View Full Version : Idea about warzone feature placements.
06-23-2009, 03:45 PM
I'm looking for community opinions here. Haven't placed it in the Suggestions Forum because there's a lot needs to be addressed before this kind of thing is thought of by the developers.
While watching a certain documentary program about archaeologists digging stuff up in three days that is hosted by a relatively well known British comedian, an episode in which they were excavating on the site of a Norman keep that wasn't properly recorded, I got to thinking.
Why are the forts where they are at all? They're not really defending anything, and seem to be a fortification for the purpose of having something to attack alone. That's kind of silly.
Anyway, my idea involves a couple of big changes to the way the war zone works.
Step zero is to discard guard captains from forts.
Step one is to place the forts in positions that need to be defended. The obvious choice is river crossings. Historically, this is a pretty normal place for them. Now, this has a couple of implications. For one thing, it means it's no longer possible to hunt in a realm you do not have passage to - unless you were already in there when you lost passage, in which case you can't get home instead. It also brings more equality to the distance of save points form forts.
Which brings me on to step two, which is to place altars on the current locations of the inner forts, or near to but so that all central saves are equidistant from the inner crossings. Outer saves can stay where they are for the most part.
Step three is rather drastic. Now in the current system you need a fort and a castle to perform an invasion. Well that would be fine to keep, considering that once you have a crossing captured you're only one step away from being able to attack the gate, and that's to take the castle. With the castles where they are, though, it's kinda silly.
I propose to put the castles at the realm gate. It's logical. Those gates need fortifications and that's essentially what a castle is.
The castles need to be bigger. Huge. They should have townships contained in their walls. Merchants, civilians, guards... lots of guards - maybe a number that depends on the current realm balance. There's a flag in the middle that can be captured only when all the guards are defeated (perhaps it should have a guard captain as well). Taking the flag installs your own guards on the castle gate which does not spawn for anyone except the defending realm, and at the entry to the Keep. When you've held the flag for an amount of time depending on how many routes you have for reinforcements (yes we're talking about the river crossings here. If you are capable of travelling through the third realm those should count too, but if you can only take one bridge from your realm it only counts as one), you can attack the Keep.
The Keep is, basically, the realm gate. Now, while you are waiting to be able to attack this, the flag which you captured is vulnerable, and the defending realm can still come though the door (and they would have to face the guards on your of it); All it would take is for one enterprising soldier from the defending realm to touch the flag and you potentially lose the castle. When you can attack, it spawns a guard captain, and you can attack the keep as you do now.
More on this guard captain. He is special in that he will only defend himself - he does not aggro. When he is killed by the defending realm, the castle automatically reverts to their ownership, the outer door respawns, and all attackers inside the castle die (perhaps distributing 1RP each to everyone who helped kill the guard).
An invasion can also be stopped by retaking the river crossings, as this would prevent the attacker's supplies and reinforcements from arriving. Ownership of the castle is only retained for as long as the attacking players already inside the castle can keep it, and the Keep becomes invulnerable.
It would possibly make sense then to move the super bosses onto the peninsulae.
Let me know what you think:bounce::bounce::bounce:. If I feel enthused I might make some sketches tomorrow to help clarify.
06-23-2009, 04:14 PM
Wow, amazing idea. I really do like that way of invasions. But I see a problem in your fortwars described, a very very long time to get to the fort, it would mean running, running, running. Currently it's better: The defender doesn't have to cover a high distance, and the attacker just has to do it once.
But hell yeah, I want your invasions :theking:
06-23-2009, 07:22 PM
gooood idea
06-23-2009, 07:27 PM
I like the general idea...
But, I think it could be redone a bit to make the process a bit shorter and to put more focus on fast paced action and fighting.
What if there were just 1 fort at each bridge?
The realm holding this fort could pass as much as they liked, while others had to recapture the fort in order to claim the passage.
Castles, would as you said, replace the fort walls.
But I would prefer if it was possible to invade as soon as the castle was captured (enter the realm).
The castle would have 2 gates, 1 in the front and 1 in the back to allow using the castle as passage into the realm.
The realm holding it would be granted entrance to the realm.
The castle should be really hard to capture, but also forts would have no other function than keeping the passage open into the realms part of the warzone, so once you held the castle you could enter the captured realm.
