View Full Version : Faith and all the things..

01-17-2009, 12:14 PM
Im sure alot of people have heard of this song recently (personally i like the original version by Jeff Buckley), but im more interested in the lyrics.

i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you
well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall and the major lift
the baffled king composing hallelujah


well your faith was strong but you needed proof
you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
she broke your throne and she cut your hair
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah


baby i've been here before
i've seen this room and i've walked this floor
i used to live alone before i knew you
i've seen your flag on the marble arch
but love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah


well there was a time when you let me know
what's really going on below
but now you never show that to me do you
but remember when i moved in you
and the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was hallelujah

well, maybe there's a god above
but all i've ever learned from love
was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
it's not a cry that you hear at night
it's not somebody who's seen the light
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah


Lately ive become very interested in philosophy, faith and such like, i got myself a book today by Friedrich Nietzsche, ive read some of his work on the net, but i just wondered if anyone had any other suggestions of any other philosophers and can you let me know. Thankyou

P.s i posted the lyrics becos..they just nudged something in my head, dont ask me why..lol

01-17-2009, 12:55 PM
(personally i like the original version by Jeff Buckley)

Actually, this song is written by Leonard Cohen, but the version made by Jeff is probably the most famous one. I am a huge fan of Jeff, and he really is/was a remarkable person.

With this post, I don't want to be a besserwisser, I just simply wanted to say that Jeff is a great artist, and that I adore his work.

01-17-2009, 01:39 PM
It's a Leonard Cohen song, as Ulma pointed out. Also, there is a verse that Buckley usually leaves out, and Cohen does sometimes too, because of it's sexual content. If you search it a bit you might find a live performance with the complete lyrics.

PS: Oh wait I think the one you posted includes that verse xD

01-17-2009, 11:39 PM
Some of the most intense religious/philosophical books i've read are Leo Tolstoj's works, "The Kingdom of God is within you", "Confessions", "The Gospel in Brief", although most would categorize those more as religious/mystical than philosophical. I read those in parallell with Nietzsche (...Zarathustra) and even though their conclusions are technically diametrically opposed there is also surprisingly much alike between them (maybe because they lived in the same time period).

01-19-2009, 10:43 AM
Some of the most intense religious/philosophical books i've read are Leo Tolstoj's works, "The Kingdom of God is within you", "Confessions", "The Gospel in Brief", although most would categorize those more as religious/mystical than philosophical. I read those in parallell with Nietzsche (...Zarathustra) and even though their conclusions are technically diametrically opposed there is also surprisingly much alike between them (maybe because they lived in the same time period).

Yeah i read something the other day and your name Enitharmon came up :-

Preludium to Europe

The nameless shadowy female rose from out the breast of Orc,
Her snaky hair brandishing in the winds of Enitharmon;
And thus her voice arose

I always wondered where you got the name from :)

The Nietzche book i have is "Beyond good and Evil", and shamefully im reading it aloud simply because..hmmm well some bits i understand and some i dont. Im interested in philosophy and Nietzsche caught my eye, so could you suggest something that's a bit more palatable to my beginners mind please ? Ill admit im not a believer of God as such (despite the experiences ive had in life that probably contridict this statement), but the whole question of Faith, Religions and Mystical aspects of life are intriguing me but i really dont know where to start, its kind of frustrating.
(I wish i had IRC still Enith to thrash these bits that are bugging me lol)

01-19-2009, 10:47 AM
Actually, this song is written by Leonard Cohen, but the version made by Jeff is probably the most famous one. I am a huge fan of Jeff, and he really is/was a remarkable person.

With this post, I don't want to be a besserwisser, I just simply wanted to say that Jeff is a great artist, and that I adore his work.

Yeah i read up a little on him, he died while swimming in the Wolf River..only 30, will have to have a good look at his other stuff :)

01-19-2009, 09:47 PM
... could you suggest something that's a bit more palatable to my beginners mind please ?

The problem with classical philosophers is that they generally came from a world different from the commoner. That is to say, classical philosophers were mostly rich and spent most of their time thinking and writing.

As you know this differs from the commoner who spends their entire life working.

