View Full Version : Something positive

04-08-2009, 07:27 PM
Besides all the bug reports and such things, I'm happy there's also something positive about this update :) The new Alsirian initiation islands look awesome. Together with the nice view of Montsognir when you leave the islands the first impression for Alsirian players is much better now. I almost feel like making another character.

04-08-2009, 10:03 PM
I'll second that. After the loading was done and the hotfix applied, things seem a lot smoother.

The extra view distance looks great, the pet bar is really cool, the new map and controls look great. I appreciate the gem status bars (no more alt/tabbing to the webpage.) It's also nice to see the names on the maps.

The new waterfront/port in Sko looks awesome. I'm sure that you'll find a few meshes to decimate and it'll get up to a reasonable frame rate. All of the little stuff like the geyser area, pond, watchtower, boneyard, etc adds a lot of character.

The pos lag issues seem gone (haven't jumped on my barb yet, but seemed fixed on my hunter.)

Keep up the good work.