View Full Version : Ubuntu Hardy Heron: Mumble Won't Respond To Keyboard Shortcuts

03-24-2009, 04:21 PM
I am having trouble setting up push to talk to work because mumble can't seem to catch my keyboard inputs. I tried the following:

- xevie on xorg enabled (made sure it was installed too)
- upgraded mumble to 1.1.7
- tried different keys, none of them would show in the shortcuts fields.

The keyboard shortcuts work if I run Mumble under sudo. Any ideas on how to fix this?


03-25-2009, 02:19 AM
Counter-inituitive as this may seem, try doing a 'chmod go-r /dev/input/*' as root

03-26-2009, 05:17 AM
Found a fix! I deleted the mumble config file and everything works. Apparently, the config file was made by my older Mumble install, and was causing conflicts with the newer version. :)