View Full Version : Alsius on Horus.

02-10-2009, 06:30 PM
Lets get serious for a min. We have communication and organizational problems. Other realms are taking advantage of that.

Here are my suggestions. Helpful additions are welcome. Flames will be ignored. Subversion will be refuted.

Not only are we being invaded through the gate, but we are also being invaded through our own initiation zone. We aren't going to be effective unless we start policing ourselves. We have a good crop of disruptive, loud, obnoxious, attention seekers that are also probably spies. We have to learn to live with it. We have to learn to deal with it. We have to learn how to be effective and cohesive over the noise.

Voices need to earn the right to be heard. Start using /ignore. It's the best command in your inventory, and probably the least used. You DO realize how many chars are in our realm from other realms that aren't looking out for your best interests DONT you?

Stop listening to and taking direction from people that are lower level than you. Higher level players have earned the right to be heard. If they make a tactical mistake in battle, they will learn, and so will you. Leaders need to learn from their mistakes just as you do. We have to give them the opportunity to learn tactics with resources at hand, otherwise, they have no way to learn what works and what doesn't.

Higher level characters.... I will follow you. I will listen to you. I'm giving you the responsibility to lead me in battle and to make the right decisions. I will try to do the same when the time comes.

If you have a high level char and show up for battle in another low level char, with the possible exception of a clan leader (and you should know better...) Expect to be ignored.... Plain and simple.

Stop using realm chat for tactical information. Stick to party or clan. Using realm for anything over the wall is just plain stupid. Ignore it. Seriously, ignore it, please.

Quit abandoning party for general, and finally degrading to chaos in realm chat. You are in a tactical unit. PAY ATTENTION TO PARTY OR CLAN.

If there is a level 8 n00b next to you on a horse in the wz, HE'S PROBABLY A SPY DUMMY! Use general sparingly. Stick to party or clan.

Stop listening to and taking direction from people that aren't in your party or clan during battle.

Offer advise to other players. Don't force it on them.

Getting chat requests during battle is very very distracting.

If you have a problem with a higher level character, take it up in PM or clan after the battle is over. Flame away. Keep the flame wars out of realm chat. It's demoralizing to others, and only serves to help the enemy.

02-10-2009, 07:16 PM
Stop listening to and taking direction from people that are lower level than you. Higher level players have earned the right to be heard. If they make a tactical mistake in battle, they will learn, and so will you. Leaders need to learn from their mistakes just as you do. We have to give them the opportunity to learn tactics with resources at hand, otherwise, they have no way to learn what works and what doesn't.
Hehe, reminds me of the time I was in the warzone with my low level knight at Horus. Someone told me to shut up and listen to the seniors.

02-10-2009, 07:34 PM
Hehe, reminds me of the time I was in the warzone with my low level knight at Horus. Someone told me to shut up and listen to the seniors.

Lol. Life is funny on lower level char :p

I've also seen the "rp string" run from agg altar following a lvl 8 before :piz:

02-11-2009, 11:25 AM
Stop smoking weeds Radian. Leadership ain't earn on XP, you earn it on battle field. From my experience when you lead a group you will do mistake. What is important is what you will do after to cope with that.

I'm not playing on horus, but really you guys make me laught about the spying. I would never use party chat for coordination during a fort war. FFS it's only 8 people. When you need chaining areas at shaana you want to reach all the warriors at least and few warlocks ^^!

I don't follow people that are higher level to my character blindly, I follow the one I trust because they earned my trust in fight. And I'm happy people don't ignore what I have to say when I'm not logged on my level 50s character.

02-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Alsius/Ra uses parties to coordinate in wars and it works fine.

02-11-2009, 12:38 PM
Even lvl 50 can be noob with no idea of tactics or strategy. Look at me... On Horus it is even more simple to follow people worth following and listening to because you meet the same ones every day. I think after few wars everybody can have a nice idea of who is the right one to lead the group.

02-11-2009, 01:01 PM
Try using groups and TS only for the leaders. It works wonders.

02-11-2009, 01:36 PM
That`s all is nice but it is just a words!

Yeasterday we had been fighting for return of Trelle and Aggers. I asked heroes to invite me in party for a few times. And no one do that. Why?

What are we talking about if our high lvl chars are so self-satisfied???

Radian, thanks for attention to that problem. Yes, we should talking in clan`s and party`s chats. Some times General chat useful too.

But communication is not all.

Also, 30lvl char can be more advanced in leadership, than 50lvl. Remember, Regnum is a command game, but not only high lvls chars. I think, you should listen to everyone who fighting with you. And help everybody, if he ask and you can.

We talk about leaders. That means that we understand importance of their role. And we all know most of the leaders of other realms, but why they are not our first target for attack? Or I should list their nicknames for you?

My char`s name is "King Truewar". I am on 38lvl now. I am always open for any contacts. And if you want to raise organisation and tactics abilities of Alsius, lets meet in the game (but not on forum) to train.

