View Full Version : Congratulations Horus-Ignis
01-18-2009, 01:24 PM
Congratulations to all of Ignis on Horus, for being not only the first, not only the second, not only the third, but now also the fourth realm to open the portal on Horus. Cheers to all (:
01-18-2009, 01:31 PM
Ignis FTW!!
01-18-2009, 01:32 PM
Against an empty realm, again... Oh well. Congratulations, and good fight against the NPC's I'm sure!
01-18-2009, 01:35 PM
Syrtis was by no means empty, and we took the gates with less than 25 ppl. It was tough, and you guys put up a hell of a fight though.
Syrtis was by no means empty, and we took the gates with less than 25 ppl. It was tough, and you guys put up a hell of a fight though.
Ignis attacked the gate with 37 people while about 15 syrtis were defending.
01-18-2009, 01:47 PM
Ignis attacked the gate with 37 people while about 15 syrtis were defending.
6 high lvls, 9 inner realm noobs, don't forget to mention that part.
It was a 37 vs 6. GO IGNIS! xD
01-18-2009, 02:45 PM
Let's not beat around the bush though. You had the garrison advantage, plus guards(that respawn) PLUS you can save at Fis, while we have to rely on our conjus. No point in being salty about it Pano. Like I said you put up a good fight. I don't know if you realize how tough Urrix and Edraan are. They are pretty tough, and keep our knights very busy. Also Ignis seems to have an amazing lack of barbs, so everyone (conjus included) has to hit the gate. It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two. We usually deal with a huge decrease in numbers after an invasion attempt (successful or otherwise), tonight we got lucky and people stuck around. We have really good leadership in Ignis. Maybe what you guys are lacking is a strong leader for you players to rally around and want to fight for. Maybe producing one of those is the key to keeping people logged on and Syrtis' gates intact.
6 high lvls, 9 inner realm noobs, don't forget to mention that part.
It was a 37 vs 6. GO IGNIS! xD
The numbers were never on our side at night. I'm just happy we held on for this long night after night.
Given the situation, I think Syrtis fairly well, its just that the odds were impossible.
Let's not beat around the bush though. You had the garrison advantage, plus guards(that respawn) PLUS you can save at Fis, while we have to rely on our conjus. No point in being salty about it Pano. Like I said you put up a good fight. I don't know if you realize how tough Urrix and Edraan are. They are pretty tough, and keep our knights very busy. Also Ignis seems to have an amazing lack of barbs, so everyone (conjus included) has to hit the gate. It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two. We usually deal with a huge decrease in numbers after an invasion attempt (successful or otherwise), tonight we got lucky and people stuck around. We have really good leadership in Ignis. Maybe what you guys are lacking is a strong leader for you players to rally around and want to fight for. Maybe producing one of those is the key to keeping people logged on and Syrtis' gates intact.
It doesn't matter if we had the defensive advantage or not. We had less than 10 warzone ready people vs your 30+. Whatever advantage the guards gave us was moot at that point.
01-18-2009, 02:46 PM
yea Gratz on invading try invading in peak hours for once!
01-18-2009, 02:49 PM
Let's not beat around the bush though. You had the garrison advantage, plus guards(that respawn) PLUS you can save at Fis, while we have to rely on our conjus. No point in being salty about it Pano. Like I said you put up a good fight. I don't know if you realize how tough Urrix and Edraan are. They are pretty tough, and keep our knights very busy. Also Ignis seems to have an amazing lack of barbs, so everyone (conjus included) has to hit the gate. It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two. We usually deal with a huge decrease in numbers after an invasion attempt (successful or otherwise), tonight we got lucky and people stuck around. We have really good leadership in Ignis. Maybe what you guys are lacking is a strong leader for you players to rally around and want to fight for. Maybe producing one of those is the key to keeping people logged on and Syrtis' gates intact.
