View Full Version : power book

03-15-2007, 06:13 AM
I am a hunter now and under my powerbook when I click tricks or evasion it doesn't show my skills and when I try and click and drag to see if they are there it doesn't show the pictures also it doesn't have any of the text for the text for the skills in thoese areas can anyone help me fix it?

03-18-2007, 02:58 PM
I am a hunter now and under my powerbook when I click tricks or evasion it doesn't show my skills and when I try and click and drag to see if they are there it doesn't show the pictures also it doesn't have any of the text for the text for the skills in thoese areas can anyone help me fix it?

Head over to your Hunter Trainer and click on him then remove all your spells from the numbered quick slots (Right click on them).
After that type /Reset_Powers in the conversation window and a 60 second timer will go off, I logged off then back on and re-added the spells no problem (All were showing).