View Full Version : Alsius: We should open The Portal

02-04-2009, 09:24 AM
Yes, It is!

The first we need is to choose our tactics. I have some vision:


Use General chat. Everyone should know all thats occurs. If the back is in danger, ALERT. If you need defence - ALERT! If you need health SCREEM! There are no telepates here and often there are no ability to control your health.

The tasks:

1. Warriors, you are the power and defence of our Empire. You should attack guards, players and gates. Don`t forget to cast your group spells! This will save others and others will save you. Also, you should look on conjureors regularly and protect them of ANY attacks.

2. Conjureors, you are the health of the Empire. If there few conjs in battle, try to divide the crowd on parts and controls the health of them. Resurect died warriors and archers if possible. Their lives is your lives and defence.

3. The first task of all archers and warlocks is to kill guards and players on the wall. After you should attack the gates. As ranged forces you are standing in second line, so you also should look around sometimes to check your backs.

4. Hunters... When the group is moving you should run in front and use scouting spells. Thats will be great if few warriors will run beside you for protection.

I repeat! Don`t forget to use group auras.
Usefull auras in battle:
# Deflecting Barrier
# Heroic Presence
# Onslaught

and etc...

They are very usefull!

Sounds easy, isn`t it? But it is just a words. For win we should train and rehearse, be the same, be the Empire.

02-04-2009, 09:27 AM
ummmm, Alsius (ra) have already opened the portal twice now, communications were good (no we didnt use general for obvious reasons before hand).

Everyone pulled together and did a great job

02-04-2009, 09:33 AM
I talk about Alsius (Horus). The have zeroes in their ranking stats.

02-04-2009, 03:01 PM
Dude....we can barely hold on to a fort, let alone assault the castle or gate. :tsk_tsk:

02-05-2009, 12:21 AM
Dude....we can barely hold on to a fort, let alone assault the castle or gate. :tsk_tsk:
This is because as of now we fight like a zerg. A bit ironic isn't it? The underpopulated realm fights like we have thousands to spare. We don't have any tactics. We run in lines to attack a fort and rarely regroup. We attack straight into the front of their forces and end up hitting a wall and getting repelled. Higher levels will NOT listen to a lower level, no matter how much sense they are making. Higher levels need to shed some of their pride and ALL players need to really adjust their playing style. It doesn't shock me that we have yet to invade by ourselves.


02-05-2009, 07:37 AM

Who has 50lvl hero in ALsius Horus?

02-05-2009, 08:02 AM
1st we should be able to defend our own realm, before even thinking about invading any other. Today I had to run FROM my inner realm TO wz, because of ignis hunting in OUR realm and camping OUR inner altars. Yeah, Im a bit pissed off, there are more Igneans, than us in Alsius now.

02-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Come on, one night we had a good group at samal and all we did was camping.
my brother did some scouting around Menirah and was easy capturable however
no one cared about taking more than one fort..still i enjoyed the battle at samal :) 30-35mins alive! =D

02-06-2009, 11:20 PM
How many people were at Samal? I'm sure we only held it because we didn't have enough to take Shaanirad Castle. Sometimes holding a fort is 10x more fun that taking one anyways. All depends on teh situation :S