its not a advantage when out of 14 people defending 6 are actually some usefull the rest are fresh from noob iles!:ranting:
01-18-2009, 02:51 PM
Let's not beat around the bush though. You had the garrison advantage, plus guards(that respawn) PLUS you can save at Fis, while we have to rely on our conjus. No point in being salty about it Pano. Like I said you put up a good fight. I don't know if you realize how tough Urrix and Edraan are. They are pretty tough, and keep our knights very busy. Also Ignis seems to have an amazing lack of barbs, so everyone (conjus included) has to hit the gate. It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two. We usually deal with a huge decrease in numbers after an invasion attempt (successful or otherwise), tonight we got lucky and people stuck around. We have really good leadership in Ignis. Maybe what you guys are lacking is a strong leader for you players to rally around and want to fight for. Maybe producing one of those is the key to keeping people logged on and Syrtis' gates intact.
Yeah I'm pretty sure the guards pose an immense challenge, at least you have good leadership to fight against NPC's.
37 vs 6. Nuff said.
PS: Efrendi was logged in for 20 hours straight, according to your realm mates. That's not due to good leadership, I tell you that much xD
01-18-2009, 02:56 PM
Well the same could be said for us. Peak hours for Ignis are the down hours for you I'm afraid. It's not prime conditions for good fights... I don't want to get started with the " Ignis can only invade an empty realm" bs. Given the opportunity every realm should take advantage of the numbers when they favour that realm. I've missed every invasion attempt by Syrtis this week because that's when I'm asleep, but I don't cry about it. You just do the best you can with the people that are logged on. It's all any of us can do. I know it sucks, but how are we supposed to know when you guys are on? It's not like we can add you to our buddy lists. If any realm should be pissed, it should be Alsius. They rarely have the numbers to invade OR defend. The most I've seen Alsius do is bring 10-15 players and sit at Samal. Which is sad because there are some really good players in Alsius and it's a shame that they are being denied the opportunity to do some of the invading for once.
01-18-2009, 03:00 PM
You know Pano, you act like ALL of Ignis are level 50's. Lemme tell you something, most of the people that come with us on invasions are under lvl 35. They come because they just want to play and get better as players. So your 37vs.6 stat is just crap, if we wanna get down to that then it's more like 10v6 and you guys STILL have the advantage of the garrison and guards. You should stop crying and figure out a way to make Syrtis better, not gripe about Ignis.
01-18-2009, 03:03 PM
Well the same could be said for us. Peak hours for Ignis are the down hours for you I'm afraid. It's not prime conditions for good fights... I don't want to get started with the " Ignis can only invade an empty realm" bs. Given the opportunity every realm should take advantage of the numbers when they favour that realm. I've missed every invasion attempt by Syrtis this week because that's when I'm asleep, but I don't cry about it. You just do the best you can with the people that are logged on. It's all any of us can do. I know it sucks, but how are we supposed to know when you guys are on? It's not like we can add you to our buddy lists. If any realm should be pissed, it should be Alsius. They rarely have the numbers to invade OR defend. The most I've seen Alsius do is bring 10-15 players and sit at Samal. Which is sad because there are some really good players in Alsius and it's a shame that they are being denied the opportunity to do some of the invading for once.
I'm not saying it's unfair, I'm just commenting on the difficulty of the situation. As for the Syrtis attempts, we had to face about 15 high lvls + the swarm of inner realm characters that helped at the gate, last time we made it there. And we managed to amass about 35 people as well, this was the most we had ever been.
All I'm commenting on is that when Syrtis has it's peak, Ignis has more than enough to defend the gate. When Ignis has it's peak, Syrtis has 6 people online.
But yeah, Alsius is the one that should complain. At least we are having fun killing each other.
PS: Sure, 37 were not all 50's. But 10? Now you're just making an ass of yourself to all that have ever played on Horus at those hours.
I don't think any of us are griping that you won. We are griping about the fact you are bragging over a victory that was obviously lop-sided. It's like a level 50 beating a level 20 and bragging about it.
01-18-2009, 03:07 PM
PS: Sure, 37 were not all 50's. But 10? Now you're just making an ass of yourself to all that have ever played on Horus at those hours.