However, this type of lifestyle allowed these philosophers to achieve extreme ideologies, or pure ideas that seem like the most profound and logical thoughts ever created. Yet they often fail to be transferable outside the realm of ideas (aside from their mathematical discoveries) and that is because humans, by and large, don't live like these individuals did or do, for they were the privileged of their time.

This is also another reason why their ideas are so hard to understand, they literately spent years building up their rationalizations by hammering them, and shaping them - creating new words, and analytical styles to to justify, to themselves, the positions they took.

Which in the end makes it insane, in my opinion, to even consider their ideas worthy to follow.

That is not to say they did not have good ideas, rationalizations, but they are so far removed from human reality (hence ideas) that their application to the real world often fails (again aside from mathematics).

But none-the-less I offer this individual as a suggestion:


... but the whole question of Faith, Religions and Mystical aspects of life are intriguing me but i really dont know where to start, its kind of frustrating.

The answer to questions of Faith, Religions and Mystical aspects of life wont be found from classical philosophy (or even modern philosophy).

To get these answers one needs to study the theological aspects of a given religion or mystical system in order to understand their significance and then practice them.

However, if you are interested in such things I think the best way to study theological aspects is from a perspective that is resembles those that are most known to you.

For example, for Christianity I would suggest reading from this individual: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Aquinas

Or perhaps Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which some of his ideas can be found here http://www.iep.utm.edu/b/bonhoeff.htm

But for Bonhoeffer I would suggest the book: Bonhoeffer's Ethics.

I assume that Christianity is something that you are well acquainted with given that you are British (if I remember right). Understanding their basic rationalizations will allow you to decrypt their worldview and will serve as a bases to allow you apply that, how you come to understand their perspective and their short comings, to other religions and mystical systems.

01-20-2009, 11:29 AM
That is not to say they did not have good ideas, rationalizations, but they are so far removed from human reality (hence ideas) that their application to the real world often fails (again aside from mathematics).

Well i tried to read some more of Nietzche, alas i agree its like ramblings inter-mixed with some bits i understand and/or agree with. Hmm christianity(kind of interests me..kind of not)...well a while back i got into reading into pagan connections with the area where i live..twas very interesting.. Just lately the main question going round and round in my head is this "what is life all about...the human race as a whole..?" and yes a very big question(for me anyways). We all plod along in life, but how many of us..really truly get it all...? Eeek quite possibly im rambling here lol

I assume that Christianity is something that you are well acquainted with given that you are British (if I remember right).

Aye british born and bred :)

In reality i dont know any people i can ask about stuff like this, kind of hard to explain but most people i know in RL are not really open to ideas or thoughts like this really and if i was(and i have) to mention said thoughts id get the "look" <sighs>.

As you know this differs from the commoner who spends their entire life working.

Not commoner..common man/woman, someone who thinks rationally. I think i might have bizarre split thought processes going on..i want to explore possibilities, but...sometimes get too "grounded", hence the need for some literary guidance. Thankyou anyway H_B, much appreciated :)

01-20-2009, 01:32 PM
In reality i dont know any people i can ask about stuff like this, kind of hard to explain but most people i know in RL are not really open to ideas or thoughts like this really and if i was(and i have) to mention said thoughts id get the "look" <sighs>.

Most people never question the reality round them, and why should they; for they see all around them people that act the same. Humans are a social animal and thus will always strive to met the status quo, and the reason why this is case is because if they don't they wont gain entrance to groups, social clicks, or even be granted social mobility (for example, goths in Briton may have a hard time getting hired for a job because of the way they dress, wear makeup, have piercings and so on).

The reason why you would get the "look" is because you threaten their sense of the world, whether they are conscious of it or not. Basically by questioning reality you also question their motives, actions and their understanding of the world.

In essence you unravel how they make sense of the world and the justifications they use. And to some this is seen as a threat, so much so they they will use violence against you.

Also if you go to long, that is questioning reality, and are able to prove your point to where not only individuals feel threatened, but also whole groups of individuals, watch out because then you will face an organized effort to stop you from questioning the reality of things. Because you may actually unhinge the power of such groups.

If you think this is just conspiracy nonsense I would urge you to read about any revolutionary movement that has occurred in history and what the power elite in said society did to such people or groups.

Such revolutions, whether violent or not, always started with someone, or a group of people that questioned the reality around them.