Of course, the invaded realm could protect the castle entrance leading into their realm.
I also suggest that there should be no way for attackers to attack people inside the realm except using the gate and entering the realm.
This is to ease the defense of your own realm once the castle is captured.
A good tactic in such a situation would be to recapture your forts, to hinder enemies from passing into your realm and then slowly start killing people at the castle...
What do you think about this?
Please ask if there is some detail you don't understand in my post.
PS: I choosed the "I like frozen yoghurt!"option since I will assume this is "I like the idea with a few modifications" :p
06-23-2009, 07:42 PM
I like the general idea...
But, I think it could be redone a bit to make the process a bit shorter and to put more focus on fast paced action and fighting.
What if there were just 1 fort at each bridge?
The realm holding this fort could pass as much as they liked, while others had to recapture the fort in order to claim the passage.
Castles, would as you said, replace the fort walls.
But I would prefer if it was possible to invade as soon as the castle was captured (enter the realm).
The castle would have 2 gates, 1 in the front and 1 in the back to allow using the castle as passage into the realm.
The realm holding it would be granted entrance to the realm.
The castle should be really hard to capture, but also forts would have no other function than keeping the passage open into the realms part of the warzone, so once you held the castle you could enter the captured realm.
Of course, the invaded realm could protect the castle entrance leading into their realm.
I also suggest that there should be no way for attackers to attack people inside the realm except using the gate and entering the realm.
This is to ease the defense of your own realm once the castle is captured.
A good tactic in such a situation would be to recapture your forts, to hinder enemies from passing into your realm and then slowly start killing people at the castle...
What do you think about this?
Please ask if there is some detail you don't understand in my post.
PS: I choosed the "I like frozen yoghurt!"option since I will assume this is "I like the idea with a few modifications" :p
Have my blessing.
06-23-2009, 07:46 PM
Nice nice and nice!!
In that case, castles should be made muuuuch bigger - like a small city. With merchants, trainers and other various NPC's; as well as a load of guards.
This would be MUCH better than the current shit-fest that is invasions.
06-23-2009, 07:58 PM
I like the general idea...
But, I think it could be redone a bit to make the process a bit shorter and to put more focus on fast paced action and fighting.
What if there were just 1 fort at each bridge?
The realm holding this fort could pass as much as they liked, while others had to recapture the fort in order to claim the passage.
Castles, would as you said, replace the fort walls.
But I would prefer if it was possible to invade as soon as the castle was captured (enter the realm).
The castle would have 2 gates, 1 in the front and 1 in the back to allow using the castle as passage into the realm.
The realm holding it would be granted entrance to the realm.
The castle should be really hard to capture, but also forts would have no other function than keeping the passage open into the realms part of the warzone, so once you held the castle you could enter the captured realm.
Of course, the invaded realm could protect the castle entrance leading into their realm.
I also suggest that there should be no way for attackers to attack people inside the realm except using the gate and entering the realm.
This is to ease the defense of your own realm once the castle is captured.
A good tactic in such a situation would be to recapture your forts, to hinder enemies from passing into your realm and then slowly start killing people at the castle...
What do you think about this?
Please ask if there is some detail you don't understand in my post.
PS: I choosed the "I like frozen yoghurt!"option since I will assume this is "I like the idea with a few modifications" :p
Awesome! I suggest you create a topic in the Suggestions forum.
06-23-2009, 08:02 PM
Castles, would as you said, replace the fort walls.
But I would prefer if it was possible to invade as soon as the castle was captured (enter the realm).
The castle would have 2 gates, 1 in the front and 1 in the back to allow using the castle as passage into the realm.
The realm holding it would be granted entrance to the realm.
The castle should be really hard to capture, but also forts would have no other function than keeping the passage open into the realms part of the warzone, so once you held the castle you could enter the captured realm.
Of course, the invaded realm could protect the castle entrance leading into their realm.
I also suggest that there should be no way for attackers to attack people inside the realm except using the gate and entering the realm.
This is to ease the defense of your own realm once the castle is captured.
Didn't he mean that? If not, that's what I thought he meant. :imstupid:
06-23-2009, 08:03 PM
I think it is generally a good idea I especially like the castle mids that have been suggested. The forts being moved to the revers would probably encourage more fort wars and could even make them more fast paced if opposing forts were that close to each other.
