View Full Version : So what did Ignis wish for THIS time?
07-16-2009, 09:05 PM
Just curious as to what yall wished for, seein as how you could do this every night, with yalls numbers....
07-16-2009, 09:16 PM
they wished for -rlm for us greens. but they failed as most of the greens left the game or moved to other realms
07-17-2009, 12:31 AM
they wished for -rlm for us greens. but they failed as most of the greens left the game or moved to other realms
and yet y'all still manage to keep up the zerg, how do you do it?
Just curious as to what yall wished for, seein as how you could do this every night, with yalls numbers....
weve had 2 successful gate openings in about 4 weeks, that is about 3 or 4 nights/days of a successful invasion, can you please elaborate how this = to every night/day?
07-17-2009, 05:16 AM
and yet y'all still manage to keep up the zerg, how do you do it?
Took the words right out of my mouth!
weve had 2 successful gate openings in about 4 weeks, that is about 3 or 4 nights/days of a successful invasion, can you please elaborate how this = to every night/day?
I think he emphasized could do it every night, not did/have/will. In honesty I think your realm is the most organized and the players have the closest-knit community. Sure, all realms have their drama, but to see you guys zerg up from seemingly nowhere and in mass coordination deserves acknowledgement. In that respect, I tend to agree with Brian being that, if everyone were able to, barring RL obligations, you probably could pull off an invasion every night with your track record and reputation.
Replies in Red.
07-17-2009, 07:25 AM
they wished for -rlm for us greens. but they failed as most of the greens left the game or moved to other realms
So how did that fail then?
Just an FYI I didn't take part in the invasion, but it was well organized during the past weeks, and a lot of time and planning went into it to make sure everyone could be apart of it.
Kudos to Alsius though, from what I hear they put up a strong resistance with much fewer people than Syrtis.
07-17-2009, 07:29 AM
Syrtis has not got a real 'zerg' and havent for quite some time, often we are fighting even or only slightly less numbers, often a fort party will be under 10/15 people at the start and a few others might show up after the fort is taken, if you want to see a zerg go play Ra for a bit, a fort party there is like an invasion group on horus.
Which is reason numero uno why Horus is not ready for invasions.
Acknor from the INQ night team said this about the invasion,
So, the Iggie zerg creamed the night crew last night...45ish iggies vs about 20 of us (and I think only 4 or 5 of us were high levels). They've been kind enough to give us a negative RLM bonus.
I know how little everyone likes invasions but I still have to ask the question - is anyone interested in giving the Iggies a taste of their own medicine or is the apathy just too high in Syrtis to care about it?
Our night team is getting annoyed at having to repell a invasion every other day yet syrtis seems so un-bothered about acctualy going and invading back.
07-17-2009, 07:41 AM
Our night team is getting annoyed at having to repell a invasion every other day yet syrtis seems so un-bothered about acctualy going and invading back.
Hence "Frenchies hide behind trees, Italians live on our save, and the Inquisition is... thinking?"
Come on, its obvious that Syrtis has the manpower to do something, the point is just that they don't. I'm not kissing your ass here, but the Inquisition pretty much sums up Syrtis.
Inq > Syrtis
07-17-2009, 07:51 AM
The times we acctualy managed to invade both were pre-planned, Anpu managed one and I forget who did the other (think it may have been Arwen, but I was offline for that one) These invasions went pretty well, but.
Often if we are at samal or shana and happen to have a lot of people online we will split the group, personaly Id think it better for half to go fight Alsius, that way we are all getting a good war going, but nope most of the time they run off and trigger the invasion countdown, dont know how it is in other clans but in INQ we all pretty much know this is going to fail before the counter reaches half way, but if we do get the gate in danger,
We sit bored at samal regrouping for 1000 years, then go to the gate, lag like crazy, die, half the group gives up, others go back for some reason, die, everyones moral is low and people go off invasion for about a month, because it seems neigh on impossible when the enemy has any decent form of defence at the gate.
