View Full Version : Ignis shall be the dominate realm!
12-09-2008, 12:11 PM
Reasons as to why it will dominate:
1. It may have the least amount of users but they still put up one heck of a fight.
1/2. Imagine the Ignis player count rising and those players who can put up one heck of a fight in small numbers is doubled.
2. Ignis uses stratgy more then other realms due to the fact of the small number of players.
2/2. So the sytris get there bows and do a little camping in the hills near some training spots. Ignis users travel in groups with knights and mages. The knights protect the mages and the mages pound the sytris (Ok not really but I'm still buggin the guys to try it out for once.
3. Ignis has an evil rock.
3/2. No really, trust me on this one guys.
12-09-2008, 12:26 PM
lmao the only reason your small numbers can dominate i either cause u hide in your fort when u know were around or we get so bored of waiting for your stupid group to come we run to you guys!! and While Most Of You Guys Camp Our Cs Or Like I Just Had To Deal With Was one of u iggies camping the gate and our training spots!
Notice You Guys Only Dominate When Everyone Else Is Asleep! lol
12-09-2008, 01:45 PM
what he said up there above me ^
you are wrong btw Ignis does not have the lowest population
12-09-2008, 05:38 PM
ramsli11 is right we dont have the number of ppl to kill syrtis all we need is to out gun them then out number them
12-09-2008, 07:46 PM
3. Ignis has an evil rock.
3/2. No really, trust me on this one guys.
this will be the only reason for some of your victory, when I'm there I will steal the evil ignis rock and make it unbalanced in numbers JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA CRUZ DEL ROCK 6661337
Larger number of players are harder to organise. Meaning that if you get more players, you'll lose your..."organisation".
Besides, half the realm are cowards and 48% are SC monkeys or locks who completely overuse MoD (like Fuerst).
12-10-2008, 06:39 AM
Atleast the people of Ignis can put together a good hunting group when needed.
12-11-2008, 12:33 PM
*sigh* maybe some day :rolleyes:
12-12-2008, 04:26 AM
I hate Warf.
12-12-2008, 05:38 PM
I did notice that although Syrtis is still very powerful within its own territory, it has lost some power in the other realms.
The large groups that used to go to Aggerborg and have a great fight there have now been replaced with smaller groups that go to Trelleborg via its save. It's not that there are no nice fights, but Syrtis' numbers seem to be decreased.
Ignis isn't dominating though, they may be very powerful in their own realm, but it has been along time since they've occupied Hebred for a large time with Syrtis just scratching them.
12-12-2008, 05:47 PM
Lately there are bigger groups of Syrtis going to Aggersborg.
12-13-2008, 08:08 PM
7 Syrtis faught at Samal yesterday for around 2 hours, Ignis had pretty equal numbers to start with and eventualy had around 12 people when they killed us, considering we only had 2 conjus and you had a save less than a minuit away AND samal (we couldent break the gate, so didnt try) I think we totaly outplayed you :P
Ignis are all skilled players? give me a break ;)
Ignis/Horus are as bad as Syrtis/Ra.
Worse, actually, since they don't have that many good players.
12-20-2008, 09:20 AM
Ignis/Horus are as bad as Syrtis/Ra.
Worse, actually, since they don't have that many good players.
I'm going to have to take offense to that. If Syrtis/Ra is anything like Syrtis/Horus, anyway.
- The largest hunting party I have been in was 4 people. Four. Not twenty. Four. Larger parties than that are almost always going to war, not kill grinders.
- If we spy someone while going past a save we'll atack them once, then it's their problem if they come after us again. This hasn't happened on one or too occasions because someone has wanted to give Syrtis a taste of their own medicine, ie. save camping. I never agreed with this practice, but have been pulled into it on the one occasion the other guy I was hunting with was on, because it was that or run into a group of about 10 Syrtis and die.
- We don't have many good players becaue we don't have many players at all. There's a reason we have a higher RLM bonus than you (Two at the moment actually).
- On occasions I have been in a war party opposing a Syrtis horde with twice our numbers (and generally higher level as well) who still won't come out of their fort because they're chicken. We don't come up to your forts when they're twice as many of you as us because dying is not the mission.