I think it would be cool to see a sketch of your idea to see more clearly what your thinking.
06-23-2009, 09:17 PM
I like the idea a lot, but have one snag, its about making castles muuuuch bigger, eg small city like, think of the lag at citys, think of the lag and castles, add those together :s, then think of the lag we already get at gates without the gate being surrounded by a city.
I do love this, but in the real world Im not sure if the servers or many players could cope.
06-23-2009, 09:26 PM
woot ! +1 to you Arathael and Znurres suggestions seem reasonable too.
If implemented this would give a whole new meaning to the right now 'pointless' fort wars. I like the controllable bridge idea.
Put this in suggestions asap :bounce5425:
Oh and yes, your sketches would really help ppl who dont understand what you are saying and get more support for this idea :)
06-23-2009, 10:36 PM
love this idea, than forts and castles would be useful :)
and will there still only be 3 forts? and one bridge to each realm?
so in syrtis, alga guarding goat bridge, and herb guarding iggy bridge, while efe is guarding our gate? sounds good to me.
the only people that will be able to get in are hunters, from running across the river, but its still better that the forts will be guarding something, rather than just out in the open serving no purpose.
great idea:banana:
06-23-2009, 11:07 PM
Very nice idea, but wat do you do with the old castle place if you put it on the realm gate ? it become an empty place no ?
Maybe we can keep the old castle on his actual place to boost the invade time and add the new castle/city on the realm gate. So we have not 3 but 4 palce who can be take. Of course not the 4 must be take to start the counter, and a little adjustment must be done to the timer.
06-24-2009, 03:07 AM
Very nice idea, but wat do you do with the old castle place if you put it on the realm gate ? it become an empty place no ?
Maybe we can keep the old castle on his actual place to boost the invade time and add the new castle/city on the realm gate. So we have not 3 but 4 palce who can be take. Of course not the 4 must be take to start the counter, and a little adjustment must be done to the timer.With my suggestion there would be no timer.
As soon as you manage to capture the castle (the realm gate) you can enter the realm.
See attachment for a sketch.
Basically, you fight your way further and further until you manage to invade a realm.
This solution will also promote good fort wars, and no matter if you invade or not you'll get a lot of action.
After you capture the defense of a bridge you will have to choose a more or less safe path inside the enemy's warzone part in order to reach the castle...
And then, if you manage to capture the gem, you will have to fight trough the lands of the enemy, their warzone part and also choose the best path back home again.
Let's assume all forts facing Ignis belongs to Alsius, then a small force will have to capture the fort while keeping attackers on range to protect the gem carrier.
Hunters will be even more important, to find enemy groups inside the warzone part of the realm, just like in the inner realm now.
This idea would also blend well into my idea with achievements...
I think what is needed is to give more meaning to the wasted space in the Regnum world, just like the anniversary quest did.
If this is resolved, a big part of the stalled action in Warzone lately will be solved (atleast on RA).
Many ideas have bee suggested.
One idea that I liked was achievements, based on RvR, but to also achieve the effect I am talking about the regions could be stated in the objectives.
Like, "kill 5 syrtis players on Ruins Prairie" .
You would have to collect a group of players, capture a fort and sneak inside the warzone part of the other realm where you had to cooperate to survive and to manage to complete the achievement...
A part of the fun would be, as long as the realm you're inside holds no other passage into another realm everyone will probably be inside their own realm, so traveling inside an enemy's part of the warzone would be really dangerous, just like the inner realms are now.
It would be a bit like a 2 step invasion...
06-24-2009, 05:46 AM
I really did mean only one fort per bridge :) Among other things, this promotes almost constant fort wars in the upper levels to try and stop those Ignis/Alsius/Syrtis scum from getting into your realm.
The purpose of the timer is to give the defending realm a better chance to mobilise a defence. Of course if you made the castles phenominally hard to attack, this might not matter.
As it happens, barbarians are currently just as good at running under rivers as hunters. Also at the current time anyone can get from Syrtis to Ignis through the swamp delta - even mages - by runing under the water. Obviously some landscape changes would have to happen.
