View Full Version : Missing texts thread
03-18-2007, 11:09 PM
Hello everyone,
Sometimes due to human error, misplacement, synchronization issue, etc there could be a missing text in a certain language.
When this happens, the game will display the following legend:
[Err][Text Category][Text ID]
For instance, if an item is missing its text, there could be an error message like this one:
Please, post any such errors here and we will complete them eventually.
Thank you for your cooperation.
03-18-2007, 11:29 PM
i dont know if this will help. but the guards in war zone on the forts have a similar problem. they have uncomplete text.
03-18-2007, 11:32 PM
In order to get the quickest response from us, please state the legend displayed on the game.
Thank you,
03-18-2007, 11:37 PM
[ err ] [ npc_instance_display_name] [0] ( guard )
and in ask about it says the following
03-18-2007, 11:40 PM
theres also some quest with missing words in ignis. i cant recall them right now but it has similar massage. i will try to recall them or ask someone.
03-18-2007, 11:51 PM
Tunic of the forge of fine fabric ( Great ) lvl 15 tunic
the armor info for fire resistance says this massage
[err] [armor_protection] [5]
At the Beginning Quest of the mage you get a staff after you klicked on the chest.
But the text of the message-box ist broken:
You got a Non Magical Staff
Bring it to [[parsing error]] so she can magically imbue it.
The spell possess summoning
Natural Weapon IV:
Natural Armor I
Magic Rebound
Club of Fine Wood
*at one point this error was not there
**this item can not be sold or deleted
The quest from Wolfgar Steelstrike:Challenging the curse
The message box for Mushrooms
After exploring a bit you find a strange fungi formation. There are not others like them in the area, so these must be the ones [[Parsing_error]] needs.
*Also it should be "fungus" not "fungi"
03-23-2007, 11:06 AM
english version:
inviting someone into a party when the maxium of eight players has allready been reached. i'll post the complete error message later unless someone comes before me.
03-26-2007, 04:12 PM
Description text is in error for Movility skill
Same error for Cat Reflexes
Sure Shot
03-26-2007, 05:06 PM
there are text errors in 2 skills
Track Monster description error
Tracks one direction in the search of hunter ’s difficulty preys
there is a translation error I think besides the faulty text
Track ally
Last line is in error
[err][modifiers][25_1] +150
Sure Shot
03-26-2007, 05:48 PM
I don't know what kind of meat this should be:
From log.txt:
[TextManager][text_manager.cpp(66)] Text not found: item_subcategory(69)
From inventory in game:
Category: [err][item_subcategory][69]
Weight: 10 Grms
03-29-2007, 12:53 PM
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least %1$s characters.";
04-07-2007, 02:48 AM
these are some text not found in my inventory, i hope that with my help posting them i can help.
Weight: 10 Grms
Hyena fur
Quantity: 7
Weight: 70 Grms
Category: [err][item_subcategory][70]
Weight: 10 Grms
Weight: 10 Grms
04-07-2007, 06:29 PM
Mage Spell
Vitality Absorbtion
04-09-2007, 08:19 PM
Not missing text but incorrect. The hunter's "track monsters" and "enemy surveillance" both return "no has encontrado rastros" even when the language is set to English (and text when you do find something is in English). The "track allies" spell works correctly though.
04-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Error in quest
Interact with [err][dyn_object_display_name][0]
04-13-2007, 12:52 AM
Its many like that in the english quests at the beginning.
04-13-2007, 05:00 PM
At the beginning of a character creation, in the tree descriptions of the realms there is a small problem at the end of each description :
The text is complete, but there is something that appears like :
[beginning of the text] (class [end of the text] )
So i suppose there is a missing ")" somewhere in the page.
04-13-2007, 05:01 PM
oups, forgot to mention, if this may be of some help : i'm using the linux-client, english version.
04-21-2007, 12:44 AM
mine wont start
At Allahed Town, when accepting Wedjans quest, i get [err][status_messages][928]
I also get only XP and no gold :biggrin:
The Warlock spell Vitality Absorption has
[err][modifiers][8_16] +4%
in it.
04-25-2007, 11:12 PM
Hello, 2 small things in texts to correct :
when training a warlock :
spell "slow" : description is in spanish where it should be in english.
spell "petrified hand" : is spelled "petrified nand" at some point.
Item "Tunic of the Forge of fine Fabric (Great)" has [err][armor_protection][5]
as fire resistance value.
04-26-2007, 03:31 PM
In the realm of Alsius there are some big mobs carrying treetrunk with them :
they're mostly called Thrall, and i didn't understood since it means slave.
( )
But i recently found one type called Troll, which is much more appropriate to the beast !
( )
So i thought maybe this was a good correction which had been only done on one of the numerous variations of this monster (savage, forcefull, ancient and so on).