02-11-2009, 04:30 PM
Yeasterday we had been fighting for return of Trelle and Aggers. I asked heroes to invite me in party for a few times. And no one do that. Why?

It was because there was only one party in the group of about a dozen people, which was full. Even though we continued into a small discussion on the mechanics of parties, no one had told you this simple fact, which I'm sorry for. However given that the group wasn't in serious war mode, it was just people who had come from other activites momentarily to take back our forts, and that the job was nearly finished, I guess it was the general view that parties weren't important at that time.

02-11-2009, 04:34 PM

Parties are limited to 8 and are for inefficient to coordinate war action. For hunts it's ok but really not good in a fort or a castle.

Moreover voice communications are great too ^^

02-11-2009, 05:17 PM
gph....in Alsius/Horus, often 8 people (or less) IS the entire war party.

To the OP:
Look...I truly understand your frustration, but from where I sit, it looks a bit differently. The problem isn't with leadership (or the lack of in Alsius/Horus), but the fact that most people really don't know their role in fort wars, don't understand the basic mechanics of how they work, and how to win them. By class:

Barbs, your job is obviously to be the melee dps of the war party. In general, your defenses are poor, so DON'T GO RUNNING AROUND LIKE A MADMAN if there is only one (or fewer conjus). If you die, you greatly reduce the ability of the party to defend the structure you are fighting from, so don't do it. And please, for the love of god, coordinate your areas! Wanna know why Ignis can defend a fort with 2 or 3 barbs from 10 or 15 enemies? Because they sit in the fort and wait to coordinate their areas.

Locks, I understand that many of you don't have MoD or Terror, but for those that do, please, like bards, coordinate them! We need MoD on the gate when attacking as well as when people pop out for areas when defending. Also, far too often I have seen locks drop Terror on a group without any forewarning that they are doing so. Why put such a powerful spell on CD for nothing? COORDINATE THEM!

Marksmen....wait? Alsius doesn't really have too many marksmen, but I guess I will cover them anyway. When you are defending a fort, please, feel free to pop out with the gate area group an cast ignus or lightning arrow. Every little bit of DPS helps. When you are attacking, try and follow another marks or archer (or SM mage) and focus fire. The results will be much better than 2 individuals attacking 2 targets (this basically works for all ranged)

Hunters, well, TBH other than rep-shot fitted hunters, there isn't much role for the at fort wars with exception to gather intel. To be frank, I really don't understand why some of you make hunter alts, and then when help is needed at "X" fort you decide to bring a hunter, who is generally lower level than your main. I can say this. If you are a hunter that needs to have a big pet, DON'T BRING IT TO THE DOOR WHEN ATTACKING! It makes it impossible for anyone to target enemies that pop out to drop areas.

Knights. For the most part, I would have to say that Alsius knights in general know their stuff. You guys make good use of defensive auras, in general don't over extend yourselves too much, and often coordinate areas. Keep up the good work!

That leaves Conju's. Everyone knows not to pick on conju's because their jobs are difficult, but......mmm...I'm not even going to go into it. Santuary, Resurrect(5), and for the love of god, greater healing(5) does NOT make you a support character. I'm going to leave it at that...

The most important thing that I have yet to see in Alsius/Horus is both patience and urgency. I mean patience, in the general sense of not attacking when it would be detrimental to the group. For example, half of a group chasing some unchallenging hunter half-way across the world while the rest continues to the target or stays with the fort. Another great example of this is over-extending yourself at a fort war just to nab a few easy RP (which usually gets you killed). When I say urgency, I mean as in ACTUALLY DEFENDING YOUR FORTS! If you haven't noticed yet, its far easier to defend than it is to attack. So do just that. If you receive intel that there is a big group heading towards one of your forts, GO THERE AND DEFEND IT. You will save a lot more time that the current "well, I guess I should go help retake the fort" mentality.

I could continue, but I don't think any of this post is going to fix the total lack of war savvy that we have right now, so I'm just going to end it here.

About the whole spy issue, if there is an obvious "spy" in the area, use party. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong, and usually prefer general.

02-11-2009, 06:05 PM
That`s all is nice but it is just a words!

Yeasterday we had been fighting for return of Trelle and Aggers. I asked heroes to invite me in party for a few times. And no one do that. Why?

Because u thought being in a party rises your dmg against higher lvl players, like in pve.

And I must admit I dont understand this whole spy panic. For most alsians simple troll = spy, low lvl new player in wz = spy, every1 who asks what are u doing on wz = spy etc. As if we really had plans how to rule the world which should be kept in secret. I personally dont think we have any problems with spies, since never (at least never when I was online) I had a feeling someone has already known what we wanted to do (forts we wanted to capture were usually empty, unless we have been seen by enemies group on our way to fort.)

02-11-2009, 06:30 PM
If there is a level 8 n00b next to you on a horse in the wz, HE'S PROBABLY A SPY DUMMY
and you should report him if you see him on that horse every day as he probably gained a lot of money somehow or simply has too much of it in real life and should be reported to the nearest caring and health center