To those worried about the lag,
a) That's one of the things NGD needs to address before doing this kind of thing,
b) The lag you get when going near towns, castles, other players, appears to be due to the amount of bounds checking that is done, and is something that is being worked on (the devs talk about "hiccups" when you go near towns or large groups of players). As such when combined it's really going to be the same as going near a small town.
c) Personally if I were making the game, and were to make a change like this, I would release it with the next version of the engine. We're told that this is supposed to have much better performance for this kind of thing.
Znurre's map is a pretty good representation. I'll draw up my idea for the castle now :)
@kamax (and anyone else who didn't read my bit about the peninsulae): Two words - super boss. (And two more: Needs work, but that's another discussion)
06-24-2009, 08:09 AM
And here is my retard-o-sketch (Seems I have no skills today) showing the basic idea of how the castle works:
I was going to do a more artistic sketch with the keep towering over everything and archers on the turrets and all that, and an attacking army at the gate, but that may have to wait until another day.
06-24-2009, 01:22 PM
I really hope this gets into the game. Could this topic be moved to the Suggestions forum maybe?
+1 from me.
I'm a little cautious though as to how this will affect small hunting parties, since you will need to take a fort in order to come across (specially if forts are neutral by default). This will also work better for well populated servers like Ra and maybe less so for servers like Horus or Tyr. Remember on off hours when there aren't enough people for a viable fort battle, people resort to hunting for their dose of action.
06-24-2009, 01:51 PM
Amazing! idea!
This Needs To Be Looked at by NGD Asap
this would enchance war greatly
06-24-2009, 02:58 PM
And here is my retard-o-sketch (Seems I have no skills today) showing the basic idea of how the castle works:
I was going to do a more artistic sketch with the keep towering over everything and archers on the turrets and all that, and an attacking army at the gate, but that may have to wait until another day.
i really hope this gets implemented into the game!!!
can u draw another one of the forts guarding the river? are the forts going to be on top the bridges?
a nice castle btw :D
I like the idea a lot, but have one snag, its about making castles muuuuch bigger, eg small city like, think of the lag at citys, think of the lag and castles, add those together :s, then think of the lag we already get at gates without the gate being surrounded by a city.
I do love this, but in the real world Im not sure if the servers or many players could cope.
I like the idea a lot too. This solves the guarded bridges issue, it reduces the chance to be killed by hunters, it creates 4 zones instead of 3 (newbie zone, inner realm, war zone to newbie, inner, protected, war), it gives a good reason to attack and defend forts,...
If we want to keep the possibilty to cross river (i mean for all of us), without taking fort, a fun thing will be to add a ford between each fort (3, one per realm)
People crossing there will have a speed malus of 40%, a protection malus of 20% and damage if fallen in it (ambushed for example).
Fords can be made temporary, depending on rain, season or anything else,
If they are crossable only 10% of the total time, then i think this would allow some good tactics (like units crossing fords, then hide in enemy's territory, to attack forts from behind while others take front).
Imho castles do not need to be much bigger.
About potential lag issue, let NGD decide, we don't have technical informations to think about that (well, if regnum was open source,...)
06-24-2009, 03:02 PM
This idea is good, but in a way it forces people to go to fort wars. Even if most people would like the change, you should make it so it still gives other options (like hunting obviously). Also, it leaves a majority of the warzone empty and useless.
As such, I think rather than a fort 'on' each bridge, an outpost (smaller/easier fort) should be placed on each side of the bridge, with guards fighting in between. This gives small groups a chance to still get by if they want to, but not without a fight.
After this step, forts would be placed so that they were equal distances from both bridges of ONE realm. (I.e- Samal is equidistant from pb + pb2, menirah is equidistant from pn + pn2)
All saves would then be moved as well so that the defending realm doesn't have to run just as far as their attackers, unless the save is already/still a reasonable distance from a fort.
I do like the castle idea though, put that in front of or on the realm gate. (Make it more difficult to capture of course) Also put guards between the inner and outer gate if this was to be done.
Some other ideas to add on to this include sentries along ALL warzone roads at regular intervals. (sentries = small towers with 1/2 archers on each) Sentries could be ignored, but as soon as they are attacked the defending realm will be alerted to your presence. They can't be captured.
Also, small outposts can be found throughout each realm, with only a few guards protecting them. (4 outposts each realm, not counting bridge ones)
These, when captured, can act as temporary savepoints for the enemy realm. (Meaning ignis could save in alsius) BUT, this will only work if the corresponding fort for that outpost is captured. (2 outposts assigned to each fort).