Although I have to say, Ignis as the dominant realm probably won't last. Certainly with all the Syrtian noobs switching sides to over here.
12-21-2008, 02:49 AM
I'm going to have to take offense to that. If Syrtis/Ra is anything like Syrtis/Horus, anyway.
- The largest hunting party I have been in was 4 people. Four. Not twenty. Four. Larger parties than that are almost always going to war, not kill grinders.
- If we spy someone while going past a save we'll atack them once, then it's their problem if they come after us again. This hasn't happened on one or too occasions because someone has wanted to give Syrtis a taste of their own medicine, ie. save camping. I never agreed with this practice, but have been pulled into it on the one occasion the other guy I was hunting with was on, because it was that or run into a group of about 10 Syrtis and die.
- We don't have many good players becaue we don't have many players at all. There's a reason we have a higher RLM bonus than you (Two at the moment actually).
- On occasions I have been in a war party opposing a Syrtis horde with twice our numbers (and generally higher level as well) who still won't come out of their fort because they're chicken. We don't come up to your forts when they're twice as many of you as us because dying is not the mission.
Although I have to say, Ignis as the dominant realm probably won't last. Certainly with all the Syrtian noobs switching sides to over here.
I'm sorry but what necrovarus says is true, somehow ignis now has more players than syrtis and many people are wondering about the rlm bonus ignis has as they have more active players than syrtis has, I'm lucky to have even seen alsius today.
Actually syrtis is working together like alsius on horus.
And no you aren't in hunting parties of 20 yet because the general number of players on horus isn't that high.
12-21-2008, 03:19 AM
If there was truly too many syrtis players, then you guys wouldn't of taken alsius' and syrtis' gems the other day. And maybe Syrtis does have more people, but it's very unlikely for us ALL to be on at the same time. The most I've actually seen in wz is about maybe 15. Maybe a few more. Although people won't admit it, most of the players do know that Syrtis and Alsius are barely on late at night.(Well late at night here(Aka Eastern time zone). And they use that time to sucessfully take the forts/castles because there's noone to defend them.
I particularly have no problems with any of the realms. I don't get why everyone has to fight 0.o it's just a game. But anywho. I'm sick of how when Syrtis wins, it's because we had high numbers or we zerged. But if we lose it's because we suck. Yet when another realm wins it's because they had good strategys and tatics, not because they had higher numbers or higher levels.
Sorry if anyone was offended by this post, as that was not the purpose. I just wanted to one, make a first post(=P) and two, wanted to voice my opinion. I hope no one like...hates or wants to kill me now =P
:bounce5425: xiheartyoux:bounce5425:
12-21-2008, 05:04 AM
lol every1s jealous of ignis now... (horus), honestly how can we be bad and be the only ones to invade both realms, and at the same time hold of alsius and syrtis while they tried to invade us, id say thats pretty damn good\
You invaded both realms in horus death hours where both realms - syrtis and alsius are very low on players. That's the truth. How many times ignis tried to invade syrtis in active hours and failed. How many times we thied to do same thing in the same hours... Ignis just have more active players from american time zone. Syrtis and Alsius are mainly European players so late in night or in work hours our realms are nearly death.
It's just really hard to do invasion on active hours when realms have 15 - 40 active high level players. When syrtis was invaded we have 2 - 3 lvl 50 players you attacked with 15+. Same thing happened with alsius realm invasion. What you're proud about - invaded dead realms in dead hours.
I do not say you're not good players - everyone plays great and game is real fun. I salute you for invading both realms. I'm not jealous and not pissed off about it. It's war and that's the rules of the game.
In fact when we get shaanarid you always try to lure our captain and struck it in the bridge/wall so it's more easily killed.
12-21-2008, 09:05 AM
you know what your right, it is war, so stop complaining all, ignis is just the best realm, weve been able to hold off both alsius and syrtis, instead of crying in the forums y dnt u do something in the game...