Not commoner..common man/woman, someone who thinks rationally...

Here we must make a distinction between commoner and the notion of a "common man/woman who thinks rationally".

First, all humans are rational. Some would tell you that this is what makes the human more advanced then other species, however, other animals also act within a rational too. The true difference between the human animal and other animal species is that humans have the capability for abstract thinking which led humanity to evolve language, writing and mathematics. Aside from this special ability humans are like every other animal.

So given this then there is no difference between humans, for you are correct, they are common in that they think rationally.

Second, the true distinction between humans is their social-economic status and this difference can have an extreme impact on individuals.

For example, who is more likely to come up with ideas that have an impact on society? The individual that toils all day in the field and then comes home to a needy family or the individual who, because of the amount of wealth he has, is able to remove himself from the day-to-day toils of life and set his life to solving the great questions that plague humanity?

The commoner is restricted from making changes in society because the commoner has to focus on his work, which has nothing to do with thinking in abstract thoughts, and providing for his family.

Yet if he has time left from these tasks he can use what little time he has as for the purpose of questioning reality and come up with a new way to understanding it. Often though such individuals are met with much resistance for the very reasons I noted above.

And again if you think this is false I would urge you to look at how rich people imped on the rights of the poor and how rich nations imped upon the political rights of poor nations. That is to say, in each case the rich impact the world more then the poor, and often the poor are fraught with resistance to their ideas.

For an example of this I would urge you to read about two situations: (1) the civil rights movement in America, in which Whites suppressed the Rights of Blacks, and (2) the socialist movement in South America during the '70s and what the Western nations thought and did with this movement.

Remember, what can be seen happing in the micro (actions between individuals and groups) can also be seen in the macro (actions between nation-states).

01-20-2009, 02:39 PM
I can see why you have so much to say on this subject, which is all the better for me :)

The reason why you would get the "look" is because you threaten their sense of the world, whether they are conscious of it or not. Basically by questioning reality you also question their motives, actions and their understanding of the world.

In a nut shell..people dont like you to "rock the boat"..as in make their world seem less secure..more sinister...for example some of my personal experiences my close friends dont even know about because of the same reasons as you previously stated..people dont want to know about the bad stuff that goes on in the world around us. Me..i take it for what it is.."shit happens.." its how you deal with it that makes all the difference the answer is not to bury your head in the sand, you question it, poke at it, till hopefully somewhere in it all it makes some kind of sense.

Second, the true distinction between humans is their social-economic status and this difference can have an extreme impact on individuals.

Ah..money..the root to all evil ?? Seriously though, money is only nice if you have lots of it, i dont and frankly it bothers me sometimes but i have to alter my view and try to see having little money as a challenge, a test if you will. I wonder if the richer men and women of this world..truly feel lucky..privileged even..they count their lucky stars that they dont live somewhere ..where they live hand to mouth everyday of their lives..id rather be poor and rich in knowledge, than rich and ignorant..

And again if you think this is false I would urge you to look at how rich people imped on the rights of the poor and how rich nations imped upon the political rights of poor nations. That is to say, in each case the rich impact the world more then the poor, and often the poor are fraught with resistance to their ideas.

I dont think it's false at all...i hate snobbery..i dislike people who think their better than others, as far im concerned..we all come into this world the same way

For an example of this I would urge you to read about two situations: (1) the civil rights movement in America, in which Whites suppressed the Rights of Blacks, and (2) the socialist movement in South America during the '70s and what the Western nations thought and did with this movement.

I will do.

P.s Any good books..links you can recommend would be appreciated..ty

01-22-2009, 08:49 AM
MY faith dissapeared when H_Bitch returned for the oh-so 99999th last time...

01-22-2009, 10:34 AM
MY faith dissapeared when H_Bitch returned for the oh-so 99999th last time...

Whats your point ? :P

01-22-2009, 12:16 PM
Whats your point ? :P

This IS the topic of Faith and all things..

I was just staying ontopic.

As for my "Things" segment - i ask for a week-long ban for myself from the forum AND game IF that gets H_B a perma ban from both.

01-22-2009, 01:38 PM
MY faith dissapeared when H_Bitch returned for the oh-so 99999th last time...

This IS the topic of Faith and all things..

