View Full Version : To the people apologising for their English

05-05-2009, 06:21 PM
It doesn't matter! Don't be sorry for doing your best!
Only people who write GIGO-speak should be sorry, if you honstly try to write proper English there is no reason to apologise. Most of the times your English is correct or at least understandable.
Stop it!

05-05-2009, 07:17 PM
hehe thank

(French from Québec Canada)

05-05-2009, 11:23 PM
Uhm... Well, I didn't know it could make you upset. :looking:

Heh, thanks anyway! :D

05-05-2009, 11:41 PM
The GIGO-Style it´s not an english matter....... in spanish too. :D

I usually do not post in the english forum but i made myself clear when i write a post :P.

See you.

05-05-2009, 11:48 PM
But what to do if my english is a shit? :'(

05-05-2009, 11:58 PM
But what to do if my english is a shit? :'(

Practice. A lot. You're learning! There's no problem if you make a mistake, they can tell you... :P

05-06-2009, 12:03 AM
I apologise for being sorry for my English :p
Jeje... sorry :)

The truth is that my English is very basic, and sometimes when I post at the forum I am afraid to say something rude or impolite. Not because I want to be impolite, but because I am translating my thoughts from Spanish (maybe in Spanish the same expression could be ok) or because I can hardly write the way I should because of the lack of vocabulary. Also sometimes I am afraid to misspell words that can change the meaning of a whole sentence.

05-06-2009, 01:08 PM
I'm not sorry for anything! :devil:

05-06-2009, 01:49 PM
Oh oh oh...
The English...

I always, In-Game, say: "I'm sorry for my English".
I know very basic English, but I've been studying for 4 years to improve it.

But, There is something, I don't like writing* in English because always I forget a letter or something more. It, a lot of time, doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, but It's unaesthetic.


See you guys!

* Is writing or writting?

05-06-2009, 02:05 PM
>.O im english and my english stinks

05-06-2009, 04:02 PM

Who is Gigo, really?
Can someone give me a link to where he posted something in the Forum. Or did he only say stuff in-game?
Oh btw:
/me is Norwegian and knows very basic English
Su i em vely sry fr me englyhs, me iz viry bsd at it.

05-06-2009, 04:03 PM
>.O im english and my english stinks

Mine does too :)

05-06-2009, 05:03 PM
Practice. A lot. You're learning! There's no problem if you make a mistake, they can tell you... :P

They can, but they do not :(:biggrin:

05-07-2009, 03:30 AM
Im sorry if I apologise for my english.
Sometimes It seems to me that writing english in an unproper way it may sound like insulting, even more to the point I feel it like a disrespectful attitude to the english-speaking community. I'll do my best for stop this kind of attitude if that disturbs you, or you feel it like useless. I really do appreciate your comprenehsion for this kind of behaviour and I'll try to be firm trying to change this innecessary apologies


05-07-2009, 03:56 AM
Some of us apologise because we do not studied the lenguage in the past, in fact, there is some guys (like me) who just learned hearing music, watching movies, etc.

I'm never sure about my english; never sure of where I have to put the verb, the time forms (I don't have any clue about how are you calling what we understand as "tiempos verbales", "sinonimia", "polisemia" and a few more concepts) and, furthermore, I have FEAR of making my writing some kind of glosolalia.

In the other hand we have some troubles with your slangs, we can't figure ALL the meaning of a word the very first time you use it, it's harsh, but only by reading it a lot of times, in a plurality (that word exists in english? :P) of contexts we can understand how to use it.

And you know, when writing in coloquial (I REALLY wish that last word exists in english) way everyone needs to use some slangs, to make a post less formal.

Well, I think this is the first time I use this forum. Sorry for my apologies ;)

See you around.


05-07-2009, 04:01 AM
Im sorry if I apologise for my english.
Sometimes It seems to me that writing english in an unproper way it may sound like insulting, even more to the point I feel it like a disrespectful attitude to the english-speaking community. I'll do my best for stop this kind of attitude if that disturbs you, or you feel it like useless. I really do appreciate your comprenehsion for this kind of behaviour and I'll try to be firm trying to change this innecessary apologies


Well, I think you don't really need to apologize since you're very skilled when it comes to write in English (I don't know if you're good speaking it, but I bet you are). :tonguey:

I, on the other hand, am not as skilled as a year ago, because I virtually stopped speaking English. It's really disappointing when you feel you've let it go away. And even when reading on a daily basis you're not as fast, spontaneous or 'flexible' as you were. I'm perfectly fine reading or writing technical docs and papers, but when it comes to chitchat with normal people I feel kind of awkward and rude.