12-21-2008, 09:17 AM
On Horus Ignis have a lot more warriors than syrtis, also more warlocks! Syrtis only have gay hunters (elves)
12-21-2008, 01:00 PM
We are so used to being owned (Ignis Horus) so if we kill you suck it up, harden up stop complainiging we are finally winning.
Horus, Ignis FTW - we have been very active lately and have tried very hard for our wins, no matter how many times we have been knocked down we have come back, and defened so stop winging about us attacking while you have low number, harden up and attack us - that's right, you have and you lost, oh well.
12-21-2008, 02:24 PM
Viperdh, allmost this whole thread ( isIgnis moaning about syrtis flooring them over and over and over and over...
I have no idea were ignis have got the massive ammount of players they now have from, they seem to have reached equal or greater numbers than syrtis in 3-4 days...
And dont make to much noise though, or you may end up loseing your realm bonus, which the events of the paast few days prove, you clearly dont need :P
12-21-2008, 02:31 PM
this has nothing to do with winning or losing but ignis players invading empty realms and bragging about being "oh so cool and good".
When you tried invading us when we had players you failed miserably. That was with twice our numbers
I don't know how many new players there are in ignis behind the walls too low level for the war zone atm, I can only say ignis' fighting army is bigger and that's what matters, maybe ignis thinks we're more because we keep owning them XD.
no matter how many times we have been knocked down we have come back
after six times in a row you guys seem to give up, try something else in the meanwhile and try later :p
12-21-2008, 02:34 PM
you know what your right, it is war, so stop complaining all, ignis is just the best realm, weve been able to hold off both alsius and syrtis, instead of crying in the forums y dnt u do something in the game...
Ignis is the best realm at manageing to get an army together when no one else is playing, and thats about it.
The only reason that You have been able to defend against alsius and syrtis is because we are attacking when you acctualy have enough players to fight back with, your succesfull invasions so far have been compareable to shooting a guy in his sleep, not realy an acheivement, need I remind you that in your daytime invasion we faught you off over and over again for 2 hours, IF you get in when the realms have players defending them, then ill be slightly impressed.
Instead of bigging yourself up why dont you prove your point in game, no offence but ignis has some of the worst players I have ever seen, I have killed a lvl 50 marks with my conju on my lvling build, And yesterday I took out a very easy hunter, on my leveling build, he just stood there shooting me mostly with normals, didnt even move when a nearby cyc started to atk him, awefull...
Horus-Ignis, most annoying realm to date, yes! For days they have spouted there victory all over the forums! For days they have insulted and degraded other players! For days they have totaly forgoten that people need to sleep and work and as such cannot defend there realms at all times, im sorry but it needs to stop your invasion was a sucess well done woo hoo move on and try to do it when there are people there to fight back. And stop with the petty "haha we own you suck" what are you 12?
12-21-2008, 04:26 PM
ignis has some of the worst players I have ever seen.
And stop with the petty "haha we own you suck" what are you 12?
12-21-2008, 08:07 PM
Larger number of players are harder to organise. Meaning that if you get more players, you'll lose your..."organisation".
Besides, half the realm are cowards and 48% are SC monkeys or locks who completely overuse MoD (like Fuerst).
You saying Im a coward?
How about Hathor, Orimae Fionn, Spicy Sugar, Lurian Bloodmoon, Rhadamanthus, and all the other ignis there to kick your sorry ass.
