View Full Version : VERY SLOW Loading...

02-06-2009, 03:40 AM
Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bit
Regnum 64-bit
nvidia 680i
C2Duo 3.0GHz
4gig ram

Seriously slow... As in 5 minutes or more to get into the game. Once I'm there, none of the textures have loaded yet. Once they begin to load, I have to wait another few minutes for any NPCs to show up.
I've already check the "Load All Resources" box on startup. This problem manifests itself even from traveling from one area to another. Say I let a city load, then go to another city, if I were to go back to the first city, all of the buildings and NPCs have disappeared, and I have to wait for them to re-load. I can literally get to the end of the world, and fall off in the middle of a path!

My connection isn't slow, and everything worked in Sabayon Linux before I went back to Ubuntu.

As you can see below, I'd been logged in for almost 20 minutes and it still looks like this... Help!



I am beginning to get very frustrated with this...

Thanks to all in advance

02-06-2009, 10:50 AM
Did you keep the Regnum folder during the installation?
In that case, it might be a problem with permissions - that the data downloaded is not actually written to the resource files but only loaded into the ram (?)

That's the only clue I have...

Try to run "chmod -R 777 ./regnum"

02-06-2009, 04:08 PM
It does fit the symptoms. Seeming to load everything every time I start.

I didn't keep anything when I reinstalled the game for the second, or third times.

I'm trying the permission reset now, I'll let you know in a couple hours :)


02-06-2009, 05:53 PM
Nope, that didn't work. I changed permissions to everything in the regnum folder to 777, and still nothing. It takes forever to load and downloads resources permanently.

If I wait for ten minutes till an area loads and it stops dling resources, log off, then load the game up again, it needs to reload all of the resources for that area all over again.

Any other ideas?

02-07-2009, 07:31 PM
Maybe you have no free space at partition, where you have your home-dir?