PS: I'm having an English test on Saturday.

05-07-2009, 07:55 AM
To be honest i dont understand why you have to apologise when you
are trying to speak English to the best of your abilities.

Although Ra is an International server the primary language there is Spanish.
This taken into account it should be us English speakers apologising to the
Spanish speakers, my Written/spoken Spanish really sucks, but not as much as it used to.

Thats thanks to you guys, i can now understand more than i can speak.

P.S. Xephandor: want me to take your exam for you ^^

05-07-2009, 08:36 AM
Well, i used to have a bad english when began to play, then i knew my clan buddies (T.I.L and finally Satsuma) and now i have a bad AND rude english. ----> ¡¡Thanks fkrs!!! :ranting:
Ohh and loads of euphemism ----> Thanks Gringo :¬¬:
And shorter ways to say something (bug with a nail in the ass =>wasp) ---> Thanks G.B. :dumbofme:

I love you fkrs!! :wub2:

05-07-2009, 09:54 AM
My english sucks but I think I understand almost everyone in the forum and most of what is said in english on Ra, and a good part of what is said in spanish too.

Be sure I understand your efforts in speaking a non native language. I already have such a pain to speak my native one (french ;().

PS: Biersi, I didn't know that you were Marea! Nice ^^

05-07-2009, 09:59 AM
Most of you are so anal about getting it right, what you say makes more sense than native English speakers (take one Mr. Peterson as an example of this). Also don't worry about insulting us, only Americans will get offended -- it's practically a rule of the language when used in a colloquial context to use a plurality of offensive phrases. (Yes both those words do exist, but I think you wanted multitude rather than plurality).

05-07-2009, 04:33 PM
guys there is no reason to apologize for your english.. you are trying to be understood and we know that and have no problem with it, after all RA is the international server... i always find it neccesary to apologize for my spanish, because it sounds like a 3 year olds speech :confused2:
but i make it a point to let you know up front... as we assume you are doing for us... the point is we are all here and making a point to communicate with each other and that is a great thing... ALSO, they dont teach, write, or speak 'good' english in these United States anymore, so dont worry about it... and although 'mi espanol es todas mierde' :) Thanks to Biersi, i can be a sarcastic smartass in 2 languages!! :punk: cheers fkrs!

05-07-2009, 07:07 PM
Well, I think you don't really need to apologize since you're very skilled when it comes to write in English (I don't know if you're good speaking it, but I bet you are). :tonguey:

I, on the other hand, am not as skilled as a year ago, because I virtually stopped speaking English. It's really disappointing when you feel you've let it go away. And even when reading on a daily basis you're not as fast, spontaneous or 'flexible' as you were. I'm perfectly fine reading or writing technical docs and papers, but when it comes to chitchat with normal people I feel kind of awkward and rude.

PS: I'm having an English test on Saturday.

It happened the same to me, two years ago I used to assist in English classes 3 times per day, at least 2 hours. Then I stopped, its a pity, I feel like my english is getting worse everyday, sometimes I have to think of how to conjugate a verb in determinate form for 5 minutes, I feel dissapointed with myself, its kinda frustrating. Acutally im learning English from movies, the first time I go to watch a movie I use English subtitles, If I do not know what a word means I change subtitles to Spanish and I check it out, then I watch the movie for a second time but this time without subtitles. It's the best I can do and I find it pretty useful, I mean, books usually do not teach the "street language" they teach formal expressions and very few connectors that are in use. With movies you learn the common way of speaking/writing at least, unless you watch V for vendetta hahahaha.

05-07-2009, 07:52 PM
What I find amazing is that non-native speakers often speak English more correctly, and with a better vocabulary, than we natives do. I have yet to find a Spaniard speaking slang English, or not caring if they mess up a sentence, like most of us! :)

05-07-2009, 08:24 PM
I mean, books usually do not teach the "street language" they teach formal expressions and very few connectors that are in use. With movies you learn the common way of speaking/writing at least, unless you watch V for vendetta hahahaha.

