View Full Version : [Horus] Realm Population
05-15-2009, 07:36 AM
I was curious to what total realm populations were so I went on the rankings and these are the numbers of players I gathered. These are not accurate, as probably some fell off the list (like in Syrtis with over 30 clans) and alot are obviously alts.
Syrtis: 1693 (I was amazed at the number of small clans with over 50+ people still at ~5k RP)
Ignis: 925
Alsius: 1137 (This was the shocking number for me, its almost like Syrtis, though I think we need to remember alot of Syrtians have alts in Alsius)
These numbers may or may not have something to do with current mechanics. Ignis is the lowest populated at any rate, thats the official Ignis number. Alsius and Syrtis are higher since numbers peak well over 30's. Quite a few are inactive obviously, because we never see that many players online. Still this probably has some sort of connection with current statistics.
Not to prove something or start another bitch war, just to discuss.
05-15-2009, 07:45 AM
Population means nothing. We need charts of average people online per hours that would mean something.
05-15-2009, 08:15 AM
Population means nothing. We need charts of average people online per hours that would mean something.
He's right, besides Syrtis has a lot of players who come look at RO and they decide they dont wanna play RO:confused2:
05-15-2009, 09:13 AM
Does this even count people not in a clan?
05-15-2009, 10:19 AM
I don't think that this is some relevant information, just counting the clan members (e.g. the clan I'm in lists 83 members, we are 2 active players in this clan for nearly 4 month now, i got 1 char, the other one got 2 chars in the clan - makes 80 idle chars; Tyr's is completely out of game, so another 42 idle chars; etc)
Here is another thing to discuss:
So I'm with Dracus - only current only ppl would be a good base for such discussions.
05-15-2009, 11:03 AM
Does this even count people not in a clan?
It does, but I can only count things ive seen myself or that have made it on the rankings.
So this isn't obvioulsy a current population, this is just to show how many characters have been roughly made in each realm.
I can try to get numbers of people on for a certain time period, but things like this change usually. I have an idea,
If someone from another realm wants to collect data, then record total number of allies at a fort, defense, or other party. Then we can try to collaberate and connect the data into some kind of average (?)
Its still alot of work..
I think you are right, Edge.
Espeacially in the last weeks Ignis was so empty during my playtime.
(Usually 20:00 - 23:00 European time.)
In this time there were quite no Ignis people in the WZ and it was so boring that I left the game quite early to go to bed.
Later at night Ignis seems to have enough people (I have never taken part at an Invasion), but Ignis needs more people at the other times.
I had a discussion with Taker (our Clan Leader) yesterday and we think it's time that NGD offers Transfer Scrolls from RA to Horus for the english speaking people.
05-15-2009, 11:24 AM
I dont think transfer scrolls will ever happen, tbh. Most of the people who play Ignis/Ra who speak english, want to stay where they are as its more populated there than Horus.
05-15-2009, 11:25 AM
I think you are right, Edge.
Espeacially in the last weeks Ignis was so empty during my playtime.
(Usually 20:00 - 23:00 European time.)
In this time there were quite no Ignis people in the WZ and it was so boring that I left the game quite early to go to bed.
Later at night Ignis seems to have enough people (I have never taken part at an Invasion), but Ignis needs more people at the other times.
I had a discussion with Taker (our Clan Leader) yesterday and we think it's time that NGD offers Transfer Scrolls from RA to Horus for the english speaking people.
Same here, I play about the same time and in the last 2-3 weeks Syrtis has been doing war almost only with Alsius, and then it looks that later at night Ignis is alone on the server.
+1 for the transfer scrolls for the 2424145325642346324th time.
05-15-2009, 11:49 AM
To explain my point,
absolute figures just mean nothing because you are trying to compare the number of character instead of the active players (which is what matters when you play). Lots can be banks, or just inactive character, or alts (that aren't played at the same time).
There are also no reason to say that percentage of active/inactive characters are the same in each realm due to the fact each realm is unique and has its unique history (Tyr's left Alsius/Horus, INQ almost left Syrtis/Ra, etc.).
I really mean it when I say only figures of online player at a certain time matter.
05-15-2009, 12:49 PM
I think one can figure a bit from the top ranked RP guys in each realm.
Now RP mainly means more time online and likely more experience not necessarily better game play but that is not really the point:
Ignis has 30 guys with more than 16000rp, probably 28 of them active if not more.
Syrtis has 23 with that number I think all but one active.
Alsius has a whopping 10 where one is an alt and one is inactive.
(Yes I know I did not count alts in Ignis where I know of one and did not in Syrtis either)
What does that mean? I guess overall it means nothing much either because it still depends on how many people are online at what time.
But Ignis likely has less overall numbers but more war experienced high lvl players. Alsius is surely picking up on numbers and wz ready players. We had some nice fights with the Ignis nite force (nite force with respect to eastern time USA/Canada) yesterday.
05-15-2009, 03:04 PM
+1 for the transfer scrolls for the 2424145325642346325th time.
No but seriously the grind in this game is insane for a RvR game, even if its free to play, I don't think anyone cares anymore about the unfairness in server swapping.