I was just staying ontopic.

As for my "Things" segment - i ask for a week-long ban for myself from the forum AND game IF that gets H_B a perma ban from both.

/transmission of non-encrypted statement to Kailer initiated...

576879206973206974204b61696c657220616c6c6f77732074 68697320746f20676f206f6e3f2041206d65616e2077686572 652068617665204920646f6e6520616e797468696e67206865 726520746f2062652061747461636b656420696e2073756368 2061206d616e6e65722c20666f7220616c6c20492064696420 776173206769766520616e737765727320746f20536b61747a 2773207175657374696f6e732e204b61696c65722c20796f75 20747275656c792064697369706f696e742e2e2e

/transmission ened, though Hell_bound wonders if Kailer knows which language it's in, and if he can understand it.

01-23-2009, 10:08 AM
This IS the topic of Faith and all things..

I was just staying ontopic.

As for my "Things" segment - i ask for a week-long ban for myself from the forum AND game IF that gets H_B a perma ban from both.

Flimsy reason to kick off, if H_B's recent post's had been offensive, then i could understand and as they havent been..





Whoops missed one..

http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=615855&postcount=9 :)

So why cant you let sleeping dogs lie... ?

01-23-2009, 10:56 AM
Fang, you re making yourself trouble with such posts...

01-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Meco: Sleeping dogs, can lie.

Vicious pieces of shit that are asleep and have no right to live should be put down immideatly before they attack another person that doesnt deserve it

Anpu: I'm past caring about me, THAT d*ckhead has gotten away with everything while innocent players and mates of mine take the blame and i wont let that stand. He is a vicious piece of shit so refer to above segment.

Hell_Bound: Who do you think you are? Obviously your skull will collapse as the brain is getting no intelectual feed and is DYING. You have gotten away with more than anyone else in this forum, but that doesnt make you special. It makes you a ticking time bomb.

In Austalia, we have a thing called the boomerang. It can be used to symbolise the "What goes around, comes around" theory. Mark my words: I wont stop till you are perma-banned. One of my mates has been banned from the forum for getting involved with you, and its YOUR fault, so these fingers will keep typing and my brain will keep thinking until you suffer the fate you deserve.

If it were up to me, you'd be dead. Sure, i dont know you and i know this is but a mere forum. BUT I dont like ANYBODY treating my friends like shit. Posts can be deleted, but my words are a matter of pride and they will stand

<Yes, i made this post a little fluffy, guess what - if you care, stick it (friendly matter, not offensive to anyone but H_B) :p>

01-23-2009, 07:14 PM
Meco: Sleeping dogs, can lie.

Vicious pieces of shit that are asleep and have no right to live should be put down immideatly before they attack another person that doesnt deserve it

Anpu: I'm past caring about me, THAT d*ckhead has gotten away with everything while innocent players and mates of mine take the blame and i wont let that stand. He is a vicious piece of shit so refer to above segment.

Hell_Bound: Who do you think you are? Obviously your skull will collapse as the brain is getting no intelectual feed and is DYING. You have gotten away with more than anyone else in this forum, but that doesnt make you special. It makes you a ticking time bomb.

In Austalia, we have a thing called the boomerang. It can be used to symbolise the "What goes around, comes around" theory. Mark my words: I wont stop till you are perma-banned. One of my mates has been banned from the forum for getting involved with you, and its YOUR fault, so these fingers will keep typing and my brain will keep thinking until you suffer the fate you deserve.

If it were up to me, you'd be dead. Sure, i dont know you and i know this is but a mere forum. BUT I dont like ANYBODY treating my friends like shit. Posts can be deleted, but my words are a matter of pride and they will stand

<Yes, i made this post a little fluffy, guess what - if you care, stick it (friendly matter, not offensive to anyone but H_B) :p>

Kailer I'm amazed that you allow this to go on, that you would allow one gamer to attack another, especially when the attacks are not warranted.

Kailer you claim that you are here to keep the forms clean of personal attacks, but you allow anyone free reign to attack me?

Kailer explain why you allow this, for did I not say that my actions would not be like the past and have I not proved that?

Even now my actions are nothing like what was in the past, yet you allow these people to go on without rebuke?