12-21-2008, 08:12 PM
Horus-Ignis, most annoying realm to date, yes! For days they have spouted there victory all over the forums! For days they have insulted and degraded other players! For days they have totaly forgoten that people need to sleep and work and as such cannot defend there realms at all times, im sorry but it needs to stop your invasion was a sucess well done woo hoo move on and try to do it when there are people there to fight back. And stop with the petty "haha we own you suck" what are you 12? Oh ya because I belive thats exactly what Syrtis was doing just a few months back. Late night wars, camping all night, and hunting grinders. Oh yeah very brave of you
12-21-2008, 08:28 PM
You guys are all weird 0.o lol. Forums are just supposed to be a way to talk about different situations and all that random stuff as adults. Not fighting like little kids =P
Anyway, I don't think anyone was really complaining...well maybe some people. I don't really know. but I know I wasn't. I don't hate Ignis or Alsius. It's a game and a war. I congradulate Ignis(horus) for successfully invading both realms and taking the crystals(or are they gems?) and being able to open that portal secret thingy! =Applauds=
I just came here to voice my opinions about what's going on 0.o But not so sure if I should 0.o Specially if people are gonna like...yell at me! lol
Anyway =P As for the camping/and late night war thing. I personally, have never seen a syrtis person want to go camp save. Well once, but most of us stayed back and refused to do. And I have definetly never done it. unless I kill them and they come back, but it's their choice to keep coming yeah =P
Besides, I don't think anyone can actually complain about people camp saving, or killing grinders, or attacking when no ones on. I mean, at least someone from every realm camp saves at least once, cause I've seen it. And everyone attacks grinders. I mean if you're out hunting and you track something, you're going to go kill them...even if they are grinding. And as for attacking when no one's on, everyone does it. It makes it easier to aquire forts and castles and now the crystal/gem things. I haven't, yet, seen Alsius attack when no one's on. But lately not a lot of Alsius players have been active it seems.
Anyway! I've written too much and hopefully no one's going to kill me!!!
:bounce5425: xiheartyoux :bounce5425:
12-21-2008, 11:07 PM
You saying Im a coward?
How about Hathor, Orimae Fionn, Spicy Sugar, Lurian Bloodmoon, Rhadamanthus, and all the other ignis there to kick your sorry ass.
half of the realm = 50%, so 50+48=98. he didn't necessarily mean you in that case :D
12-22-2008, 12:59 AM
Ignis is superior guys, :clapping5365: :banana: just admit it.
BTW Syrtis, you guys just kept camping in Shanna when we were trying to get it and actually atticking you. Yah you had like 3 scouting groups but still, the only guys nto camping besides you scouts were you guards.
12-22-2008, 09:22 AM
you had like 3 scouting groups
Man, if you're talking about Horus, do not say 'scouting groups'. This is our army! :biggrin:
Anyway, fellow Syrtians, you should not be angry for Ignis invading our land in such a way. This is a war and in a war you have to use every dirty trick you know to crush your enemy fast, with minimal effort and losses.
The realm bonus is a different matter. Ignis definetly has more WZ-active players than Syrtis. And more active high level players as well.. So, where is our xp bonus? :rolleyes2:
12-22-2008, 11:22 AM
Don't start talking crap about my friend Orimae Fionn or me and AKM will destory you!
12-22-2008, 12:59 PM
Ignis definetly has more WZ-active players than Syrtis. And more active high level players as well.. So, where is our xp bonus?
so why aren't you helping new players to advance and get in to the WZ? encourage them, so they have a reason to try level up. it helps.
and grinding is the thing, that helps to get high level, not RP hunting.
12-22-2008, 01:04 PM
so why aren't you helping new players to advance and get in to the WZ? encourage them, so they have a reason to try level up. it helps.
and grinding is the thing, that helps to get high level, not RP hunting.
I took my conju inner realm and supported a group of mis lvl 20's for 4 hours, do you count that as helping?
Besides the invasion hype (at least for me) is over now and I realy couldent care less, Its a central feature to the game and everyrealm will pull it off eventualy, would be nice if on the ranking page it whowed which realm has invaded the most etc.
But realy Ignis get over it now we all know how you pulled off your invasion and I admire you for mangeing to organise something like that, but you dont need to put down other realms for trying and failing at peak times (like you have many times)
Can we close this thread since its just become a Ignis bragging pit? :closed1:
12-22-2008, 01:34 PM
so why aren't you helping new players to advance and get in to the WZ? encourage them, so they have a reason to try level up.
Actually, it will help a bit. You're right! The problem is that Syrtis is a "republic". So many strong and unique individuals.. :biggrin: :thumb_up: This is good and bad in the same time.