The bridge outposts can't be saved to.
If you have saved to an outpost and your realm loses it or it's corresponding fort is lost, your last save point will still be active, because the outposts are only temporary ones which override the originals in your realm.
So, I added and changed a lot as you can see. Imo my idea allows further variety in invasion strategies without making them too hard to defend against.
The original ideas are good too, but if I understood them correctly it put's too much guesswork and pressure into invasions and makes a lot of the already unused land even further obsolete.
It's potentially easy for certain classes to pass outposts if there are no gates. Hunters can camo through, conjurers/warjurers can sanctuary through, marksmen can low profile away. Barbs might get away with Onslaught + Spring and Knights might be able to tank/block their way through. It's tough luck for warlocks unless they can sulter + twister their way through.
Overall outposts without gates might create environmental imbalance for classes. If you want to make bridges defendable or capturable, placing forts there is the best solution since it becomes fair for all. Znurre's suggestion fits this best:
pb - Samal (Ignis)
pb2 - Herbred (Syrtis)
pp - Algaros (Syrtis)
pp2 - Trelleborg (Alsius)
pn - Aggersborg(Alsius)
pn2 - Menirah (Ignis)
Castles shall act as gates.
I think this is a balanced arrangement...
06-24-2009, 03:41 PM
It's potentially easy for certain classes to pass outposts if there are no gates. Hunters can camo through, conjurers/warjurers can sanctuary through, marksmen can low profile away. Barbs might get away with Onslaught + Spring and Knights might be able to tank/block their way through. It's tough luck for warlocks unless they can sulter + twister their way through.
Overall outposts without gates might create environmental imbalance for classes. If you want to make bridges defendable or capturable, placing forts there is the best solution since it becomes fair for all. Znurre's suggestion fits this best:
pb - Samal (Ignis)
pb2 - Herbred (Syrtis)
pp - Algaros (Syrtis)
pp2 - Trelleborg (Alsius)
pn - Aggersborg(Alsius)
pn2 - Menirah (Ignis)
Castles shall act as gates.
I think this is a balanced arrangement...
It might be the best solution to make the forts neutral and not from one realm.
06-24-2009, 03:41 PM
Think of owning a fort as a way to enable your realm to hunt, and owning two as preventing the other realm from doing so. Owning all forts adjacent to your realm is like insurance against any enemy hunters :)
"Neutral" forts might be an idea, personally I think it would neutralise the point of them being forts though. After all, if they're controlled by one side or the other, each fort war is like a mini-invasion.
Could be that after a certain amount of time (maybe an hour or so) without being defended, they become derelict....
It might be the best solution to make the forts neutral and not from one realm.
Maybe, but when will it be neutral? On server resets?
On a normal day, forts will always be owned by someone...
06-24-2009, 03:52 PM
Maybe, but when will it be neutral? On server resets?
On a normal day, forts will always be owned by someone...
yes, but they wont be on any realms land. theyll just be owned by whoever...
So no gates, guards and embattlements?
I was thinking in the line of this:
Maybe wider... then the flag will be at the center of the bridge. Both sides will be attackable if another realm happens to come to it from the other side.
06-24-2009, 04:20 PM
I like the picture. What I meant, that forts do have an owner, like Syrtis owns Samal or Herberd when they have it captured, but that they don't belong to a realm. Like now that Samal doesn't belong to Syrtis, while they do own it when captured. (I hope that's a bit clear :p)
For the situation after a server reset, I suggest we keep the status quo then, or you leave the bridge forts without gates and the first one to arrive is the first to capture?
I get what you mean now. Since they are technically on neutral ground, they shouldn't belong to anyone by default.
Adding to this topic:
Such a setup would leave a large expanse of unused real estate. IF this is implemented, I also suggest that some sort of capturable area be present in place of where Herbred, Samal and Aggersborg used to be that isn't related to the invasion mechanic at all.
I suggest (and this has been suggested many times before and several times up this thread) a capturable walled town complete with shops and all. Capturing this triggers a timer, (30 mins?) and when the timer expires, merchants will spawn that will sell you really good items and items that aren't normally accessible to your realm such as realm-specific jewelry. Items sold here will be randomly generated (meaning DS rings won't always crop up if the town in Syrtis was captured for example) and fetch a high price in gold.
