View Full Version : Way to go Ignis. Sorry Syrtis. You're welcome Alsius.
01-11-2009, 09:22 AM
It just so happens that we know what we're doing...
01-11-2009, 09:34 AM
So Ignis got the Alsirian gem and then a Syrtian created a Ignis character to steal the gem, is that right?
01-11-2009, 09:45 AM
Seems that way... I don't understand why things have to be like that though. I mean we all want to win, but is it really winning if you're cheating?
01-11-2009, 09:55 AM
hmm sorta hard to do since if your a member of that realm you cannot remove the gems once they are placed
01-11-2009, 10:01 AM
It just so happens that we know what we're doing...
Rofl i guess ignis have lost faith in there own skill if they gotta do this pathetic Stuff!
P.S Congratz To Alsuis They Put up a better fight in ignis :)
01-11-2009, 10:39 AM
wait what happened last night?
01-11-2009, 11:52 AM
Well basically it went like this; Syrtis got our other gem this morning. So we decided to go get Alsius'. Since we don't want you (Syrtis) to win we thought we would take only one of Alsius' gems and leave the other one in Alsius. Spread them out, make it harder to get them because they would be in two separate realms. But there is always the problem of the camo'd hunters, so we took both back to Ignis. Once there we put one in the Altar and waited for Alsius gate to go back up and then we dropped the other one and waited for it to respawn. While it was respawning (which, btw takes .5 hours) a lvl 1 Ignis (presumably Syrtis) came to where the Gem was at and tried to grab it. (If he had succeeded he could have just run to Syrtis gotten killed and gave them the gem) So we had a lvl 50 barb carry the gem to Tenax and suicide, so that the gem would be underneath the Dragon and out of grubby Elven paws until it respawned in Alsius. Frustrated, I took some screenshots, doctored the one above, and made this thread.
01-11-2009, 12:43 PM
or maybe it was an alsius :)?
anyway you don't "win" by getting all six gems, the war is neverending, the war isn't over and you can still kill each other, the game goes on
01-11-2009, 12:56 PM
I don't get it either. But hey.
-- Arathael.
01-11-2009, 02:25 PM
Grats to Alisus Who managed to put up a FAR better fight that Ignis, Grats to Ignis for useing these Dirty Tactics,
I even Said that if we didnt get them all in a day then Ignis would do some of there Nighttime invasion shit, nice going
And im sure most of Alsius wont consider you invadeing them but being "kind" enough to only take one Gem as a favour, At the end of the day this is just forther showing Realm Imbalance(timeaones) and Ignis blind hatered of Syrtis becsuse they are errrm syrtis, and ofc The main fule of the "Ignean Ego" as we have come to know it, "we are the only ones to have opened the portal" Guess again there are other realms on other Servers that have managed it.
Had you kept both then you would only need to invade syrtis, But since most of the Ignis "Kids" proberly need to be in bed at reasonable times because of school Night time invasions are becomeing harder, Am I the only one who noticed a drastic drop In Ignis numbers this week?
I guess we will just to need to invade you both then, I hope you enjoy haveing Moo and Zenith Hunting in your realm for a few hours, again
01-11-2009, 03:17 PM
01-11-2009, 04:32 PM
I guess we will just to need to invade you both then
That's the idea (:
01-11-2009, 04:59 PM
I don't get it either. But hey.
-- Arathael.
lol i agree with ya :) i think it would make more sence to keep it! but hey w/e floats your boat
Just Means We Get More Fun :naughty:
01-11-2009, 05:52 PM
At Horus there were two red hunters hunting inside Alsius for more than 5 hours I heard in the realmchat where people were coordinating the contra-hunt.
But what exactly is the point of the first post of this topic?
01-11-2009, 06:14 PM
Had you kept both then you would only need to invade syrtis, But since most of the Ignis "Kids" proberly need to be in bed at reasonable times because of school Night time invasions are becomeing harder, Am I the only one who noticed a drastic drop In Ignis numbers this week?
Look.. everyone has timezones different.. and if ignis has more persons online during ur night u cant blame them... They have the right to invade when they want... that means if alsius or syrtis are sleeping or not...
More.. U say ignis invade when syrtis almost doesnt have persons online... but syrtis also invaded and maybe ignis almost hadnt persons online... U cant complain about that... Timezones are different.. Get used to it...
About the drastic i dont know if u noticed but for MOST PERSONS the holidays ended.. that means less time playing... Ignis invaded during the holidays... and they were very active... now work and school started how u wanna people be more online?