Contaminated Water Quest in Essadi
has multiple instances of [err][dyn_object_display_name][0]
in it
04-26-2007, 07:57 PM
In most of the new syrtis quest there arent texts.
05-09-2007, 11:47 AM
Forbidden Substances Quest - Yermen
has [err][parsing_error][728]
05-09-2007, 10:34 PM
Test server, Ignis, quest : Deliveries - Clothings :
When talking to Kurdhe :
"yes & #8230 this ...."
05-09-2007, 11:15 PM
Test server, Ignis, Quest : Gaining confidence : The Stone
When receiving the quest from Fadhil :
[err][parsing_error][742] (3 times in the text)
05-09-2007, 11:28 PM
Test Server, Ignis, Medicine for You :
When talking to Zeref, no text appears in the dialog fenster.
In the Quest tab the objective appear (collecting black widow legs), but no text either.
Edit : the different texts from the quest seems to be linked at the wrong place :
npc1 : no text
npc2 : text from the first
05-10-2007, 12:08 AM
Test server, ignis, quest : Contaminated Water - The Samples
*in the quest objectives :
"Interact with [err][dynamic_object_display-name][0]
*There is also the same problem as above, texts are not linked at the right place.
ex :
-no text when taking the samples
-when talking to the NPC after that, the text fenster gives " you took water samples".
*No bottle are obtained even if the NPC says "take theses bottles and.."
*when collecting the Venom sacks, the name appear well in the inventory, but doesn't appear right on the "item counter" on screen when killing the snakes :
"$item_template_display_name 1/3"
*quest broken since without bottle one cannnot fulfill all objectives
*although the objectives aren't turned "completed" in the quest info fenster, the dialogues appear on the first part of it
*the venoms sacks (quest items) are not removed from inventory (as the quest is broken, maybe this will occur normally when resolving the others problems)
05-11-2007, 02:54 PM
Test server, Ignis, Quest : Montsognir city's trainer
well, as it's an ignis quest, it should read Altaruk city's trainer.
05-11-2007, 04:06 PM
Item "Tunic of the Forge of fine Fabric (Great)" has [err][armor_protection][5]
as fire resistance value.
Test server, Ignis, Quest Reward
"Breastplate of the forge of hardened leather (Enhanced)" has
as fire resistance value.
Quest "Drink of Drinks - The Poison"
instructions from Ciritha have
[err][parsing_error][723] and
in them.
In the Quest "Enchanters Robbery - Appeal" - when talking to the Guard Akil
there is [err][parsing_error][702] in his text.
05-19-2007, 12:59 AM
There is a Bug in the "Food Trade" Quest in Korsum (Syrtis).
After talking to Neter the next think to do is interact with [err][dyn_object_display_name][3937]
Another one is the "Salty Danger" Quest in Fisgeal (Syrtis).
You can not accept, there is only an error-message appearing.
EDIT: Now you accept, but the last order is an error-message
Another one is in the "Sweet Danger" Quest in Korsum (Syrtis).
the Queststarttext is only an error-message
Another one is in the Quest from Sermme, where you have to get 10 fur from savage bear in Korsum (Syrtis)
The Questname and the Queststarttext are only error-messages
Another one is in the "Goblin Fortress" Quest in Fisgeal (Syrtis).
the Queststarttext is an error-message
there is one in the The Sister II Quest in Rearaia (Syrtis).
the Queststarttext is only an error-message
Another one is in the Inspection of Perimeter II Quest in Rearaia (Syrtis).
You can not accept, there is only an error-message appearing
Another one is in the Exotic Dances II Quest in Rearaia (Syrtis).
You can not accept, there is only an error-message appearing
05-27-2007, 09:11 PM
Maphrian Surethunder: Cant start quest Green Clouds II, Clicking on Accept button gives following error = [err][status_messages[928] (Syrtis)
Arival to Skolheim quest: "Koret Godmace said... [err][quest_start_text][480]"
..and thats all you can see.
Talking to Brad then gives: [err][quest_end_text][480] (Alsius)
Poor Idiot quest, Ramtoth Enchanter, gives following error in the begining of text: "[err][parsing_error][391], my apprentice, is such a case. He is a.." rest of text looks ok.. (Alsius)
Rerum, Archer Trainer, at level 4 one quest gives(sorry, i dont have more info here) = [err][quest_end_text][393] (Alsius)
In the Ignis quest "Sick Friend II" when talinkg to Ingwe, he has
as dialog. The quest breaks there and cannot be continued. You are asked to speak to Ingwe but he has no valid answer.
Needs fix.
06-05-2007, 10:27 AM
i cant pick up many of the quests that the town criers in Altaruk & Essadi (Ignis) say that the npc have. when ever i go & talk to them, about 1/2 the time, there is no quest there to be accepted, i go round every character each time i level up, but i only seam to be able to get quests from ppl that the town crier doesnt mention, am i missin the quests or has the town crier not been up dated.
