View Full Version : A serious complaint :(
01-20-2009, 11:20 AM
my complaint is..... Microsoft
(glad i use linux) :imstupid:
01-20-2009, 11:28 AM
I agree! :fsm:
01-20-2009, 11:56 AM
same +1
down with microsoft
01-20-2009, 12:19 PM
Dont think so. What should we linux users look down at if not at microsoft?
01-20-2009, 12:28 PM
I hate Encore.
+1 to this complaint.
@Padreigh: QNX is better than Windows.
01-20-2009, 12:38 PM
I use both...... so what am i? :looking:
01-20-2009, 12:42 PM
I use both...... so what am i? :looking:
Confused is what you are ^^
01-20-2009, 01:24 PM
Confused is what you are ^^
Indeed. Help him we must, to find enlightenment (
01-20-2009, 02:19 PM
As there's no Regnum for Mac im left with Windows here.
01-20-2009, 02:27 PM
As there's no Regnum for Mac im left with Windows here.
Why don't you try Debian or Ubuntu? You can set them up in less time that you think. Plus, you got the "Known Problems" thread in the Spanish Linux Support that has all the common problems with the solutions. :P
PS: Mac is unix-based, so you'll find it familiar. Maybe you'll like KDE4 :P
01-20-2009, 02:39 PM
Hey this is a serious complaint (it even says so in the title, duuuh), put it back in the Complaint Book.
01-20-2009, 02:45 PM
Ok another Complaint
my Complaint was moved from the Complaint section so my Complaint is, this was moved from the Complaint section where it belongs. Even Surak agreed this was a serious Complaint
01-20-2009, 02:51 PM
Ok another complaint
my complaint was moved from the complaint section so my compliant is this was moved from the complaint section where it belongs. Even Surak agreed
It's not game related, though it's really important.
I must complain.
01-20-2009, 02:52 PM
And my complaint:
Stop using the forum like a game, as it is a tool for NGD!
Don't make it harder than it is for me, got a lot of things to do :biggrin:
Surakkkkkkkkkk :fury: :superpusso:
01-20-2009, 03:05 PM
I complain that Kailer needs to relax.
Is there no weed in Argentina? xD
01-20-2009, 03:07 PM
And my complaint:
Stop using the forum like a game, as it is a tool for NGD!
Don't make it harder than it is for me, got a lot of things to do :biggrin:
Surakkkkkkkkkk :fury: :superpusso:
please remove this reply it has no place in the inn ^^
Edit: dont make it harder? hmm i wont make a sexual ref here but instead who said work was easy
Edit part deux: forum is part of the game, its where the community have chance to bitch @ each other :superpusso:
01-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Please do not reply to this post.
01-20-2009, 03:18 PM
Indeed. Help him we must, to find enlightenment ( iīm using Debian Lenny with Gnome and Windows XP in the office.
Donīt worry xeph when i have time to make a back up of my house pc iīll make a dual boot with Debian an Windows.
01-20-2009, 03:19 PM
Please do not reply to this post.
hahah, yeah, seems kailer forgot to include that line in his post. wait... but he didn't even lock the topic o,o
is that really you kailer? :D
01-20-2009, 03:23 PM
Waiter! There is a fly in my soup!
Please do not reply to this post and continue with the topic at hand,
is that really you kailer? :D
No, its a clone, and were all going down. N.o.w.
Sorry I forgot the comma,
01-20-2009, 03:23 PM
And my complaint:
Stop using the forum like a game, as it is a tool for NGD!
Don't make it harder than it is for me, got a lot of things to do :biggrin:
Surakkkkkkkkkk :fury: :superpusso:Bad people!!!! Bad people!!!!:superpusso:
01-20-2009, 03:25 PM
yes very bad people i blame people from Alsius, oh, kailer, you play in Alsius do you not ^^
id complain about been called bad if i were you
01-20-2009, 03:34 PM
You forgot to say:
Please continue with the topic at hand. EDIT: Oh, it was already said, then should I close this?
Gotcha there! :biggrin:
01-20-2009, 03:36 PM
You forgot to say:
Please continue with the topic at hand.
Gotcha there! :biggrin:
Please do not reply to this post and continue with the topic at hand,
:biggrin: :biggrin:
edit: i complain about your simultaneous edit with my post reply :D
01-20-2009, 03:39 PM
I complain that Kailer needs to relax.
Is there no weed in Argentina? xD
Maybe all of us? Remember that I work here :)
Anyways, continue bashing Microsoft or this topic will be closed.
Kindest prettiest and fondest regards,
01-20-2009, 03:40 PM
:biggrin: :biggrin:
edit: i complain about your simultaneous edit with my post reply :D
I complain about this too, and that Rated_R_Edge will post: "'0wn3d, 1 ar3 so gr3at11!!!1" (?)
This is out of hand, please comply!
01-20-2009, 03:45 PM
Microsoft begets Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer begets :dumbofme:
'Nuff said.
01-20-2009, 05:11 PM
Long live the EU! May Microsoft be punished!
Windows, flawed by design(TM). (yes it is: )
Yay! A frustration outlet!
01-20-2009, 05:50 PM
Come on guys, Windows isnt that bad? :P (BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAA XDD sorry couldent keep a straight face as I typed that)
Its given me years of broken tech to "deal with" :viking:
01-20-2009, 06:14 PM
I complain about this too, and that Rated_R_Edge will post: "'0wn3d, 1 ar3 so gr3at11!!!1" (?)
This is out of hand, please comply!
Some1 stole mah bucket! i needs it black plz! i dont gave mah plezzword.
01-20-2009, 07:05 PM
When I was formatting an USB stick at my Vista HP mini-note the damm Windows crashed >.< Bye Bye sticky. I want money from Microsoft!
01-20-2009, 09:35 PM
I complain about this too, and that Rated_R_Edge will post: "'0wn3d, 1 ar3 so gr3at11!!!1" (?)
This is out of hand, please comply!
Why do thay call it Windows?
B cuz it goes out mah windows!
Ahah hah ha, oh so funny.
.... I don't caer
Yea! Windows sucks, rawr. Embrace me into your club.
*Hugs and pets Windows XP CD*
It wasn't true, I love you baby. Please forgive me.
01-20-2009, 10:40 PM
I use both, and despite ms's flaws and unsafe security, it can be secured and stable if you take the time and effort using the right software, doesnt excuse its openness though and alot of users simply are in the dark about this, thats the only dislike of ms i have is giving its users full admin rights by default and then basically throwing them out in the wild without even a firewall (pre sp1). I use windows mainly for regnum, and yahoo, paltalk..photoshop.
with linux i websurf, watch movies, and us a vm when i absolutely need to use a win program without having to wait for a restart.
sadly regnum wont run on my linux side, it has a high hit to frame rates, but playable for grinding just not wars or large areas (fisgael etc) at all. (its not a problem with linux itself, just the driver isnt very well supported yet)
so i use both, but am not a windows hating zealot...nor put myself on a pedestal about wht i use is better :) I use whatever works best on my hardware and for what im doing. i have my cake and eat it too :)
01-21-2009, 04:50 AM
I complain about this too, and that Rated_R_Edge will post: "'0wn3d, 1 ar3 so gr3at11!!!1" (?)
This is out of hand, please comply!
Please, refrain from double posting. Repetitive violations to this advice will be considered an act of defiance to Rules and such misbehaviour may be liable to a ban.
You have been warned.
01-21-2009, 05:41 AM
I complain about this too, and that Rated_R_Edge will post: "'0wn3d, 1 ar3 so gr3at11!!!1" (?)
This is out of hand, please comply!
This forum is a tool for NGD. Please do not use it for spam, fun, or anything else, and post in proper english language.
Please do not reply to this post.
01-21-2009, 01:53 PM
Back on topic: I HATE Microsoft products.
01-21-2009, 03:49 PM
Please, refrain from double posting. Repetitive violations to this advice will be considered an act of defiance to Rules and such misbehaviour may be liable to a ban.
You have been warned.
We have to be a little rough but this is not the military service :P
Well, my opinion on the topic? Microsoft gave a point of view in which computing bacame a good business and a rather profitable one. This means that a lot of us depend on how this "revolution" took place... even Linux users should be grateful, as someone saw how Microsoft did things and thought: "this can be done better, way better".
So, I don't like Microsoft's policy about software development, but until some specific point this enterprise paved the way for computing nowadays. Now, is time for the second revolution to take place... I guess!
01-21-2009, 04:25 PM
We have to be a little rough but this is not the military service :P
Well, my opinion on the topic? Microsoft gave a point of view in which computing bacame a good business and a rather profitable one. This means that a lot of us depend on how this "revolution" took place... even Linux users should be grateful, as someone saw how Microsoft did things and thought: "this can be done better, way better".
So, I don't like Microsoft's policy about software development, but until some specific point this enterprise paved the way for computing nowadays. Now, is time for the second revolution to take place... I guess!
I need to remind you that praising the Satan, advocating acts of violence and torture, and presenting the most evil things in this world as a good thing is not allowed in these forums, as there are children reading them too.
Consider this a warning, there will be no more violations allowed.
01-22-2009, 03:21 AM
I use microsoft.