01-11-2009, 06:24 PM
Look.. everyone has timezones different.. and if ignis has more persons online during ur night u cant blame them... They have the right to invade when they want... that means if alsius or syrtis are sleeping or not...
More.. U say ignis invade when syrtis almost doesnt have persons online... but syrtis also invaded and maybe ignis almost hadnt persons online... U cant complain about that... Timezones are different.. Get used to it...
About the drastic i dont know if u noticed but for MOST PERSONS the holidays ended.. that means less time playing... Ignis invaded during the holidays... and they were very active... now work and school started how u wanna people be more online?
Timezones are differant, its a shame but it makes this "war" very one sided most of the time (either Syrtis or Ignis being dominant)
But this shows once again Ignis cant do anything in game without haveing to brag on the forums to heal there ego after this recent defeat...
Im not complaining that people are playing less now that hols are over, Im just pointing out that Ignis numbers dropped hugely, wereas Syrtis seems about the same, wonder why,
Ignis has invaded in the dead of night many times, they even did it yesterday with alsius, We however have invaded once, in what id call peak time for all realms normaly, Ignis was just unlucky it not haveing many on at that point.
Way to go Ignis. Sorry Syrtis. You're welcome Alsius.
You're welcome? Were we supposed to thank you guys for invading us yet again when very few are online? Spare me the self-righteous justication in future, please.
I find this thread quite patronising.
01-11-2009, 08:04 PM
Let me clarify. The purpose of this thread was not to belittle Alsius, or gloat. The purpose of this thread was to point out that, someone, took the time to create an Ignis character for the sole purpose of cheating and stealing a gem. Alsius, Syrtis, doesn't matter. Maybe I was wrong to assume it was Syrtis, but then again Syrtis isn't giving us much faith to work with. The other night in realm chat someone popped in named Ignis Sucks, talking all sorts of trash. Now, excuse me for being a little bit frustrated that people can't just play the game, fight for their realm and have fun. So to all the innocent Syrtis, I apologize. You all had nothing to do with it, but I would point out that there are those among you who tarnish the respect of your realm. Alsius, again, this thread was not to gloat, but it did need a catchy title. See you in war my friends.
01-11-2009, 08:08 PM
I agree with Gravat. You can't act all High and Mighty and as if you think Alsius should bow down to your Oh-So-Wonderful feet for "helping" them.
If you wanted to help them, why would you invade them?
I'm 100% positive that the last thing any Alsius player wants to do is THANK you of all things. So stop acting like you're just so great to be giving them a "helping" hand, because I'm sure it's not welcome.
If Ignis happened to do the same to Syrtis (yes, I know, not likely) I would want to go after Ignis with a vengence. Well, more so then I already do ^^
EDIT: @ Aergus: Posting threads like this tends to tarnish the respect of your realm as well :/
01-11-2009, 08:26 PM
Ok I can see the twisted logic that Ignis is using, but its very flawed. For one Ignis got invaded by Syrtis the other day who got their other gem. Then Syrtis tried to invade Alsius. Alsius whooped them out of our realm without the gates being touched. So how are these night time invasions when I only have 8 or 9 able fighters on hand against 20-30 ignis, in addition to the syrtis that wanted a free ride and camo'ed through our gates, supposed to have us thank anyone?
From what I see you have given Syrtis the best opportunity to take our Alsius gems by leaving them in your hands. So what if you left one under Tenax? You posted right where the thing is, all a Knight would have to do is run up and grab it, get all the bonuses from the gem and run out. So this post should really be titled "Sorry Alsius, your welcome Syrtis."
As far as any glory in the invasion system, there is none. With realm imbalance on top of time zone imbalance, it is just a lop sided system that rewards those that have ppl and punishes those that do not. The only way to win is by numbers and no one has been able to invade when everyone has been online.
01-11-2009, 08:47 PM
Rofl i guess ignis have lost faith in there own skill if they gotta do this pathetic Stuff!
P.S Congratz To Alsuis They Put up a better fight in ignis :)
Hmm alsius may put up a better fight at certain times but if you noticed when syrtis invades us its only our newbs on, really. But hey i mean you guys are so great you got invaded twice, once by each realm, in the same day... Atleast we were trying to help you out a bit. However, good job on keeping them from getting the gem i believe ignis helped a bit with that as well seen as how we had a small force attacking the gem holder.
