View Full Version : I dont know if anyone is interested...

03-09-2009, 11:23 AM
Hey i watched this program about Charles Darwin last week(its his 200th aniversary)..and i found it fascinating..anywho theyre giving away free "Tree of life" posters here :-


P.S Unfortunately it seems you can only have one if you live in the UK or Ireland, but for all the people who do and like Darwin, click away !

<only 28 days to wait>

03-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Blasphem, Charles Darwin is an heretic! :bruja: :piz:

03-09-2009, 12:57 PM
Monkey man can blow me :fingers:

No kidding those things are free, they wouldn't throw all of them into the sea (or London for that matter since its polluted enough)

03-09-2009, 03:41 PM
I can prove Darwin was wrong, process of elimination does not occur on a survival of the fittest basis; my evidence ....my son in law.
He isnt fit to pound sand down a rat hole ,yet I see this creature with its super high cranial temperature(must be its head is always buried in my refrigerator) and voracious appetite for free fermented malt beverages
every day and much to my dismay it breeds on a bi yearly basis.

03-10-2009, 11:24 AM
I can prove Darwin was wrong, process of elimination does not occur on a survival of the fittest basis; my evidence ....my son in law.
He isnt fit to pound sand down a rat hole ,yet I see this creature with its super high cranial temperature(must be its head is always buried in my refrigerator) and voracious appetite for free fermented malt beverages
every day and much to my dismay it breeds on a bi yearly basis.

Sounds like a nice guy <note..sarcasm is hard to portray in written word..ooh wait..>

<replies sarcastically> Sounds like a nice guy

<takes a bow> hehe

03-10-2009, 11:27 AM
Monkey man can blow me :fingers:

Well Edge you need to get your kicks somehow :p

No kidding those things are free, they wouldn't throw all of them into the sea (or London for that matter since its polluted enough)

Yeps no kidding there free. As for London..most urban cities have pollution.