View Full Version : Which Type of Hunter

02-10-2009, 09:24 AM
After the changes done to hunters, i dont see many ninja type hunters around (or am i mistaken?), i wonder if lvl 50 hunters use mostly pet-based setup? im a pet-based one but not too experienced, busy with mostly lvling (49),thats why i use pet (send pet to a mob and go kill another mob, almost at the same time 2 mobs down 2x XP) but im not sure about the setup after 50.

which type of hunter are you, ninja type or pet-based type and why? want to know opinions of others


02-10-2009, 09:33 AM
I guess im niether at the moment, I use a pet for grinding but right now ive only begun real war. I still don't have enough points for a full setup, but what im testing right now is a support hunter.

I make good use of evasion and rarely try to deal damage, instead I might confuse a conjurer, or ambush someone, ensnare them to slow them down. I ofc use classic strategy like stalker surroundings to hide in spots where I know a tracked enemy will pass through, and then we'll pop out and my friends do the work, im just there to assist them.

Im liking this setup right now, but its totally useless in 1on1, its supportive all the way. But I kind of get the feeling the hunter is meant to be played this way, in a defensive way I mean, offensive hunters don't usually go far. Thats just my take though

The only attack move that is unique to hunters is ensnaring arrow, but it is a great skill at least. Anyway if a hunter plans to go offensive in my opinion the best way to go is with a pet like most other hunters. I personally don't belive in that silly ninja crap ;P

When I train I train with ensnaring arrow maxed and normal hits, when I get more points later I might put them into a weapon tree, or put the latter into evasion or tricks. With my setup I only need to change for war the pet part if I want to go petless, but other than that I always have scouting maxed.

02-10-2009, 09:34 AM
Too many pets has drown in Gokstad, so I start to train Scout`s Skill-Tree.

Camo & Stalker skills are very good for hunting on heads (alone and in party).

02-10-2009, 10:01 AM
The only time i have used a pet was for grinding.the update has made no diff to the way i play.Infact now they have changed sotw its easyer to kill archers.

02-10-2009, 10:42 AM
After the changes done to hunters, i dont see many ninja type hunters around (or am i mistaken?), i wonder if lvl 50 hunters use mostly pet-based setup? im a pet-based one but not too experienced, busy with mostly lvling (49),thats why i use pet (send pet to a mob and go kill another mob, almost at the same time 2 mobs down 2x XP) but im not sure about the setup after 50.

which type of hunter are you, ninja type or pet-based type and why? want to know opinions of others


Ninja with pet :P
I don't go out from home without pet and camu.

02-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I prefer hunting with a pet, it's doable without but trickier ^^

02-10-2009, 11:37 PM
After the changes done to hunters, i dont see many ninja type hunters around (or am i mistaken?)

That's because I do my job well :naughty:

02-11-2009, 12:47 AM
I still dont use a pet, but then again i dont play as much as hunter since the changes, just dont like the class changes overall.

it still is effective at killing pet hunters quickly enough, ill just camo or stalk around grinders or even bait, as i dont like travelling much or being a typical hunter. most hunters ive seen (and yes there are exceptions but they can be rare, are scavengers who go after the lower level grinders or people resting/half dead..so seeing them overestimate a situation (i.e. not using the tracking feature to see just how many enemies are really in a given area..is their stupidity not mine if they start atacking and find someone else hitting them a second later in the back with a confuse since they didnt bother to buff to kill some "easy" half dead player)

hunters are bugged and nerfed imo (opinion not everyone has to agree obviously) so i can still kill, but its getting harder and harder with every day.
the stalker bug with camo was brought up, the tele killing pets, no more piggyback, change to sotw, spell elude made overpriced and garbage compared to the last version, removal of xim bows...i hate to even log in with it no more, maybe one day ill see my bow removed completely.

02-11-2009, 01:54 AM
The ninja style hunters still exists.... We just do not play regnum anymore...

02-11-2009, 06:43 AM
Hunters are extremely weak ATM so most people have given them up for other classes but IMO to be a successful hunter you need max camo and stalker and then pick your fights VERY carefully. Stay hidden in leveling areas avoid large groups and forts at all cost you are easy RP. Hunt is small groups with other hunters and communicate.

Just my 2 cents, but hey I'm a PT hunter so don't listen to me...

