View Full Version : Congratulations Ignis

02-19-2009, 10:29 AM
Well done, now syrtis is the only realm not to have opened the portal. Anyway if we couldn't do it again, i hoped that you red things would do it :)


02-19-2009, 11:11 AM
Couldn't see it, I was at work, however nice work guys. I hope we'll make it one day!

02-19-2009, 11:14 AM
Finally ^^

Ramona warned me at around 6am (CET), so i logged in, and moved to Samal.

I was amazed to see everybody split in class based groups. Once everybody was here, Legolas I dispatched us in 3 groups with about the same number of people of each class. I had the pleasure to be the first named, and has been in the Eferias group with Coconegro, Donovan, Dominicus, Jakfe (i can't lose with them ^^).

Finaly once the 3 groups has been formed, Gladiator has been designated as my group leader, and he has really been a kick ass leader, there has been an US-army-esque discipline, impressive to see that in Ignis. And a good timing :

08:35:48 [ra] Algaros has been captured by Ignis
08:35:49 [ra] Herbred has been captured by Ignis
08:36:49 [ra] Eferias has been captured by Ignis

Syrtis has almost never hit the door of Eferias, we had a well supported marksmen group and i felt a bit like Private Jackson, but without the tank ending :p

Once the 15 minutes elapsed, we entered Syrtis without any difficulties - really nothing to brag about it, they were a few.

So we took the gems, but when we arrived to the portal to take the Alsius gem, we had to face some alsirian resistance, and we haven't seen the gem. And i still dunno how we got it :biggrin:

Only Manaf and i were in an english-speaking clan for around 100 people involved. 100% holas operation ftw :wub2:

Due to some technical difficulty i've no screenshots in Syrtis, so you'll only see the beginning of the dispatching at Samal :

02-19-2009, 11:18 AM
Well done!!!!

Wow, it sounds like we really showed them verdes how to invade. ;)

Gah! Not only have I missed every single invasion, now I've missed opening the portal!!!!

02-19-2009, 11:42 AM
Very nice organization o.O Very impressive. Alsius, we can learn a lesson out of this. Let never a green guard your gem!

02-19-2009, 02:31 PM
Congratulations Ra Ignis!!

02-19-2009, 03:56 PM
Good job ! :thumb_up:

02-21-2009, 04:02 PM
Great job Ignis :bruja: