View Full Version : Congratulations Alsius on Horus

01-24-2009, 01:55 PM
You have the power to make Ignis forget about tactics, and even how to learn from past mistakes. All you have to do is try to invade, and Ignis tactics goes like this:
:lol: :bounce5425: :drunk: :lol:
Or it may as well anyway. I hope you get in this time (I had to leave), maybe we'll learn


01-24-2009, 06:48 PM
indeed gratz,
now we'll have to watch north instead of just west, Alsius puts up a very good fight when they get organized. respect.

01-24-2009, 07:19 PM
alsius did really well, and at some moment we thought that our gems will be lost.
you did great :)

01-24-2009, 07:58 PM
I should add, I think Alsius is probably the realm that most deserves to get the gems at the moment. Despite being the least populated realm you have the capability and the courage to take on the (currently) most successful.

01-24-2009, 09:26 PM
Well done for trying as Syrtis has everyother day for the past month? Yeah well done Alsius welcome to the game I guess? (unless you didnt notice 14 Syrtis were also attacking your gate with the alsius, we each took a side of the gate)

And my guess is Ignis forgot tactics because they have become overconfident now, In todays attack on Herb 3-4 times they chased us far far further than a safe distance (twice even out of veiw of the fort) and ofc lost 2-3 people each time they did this.

Ofc once all these Idiots had been killed they resumed the useual tactics Upgrades to heal the door (should be a bug in my eyes) Sultaring once the door goes (quite clever) And ofc blowing 300k to take a fort to l4 when only 5 Ignis remain inside with 15 syrtis at the door, Spending cash on a doomed fort? Not so tacticaly clever thanks for the cash :)

01-24-2009, 10:11 PM
Well done for trying as Syrtis has everyother day for the past month? Yeah well done Alsius welcome to the game I guess? (unless you didnt notice 14 Syrtis were also attacking your gate with the alsius, we each took a side of the gate)

don't forget that it was alsius who took forts, castle and held it for time needed.
and they are still underpopulated comparing to syrtis or ignis.
it's bit harder than to come to gate after that job is done ;)

01-24-2009, 10:19 PM
don't forget that it was alsius who took forts, castle and held it for time needed.
and they are still underpopulated comparing to syrtis or ignis.
it's bit harder than to come to gate after that job is done ;)

Ofc, But as showed several times by getting to the gate and failing, the gates the hardest part :)

01-25-2009, 12:33 AM
Congrats Alsius for one of the nicest fort wars on Horus for a long time. Almost reminded me of Ra. Nice to see an enemy realm that doesn't go inside their castle and stay there all day once a fort is lost :)

01-25-2009, 01:04 AM
Actually, we didn't think we'd be able to break down the gate, so half the time we were just camping it and shooting down anyone who tried to get out of the inner realm since they probably all saved at Medenet :p

01-25-2009, 02:41 AM
Well I will say this, the fight at the Syrtis gate 4 hours earlier gave us an inkling of a notion on how to demolition a gate. I'm remiss to say though that we still do not have enough ppl or class variance at this stage in the game (unless every single player from Alsius was on and attacked) to effectively manage the gates canalization properties and implement proper crowd control.

I think the best part about it were the responses in IRC that we received.

Also are you Igs using some sort of pager system or something? Some sort of "oh shit" alarm for your gate that wakes you up and calls you to play. We took the forts and castles without a problem with barely anyone on (maybe 9-10 players of varying levels shown up to die at the castle) and once we hit the gate all of a sudden everyone came out of the wood work. Interesting development oh well, will be a while before I decide to stay up to 5 am again at least I had some beer :drunk:

01-25-2009, 12:59 PM
Damn I wish I had a "oh shit" alarm for the gate. The two times syrtis invaded I was asleep.