I'm not sure what you mean by that... but there were probably 10 of us that are 40-50 at that gate tonight... And I know you guys had 5-6 40-50's...
01-18-2009, 03:09 PM
I don't think any of us are griping that you won. We are griping about the fact you are bragging over a victory that was obviously lop-sided. It's like a level 50 beating a level 20 and bragging about it.
Thats proberly the best way of putting it that Ive seen so far,
01-18-2009, 03:09 PM
Congratulations to all of Ignis on Horus, for being not only the first, not only the second, not only the third, but now also the fourth realm to open the portal on Horus. Cheers to all (:
I don't think this is bragging, so much as it is congratulating the members of a realm that worked very hard to come from behind and get the gems. I'm sure the poster did not intend it to be that either.
01-18-2009, 03:16 PM
Nah Froste is cool :p
This is the bragging part:
You had the garrison advantage, plus guards(that respawn) PLUS you can save at Fis, while we have to rely on our conjus
I don't know if you realize how tough Urrix and Edraan are. They are pretty tough, and keep our knights very busy. Also Ignis seems to have an amazing lack of barbs, so everyone (conjus included) has to hit the gate. It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two.
We have really good leadership in Ignis.
It's the equivalent of a lvl50 bragging he killed a lvl20 cause he actually fought back :p
01-18-2009, 03:20 PM
Says a hell of a lot about realm balance though eh?
In my eyes Regnum WAS NOT ready for Invasions yet, the current invasion system would only work fairly if all the realms were pretty balanced at everypart of the day, when they clearly are not,
Not to Mention that Invasion clearly PROMOTES realm Imbalance by makeing the strongest realm stronger, I dont think anyone here will deny that Ignis is clearly the strongest realm despite being *cough* underpopulated,
Ignis should lose its current bonus's on the realm select screen they are only feeding yet more players into the realm which is allready dominating the game, and thats just not right for a supposedly "balanced" Multiplayer game.
If anyone in Ignis wants to try and dissagree then just look at the first post, and If anyone in Ignis still wants to put this down to "One Ignis being worth 10 Syrtis/Alsius" then you are clearly a fool...
01-18-2009, 03:33 PM
grats to some realm for using cheap tactics, defeating a practically empty realm with overwhelming odds, getting some portal, and making a topic to boast about it like their specal and it was some kind of achievment
01-18-2009, 03:33 PM
They *are* underpopulated, actually. I just did the numbers real quick again for all clan members on horus:
Alsius: 628
Ignis: 711
Syrtis: 1124
The point is, Alsius is definitely not almost equal to Ignis, cause many have stopped playing, apparently. And Syrtis definitely has not almost as many as both of them together anymore, cause it's full of hit-n-run characters, people who either quit the game entirely after joining or have stopped playing or switched realms.
I don't want to turn this into another how-to-solve-realm-imbalance thread, so please stick to the topic at hand :p All I'm saying is that the way the RLM bonus gets distributed is obviously faulted.
The fact is, Ignis has it's peak on the Syrtis low, and vice versa. Ignis low though is much better than the Syrtis low, that's all :p
The real problem, imo, is that Alsius is non-existent.
01-18-2009, 03:35 PM
I'm sorry you see that as bragging, Pano. We must agree to disagree on that. Point is though that something needs to be done differently by either the players in Syrtis, or NGD. The realms are uneven, and Alsians can barely play the game. So either your high level players need to start helping your low levels, or they should close down entry into our realms for newbs and divert them to Alsius.
01-18-2009, 03:37 PM
They *are* underpopulated, actually. I just did the numbers real quick again for all clan members on horus:
Alsius: 628
Ignis: 711
Syrtis: 1124
The point is, Alsius is definitely not almost equal to Ignis, cause many have stopped playing, apparently. And Syrtis definitely has not almost as many as both of them together anymore, cause it's full of hit-n-run characters, people who either quit the game entirely after joining or have stopped playing or switched realms.
I don't want to turn this into another how-to-solve-realm-imbalance thread, so please stick to the topic at hand :p All I'm saying is that the way the RLM bonus gets distributed is obviously faulted.