Did you read the comic as I told you? For Kropotkin sake's, it's awesome! and quotes from William Blake's "Milton - A Poem" are just brilliant. In fact, every quote in that graphic novel is brilliant. The movie sucks, the Whatchovsky -I don't know how to write that last name- brothers forgot that V is an anarchist! (sometimes he seems a terrorist, but believe me, he is a hero u.u)

If you want to learn some slangs/street words, you can use urbandictionary.com, it have a lot of info, including space/time origin of -almost- every word you can find.

05-07-2009, 08:36 PM
Oh oh oh...
The English...

I always, In-Game, say: "I'm sorry for my English".
I know very basic English, but I've been studying for 4 years to improve it.

But, There is something, I don't like writing* in English because always I forget a letter or something more. It, a lot of time, doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, but It's unaesthetic.


See you guys!

* Is writing or writting?

Its Writing, with only one T

05-07-2009, 08:58 PM
I apologise for being sorry for my English :p
Jeje... sorry :)

The truth is that my English is very basic, and sometimes when I post at the forum I am afraid to say something rude or impolite. Not because I want to be impolite, but because I am translating my thoughts from Spanish (maybe in Spanish the same expression could be ok) or because I can hardly write the way I should because of the lack of vocabulary. Also sometimes I am afraid to misspell words that can change the meaning of a whole sentence.

Nah, Your english is good.

Also, Once i saw in tv a girl that worked for a travel company, she said that almost all people that 'knows' english have a basic level, and people that really knows English say that their level its bad just because they read somewhere one of those post or documents with perfect English and lots of 'weird' words like: alas, albeit, thus, nevertheless, whence, hence , henceforth, therefore, whose(not weird, but i have yet to see it in internet..), despite,in spite of, wherefore, though, ergo...

Learn at least what those mean (most are synonyms) and the present perfect and you no longer should have trouble with English.

If you have any problem i will help you, just pm Xeph or Znu


Protip: Try to write like a 'gentleman, or lady' (look for 'dandy' in wikipedia); your vocabulary should grow swiftly and smoothly, broadening your vocabulary its essential.

Use this --> http://www.thefreedictionary.com

I use a similar one for swedish :p. Its such a cool language.

05-07-2009, 09:09 PM
i usually apologize when im not sure about how i put the all sentece togheter.
its like a B plan, "at least they know, that i know i did it wrong" XP

if a person use the word "impolite" in a sentece, has no right to apoligize for their english. :harhar:

05-08-2009, 01:13 AM
Protip: Try to write like a 'gentleman, or lady' (look for 'dandy' in wikipedia); your vocabulary should grow swiftly and smoothly, broadening your vocabulary its essential.

Use this --> http://www.thefreedictionary.com
Thanks, good hint and good link. I think I have improved my vocabulary a lot when I was in Elvesbane. William, Rena and Lance were really helpful and patience with me :p and I thank them a lot for that.

if a person use the word "impolite" in a sentece, has no right to apoligize for their english.
Just so you know, at first I wrote "unpolite" :harhar:. Before I send it I read it again and realized that word did not sound right.

PS: I love the video from Dannboy's post. Green Karma to you Señor :p

05-08-2009, 04:17 AM
OH!!.. thks.. =) I'm always trying to improve my english (I'm spanish speaker)... and when I do a mistake I say "sorry for that" or "I apologize for that" and I ask about the best way to say it... :)... and thks for let me know that you understand what happen =) and understand us =)...

good!! :) take care.. bye ;)

05-09-2009, 02:09 PM
Well, I took the exam and...

...I did great! At least they told me that. Now I have to take the TOEIC exam (yep, two exams to know if I can take a third one).

05-09-2009, 04:12 PM

I'm one of those people who says 'sorry for my crappy english'!!

The truth is... i never study english and i have a 'caveman' way to write (and speak) xD and i feel ashamed of this... that's te reason of my apologies every time i write here :crying1:

i'll keep apologising for my crappy english :tonguey:

05-11-2009, 08:42 PM
Carpi, writing :-)