06-09-2007, 09:14 AM
i have found 4 errors, and i take the screenshot.
06-10-2007, 02:54 PM
i have found another 2 errors of the text:
06-11-2007, 09:28 PM
these are some quest item that i have in my inventory and i cant get ridd off
Cobras King Skin
category: quests
weight:10 Grms
weight: 10 Grms
category: quests
weight: 40 Grms
category: quests
weight:10 Grms
Page Medal
category: quests
weight 10 Grms
07-10-2007, 02:36 PM
Alright, so, I downloaded Regnum Online in about 30 minutes, and everything went well, the install, the loads, ect. BUT when I got on I found that all NPCs, NPC dialogue options, Monster Names, and item names were not coming up!
What I usually get is something like [err][npc_instance_745][745] as a name of an NPC/monster/dialogue option
07-10-2007, 05:04 PM
Did it happen the second time you entered the game?
07-10-2007, 05:33 PM
Yes, BUT I did redownload and reinstall, and then the problem was solved, however I just logged in again, and the problem was back...AH! I have solved it I think! It was my firewall!
xD I'll return if problems return.
08-09-2007, 09:01 PM
Fisgael City
I'm level 31
NPC: Eirien Fairwing - Tailor
Quest: Eirien's brother
Text: [err][quest_start_text][610]
Fisgael City
I'm level 31
Kandi - Gunsmith
Natural Weapons IV
Second Paragraph is: Now, together, we go for more. We'll pay for Wasp Sting of Big Green Wasp. A dozen of them, [err][parsing_error][666] for the arrows provider
When I try to accedpt, I get [err][status_messages][928]
NOTE: Natural Weapons VII also show up below this quest in the same window???
12-06-2007, 12:03 AM
I'm in the quest: "Introduction to the Leaders"
Just done the task:
"Give Ring for Ancalimon to Ancalimon Jadescribe"
and now my current task is:
"Speak to [err][npc_instance_display_name][0]"
Edit: ok it seems to be doing that for every quest now.
12-06-2007, 01:23 PM
Every npc in Gokstad for me at least. Or maybe it's all around but only when you would complete the quest. I got new quests and new orders for quests just fine.
edit: Nope, I could complete quests in Montsognir, but still cant talk about quests in Gokstad.
edit2: Well I cancelled quests and did again, worked fine now.
12-09-2007, 06:24 PM
Game Version: 0.9.24 (Hotfix; 06.12.2007)
Game Language: English
Skill: Enemy surveillance (Hunter; Scouting)
At the bottom of the skill description, the text showing the current skill distance, have an text error.
12-09-2007, 06:31 PM
Game Version: 0.9.24 (Hotfix; 06.12.2007)
Game Language: English
Skill: Enemy surveillance (Hunter; Scouting)
At the bottom of the skill description, the text showing the current skill distance, have an text error.
adding to that, it has a language error after tracking "No has encontrado rastros" in the english client.
12-26-2007, 10:46 AM
i am currently getting this missing text on all of my quests. i don't know if i have finished them or not, but i cant really go any further.
01-11-2008, 02:58 AM
"Insightful" spell says:
type: passive
[err][modifiers][8_17] +5%
02-11-2008, 08:36 PM
I can't remember what the number was, but it was at the beginning of the game, in syrtis, the quest is called the beast. It says you have to kill [err][thingy i dont remember][number i don't remember]. I'll look in a little bit and update. It's annoying because I think it's talking about the animal "young wolf" but i have no clue and if i kill the young wolf, it doesn't update the quest. Also, I'm on the experimental world, amun, and using the linux client.
Try the official server, Amun's database is whiped regularly and it is for testing new features only.
12-19-2008, 07:17 PM
i"ve been playing for about a month and a half now. i never had any real problems with this game, but since the new update of invasions, i see many things that are not displayed correctly.
at first all mobs and items showed with a code like
So i uninstalled the game, and i also deleted the c:\games\*.* directory (wich contained only NGD related files) cuz this still existed after the uninstall...
I downloaded a new copy of the regnuminstaller from official regnum site.
This download (total of 444Mb) was about 50Mb larger then my old installer
I reinstalled this new file, and it did update some. I also used "Update all resources at once" wich is an option on the "Enter World" screen (loggin into the world)
However: items in inventory and some quest are still shown with codes...(like
[err][something_something][123]) and some pieces of the landscape (like the Realm Gate) are missing too (there is a big square hole where the gate should be)
From the log.txt i've noticed that i am missing some important files, i've send a copy of this to NGD support
Is there anybody that can help me with this problem ?
Merry Xmas and Best Wishes for 2009 !
PS I play on the Horus Server...
05-21-2009, 11:41 PM
It seems that this missing text threads happens a lot after a server update...
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