It aint the best, but it runs my games. I can deal with it.
Crybabies :P
01-22-2009, 04:35 AM
We have to be a little rough but this is not the military service :P
Hey! Don't take it so personal, you know I was joking... Plus, I had been waiting for a week to use the word "misbehaviour". :tonguey:
Well, my opinion on the topic? Microsoft gave a point of view in which computing bacame a good business and a rather profitable one. This means that a lot of us depend on how this "revolution" took place... even Linux users should be grateful, as someone saw how Microsoft did things and thought: "this can be done better, way better".
So, I don't like Microsoft's policy about software development, but until some specific point this enterprise paved the way for computing nowadays. Now, is time for the second revolution to take place... I guess!
You're right. Whether you like it or not, Microsoft and IBM brought personal computing to a much broader, general public. Unfortunately, most of their marketing tactics put software quality in the background, while "features" and nice GUIs were developed to please new users. A classic client-luring technique.
Microsoft helped IBM and other IT companies to create a need, which was often more of a desire to have the latest big boy's toy than a real necessity.
I must be thankful for this, in a way. My future will depend on software development, and hence directly on the people who need it.
01-22-2009, 04:04 PM
I use microsoft.
It aint the best, but it runs my games. I can deal with it.
Crybabies :P
Lit the torches, bring out the pitchforks!
01-22-2009, 06:33 PM
Lit the torches, bring out the pitchforks!
burn him, he's ma bitch i mean he's a witch ^^
01-23-2009, 05:43 AM
Proud XP user >=D Bring on the negative rep!!!!!!!!!
01-23-2009, 07:55 AM
Touches? What good are they when i have the power to make u crash and spam u with an E-bomb. Pitchforks? Come on use a manly weapon like a mace or a spear. Jeez not only are u crybabies but ur also girly :P
burn him, he's not a [ma] bitch i mean he's a Warlock [witch] ^^
He's a witch is a bit misleaded, the term is warlock mate, get it right, i'm a male. I woulda though u would have learnt that from sitting on ma leg :p
<bolded writing was added by me to make his terms correct, his original mistakes in that place are covered in brakets like "[/]"As a higher intelectual then him i cannot allow such a mistake to be said about my person>
01-23-2009, 10:40 AM
1643 Thomas Ailett of Stisted
1645 John Alston of Stisted
1587 Robert Armon of Witham
1601 John Arwaker of Great Waltham
1585 William Asplin of Great Bardfield
1643 Robert Aylett of Stisted
1590 John Badlye of Coggeshall
1603 John Banckes of Newport
1605 Richard Banckes of Earls Colne
1588 Henry Barbor
1578 Thomas Barker of Hockley
1583 Richard Barker of Romford
1609 Thomas Barneby of Harwich
1588 William Bennet of Finchingfield
1659 William Bones of Finchingfield
1659 Abraham Bones of Finchingfield
1653 Benjamyn Brand of Stebbing
1568 Thomas Bridge of Little Horkesley
1590 Thomas Browne of Coggeshall
This is a minute sample of men
accused of being,WITCHES
Although ive used an example of a horrific part of our past
it does show in fact that the term is witch, not warlock.
Had Mr Gates been around at this time he would have been on the
full list (proving i am also on topic)
Nice try blueberry
01-23-2009, 10:44 AM
1643 Thomas Ailett of Stisted
1645 John Alston of Stisted
1587 Robert Armon of Witham
1601 John Arwaker of Great Waltham
1585 William Asplin of Great Bardfield
1643 Robert Aylett of Stisted
1590 John Badlye of Coggeshall
1603 John Banckes of Newport
1605 Richard Banckes of Earls Colne
1588 Henry Barbor
1578 Thomas Barker of Hockley
1583 Richard Barker of Romford
1609 Thomas Barneby of Harwich
1588 William Bennet of Finchingfield
1659 William Bones of Finchingfield
1659 Abraham Bones of Finchingfield
1653 Benjamyn Brand of Stebbing
1568 Thomas Bridge of Little Horkesley
1590 Thomas Browne of Coggeshall
This is a minute sample of men
accused of being,WITCHES
Although ive used an example of a horrific part of our past
it does show in fact that the term is witch, not warlock.
Had Mr Gates been around at this time he would have been on the
full list (proving i am also on topic)
Nice try blueberry
Hmm ive heard the term how accused witches are more well known than accused warlocks...what were the charges that were brought against them exactly..(apart from being accused of practicising withcraft) ?
01-23-2009, 11:00 AM
1643 Thomas Ailett of Stisted
<Long list snipped>
This is a minute sample of men
accused of being,WITCHES
Although ive used an example of a horrific part of our past
it does show in fact that the term is witch, not warlock.