The fact is, Ignis has it's peak on the Syrtis low, and vice versa. Ignis low though is much better than the Syrtis low, that's all :p
The real problem, imo, is that Alsius is non-existent.
I beleive that the rlm bonus on the start screen is based on all chars over lvl 30 (i I remember correctly) This should be refreshed every week, if a character has not been logged into that week it should not be counted, Then I think we shall see a very differant picture.
And yeah Alsius is currently like a small rash that wont go away, trying to just stop either side from winning (helping Ignis/Syrtis as it suits them)
So either your high level players need to start helping your low levels,
Arwen conjured for me and Sol for an hour or so yesterday, and I have done the same with Umaril and a few >30 players as well, We do help our low levels, but its not enough.
Syrtis and Ignis being closed for a while, would solve it, but its to drastic
01-18-2009, 03:40 PM
Be real, especially you pana. As you say about a pair of hunter staying <50m of a save, it works and that's how you do it and aren't going to change. Well, timezones are what they are, ignis has more people west coast us and canada, c'est la vie. You have more eastern europeans so wee hours my time you have the advantage.
When people use planning, strategy, and yes, numbers to win a battle or war it's called ... umm.... oh yeah, WINNING. Try reading military training doctrine for near any countries forces. It more or less says same.
Now we can all whine n moan, or you can take ur best shot.
till i see you next in wz.... :clapping5365:
01-18-2009, 03:41 PM
our best shot was 32 players in our peak hours yesterday, Ignis still faught us off with near equal numbers (give or take about 5-10)
01-18-2009, 03:43 PM
Be real, especially you pana. As you say about a pair of hunter staying <50m of a save, it works and that's how you do it and aren't going to change. Well, timezones are what they are, ignis has more people west coast us and canada, c'est la vie. You have more eastern europeans so wee hours my time you have the advantage.
When people use planning, strategy, and yes, numbers to win a battle or war it's called ... umm.... oh yeah, WINNING. Try reading military training doctrine for near any countries forces. It more or less says same.
Now we can all whine n moan, or you can take ur best shot.
till i see you next in wz.... :clapping5365:
wow someone is pissed at getting killed by me and Rulez again xD
Get in line buddy :) Here ('s something to ease your pain :)
01-18-2009, 04:07 PM
When people use planning, strategy, and yes, numbers to win a battle or war it's called ... umm.... oh yeah, WINNING. Try reading military training doctrine for near any countries forces. It more or less says same.
Oh, excuse us Mr. High-ranked-I've-read-Sun-Tzu-Art-of-War General, our simple zerg brains can not possibly understand all this advanced doctrine. Wanna share some of other top secrets with us, or we're not worthy enough?
01-18-2009, 06:08 PM
It take lots of teamwork to pull an invasion off, let alone two.
Aye, it does. But from my account you would have had to invade three times to get that last gem, wouldn't you? We had one in our portal when I went to bed, after we had been hiding it in Fisgael from you ^^ (thank you, ignis mage, for that oppurtunity, btw).
My realm mates told me that you had a hunter still inside Syrtis. Okay. But they also told me that the hunter picked up the gem and then logged off, allowing one of the many random level 1's that were running around Syrtis that night to pick it up and take it out of the wz.
I wouldn't have minded if that hunter had been the one to take it out, but thats just low. We defended fair and square. The Gates went down in 5 mins tops the first time, and you were able to get 4/5 gems. We were able to keep the 5th from leaving, then it err got stuck lol When it respawned, an Ignis mage was still hidden inside and tried to take it and we killed him. So instead of easily giving you the gem again, we hid.
I have no doubt in my mind that if you had the same opportunity, you would have done the same. Doesn't make it right that you played low tactics to get that last gem (if what I hear is true, and I trust the person who told me)
I congrat you for getting the first four, but you have no respect from me for getting the last one. We worked hard for those gems, and a lot of us have been staying up very late to defend them for two weeks now so when we thought we still would have that one... to come on in the morning and hear that it had been taken away like that is a morale breaker.