And the other problem is that Syrtis usually is the testing ground. New players tend to choose this realm to check if they like the game or not. Apparently we represent the "standart" realm and as such we lose most of them as they tend to switch to other realm or quit the game after 10 levels or so. Only the zealots are staying in Syrtis. They do lvl 30 in a 48h Regnum-frenzy.. forgetting to switch. :biggrin:
12-23-2008, 01:10 AM
Ignis fails to mention that they
1. Failed to invade Syrtis during the peak of the day, when the most players on both sides were on. I was there on my level 13 (at the time) conjurer and saw the entire battle.
2. Failed twice to invade Syrtis after the peak of the day, at about 4:00 GMT, when most of the players from Syrtis are in bed. I was present at both battles with my level 14 (at the time) conjurer. Please note that Ignis has a high population of players from across the pond, which would have placed their time zones at about 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
3. Lost Efe castle before managing to invade Syrtis.
4. Finally invaded Syrtis, long after most of the European players and many of the American players from Syrtis had logged off. I've spoken to only two Syrtis people that were actually present and fighting when Ignis broke through. Let's be generous and say that five Syrtis people worth mentioning were logged on. I wouldn't call that much of a victory.
5. Are now bragging about successfully defending their realm, when they outnumbered the forces attacking them in the beginning.
Sorry for tearing you down Ignis, but I wanted to make a point. People hate Syrtis because we (supposedly) have a lot more players than the other realms. But Ignis could only invade us when they outnumbered us, and now they brag about it. I guess that the ball bounces both ways.......:bounce5425: Still, it was a job well done and I applaud Ignis for actually being able to do it.
12-23-2008, 11:30 AM
can't you really see assymetry?
even ignis sleeps and yet there haven't been sucessfull invasion.
12-23-2008, 12:09 PM
Time zones, people sleep at differant times and Ignis seems to go to bed later that everyone else for some reason :P
As such Ignis is not very active in the mornings, but then neither are most other realms, anywho Christmass tommorow :P
12-23-2008, 09:47 PM
excuses, excuses... the fact is, syrtis & alsius have been invaded 2 already. i doubt they didn't sleep since their last successful invasion till today, but hey, maybe some conspiracy theorist here can prove me wrong.
12-24-2008, 12:17 AM
BTW Syrtis, you guys just kept camping in Shanna when we were trying to get it and actually atticking you.
LOL dude... this is funny :p you do know that the castle is needed for invasion, the castle and one other structure (menirah/samal) why do you think we are "defending" in your case camping.
Anyway about the whole "we're so cool we invaded you guys" the fact has been told and I'll repeat it, these are facts, and not excuses. You attacked when there were close to no one online to defend. When you tried as there wre defenders you failed, even low levelers kicked your butt XD I found that funny
12-24-2008, 01:03 AM
haha no you know what the fact is, we invaded you guys!!!! haha thats the real fact. you guys cant even capture a castle without a door haha, thats a fact.
12-24-2008, 06:39 AM
haha no you know what the fact is, we invaded you guys!!!! haha thats the real fact. you guys cant even capture a castle without a door haha, thats a fact.
You tell 'em, sticky one.
12-24-2008, 07:57 PM
If your referinfg to yesterday there were 3 of us with Wyatt and some Marks defending :P Our "reinforcements" never showed dew to reasons of lazyness :P
12-25-2008, 06:57 PM
I have only one appeal to Ignis on Horus...: Please, don't be so afraid to die!
This is a war game after all, and one with an ingenious twist - you don't get any penalty at all for dying! So why be afraid of it?
We think it as ridiculous as you when Syrtis time and time again charges Shanaarid castle with fewer people than you have inside to defend (and not even counting the super-captain...), but what alternative is there? Sit and chat inside Eferias castle all day? Because we know for certain that you will not come to attack us until after we all have logged off...
A war is dead without anyone taking initiative... and it is a bit silly when one side have to constantly take it, especially so after you showed us the first day after the Invasion update that you certainly do not lack the numbers to do so.
So please, for the fun's sake of all on Horus - don't be so afraid to die that you sit inside your castle all day! Come out in the sun and play, hunt down and slay some elves even if you know beforehand your mission most likely will fail (as we do, several times a day), but do it for the fun and yet another experience under your belt. ^^
Regards and thanks for the fun fights that was, and is to come
- Oro the Manslayer
12-26-2008, 04:16 AM
I have only one appeal to Ignis on Horus...: Please, don't be so afraid to die!
