View Full Version : Server IP ?

06-24-2009, 10:13 AM
Hi all !

Well, i can't connect to servers anymore. Ip have changed ?

Here what i have in game.cfg :


sv_game_server_tcp_port = 48000
sv_retriever_host =
sv_retriever_port = 80

and here what i have in shorewall :
ACCEPT cbrbs net tcp 48000
ACCEPT cbrbs net tcp 48001
ACCEPT cbrbs net tcp 47300
ACCEPT cbrbs net udp 9660

and :

ACCEPT cbrbs net: tcp http,ftp
ACCEPT cbrbs net: tcp http,ftp
ACCEPT cbrbs net: tcp http,ftp

So... Do i need to add ??

06-24-2009, 11:14 AM
game.cfg is checked and updated everytime you run the game client, even if no ip have changed.

Just run the client. After login, it will update your game.conf automagically with actual server IPs. If the cfg file is write protected (and edited), consider removing its protection, or deleting it, and let the client create a fresh one.

i cant give you any advice for firewall rules, as you seem to know what you are doing.

06-24-2009, 02:05 PM
Ok, thx for your reply.

In fact, i set in game.cfg

sv_retriever_host =

But the client try to connect to

(used wireshark to detect this)

Which is the same website. Soooooo... I need to change this in shorewall, adding
ACCEPT cbrbs net: tcp http,ftp

Will try it tomorrow.

06-24-2009, 02:35 PM
Simply pick Ra or other server from the list, not Horus.