06-24-2009, 05:56 PM
I see now. Yes, a fort "belonging" to a realm would be stupid and irrelevant.
06-24-2009, 06:35 PM
Being a pessimist I see how it would end: Everyone will avoid enemies and just try to capture undefended bridges :tonguey:
And even if there actually was something like a fight, the bridge would be quite difficult to capture, if not impossible, because the defender's way to the bridge is the same than the attacker's.
But the castle idea is amazing :banana:
06-24-2009, 07:27 PM
I like the idea, it would make war a lot more meaningful. :)
However, Ive got a few questions...
*What if the bridge fort gets taken over by the defending realm while the offensive group is still in the defensive realm's warzone? Do they just stay there? Do they have to recapture the fort, or will they just vanish?
*There needs to be something else added to this. As Immune pointed out earlier, it makes a lot of the warzone a waste of space as everyone will be heading in one direction: the bridge or the castle, depending on whether youre attacking or defending. Would super bosses get more of the land dedicated to them? Would you have to get past other creatures first to get to the super boss, not unlike your invasions plan? Can I go as far as suggesting possible dungeons? ;)
*Since the warzone would have only two bridge forts in each realm, and PvP action is restricted to when a realm plucks up the courage to attack another, this limits PvP action to an extent. You only attack other realm players when it relates to invasions instead of potentially attacking enemy players around the clock. To make up for this, wouldnt it be better to make more mobs aggresive in the wz?
*If two realms decide to invade one realm at the same time (which is possible), will this situation conflict with your invasions idea?
Hope this idea becomes something real, and that NGD really sees that this has major potential. I voted yes on your poll by the way :D
06-24-2009, 08:36 PM
The way I see it:
- If the offensive group is still in the defending realm's warzone when the fort(s) are recaptured, they stay there until a fort is captured by their realm or they die.
- The "wasted" space is where people will be grinding. As such it's where people will be hunting, too. Some people might add more bosses around the place. Other ideas have been mentioned.
- Since at any point in time some realm is going to have passage into another, open field skirmishes will still exist. Furthermore you can still just attack a fort.
- Whoever owns the castle can invade. The only real difference about who can attack to now is that whoever does not own the castle is hindered by the fact that any occupying force will install their own castle defence.
06-24-2009, 08:51 PM
I like the idea, it would make war a lot more meaningful. :)
However, Ive got a few questions...
*What if the bridge fort gets taken over by the defending realm while the offensive group is still in the defensive realm's warzone? Do they just stay there? Do they have to recapture the fort, or will they just vanish?
*There needs to be something else added to this. As Immune pointed out earlier, it makes a lot of the warzone a waste of space as everyone will be heading in one direction: the bridge or the castle, depending on whether youre attacking or defending. Would super bosses get more of the land dedicated to them? Would you have to get past other creatures first to get to the super boss, not unlike your invasions plan? Can I go as far as suggesting possible dungeons? ;)
*Since the warzone would have only two bridge forts in each realm, and PvP action is restricted to when a realm plucks up the courage to attack another, this limits PvP action to an extent. You only attack other realm players when it relates to invasions instead of potentially attacking enemy players around the clock. To make up for this, wouldnt it be better to make more mobs aggresive in the wz?
*If two realms decide to invade one realm at the same time (which is possible), will this situation conflict with your invasions idea?
Hope this idea becomes something real, and that NGD really sees that this has major potential. I voted yes on your poll by the way :D
since it will be kinda empty, they can turn the forts in to wz cities. Algaros town, Herbred Village. and add another city at the peninsula. and perhaps add lvl 39+ quests
06-24-2009, 09:16 PM
Thanks for clearing things up Arafail, I missed out a couple of important points you made earlier, like needing the fort to be captured to invade and that passages to other realms are still open without invasion. :D
Here is my idea without foundation or thought:
I say just flood the wz and inner realm with dungeons filled with treasure, defended by aggro monsters that are hard to kill. But we wont get that xD
06-25-2009, 04:54 AM
Here is my idea without foundation or thought:
I say just flood the wz and inner realm with dungeons filled with treasure, defended by aggro monsters that are hard to kill. But we wont get that xD
In what way will that improve RvR? :/
06-25-2009, 09:33 AM
In what way will that improve RvR? :/
See, I told you I didnt think about it properly before posting it. ;)
06-25-2009, 10:17 AM
In what way will that improve RvR? :/
You must hold the dungeon door against other realms for 15 minutes for the right to enter the dungeon! Once a realm has entered the dungeon, another realm cannot until the first realm has left...
