View Full Version : First, Second, and Third

12-27-2008, 02:50 AM
Congratulations Horus-Ignis, for being not only the first, nor the second, but also the third realm to open the portal, well done (:

12-27-2008, 02:53 AM
So what's in it? or what does the shiny dragon gives you?

12-27-2008, 03:33 AM
A lot of win, that's what's in it (:

12-27-2008, 04:36 PM
Well done Ignis, we all knew who the best realm was. :P

12-27-2008, 05:24 PM
It must say something about the balance in Horus and the timezone issue by the fact that Ignis has been able to invade 3 times already, while neither Alsius nor Syrtis have been able to yet.

Congrats, but do we have to make a new thread for everytime you guys succeed? It's getting rather redundant ^^

12-27-2008, 05:46 PM
Congrats, but do we have to make a new thread for everytime you guys succeed? It's getting rather redundant ^^
I would call it pride, or something similar to nationalism but in an ingame aspect.

They're proud to be Ignean, and with each win they become more and more proud.

Har har

You said it yourself in your post..... is it possible that Ignis.... truly just owns?! Yeah I think thats exactly what that means.

12-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Maybe we should all log off for a day and give someone else a chance? :rolleyes:

12-28-2008, 01:17 AM
You said it yourself in your post..... is it possible that Ignis.... truly just owns?! Yeah I think thats exactly what that means.

In my experience so far is that when evenly matched numbers of players none of the realm owns.

And the low numbers and timezone difference is a problem on horus in general, for example during the first 2 invasions i was sleeping in my bed due to the late hours for me. 3rd time i cant say anything about cause i havent playd at all during xmas hollidays. And im not saying this to put ignis down. not at all, its nice that they have grown strong since they like alsius were one of the realm that was constantly zerged. I just dream of a time were the realms are evenly matched in numbers so it will be all about tactics rather then numbers, only then will we see who truly owns :naughty:

12-28-2008, 02:42 AM
It must say something about the balance in Horus and the timezone issue by the fact that Ignis has been able to invade 3 times already, while neither Alsius nor Syrtis have been able to yet.

Congrats, but do we have to make a new thread for everytime you guys succeed? It's getting rather redundant ^^

Could it be that youre just jealous?

Ignis got the three gems 3 times and were less then Syrtis... ok, were more then Alsius ...

But Syrtis is trying the whole day to get shaana and fails everytime... IF they get it, and they have the wall countdown Ignis gets shaana back and the whole routine beginns another time... and thats not because of out timezone lol... its because we pwn :P and Syrtis is only big, but most of the Srtians cant play their char (lunar youre not meant)

12-28-2008, 12:28 PM
Could it be that youre just jealous?

Ignis got the three gems 3 times and were less then Syrtis... ok, were more then Alsius ...

But Syrtis is trying the whole day to get shaana and fails everytime... IF they get it, and they have the wall countdown Ignis gets shaana back and the whole routine beginns another time... and thats not because of out timezone lol... its because we pwn :P and Syrtis is only big, but most of the Srtians cant play their char (lunar youre not meant)
Why is it that people always pick on Syrtis and say we can't play? If we lose it's because the others are very good, but if we win it's because we zerg.
Each realm has good and bad players, it would be unfair to call a whole realm bad because of anger, a lot of people think we're having the most players on Horus.
Although that could be true during European daytime, we certainly aren't during the night when the superior Ignis warriors win of the Syrtian hordes.

12-28-2008, 03:37 PM
Why is it that people always pick on Syrtis and say we can't play? If we lose it's because the others are very good, but if we win it's because we zerg.
Each realm has good and bad players, it would be unfair to call a whole realm bad because of anger, a lot of people think we're having the most players on Horus.
Although that could be true during European daytime, we certainly aren't during the night when the superior Ignis warriors win of the Syrtian hordes.

+1 I dont think people realise how much numbers matter, Yet whenever Syrtis wins its because we "zerged everyone" and If we lose its because the other team "owns" and we "cant play" the stereotypes are getting kinda old now...

From 8 active months over 2 servers I can honsstly say that 8/10 times he who has the largest force will win everytime, proof litters the forum, just look at Alsius Ra, some of the best players in the game but numbers are nearly allways against them, so they lose.

I realy do wish that players could see past there own ego enough to realise that winning dose not automaticaly make you own I could go into pvp results between realms, but I dont want to open that can of worms...

Update: Bravo Iggys for trying to attack syrtis with people on today Shame you failed despite greater numbers, dont get cocky I saw a lot of Iggys trying to god walk there way around Syrtis :no:

numbers matter a lot, but so does haveing a big ass castle to fight from :P

12-30-2008, 12:28 PM
Why is it that people always pick on Syrtis and say we can't play? If we lose it's because the others are very good, but if we win it's because we zerg.
Each realm has good and bad players, it would be unfair to call a whole realm bad because of anger, a lot of people think we're having the most players on Horus.
Although that could be true during European daytime, we certainly aren't during the night when the superior Ignis warriors win of the Syrtian hordes.
All valid truthful honest points ;P

However Syrtis was the first realm to start the whole horde on horde battle concept, at least thats how I see it.

And only up until this point Alsuis and Ignis are finnaly getting close to the horde power battle techniques that have been used by Syrtis originally for months. Alsuis and Ignis can have x10 more players than Syrtis but I still think the image will stay.

This image has been created, and now everyone see's Syrtis through it. However its not your fault ;P

Its the same thing as in Real life, do we look at and judge each and every single person individually? In most cases no, we judge by sex, skin color, race, or nationality. We forget that each person is different and that each person lives a life similar to ours, where that person spent years growing, and when a war breaks out because of a stupid reason someone will just shoot the person ignoring all the thoughts asking how this person grew through this world, only to have it all chucked away instantly. Well thats real life war concept, and these stupid tensions you see everyday where everyone hates each other only because they fall into a certain group.

Alas its the same thing in Regnum and everywhere else.

12-30-2008, 02:26 PM
All valid truthful honest points ;P

However Syrtis was the first realm to start the whole horde on horde battle concept, at least thats how I see it.

And only up until this point Alsuis and Ignis are finnaly getting close to the horde power battle techniques that have been used by Syrtis originally for months. Alsuis and Ignis can have x10 more players than Syrtis but I still think the image will stay.

This image has been created, and now everyone see's Syrtis through it. However its not your fault ;P

Its the same thing as in Real life, do we look at and judge each and every single person individually? In most cases no, we judge by sex, skin color, race, or nationality. We forget that each person is different and that each person lives a life similar to ours, where that person spent years growing, and when a war breaks out because of a stupid reason someone will just shoot the person ignoring all the thoughts asking how this person grew through this world, only to have it all chucked away instantly. Well thats real life war concept, and these stupid tensions you see everyday where everyone hates each other only because they fall into a certain group.

Alas its the same thing in Regnum and everywhere else.

Hmm i dont judge people by there sex, skin colour, race or nationality..if people are nice to me im nice back, if not..then well you get the drift. In this day and age..people should realise that just because everybody is different doesnt mean we need to..or have to get along, the human race just need to learn to accept all our differences for what they are..just differences...whether we are different in terms of sex, skin colour, race, nationality and quite an important one you didnt mention edge...Religion. Acceptence is the key word here. We are who we are, we are all born naked with a clean slate so to speak, and as im getting older, im realising that life is too damn short to hold grudges, (excuse me for the slight tone of hippyness to all this), but basically we need to learn to tolerate these differences because im pretty sure the world will be a better place for it :) After all ..how boring would the world be if we were all the same ?