this as a game glitch. What are your thoughts Plover?

12-02-2008, 03:55 AM
Well you cant force this bug, it just randomly happens you cant see any mobs/players/npcs so your free to roam till you get teleported back to your body

12-02-2008, 08:32 AM

You cant do shit when under out of body experience - beside taking a sightseeing tour and photos. As soon as you relog youre where you started - and if you run and suddenly damage appears its because for all other players youre still standing where you last logged out and theyre killing you right now without any chance to retaliate.

You dont see any mobs or players on this voyage - so if you run around and nothing killable showes up its a good guess youre having a outofbodyexp. You cant spy, cant attack nor influence other players or mobs or anything at all - so no need to calling names.

12-02-2008, 12:34 PM
I wish you were right but unfortunately you are not. I will not go into detail on how it is done but some people are using it to travel through water. We killed said player at pb and not more than three minutes passed and he was behind us. We had been watching the bridge the whole time and there is simply no other way he took another bridge and got back to us that fast. Someone threw out a suggestion on how it was done and so I tested it. You can indeed travel through water... I am not calling names... I am stating facts.

12-02-2008, 01:17 PM
Yes, you can cross rivers, that's a known fact.

12-03-2008, 12:46 AM
I know how you can cross rivers quickly and easily with an exploit but you can do the same thing without an exploit.