View Full Version : uncompleted ideas?
01-04-2009, 04:19 AM
ive noticed and wondered about certain descriptions for game concepts, for example NGD states barbs can double weild, in the character creation, and also states that you can receive special items for rp, im just wondering if these will be implemented in the future, or are they just forgotten ideas?
if anyone has any other uncompleted ideas, please post them.
01-04-2009, 07:18 PM
Archers descrip
"Some may turn to crossbows and mechanical warfare" Or something like that.
01-05-2009, 12:38 AM
Capes/cloaks. I would love a cloak...
01-05-2009, 03:23 AM
O yeah i completley forgot about that slot, i always wondered what it was before, when i first started playing i thought it was something for mages, but then i made a conju, and found out it wasnt.. yeah maybe in the future they will let us wear capes.
01-05-2009, 06:05 PM
If memory serves from talking to players that had been around since beta, they said that is where the cape/cloak thing came from. Personally I would rather have it removed unless lag issues are resolved. We already lag so bad during invasion offense/defense that I would hate to see every player sporting additional wastes of resources.
I think its funny that no one pointed out that xymerald disappeared. From what I thought of the original description of Alsius on sites like RegnumZG - that Alsius was only at war with Syrtis due to Syrtis being in a mining war with Alsius for Xymerald, I think its kind of bunk now. Unless magnatite is the new xymerald. Plus the opening comments in the RO movie only say Alsius is looking to expand its empire whereas Ignis and Syrtis have a long standing history. So the Alsius story line seems to me to be a big unfinished part of the game.
01-05-2009, 06:39 PM
If memory serves from talking to players that had been around since beta, they said that is where the cape/cloak thing came from. Personally I would rather have it removed unless lag issues are resolved. We already lag so bad during invasion offense/defense that I would hate to see every player sporting additional wastes of resources.
I think its funny that no one pointed out that xymerald disappeared. From what I thought of the original description of Alsius on sites like RegnumZG - that Alsius was only at war with Syrtis due to Syrtis being in a mining war with Alsius for Xymerald, I think its kind of bunk now. Unless magnatite is the new xymerald. Plus the opening comments in the RO movie only say Alsius is looking to expand its empire whereas Ignis and Syrtis have a long standing history. So the Alsius story line seems to me to be a big unfinished part of the game.
Actually we arrived here to discover new lands and search for the mysterious xymerald crystals. Like you can read in the realm choose menu we were looking for peace with nothing but nature. But then the elves 'accidentally' killed our leaders in their pathetic little war. Only since then Alsius joined the war.
01-05-2009, 07:20 PM
But then the elves 'accidentally' killed our leaders in their pathetic little war. Only since then Alsius joined the war.
Well its not our fault, they should have stayed out from under my feet :no:
(squish) eeew :o
01-06-2009, 12:21 AM
But then the elves 'accidentally' killed our leaders in their pathetic little war. Only since then Alsius joined the war.
No, it was an Igneo that killed you leader.
ANd seeing as Ignis is at war with the Igneo's, and syrtis 2... i wouldnt doubt a possibility of us in a team-up.
No, the Igneos were fighting with the elves further south far before this.
The leader was caught in a crossfire and shot.
01-06-2009, 05:55 AM
I guess I just don't pay attention to the short descriptions on opening character screens, that makes us sound like some barbarian hippies any way. Just replace xymerald with pot and we have a bunch of dwarven hippy communes. :play_ball: Kill our leader tho and then we start droppin the meth and pcp.
Well aside from the whole leader thing, with the removal of xymerald that means the whole story has changed somewhat cuz why are we their now.
It would be interesting if the story could evolve into kind like how it has in todays game play with the invasion and correspond with Alsius' quests:
"The dwarven race battle hardened from years of combat during the Crystal Wars, forged new steel with the Nordos and Utghar. With the loss of their Emperor due to the Elven civil war, they once again sharpen their weapons and prepare to enter the fray."
Quick write, but I just think we need something better than that shitty blurb we get in the opening video. I dunno I might just recode some of my favorite moments in B Horror films and recode them into an Ogg format and replace the opening movie. :guitar:
01-07-2009, 02:41 AM
ITs true, i played Alsius on horus, and now i remember a quest of Hopstad and xymeral, and how it was a great mining place for xymeral i think, What will be the purpose of hopstad now?
01-07-2009, 04:42 AM
There is also a quest for the Cross Water Holding Company (I forget if that is its correct name) saying that they have found a new material named "shymerald" or something like that - i think just a bad writing of xymerald.
Kind of funny though for Hopstad being a mining town, yet there is no mine. (at least when I checked behind it - it was a good drop to the ocean)
01-07-2009, 07:48 PM
More one handed weapons than two handed weapons:
We have already started working on dual wielding for Barbarians so this will not be a problem in the future. anyway, this feature will take time as it requires a lot of animation work and balance
Looks like they are not so forgotten :naughty:
01-08-2009, 02:34 AM
the one that interests me is the "special items" for RP, i would really love a reward system for rp.
01-08-2009, 03:53 AM
Sydonay: It's "Shimera".
my bad (kills old hamster on the wheel in his head and replaces with a fresh one), like i said in other posts been a long time since i went through some of these quests and i got a memory that works only when it wants too.
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