I wouldn't *care* that Ignis opened the portal for the millionth time because really, its old news, but the way they got the last gem has me livid.
Sorry for writing so much but I wanted to take out frustrations somewhere.
01-18-2009, 06:16 PM
I logged in after Ignis came through the gates the first time last night. And watched them take the gems out.
The second time they took the gates down our defenders numbered in the low teens most below lvl 30. I died twice, and Ignis were through the gate on my second respawn. Probably standing at the gate for less than five minutes before it came down.
Later the ignis group rp farmed at the gate until they closed and moved into Fisgeal to kill some new players I guess.
I was impressed at the amount of dicipline you showed, and in attacking Fisgeal your lack of class. It took us forever to get you out of our realm and for that your organization should be commended. There is quite a bit of bitterness on our side, and that will only be remedied with sweet sweet revenge.
01-18-2009, 06:24 PM
The lvl1 that carried it outside is an ignis lvl50 barbarian which I won't name here only because it's against forum rules, from what I hear. Congratulations Ignis, you had to resort to that to take a gem from an empty realm? So much for your great leadership and tactics.
01-18-2009, 06:39 PM
The lvl1 that carried it outside is an ignis lvl50 barbarian which I won't name here only because it's against forum rules, from what I hear. Congratulations Ignis, you had to resort to that to take a gem from an empty realm? So much for your great leadership and tactics.
I think they enjoy being lame, but then again - they will call this move excellent tactic.
Let me quote one monkey who posted on this thread, he's ignis obviously:
"When people use planning, strategy, and yes, numbers to win a battle or war it's called ... umm.... oh yeah, WINNING. Try reading military training doctrine for near any countries forces."
01-18-2009, 07:20 PM
congrats? Meh I'm not going to have any more respect for ignis on horus anymore, not after what I heard... they are ridiculously low and have not accomplishd ANYTHING, they are the worst realm there... Can the 15% negative xp bonus be removed from syrtis please? As the last gem was taken by a level 1 syrtis who was made by a certain ignis (there are proofs) and then given to the ignis... invade all you want at night against npcs, empty realm, you're not fighting players but npcs, you might as well go play pve mmorpgs because I don't think you get the term pvp, multiplayer, realm versus realm...
I don't even know if my mana is worth wasting on such low players... it's just so... man...
sorry for this rageful post but unfair fights and cheating really works me up
and again, ignis has not accomplished anything in my eyes, other than the title as the worst, pathetic and most low realm... worse than syrtis/RA
I don't care with -15% or +15% I WILL take it to level 50. I don't care for invasion anymore. I just want to have fun. So ignis do what you want invade us put negative bonus - I don't care.
01-18-2009, 10:00 PM
I think they voted for an XP bonus on Ignis, from what I hear on IRC.
01-18-2009, 11:30 PM
hey guys calm down, lets look at it this way
ignis -4
syrtis 0
alsius 0
doesnt that make you feel better?
syrtis is just bitter that they spent weeks getting all those gems, and in one night ignis took em all away.
01-18-2009, 11:55 PM
syrtis is just bitter that they spent weeks getting all those gems, and in one night ignis took em all away.
No, its the fact you had to use underhanded techniques to get that last gem that has most of us mad. If you had gotten the last gem fairly, it would be a different story.
01-19-2009, 12:30 AM
Well maybe to keep this sort of thing from happening again, just make gem carriers unable to use the teleporter from the inner realm?
There's no logical reason why you'd want to carry a gem OUT of your kingdom anyway.
01-19-2009, 12:41 AM
Or just not allow characters below 35 to pickup the gem or something.
This is how I saw it:
A reasonably sized group of Syrtis stand at the gate after losing all 3 buildings. A massive group of Ignis arrive from Eferias and wipe out the army who are saved at Rae, destroying both doors within 7 - 10 minutes, which I don't call 'a big effort'.
Ignis charge through the inner realm towards the portal, the army being easily twice the size of Syrtis', while a few others decide to kill some noobs in the inner realm.
Syrtis manage to surround them while they're at the portal, but they easily wipe out the Syrtis...again.