It would be a direct solution to the realm differences, I have only been at invasions twice :S And mornings for me (in Ignis GMT +1) have few players, and if Syrtis or Alsius attack a fort some moron will scream for everyone to flock to Shaanarid because we're going to get invaded (fo sho)
I don't want to speculate, but slowly Ra is turning more over to the spanish, english clans are still holding out there, but more people want to finnaly move on with the rest to Horus. When NGD made Horus they really split the community, I wanted to play back on Ra a couple days ago, but I did not feel like starting a char for the 1000th time, I will never start a char again in Ignis with the dull leveling from 1-16 and the cheap quests that suck (including Medenet quests still missing since animation update? Bravo)
I don't feel its worth it anymore too, why should I re-level a char of the same class again, just because I want to play where there are more people? Or why are people forced to start again just because they want to play with more english people.
Meh, don't count on transfers while NGD is earning money off the current system :/
05-15-2009, 03:49 PM
No but seriously the grind in this game is insane for a RvR game, even if its free to play, I don't think anyone cares anymore about the unfairness in server swapping.
Call me insane but i dont mind it so much. I just cant do it without boosters anymore, without them i would go insane.
It would be a direct solution to the realm differences, I have only been at invasions twice :S And mornings for me (in Ignis GMT +1) have few players, and if Syrtis or Alsius attack a fort some moron will scream for everyone to flock to Shaanarid because we're going to get invaded (fo sho)
Horus really does need more players to make it..more fun. Theres nothing more disheartening to run around an empty wz..totally..dead. At least before we had the command to check if it was actually worth checking the wz out - /users..but NGD "helpfully" removed that too.
I don't want to speculate, but slowly Ra is turning more over to the spanish, english clans are still holding out there, but more people want to finnaly move on with the rest to Horus. When NGD made Horus they really split the community, I wanted to play back on Ra a couple days ago, but I did not feel like starting a char for the 1000th time, I will never start a char again in Ignis with the dull leveling from 1-16 and the cheap quests that suck (including Medenet quests still missing since animation update? Bravo)
Its not speculation, Edge...i log on nowadays..and there only few people on my buddy list..or most times none at all, makes you feel a bit my spanish is crap :) With the grinding that has to be done, it nice to chat to friends whilst doing it. Saying all that..i do still like RA, its where i first started playing..and the spanish players are awesome and many are veterans to this game. You learn alot there.
I don't feel its worth it anymore too, why should I re-level a char of the same class again, just because I want to play where there are more people? Or why are people forced to start again just because they want to play with more english people.
In short, we shouldnt. Why werent we ever given the opportunity to transfer..seeing as the Horus was made for english speaking players like ourselves? Was it really just the case of NGD earning some money off players(like me) who wanted to see what its like to play an english speaking server? I think by now the Horus server would be much more populated than it actually is, if transfers had taken place
Meh, don't count on transfers while NGD is earning money off the current system :/
I agree, sadly :(
05-15-2009, 05:23 PM
When NGD made Horus they really split the community, I wanted to play back on Ra a couple days ago, but I did not feel like starting a char for the 1000th time, I will never start a char again in Ignis with the dull leveling from 1-16 and the cheap quests that suck (including Medenet quests still missing since animation update? Bravo)
:eek24: You deleted your Ra chars? :/
Horus has been so much fun the past few days... goats finally woke up ;)
We are getting more ppl on in the morning. So mayb you could give Horus a chance again :) But definitely it will take a long time for Horus to be as distributed as Ra (timezone wise)
05-15-2009, 06:16 PM
No its not that, Horus is filled with fighting, im still around for fun and alot of action, the only thing is it gets boring usually fast for me since everyday its the same thing, fort, defend, bridge, back. When I look at myself playing it from a different perspective I see it as almost an addiction, but a stupid one at that.
On Ra there is alot of open space, and action usually happens almost everywhere, with fairly large groups, on Horus everything is only at places with high player density. It has been changing, but its changing too slowly. At least realms have all reached a peak where they stand up to each other, the only gap that needs to be filled is timezones. Horus is like the body of Regnum to me, but Ra is its soul.
Like I've said before (somewhere...can't find the thread). I would love to move to horus full time. I even have a lvl 50 there; however, it's too darn quiet.
At the times I play hardly anyone is on. Straw that broke the camels back was when I hunted for 2 hours using lvl 5 track and killed one ignis and one syrtis...and that was at their saves (or near them).
NGD really needs to rethink their policy on Horus population.
05-15-2009, 07:04 PM
At the times I play hardly anyone is on. Straw that broke the camels back was when I hunted for 2 hours using lvl 5 track and killed one ignis and one syrtis...and that was at their saves (or near them)
It can be like that, yes. When that happens, join the rest of your zerg in a fort war, or if your realm does not have a zerg at a fort, look for the respective bridge to camp if one enemy realm is holding the other realm's fort. Can be mind numbing after a few months, be warned xD
It can be like that, yes. When that happens, join the rest of your zerg in a fort war, or if your realm does not have a zerg at a fort, look for the respective bridge to camp if one enemy realm is holding the other realm's fort. Can be mind numbing after a few months, be warned xD
Naw...I just go back to RA where I don't have to sit...and wait...and wait...and wait for action
05-15-2009, 08:15 PM
Open space wars at Samal, Herb and ones at PN spring to mind. The hunting is different on Ra too, take a few players (my clannies in The Order, among others) and just find enemies easy enuff..some you can pwn easy..others pwn the crap out of you..its variety on Ra that i like. You really dont know what to expect. Edge said..that Horus is just too repetitive, the only highlights are invasion really.
Horus is like the body of Regnum to me, but Ra is its soul.
Nicely put. :thumb_up:
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