I'm calling you out Kailer because frankly your actions here show nothing but bias, and in the end you only bring harm...

01-23-2009, 08:51 PM
Hey Meco to get back on topic and not look like a Jerry Springer episode I recommend the following reads:

Pascal's Wager:

David Hume:

I like Hume because he was an atheist so it brings a seperate point of view outside of the religious philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinas.

Here is a generic search query of Stanford's Encyclopedia of Philosophy that should keep you reading for years:


01-23-2009, 10:29 PM
First, thanks for posting those lyrics. Until I read them I didn't know that song was about King David...but I only really ever heard it during Shrek.

Nietzshe is pretty hard to get your head around the first time or two through. His writing style doesn't help.

Having a little classic philosophy under your belt helps because he is making vieled comments about it. Take a look at Aristotle's Poetics, it is pretty dense, still thought provoking, and gives you a strong platform of knowledge to operate from.

I also recommend Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." The first part of his book is a biographical sketch of his life as a concentration camp survivor. As a psychologist, he makes important observations of people living in the most extreme of circumstances. He touches on a bunch of subjects including faith.

Each of us has to come to grips with subjects, with questions, that are beyond the material world and simple science: morality, spirituality, faith, meaning, and the like. Whether you agree with my view or not, I'm fine with it because you are doing something a lot of people don't do...think about it.

01-23-2009, 11:58 PM
Each of us has to come to grips with subjects, with questions, that are beyond the material world and simple science: morality, spirituality, faith, meaning, and the like. Whether you agree with my view or not, I'm fine with it because you are doing something a lot of people don't do...think about it.

This attitude will allow you to go farther then the masses, indeed.

To think or not to think, that is the question!
But let there be a lesson in everything we do,
And let there be a time where we can reflect on that which we learn,
Because to think is better then to burn.

Hell_bound 2009

Edit: Just to let people know how cool things were in South American before 1973: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cybersyn

And people think the western world is so advanced, LOL!!

01-24-2009, 12:38 AM
Kailer I'm amazed that you allow this to go on, that you would allow one gamer to attack another, especially when the attacks are not warranted.

Kailer you claim that you are here to keep the forms clean of personal attacks, but you allow anyone free reign to attack me?

Kailer explain why you allow this, for did I not say that my actions would not be like the past and have I not proved that?

Even now my actions are nothing like what was in the past, yet you allow these people to go on without rebuke?

I'm calling you out Kailer because frankly your actions here show nothing but bias, and in the end you only bring harm...

People dont change. You will still be the shameful person you always were. And now you blame kailer for this? You brought this upon yourself, you deserve this and quite frankly YOU havnt proved to me one bit that you can stick to your word.

"This is my last post"
"No, this one is"
"KIDDING! This is my last one"
"I'm now leaving the forums"
"Upps, one last song lyric spam before i leave forever"
"...Maybe 10 more song lyrics wouldnt hurt"
"Okay, i swear this is my last post ever"
"Hey its the new years, so i'm back"

Yea, you got REAL good history on keeping your word. Now you trying to show us that you (and people in general) can change? The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something :tsk_tsk:

Do you even PLAY the game these days? Or do you just come on the forum to harras players and NGD?

No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once.
Oh, and another thing: Always speaking like you know what hell is, as if you've been there... Quit it. You know nothing of hell.

01-24-2009, 01:09 AM
People dont change. You will still be the shameful person you always were. And now you blame kailer for this? You brought this upon yourself, you deserve this and quite frankly YOU havnt proved to me one bit that you can stick to your word.

"This is my last post"
"No, this one is"
"KIDDING! This is my last one"
"I'm now leaving the forums"
"Upps, one last song lyric spam before i leave forever"
"...Maybe 10 more song lyrics wouldnt hurt"
"Okay, i swear this is my last post ever"
"Hey its the new years, so i'm back"

Yea, you got REAL good history on keeping your word. Now you trying to show us that you (and people in general) can change? The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something :tsk_tsk:

Do you even PLAY the game these days? Or do you just come on the forum to harras players and NGD?

No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once.
Oh, and another thing: Always speaking like you know what hell is, as if you've been there... Quit it. You know nothing of hell.

It amazes me that these attacks escape the watchful eye of Kailer.

Kailer must be on vacation or something... doubtful though...