Syrtis gets a new lvl 50 every day... dunno how they do that...
Now Syrtis is able to defend a castle and a fort... but hey, its just a game
edit: why did the thread starter post the gem position? reeeeeeeeeeally smart... thanks -.-
01-11-2009, 11:23 PM
The purpose of this thread was to point out that, someone, took the time to create an Ignis character for the sole purpose of cheating and stealing a gem. Alsius, Syrtis, doesn't matter. Maybe I was wrong to assume it was Syrtis, but then again Syrtis isn't giving us much faith to work with.
Don't you really have no life then to constantly think up of conspiracies about everyone ganging up on poor old ignis?
01-11-2009, 11:52 PM
Hmm alsius may put up a better fight at certain times but if you noticed when syrtis invades us its only our newbs on, really. But hey i mean you guys are so great you got invaded twice, once by each realm, in the same day... Atleast we were trying to help you out a bit. However, good job on keeping them from getting the gem i believe ignis helped a bit with that as well seen as how we had a small force attacking the gem holder.
yeah right all ur noobs are online lol i didnt think noobs can do terror's lol or lightning strikes!
01-12-2009, 12:40 AM
yeah right all ur noobs are online lol i didnt think noobs can do terror's lol or lightning strikes!
noob == someone who plays the game long enough but still plays like a newbie (aka new player)
You noob. :D
01-12-2009, 01:09 AM
From what I see you have given Syrtis the best opportunity to take our Alsius gems by leaving them in your hands.
Not at all, Ignis took only one gem, to prevent Syrtis from being able to open the portal by invading a single realm, this way they were forced to commit to two invasions. Alsius went first, and they lost their gem to the invading Syrtis forces. Then Syrtis came for Ignis apparently but from what I heard they were repelled.
Had Alsius had both gems, Syrtis would have opened the portal by now.
01-12-2009, 01:29 AM
noob == someone who plays the game long enough but still plays like a newbie (aka new player)
You noob. :D
lol thanks for the lesson:naughty:
Syrtis gets a new lvl 50 every day... dunno how they do that...
Most of times we grind in parties. It's faster, safer and more fun. With big party you get upto 140grp.
01-12-2009, 01:40 PM
Syrtis gets a new lvl 50 every day... dunno how they do that...
where did you get that from? lol
01-12-2009, 05:13 PM
Syrtis gets a new lvl 50 every day... dunno how they do that...
Now Syrtis is able to defend a castle and a fort... but hey, its just a game
:/ We get our 50's just the way you and Alsius do. Ignis seems to be getting more higher levels every day as well.
The attitude towards Syrtis really makes me sad and angry because the way people seem to word things... It makes it seem as if Syrtis is ALWAYS cheating. And I've yet to see any Syrtis player actually do anything that everyone in Syrtis is getting accused of. And I've been playing a good amount of time recently so that I can help defend our gems.
And most of the time, it seems it is only an assumption and not actual proof that Syrtis is doing whatever it is that people consider cheating.
This constant bickering between realms seems to be taking its toll on everyone :/
01-13-2009, 01:30 AM
The attitude towards Syrtis really makes me sad and angry because the way people seem to word things... It makes it seem as if Syrtis is ALWAYS cheating. And I've yet to see any Syrtis player actually do anything that everyone in Syrtis is getting accused of.
The other day we broke into herb and I immediately rushed in to hit plover who was heading toward a wall... he magically vanished and appeared outside the fort.
I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat but when the lvl 50's are seen doing it... well these are the people that represent the realm.
... and to be all on topic and stuff.
When I heard this thread was being posted I spoke of my disapproval. The starter seems to realize his mistake.
01-13-2009, 02:01 AM
The other day we broke into herb and I immediately rushed in to hit plover who was heading toward a wall... he magically vanished and appeared outside the fort.
I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat but when the lvl 50's are seen doing it... well these are the people that represent the realm.
... and to be all on topic and stuff.
When I heard this thread was being posted I spoke of my disapproval. The starter seems to realize his mistake.
wtf? i did no such thing.
01-13-2009, 02:30 AM
Drop the act. We've seen you do it time and time again. I'm sure your own realm has as well. Our best theory is that you pause the regnum process on a hotkey.
It is pretty curious how you do it exactly though. Care to share?
01-13-2009, 02:36 AM
The other day we broke into herb and I immediately rushed in to hit plover who was heading toward a wall... he magically vanished and appeared outside the fort.
I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat but when the lvl 50's are seen doing it... well these are the people that represent the realm.