Had Mr Gates been around at this time he would have been on the
full list (proving i am also on topic)
Nice try blueberry
That was in the day when we had limited knowledge and were led by suspicions, in the bright day as today we see Females as Witches and their men as warlocks, altough they are both practicing the same aspects of magic. Different sexes of the same species/type are called different things
Eg: Goat (Inkster) and sheep (Twinkle [i know she aint an ught race, but its an eg]-) Both of the same species but different sex/gender.
Was a good point though Inkstink, but not good enough
01-23-2009, 11:04 AM
No i think that woman that were accused attracted the most attention actually. hmmmm
01-23-2009, 11:06 AM
Hmm ive heard the term how accused witches are more well known than accused warlocks...what were the charges that were brought against them exactly..(apart from being accused of practicising withcraft) ?
warlock = An old-English term for oath breaker. Conservative Christians and the media often refer to male Witches/Wiccans as Warlocks. The term is not used by pagans.
on topic: gates could be classed as a warlock i guess ^^
01-23-2009, 11:09 AM
warlock = An old-English term for oath breaker. Conservative Christians and the media often refer to male Witches/Wiccans as Warlocks. The term is not used by pagans.
on topic: gates could be classed as a warlock i guess ^^
Off topic : Paganism from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller, rustic" :D
01-23-2009, 11:10 AM
Offtopic: Correct
01-23-2009, 11:17 AM
Offtopic: Correct
Off topic still(sorry kailer):Paganism is a very fascinating religion, and if you really look and research youd be suprised how much it is still embedded in everyday life, (until the christians came along and stuck their nose in that is) i would have to lived around that time much you could learn about nature, to work in harmony with the land and animals, all the rituals...
01-23-2009, 11:20 AM
It my thread so your allowed to do offtopic (not sorry kailer :P)
01-23-2009, 11:34 AM
It my thread so your allowed to do offtopic (not sorry kailer :P)
Well in that case, in my teens and earlier twenties, ive used spells. Despite what people think..its not all lame hoocus-poocus, spells are just meant to reaffirm something that you want to achieve in house, find a job, earn some money or meet a man/woman. For example if you recite a money spell, dont expect gold coins to rain down from the sky !!, but the one cool thing is...they really do work..aslong you know what you want and you have true intentions, there is no reason why spells shouldnt work.
01-23-2009, 12:11 PM
There is only one reasonable use of a Micro$oft product. It is a Windows CD/DVD, you can cut pizza wit it! :banana:
01-23-2009, 01:02 PM
Off topic: I've been playing the closed beta for DoW2
its awesome :D
Off topic still: Ink should take a bath
01-23-2009, 01:28 PM
Off topic: I've been playing the closed beta for DoW2
its awesome :D
Off topic still: Ink should take a bath
I bought DoW2 too! Got not too much time to play the beta, but as far as I've seen, I like it a lot! EXCEPT, here comes the on-topic: Games for Windows Live. They should give up, seriously. The worst gamer profile interface ever, mostly for hardcore gamers, as it's just an in-game MSN. Steam is way better, but we've got someone paying the "bills".
01-23-2009, 01:29 PM
There is only one reasonable use of a Micro$oft product. It is a Windows CD/DVD, you can cut pizza wit it! :banana:
Yes, but will it blend (
01-23-2009, 01:31 PM
I bought DoW2 too! Got not too much time to play the beta, but as far as I've seen, I like it a lot! .
off topic and saying how much you like another game ^^ nawty nawty
01-23-2009, 01:38 PM
Now my brother is using my last desktop (the server, renamed as "tv") to watch (guess what)... TV. It runs debian linux.
Why is my bro using ye olde servah? Because Windows refuses to install the encore drivers.
01-23-2009, 04:44 PM
I bought DoW2 too! Got not too much time to play the beta, but as far as I've seen, I like it a lot! EXCEPT, here comes the on-topic: Games for Windows Live. They should give up, seriously. The worst gamer profile interface ever, mostly for hardcore gamers, as it's just an in-game MSN. Steam is way better, but we've got someone paying the "bills".
Off topic:No way dude!
It is F**king awesome! [On topic] I agree with the games for windows, i only have that so i can play DoW2 and i only just got steam (for the same reason) X-fire will be my in-game msn. [/On topic]
Theres a few things i'm helping to fix (by reporting them) ^^ Makes me feel special.
I love the nids (i also collect them for table top)so they are first and foremost always. The Eldar are pretty mad to play. Space marines are alright and orcs for me... suck tha butt
@ Xeph - Will it blend? ^^ U seen the chuck norris one?
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