01-24-2009, 09:46 AM
It amazes me that these attacks escape the watchful eye of Kailer.

Kailer must be on vacation or something... doubtful though...

"The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something :tsk: <...> No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once."

Once again, you prove that you havnt changed. Just because Kailer hasn't done something yet AMAZES you, because you are OH SO special and OH SO fucking important that you think Kailer and NGD should be guarding you from these "attacks". Let me explain something: This is retalliation, you brought it upon yourself and just because you say you've changed you have yet to provide evidence of it and that you wont be a selfish shithead.

You havnt changed, you expect the world to be ready and willing to do your bidding... Your still as fucked up as you were the day you entered these forums

Meco: I appologise for boy-cotting your thread.

01-24-2009, 01:58 PM
Once again, you prove that you havnt changed. Just because Kailer hasn't done something yet AMAZES you, because you are OH SO special and OH SO fucking important that you think Kailer and NGD should be guarding you from these "attacks". Let me explain something: This is retalliation, you brought it upon yourself and just because you say you've changed you have yet to provide evidence of it and that you wont be a selfish shithead.

You havnt changed, you expect the world to be ready and willing to do your bidding... Your still as fucked up as you were the day you entered these forums

Meco: I appologise for boy-cotting your thread.

People who frequent this forum, indeed people of the world, take note for what you're witnessing is a blatant lack on NGD's part to enforce their own rules.

This individual has posted three posts which contain not only offensive language, but also direct attacks on me.

I would urge anyone, all to look though my post history and show to the world where I have used offensive attacks in such a manner. The record will show, as I most certainly believe, that I have never pursued or baited any individual as this one does with me, and especially with the such a blatant intent to do harm to an individual.

NGD, by allowing this to go on you make people question the sincerity you have for your own community. And it makes it that much harder to defend against the idea that NGD's developers abuse their status in times of war to get people motivated and organized. It even makes it more hard, on those that believe in you and have defended you and your actions, when people claim that NGD is to small of a developmental team to work on such a game as Regum. And it makes it that much harder, for those who's faith is almost gone, to accept the justifications for why patches introduce more bugs then they fix.

For the connections are clear, and I can assure you those with eyes do see it.

I may be one individual, and the forces that work against me maybe be more then this one person, but you cannot drive away, ban, or kill the truth!

01-24-2009, 02:25 PM
People who frequent this forum, indeed people of the world, take note for what you're witnessing is a blatant lack on NGD's part to enforce their own rules.

This individual has posted three posts which contain not only offensive language, but also direct attacks on me.

I would urge anyone, all to look though my post history and show to the world where I have used offensive attacks in such a manner. The record will show, as I most certainly believe, that I have never pursued or baited any individual as this one does with me, and especially with the such a blatant intent to do harm to an individual.

NGD, by allowing this to go on you make people question the sincerity you have for your own community. And it makes it that much harder to defend against the idea that NGD's developers abuse their status in times of war to get people motivated and organized. It even makes it more hard, on those that believe in you and have defended you and your actions, when people claim that NGD is to small of a developmental team to work on such a game as Regum. And it makes it that much harder, for those who's faith is almost gone, to accept the justifications for why patches introduce more bugs then they fix.

For the connections are clear, and I can assure you those with eyes do see it.

I may be one individual, and the forces that work against me maybe be more then this one person, but you cannot drive away, ban, or kill the truth!

Now THERES you improvement!

Not only did you use easy-to-understand english (for the most part) but you did so in a formal manner. BUT you are still being shifty, shadey and devious. You are still demanded around-the-clock enforcement on the forums, which WONT happen. Your still posting this IN PUBLIC! Complaints or issues are to be resolved MUCH faster with a messaging system, IE: Send NGD a message. You are still the SAME person you always have been, the person i have stated. However you are showing a lot more self restraint but i can see more trickery behind your words waiting to errupt into a war. No this is not a war between us, Its a stand-off.

I'm waiting for you to snap, and become reckless. Making a move that will cost you and make this community a better place.

NGD is busy, but will probably find this and ban me, maybe for 2 days, a week or even forever. Do not think this will end there.