This is a war game after all, and one with an ingenious twist - you don't get any penalty at all for dying! So why be afraid of it?
We think it as ridiculous as you when Syrtis time and time again charges Shanaarid castle with fewer people than you have inside to defend (and not even counting the super-captain...), but what alternative is there? Sit and chat inside Eferias castle all day? Because we know for certain that you will not come to attack us until after we all have logged off...
A war is dead without anyone taking initiative... and it is a bit silly when one side have to constantly take it, especially so after you showed us the first day after the Invasion update that you certainly do not lack the numbers to do so.
So please, for the fun's sake of all on Horus - don't be so afraid to die that you sit inside your castle all day! Come out in the sun and play, hunt down and slay some elves even if you know beforehand your mission most likely will fail (as we do, several times a day), but do it for the fun and yet another experience under your belt. ^^
Regards and thanks for the fun fights that was, and is to come
- Oro the Manslayer
*clap clap* Agree Oro! We knew after about the second attempt or so that taking the castle was probably hopeless, but it was still fun knocking on your door. :)
- Flightcap
You're right Oro i even do not see hunting parties anymore. Last hunter that killed me was before 3-4 days. Yesterday i grinded for 4 hours and do not met a single hunter. Please come out of your realms hunt, take the forts have fun!
In fact after invasions priority to take is castles. Forts really do not have value anymore. All i see is take shaanarid, take shaanarid. I'm sick of shaanarid. I really miss old samal fights...
I really have fun when we failed at alsius realm door. Alsius fight great and pushed back both syrtis and ignis. Great play alsius keep that way :)
I really think why alsius do not have permanent 50% xp bonus till they gain on players. Anounce this on main page so new ppl can see it. I really miss fights with alsius. They are small on numbers but well organized.
12-26-2008, 05:33 PM
yeah same here, fuck castle fights, i want back epics at samal, stone & pinos.
12-26-2008, 05:36 PM
yeah same here, fuck castle fights, i want back epics at samal, stone & pinos.
mmm... 20 vs 20 at samal fight instead of 40 vs 40 at eferias fight?
mm... invasions rocks!! The last fights at eferias the best that i ever seen here. There were big battles, but now are mega battles!!
12-26-2008, 05:37 PM
mmm... 20 vs 20 at samal fight instead of 40 vs 40 at eferias fight?
mm... invasions rocks!! The last fights at eferias the best that i ever seen here. There were big battles, but now are mega battles!!
40v40 ? you must be ra. castle fight on horus comes down to farming rp's by guys in the castle off guys trying to take it. and it's all because of that imbalanced bfg
12-26-2008, 05:42 PM
40v40 ? you must be ra. castle fight on horus comes down to farming rp's by guys in the castle off guys trying to take it. and it's all because of that imbalanced bfg
:S, sorry i don't know which server are you talking here, i was thinking in ra.
12-29-2008, 12:43 PM
can't you really see assymetry?
even ignis sleeps and yet there haven't been sucessfull invasion.
Over the xmas holidays, I've been online a lot more and during times that I would not normally play (regardless of TZ differences). I've been present when Syrtis has had enough high level players to invade, but we will not do so because there's no real achievement in invading an empty realm. This is why Ignis never gets invaded when they're alseep.
12-30-2008, 03:43 PM
Well if they try in the day then, well any Ignis there yesterday now know what stands in the way... Shame that dureing our counter attack we seemed to lose half our force between the gate and pb2 wtf?
I'm not sure if I'm there at the wrong time, but Syrtis in Horus really seems bad in coordinated teamwork. Yesterday at our castle, they fell into the same area combos from Ignis twice in a row in front of the castle gate (which is bugged by the way). No one was watching the rear and despite calls that there were Ignis behind us, no one was paying attention. The forces were scattered at Herb and some even had the bright idea to go for Samal and Shana.
I'm not surprised Ignis is doing well. We're not putting much of a fight anyway.
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