... and to be all on topic and stuff.
When I heard this thread was being posted I spoke of my disapproval. The starter seems to realize his mistake.
I feel offended. Please stop generalising all syrtis because of one person's actions. (Side note: never seen Plover cheating.)
Also, I would like to ask both sideds (Syrtis, Ignis) to stop whinning, pointlessly accusing and offending the other realm's players. Please play with respect to each other.
As for myself, I hate cheating, save camping (ect...), and try to avoid them and play with respecting the other realm's players.
Lylia - Syrtis(Horus)
01-13-2009, 02:42 AM
I've seen some pretty funny screenshots of Plover doing some super-human stuff...
01-13-2009, 02:44 AM
wtf? i did no such thing.
I saw it as well. I went to trip you and then you teleported to the outside of the fort and to a far wall.
I feel offended. Please stop generalising all syrtis because of one person's actions. (Side note: never seen Plover cheating.)
Also, I would like to ask both sideds (Syrtis, Ignis) to stop whinning, pointlessly accusing and offending the other realm's players. Please play with respect to each other.
As for myself, I hate cheating, save camping (ect...), and try to avoid them and play with respecting the other realm's players.
Lylia - Syrtis(Horus)
He wasnt making a generalization,but I suppose you may not read much.
01-13-2009, 03:03 AM
I saw it as well. I went to trip you and then you teleported to the outside of the fort and to a far wall.
He wasnt making a generalization,but I suppose you may not read much.
And this is coming from the realm which put a gem under a dragon just to keep hackers away from it.
01-13-2009, 03:06 AM
He wasnt making a generalization,but I suppose you may not read much.
Just for you Smurv, from Kaliek:
"I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat but when the lvl 50's are seen doing it... well these are the people that represent the realm."
PS.: Please avoid indulge in personalities.
01-13-2009, 03:43 AM
And this is coming from the realm which put a gem under a dragon just to keep hackers away from it.
no no... Multi account users that are mainly syrtis but log into ignis for no reason other than to help out syrtis...
Just for you Smurv, from Kaliek:
I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat
01-13-2009, 06:57 AM
Drop the act. We've seen you do it time and time again. I'm sure your own realm has as well. Our best theory is that you pause the regnum process on a hotkey.
It is pretty curious how you do it exactly though. Care to share?
Your 1 to talk what about your barb llayne you seem to alway be able to out run people run at insane speeds and ive seen you outrun a person on a horse and be able to knock him down so dont diss people in my realm of doing somethign thats complete bull when we all know theres something fishy about your alt!
Another Ignis Whining !!!!!:ranting:
wonder who will be the next one
It's not hard to outrun a horse for a barb...
01-13-2009, 07:05 AM
It's not hard to outrun a horse for a barb...
i am a barb and i cant do that plus the person he ran down had a hell of a good head start!
You said 'outran'. There's a difference between outrunning someone and running down someone.
Anyway, the only way he could've run down someone who was mounted would be if that person was overburdened.
01-13-2009, 07:15 AM
You said 'outran'. There's a difference between outrunning someone and running down someone.
Anyway, the only way he could've run down someone who was mounted would be if that person was overburdened.
Also if the person hit one of the many invisible barriers or if they made a bad turn.
Also he could have use spiritual blow. (small range, but still ranged)
I use challenge on my knight to knock people off horses and keep hunters from camo.
01-13-2009, 07:18 AM
I don't know why you can't accept that Llayne is just wicked awesome... BTW check out how awesome Plover is. There is nothing fishy about someone being good.
It was a joke. Why do Horus players have to make such a big deal about everything?
01-13-2009, 07:29 AM
Really? Because I didn't see any "LAWLZ"... And it seems to fit with what Kaliek was talking about. I'm just sayin' if you're going to flame at Kaliek, I'm going to flame at Plover.
The 'in style' is enough to make it a joke.
01-13-2009, 07:32 AM
Really? Because I didn't see any "LAWLZ"... And it seems to fit with what Kaliek was talking about. I'm just sayin' if you're going to flame at Kaliek, I'm going to flame at Plover.
lol save camping isnt ilegal or against the rules wtf you guys talking about ive seen ya all camp we have camped i dont care but dont complain about it then do it!!!!
01-13-2009, 07:42 AM
I don't know why you can't accept that Llayne is just wicked awesome... BTW check out how awesome Plover is. There is nothing fishy about someone being good.