You are trying to protect yourself so you can stay in the community, slowly poisoning it until it is corrupted beyond hope. You are also demanding NGD's 24/7 protection on you and expecting in-human occurances from them. They are human, and they doing the best they can to provide us entertainment. Stop thinking your the dominate man of the world and show a little respect.

01-24-2009, 02:33 PM
Dont argue, just use rule 1.4 of RO forum regulations
1.4) If any user infringes any of the forum regulations regarding the publication of a topic or reply, this must be ignored (not replied) and reported by the Report Bad Post tool or by sending an email to abuse@ngdstudios.com.ar indicating the link to the thread or post involved. This procedure is imperative to enhance moderation and avoid the deviation of the topics in discussion.
Dont screw up second chance NGD gave you.

01-24-2009, 04:00 PM

I have little faith that one day people will stop bitching @ each other on the forums

01-24-2009, 04:01 PM
First off thankyou you Sydonay and Malik for your posts, i will indeed look into your suggestions plus yes i agree to not think is to shrivel and die inside, trouble is i possibly think too much sometimes :)

Right as sydonay said..

Hey Meco to get back on topic and not look like a Jerry Springer episode

Ive got to a point in my life where i could do without drama..as for all intents, purposes and slandering...this is what your turning my thread into..and im talking to both H_B and Static...To static..is you felt so strongly about H_B posting in my thread you should have told Kailer..as that is what hes here for..to "police" the forums..everybody..and i mean everybody deserves a second chance in life..if they mess it up this time..then that the time to kick off and not before. To H_B..i for one are glad your back..my reason..is simple..i feel i could/can and have learnt alot from you, there is another reason why i im glad your back, but i wont disclose that here as you already know anyway. Dont get drawn into a flame war, as in the end its not worth it.
To kailer..arent you meant to delete posts when they might cause upset to the individuals and/or the community ? However please dont close my thread..as was and still is a genuine one. Thankyou.

01-25-2009, 01:50 AM
Written from memory, so if there's a word r two wrong, or the grammer isn't right, apologies:

Who's woods these are i think i know?
His house is in the village though
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
This darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before i sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.

Written by Robert Frost.

My interpretation is as follows: a lowly farmer travelling across country, pausing ponderously. He is strangely attracted to the dark woods, the 'something beyond' the travelled road. The echoing of the last lines suggest that despite his feelings of drearyness and the attraction of the dark woods, he has miles to go before he 'sleeps'. And the echoing suggest that once he sleeps, there is something more.

01-25-2009, 04:08 AM
12 Stones, Anthem for the Underdog. Great song

You say you know just who I am
But you can't imagine
What waits for you across the line
You thought you had me
But I'm still here standing
And I'm tired of backing down

And I'm here now feeling the pain
Of a thousand hearts
Been to hell and back again
I won't take this

You try so hard to bring me down
You can't break the broken
You still don't seem to understand
It's your turn to see just
How it feels to be me
How it feels to be knocked down

And you're here now feeling the pain
Of a thousand hearts
You've been to hell and back again
You can't take this

This feeling

How it feels to be alive
Now you see me through my eyes
And we're here now feeling the beat
Of a thousand hearts
Coming back to life again
We can make it

This feeling

01-25-2009, 02:24 PM
Pain is the only thing that is real...
Why fear it so?

You look to your heroes, but all I see are...
Item accumulators, paper hoarders, and waste makers...
Living without a care for their future, or their children's...
Your heroes are insane!

They claim I'm conceited, "the dominant male"...
One who lacks respect of others,
Yet those that claim this only fear what they already know.

That this life is not guaranteed..
And the signs all around are staring to show that humanity is about to bleed...
From war, starvation and death, that humanity will fall to its knees.

Fallen, to his death, man finds the truth of who he was...
Nothing but a shadowed virus, created from the earth he cared not of...
He will then look to the sky and pray that there is a god alive...
To hear his call, to make a mends...
But what he will find is that his god has left him for dead.

Pain, yes this is true...
Fear it not,
Because it will not escape you!

Hell_bound 2009

01-26-2009, 10:22 AM
Gave up on Nietzsche for awhile..so now im reading Soul of the Age, the life, the mind and world of William Shakespeare by Jonathan Soul...very interesting book..he had a lot of sh*t to deal with in his day..he survived the The Black Death for one.