02-11-2009, 08:01 AM
hey DMC AQ! :) (remember radazek) you are a skilled player (you were the best ninja type in old times imo) its sad that you dont play anymore, but maybe someday you can give a try again, dont you?

i agree with you ByteMe hunters are weak atm but i like it this way cos now you have to be clever then ever if you play a hunter, im trying many setups with/without pets to find the most effective one. in fact i want to find a good setup without pet but yesterday night i tried a setup with pet and i liked it (but i ll not reveal it here its a big secret :p - just kidding). however im saying that i want a setup w/o pet, sometimes i think if i dont use a pet whats the difference between me and a marks with less dmg output, huh? im confused (lvl 5) :p

02-11-2009, 09:04 AM
Ok here is my last setup:

short bows(19):
-dual shot(5)
-tear appart(5)
-repetition shot(5)

long bows(5):
-parabolic shot(1)

-sudden strike(1)
-dirty fighting(1)

-ensaring arrow(5)
-ennemy surveillance(3)
-track ennemy realm(1)
-wild spirit(5)

-evasive tactics(3)
-low profile(1)

-control mounster(5)
-skin of the beast(3)

While hunting you use both tracking skills (<250m and <150m) to spot where people are. Tracking skills seems to give first ennemies that are far (beaware). Then camouflage to engage the fight on your terms.

In forts lie in camouflage in the ennemies line to see how they fight, it's really interesting and when the moment comes use repetition shot ^^.

With this setup you should have enought to fight a 1vs1, and if you pick up the good fights, it would go smoothly for you. Just don't forget you don't have the runaway card, so you have to fight a bit except against knight where I advice to run and shoot ^^

02-11-2009, 11:08 AM
Thx for setup gph, here is my last setup;


-Enemy Sur.(2)
-Wild Spirit(5)

-Control Mons.(5)
-Natural Armour(5)
-Bestial wrath(1)

Short Bows[7]

-Low profile(3)
-Spell Elude(3)

Long Bows[7]
-parabolic shot(1)
-Eagle's eye(1)

note that im using long bows and usually prefer solo hunt.with that setup my aim is to hold my opponent knocked/stunted as long as possible while my pet&me working on him/her.i usually make the first attack and keep him/her disoriented at the begining of fight so i throw everything i can asap, if all my (say tricks) spells are on cooldown and enemy still has more then (ofc that depends on lvl and class but im speaking general) half hp, i try to get away and shot&run from distance to finish off. i tried this setup a few times but not long enough to have a certain idea about the setup.
(btw, a lil bit off-topic but i really like that caltrop's arrow)

Edit:correction of en.sur lvl

02-11-2009, 01:03 PM
My advices (which are just my opinion):

For long bow usage I would advice at least level 11 with lvl 3 in parabolic shot and maneuver.

In tricks I would lower ambush a bit (level 3 maybe if you like to keep someone down) and distraction shot also (level 3 too) to get level 5 retaliation.

In evasion you can drop spell elude for evasive tactics (the loss of accuracy should be ok with maneuvre+eagle eye)

In scouting I would lower 2 points from ennemy surveillance because it tracks to far IMO. To me it seems to me tracker shows only the farest ennemies, so I use both ennemy surveillance and track realm ennemy to have one long range and one short range track.

02-11-2009, 02:19 PM
In scouting I would lower 2 points from ennemy surveillance because it tracks to far IMO

exactly, its my bad i wrote wrong, its lvl 2, thx for mentioning it. i will also try level 5 retaliation and evasive tactics, thx for advices gph :thumb:

btw i wonder why this thread moved to inn? its about hunters after last changes, not something out of game but anyway np.

02-11-2009, 09:54 PM
At current I use:

Short 11
- dual shot [3]

Tricks 19
- Ambush [5]
- Stuff Fist [5]
- Confuse [4]
- Dist shot [4]

Evasion 11
- Mobility [3]
- Acrobat [3]

Scouting 19
- Ensnare [5]
- En. Survel [3]
- Camo [5]
- Wild Spirit [5]
- Stalker [4]

Pets 19
- Control Monster [5]
- Beastial Wrath [5]

If alsius team play was a bit better I'd swap over to a config similar to Dracus'; however, when conjurers are worried about summoning zarkits over healing warriors....I have no urge to fight with groups....

02-12-2009, 07:31 AM
i will change my setup a lil bit thx to comp, i ll remove points from natural armour and give to bestial wrath. also i ll try short bows for dual shot but range advantage of long bows still attractive to me, yesterday i fight 1vs1 againts an lvl 50 sb user hunter with a pet (both pets are same, trolls), before he can shot me (thx to range advantage) i ambushed, ens.arrow, stun fist, a few normal shot and he is dead too quick. but as comp said me, if my initial atttacks resisted/evaded then im dead meat:p i would like to see a ninja type hunter post here his/her setup

02-12-2009, 10:53 AM
i will change my setup a lil bit thx to comp, i ll remove points from natural armour and give to bestial wrath. also i ll try short bows for dual shot but range advantage of long bows still attractive to me, yesterday i fight 1vs1 againts an lvl 50 sb user hunter with a pet (both pets are same, trolls), before he can shot me (thx to range advantage) i ambushed, ens.arrow, stun fist, a few normal shot and he is dead too quick. but as comp said me, if my initial atttacks resisted/evaded then im dead meat:p i would like to see a ninja type hunter post here his/her setup

Short bow setup deals dmg faster than long bows IMO. For the pet i'm using savage goblin thoses days (I've been using aquantis elite a lot too). Remember for pets "this is not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean.."