Also Llayne is a complete opposite of a wicked barb!!!
01-13-2009, 07:46 AM
Your 1 to talk what about your barb llayne you seem to alway be able to out run people run at insane speeds and ive seen you outrun a person on a horse and be able to knock him down so dont diss people in my realm of doing somethign thats complete bull when we all know theres something fishy about your alt!
Untrue, from my perspective and what I had seen him do, I caught him with my barb after we had been chaining our springs and onslaughts running from Alsius gates to just south of pinos. Only reason why I caught him though is because he hit a buff spell that might of caused lag for a second. He was already out in front of me so he and I were both moving at the same speed, I just got lucky with him probably hitting the wrong hot key or getting tired and wanting to fight. I didn't see anything unusual with his movement speed.
01-13-2009, 08:15 AM
Untrue, from my perspective and what I had seen him do, I caught him with my barb after we had been chaining our springs and onslaughts running from Alsius gates to just south of pinos. Only reason why I caught him though is because he hit a buff spell that might of caused lag for a second. He was already out in front of me so he and I were both moving at the same speed, I just got lucky with him probably hitting the wrong hot key or getting tired and wanting to fight. I didn't see anything unusual with his movement speed.
i have seen him run fast im a hunter a max lvl of wild spirit , mobility, and sotw (when sotw was still good) i had a very good head start from him and casted my speeds alternately to get away from him for sum reason it only took him less than 5secs to be behind me and knock me down he has done that to me many times if i can out run efrendi with a good head start i can out run llyane no problem but it seems thats not the case. we all know speed hack exist but the matter of people using it defending who their enemy is i have fought llyane many times i am not here about complaining on cheating im just here as a witness to this events and would like to ask ignis to stop the accusations on syrtis players on cheating untill they have a good close look around their surroundings... FOR THE RECORD, IF SPEED HACK IS THE OPTION FOR U TO PREVENT UR SELF FROM THE EMBARASSMENT OF DYING THEN THAT IS UR CHOICE TO MAKE. BUT I CAN ASSURE U I WOULD RATHER DIE AND TRY FIGHTING.:tsk_tsk:
01-13-2009, 08:25 AM
^^ Yeah thats why I said from my perspective, unfortunately NGD hasnt come up with dwarven carry backpacks for iggies so I can not attest to his every move. I am just saying for as fast as everyone says he is I caught up with him and even when we were running full out we were going the same speed.
For Kailek, Smurv, Aergus about Plover and cheating:
If you have any solid proof that Plover is cheating, send it to If possible, send it to me too via PM. I am his clan leader and if he really cheats, I will do all possible to get him punished for that. We don't encourage cheating in any way, and there are no exceptions.
But, if you don't do that soon, I ll be forced to report you for breaking the rule 1.3 of RO forum regulations, and demand for all of you corresponding punishments, aka bans on Forums (according to NGD chart of punishments). There are also couple of other rules that you broke too, which for now, is not important, but can be fatal for you in near future.
Your turn.
Leader of Inquisition.
01-13-2009, 12:43 PM
For Kailek, Smurv, Aergus about Plover and cheating:
If you have any solid proof that Plover is cheating, send it to If possible, send it to me too via PM. I am his clan leader and if he really cheats, I will do all possible to get him punished for that. We don't encourage cheating in any way, and there are no exceptions.
But, if you don't do that soon, I ll be forced to report you for breaking the rule 1.3 of RO forum regulations, and demand for all of you corresponding punishments, aka bans on Forums (according to NGD chart of punishments). There are also couple of other rules that you broke too, which for now, is not important, but can be fatal for you in near future.
Your turn.
Leader of Inquisition.
Anpu pwns. Welcome back! :clapping5365:
01-13-2009, 01:02 PM
I wish I knew why you all said Llayne uses a speed hack or glitch. It simply is not true.
01-13-2009, 02:59 PM
The other day we broke into herb and I immediately rushed in to hit plover who was heading toward a wall... he magically vanished and appeared outside the fort.
I know that all of Syrtis doesn't cheat but when the lvl 50's are seen doing it... well these are the people that represent the realm.
... and to be all on topic and stuff.
When I heard this thread was being posted I spoke of my disapproval. The starter seems to realize his mistake.
I Belive This Why I Brought It Up About Your Speed!!! You Wanna Start Pointing People Out Ile Do The Same!:ranting:
01-13-2009, 04:29 PM
Hi Community,
To avoid more problems, i'm closing this.
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