Syrtis try to hold them in, but they get through just as the castle is automatically recaptured, at this time one lvl 50 hunter was still inside Syrtis. Ignis then come back and camp the gate (and I mean right at the gate - so close that Whirlwind went through and damage people in the inner realm), preventing anyone from leaving for a long time. Eventually Syrtis manage to get rid of them, but minutes later, Ignis return, Eferias is retaken, and the door breaks in 7 - 10 minutes...again.
Not to mention how it was for Alsius when we defended our gate (about 7 people, 3 lvl 50s, rest lvl 30 - 45). At this rate, we may as well be a realm of hunters.
01-19-2009, 04:20 AM
And this is what happens when there is more than just NPC's guarding the gate:
Just a couple of the ~5 rep shots I landed that I bothered to screenshot. They ran back after this, of course.
01-19-2009, 05:01 AM
Congruatlations Pano. You've got rep shot.
01-19-2009, 05:28 AM
Congruatlations Pano. You've got rep shot.
Yep, that's all it takes to drive the Ignis zerg away. Rep shot. So much for great leadership huh.
01-19-2009, 06:08 AM
We weren't trying to invade, just harvesting rp. But then again your already know that.
01-19-2009, 11:45 AM
We weren't trying to invade, just harvesting rp. But then again your already know that.
haha, then you must be a complete idiot (or just wont admit u failed) because it's one who defends that farms rp.
01-19-2009, 05:34 PM
haha, then you must be a complete idiot (or just wont admit u failed) because it's one who defends that farms rp.
Yup, If your attacking then its pretty hard to "farm" RP, Defending makes it easy however I "Farmed" owver 100RP yesterday from your Herb attacks, considering that there were to start with 4 defenders in the fort and a few more trying to get in (mostly fainling) I cant beleive that with your "ownage" you didnt get through the gate...
01-19-2009, 05:37 PM
haha, then you must be a complete idiot (or just wont admit u failed) because it's one who defends that farms rp.
and not attack a realm with almost no players, to get rp you must kill players
01-19-2009, 05:39 PM
Most of Ignis dont play an PvP/RvR game :P they play PvNPC :P
But seriously Ignis dont play "that" badly, "some" of them are ok but as with all "dark evil" realms/sides in games they attract most of the low teenage kids who want to play the "batman" style antihero. (not that im slagging off Batman ofc :P)
01-19-2009, 05:41 PM
hey guys calm down, lets look at it this way
ignis -4
syrtis 0
alsius 0
doesnt that make you feel better?
syrtis is just bitter that they spent weeks getting all those gems, and in one night ignis took em all away.
I have another way to look at it, some 50 barbarian attacks a level 49 warlock who's not at the screen, keeps attacking, but in the end still gets killed, great players in ignis, great and honourable players ^^
01-19-2009, 05:45 PM
hey guys calm down, lets look at it this way
ignis -4
syrtis 0
alsius 0
doesnt that make you feel better?
syrtis is just bitter that they spent weeks getting all those gems, and in one night ignis took em all away.
Says a lot for the "balance" system NGD implemented, clearly some realm should be lsoeing its bonus,
Also we have been over this its because of timezones, NO realm should be able to hold one jem for 2 weeks then take 5 in one night (with 2 invasions + the one you used multi accounting to get out but lets not open that sack of worms)
If you still want to say its because one Ignis is worth three Syrtis then I just wont be able to take you seriously as a person anymore...
01-19-2009, 06:34 PM
Hi Community,
As I posted in another thread recently...
Remember that this is only a game. Did you realize that if you're posting here and playing this game, you are discussing with people that can be like you?
Behind the PC, there's a person. Why spoil the opportunity to have a good chat or even a good war just because one gets carried away by fanaticism?
So, to get to the point, why fight in the forums about something so primitive as being part of a faction? Leave that for the game.
It doesn't matter who wins or who loses today. It DOES matter what you win. Think about it.
And I must add that this is a problem that NGD Studios must fix, and we are working on it.
I'm closing this to avoid further problems.
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