View Full Version : Sticky FPS making me S.O.L.

12-27-2008, 12:53 AM
I've become victim to unsteady frame rates. I first noticed it outside Trelle when I visited the Ra server. There was a huge group of people and the screen just began to hiccup and shudder. The hard drive light flickered, the hard drive itself thrashed.

Past few days have been ridiculous. I'll be playing, then suddenly the action skips or stalls or freezes completely. The hard drive light will be steady. I've tried various video adjustments--even safe mode--but so far nothing prevents these frequent interruptions. I hesitate to go into battle now. Either I die or the people I'm supporting (level 45 conjuror) die. This situation is dire and annoying to the max.

Any suggestions?

~Lly . . .

12-27-2008, 03:28 AM
Something with the last (few) patches have started causing the swapping to go haywire, assuming you have enough ram (like 1G at least), can you put this off temporarily by turning off your swap (sudo swapoff -a), this will cause your client to survive for longer, but eventually the same will happen, just further into the future.

Just restart your client every once in a while.