View Full Version : Problems Loading and Downloading Resources

12-04-2008, 01:03 AM
Hi:) , I logged into Regnum and i downloaded a 3MB patch and a 12MB patch. I press Enter World Game and it loads checks my firewall thn a small video comes on, But after that it says loading resources (numbers) of (numbers) EG loading resources 614 of 2304. it downloads some then the numbers get smaller EG loading resources 614 of 1983 after downloading some it finish's and says loading resources 689 of 689, Uderneath it says looking for player character's but it does nothing i left it for over 1Hour and it did nothing, so i closed it and reopened it again it did the same thing practiclly again but with differant resources EG loading resources 795 of 1305 but as before it stops and loads and does nothing what is wrong??:tsk_tsk:

12-04-2008, 02:55 AM
Hello Samsin101,

Go to your live server directory in the regnum online folder and delete the following:

Character.idx and character files and re-log into the game and your problem should be fixed.

If this helps you out or not, let us know here.

Regards and welcome to the game.

12-04-2008, 04:34 AM
Hi, I tried to find the files u said but it seems i dont have thm any where in the regnum folder, andim just letting u know that i havnt been able to log on to character but i logged onto the RA server and thn it comes up with resoruces o and i almost dled all of the resources but my internet fails so i had to restart does it carry on from where it left off?

12-04-2008, 04:55 AM
You should find them in the Live Server folder.

Those might be the file that are making you see "Looking for avalaible player characters". Or what you can do is delete the entire Live Server folder and relog to, if you dont find those files.

Remember, look for Character.idx and character files.


12-04-2008, 05:07 AM
Thanks ill contuine on dling the resource and if it doesnt work after that i will delete the live server file

Thanks =)

12-04-2008, 05:09 AM
Good, I am glad I can help.

Let us know if it was successful.

Also, I recommend that you enable "Update all resource at once". you can find that in the game launcher after you log in, check in options before entering the game world.