I don't see it.
06-25-2009, 11:48 PM
The idea is interesting and well worth discussion.
When Ignis went into Fisgeal it was a total lag fest. Even the fight we had at Doshim was not without considerable lag. My concern with a city in the warzone is the lag.
It would also as stated earlier make large portions of the regnum map meaningless.
A few months ago AWD had a similar idea, but instead of full blown forts on the bridges, more simple capturable towers.
06-26-2009, 07:20 AM
The idea is interesting and well worth discussion.
When Ignis went into Fisgeal it was a total lag fest. Even the fight we had at Doshim was not without considerable lag. My concern with a city in the warzone is the lag.
It would also as stated earlier make large portions of the regnum map meaningless.
A few months ago AWD had a similar idea, but instead of full blown forts on the bridges, more simple capturable towers.
NGD already stated they found the problem concerning city-lag and will look into it. Fixing it will only be a very big task and will include new texturing if I remember it correctly.
since it will be kinda empty, they can turn the forts in to wz cities. Algaros town, Herbred Village. and add another city at the peninsula. and perhaps add lvl 39+ quests
Yes, this would be perfect.
So if i get it:
- 3 castles with inner city, one own by each realm, capturable, new name to be found
- 3 smaller cities in wz for each realm, capturable, use the current names of respective forts/castles
- 6 neutral forts (own by who are in), capturable, named after bridges names or new ones
It would be much more fun !
- at random tilme, allow a river to be crossed outside the bridges/forts (using a ford) for a short time
- allow people to use boats on lake to cross it (?)
- perhaps move saves to small cities (?)
Whatever i think this is a great idea.
Let's hope NGD will read that thread, and take some time to think about it.
06-26-2009, 12:45 PM
Whatever i think this is a great idea.
Let's hope NGD will read that thread, and take some time to think about it.
It's nice to see so much positive response here (I was expecting more flames, or at least some), but let's be honest: This shouldn't bear any ponderance for NGD until the current system is improved so that, eg, position fixed are fixed properly.
My thoughts are maybe bring this up for their consideration post-NG3D2.0.
06-26-2009, 01:35 PM
Id like to see this happen a lot, or at least have it seriously looked into by NGD at one point or another, but the truth is I cant ever remember NGD making such a drastic difference to wz like this, and considering that its their strongest point in the game they would be spending ample amount of time on a very big project likely to come with many bugs. And there is a chance that whatever companies that sponsor them at the moment dont want them to make this change, thinking its too risky and could involve huge economic losses.
They may simply create a new server with a new world...
06-27-2009, 07:54 AM
I remember reading a dev post that explained that the lag you get in citys is due to loading textures. I would quote it but too lazy to look :)
07-01-2009, 06:26 AM
What about the shortcuts across rivers, like tree trunks to ignis swamp and places where its shallow enough to just run across? Especially at places like pp where you can go from alsius to syrtis by missing the bridge, but not the other way around.
07-01-2009, 06:45 AM
This idea is just Awesome! and like a previous post said about turning the forts into small villages with quests and such would be Awesome.
The Wz Really needs a Facelift and some new additions
07-01-2009, 08:04 AM
What about the shortcuts across rivers, like tree trunks to ignis swamp and places where its shallow enough to just run across? Especially at places like pp where you can go from alsius to syrtis by missing the bridge, but not the other way around.
Valid concern. Obviously something would have to be done about these.
My personal opinion? Huge spawns of insanely high level mobs (and some ways into alsius from the other realms), but it may be better to just widen the rivers and make this kind of crossing impossible.
07-03-2009, 07:11 PM
Well the new update is posted. I didn't see a fix city lag problem on the list.
07-04-2009, 01:44 PM
Wow this all sounds really great! How about we throw in some hybridized classes too?xD Nah just kidding. But seriously, this idea would add something to what we don't have in the war zone now.
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