07-17-2009, 08:25 AM
Often if we are at samal or shana and happen to have a lot of people online we will split the group, personaly Id think it better for half to go fight Alsius, that way we are all getting a good war going, but nope most of the time they run off and trigger the invasion countdown, dont know how it is in other clans but in INQ we all pretty much know this is going to fail before the counter reaches half way, but if we do get the gate in danger,
We sit bored at samal regrouping for 1000 years, then go to the gate, lag like crazy, die, half the group gives up, others go back for some reason, die, everyones moral is low and people go off invasion for about a month, because it seems neigh on impossible when the enemy has any decent form of defence at the gate.
Er how many times has this happened now....? So much so that when someone shouts to go take shaan or samal (depending where we are)....i tend to just go back to what i was doing before it all started.. :s "Lets split..." is usually met with moans...of a general rule of thumb..the majority might not give an arses about whether she should fight back Ignis, however when it come to us fighting to get our fortresses back...we all pull together..(most of the time) and get them back.
Which is reason numero uno why Horus is not ready for invasions.
/me hands Faith a chocolate bunny..
Wonder how long it will take NGD to realise this one..?
07-17-2009, 10:18 AM
Wonder how long it will take NGD to realise this one..?
How long did they take to change sotw and for how long are we waiting SM to be fixed? :p
Invasions are boring, and no one is interested in them.... if it depends on me, they shall never happen. But ofc, I'm not alone, and if Syrtis decides to do an ORGANIZED Invasion, then I'll gladly help. Invasions broke fort wars... admit it.
07-17-2009, 10:23 AM
Actually, I wonder why does NGD put such a wish (-xp) available if they want some realm balance or player retention? Imagine the Syrtis noobs this week, I'm betting they're moving to other real or game because leveling is already too hard without malus xp. Ffs, I've been playing this game for a year and I'm pretty hooked on to it and I don't even want to level when we have -xp, why should someone who doesn't even know the game right stay and level (because it's the only thing he can do until lvl40)?
07-17-2009, 11:17 AM
Actually, I wonder why does NGD put such a wish (-xp) available if they want some realm balance or player retention? Imagine the Syrtis noobs this week, I'm betting they're moving to other real or game because leveling is already too hard without malus xp. Ffs, I've been playing this game for a year and I'm pretty hooked on to it and I don't even want to level when we have -xp, why should someone who doesn't even know the game right stay and level (because it's the only thing he can do until lvl40)?
Then our choice has been met in the way we wanted it !! Hit them where it hurts was our mindset, so thank you for the post... made my day !! :beerchug:
Invasions on horus is like a joke, on underpopulated server its realy bored.
20 ppl taking forts 1 by 1 and leave them without defense and another realm 20 ppl waits them at gates coz cant split or retake two lvl 4 forts in 10 min due low numbers.
All waits to timers without any action. Then one or two fights at gates and again all waits to next 2 hours timer.... brrrr... waste of time
Additional guards at gates can help a little but they dont respawn and even 20 guards cant give a big affect under pull ranged attacks.
Forts wars more active and many people no need invasions mechanism at horus at all (except one realm that use time-zone players online advantage and invide empty realms again and again)
I wish some type of switch on horus to on/off invasion mechanism :D until this server fill by some amount of active players :)
P.S. It's realy hard to me make discussion on english, hope you understand me))
thegordo thinking like this is foolish and childish.
You "hurt" only levelers that never have got to War Zone or want to be better there. People that have more than one full leveled char do not care how many penalties you will place simply because they will play other chars. Other side is that boosters are not affected by this invasion "feature".
Placing this kind of stuff hurts whole game and you know it. People leave, people get frustrated. So we all lose - less people, less wars... Stay and camp Samal and die from boredom :beerchug:
07-17-2009, 11:41 AM
thegordo thinking like this is foolish and childish.
You "hurt" only levelers that never have got to War Zone or want to be better there. People that have more than one full leveled char do not care how many penalties you will place simply because they will play other chars. Other side is that boosters are not affected by this invasion "feature".
Placing this kind of stuff hurts whole game and you know it. People leave, people get frustrated. So we all lose - less people, less wars... Stay and camp Samal and die from boredom :beerchug:
+1, gordo thinking of only your own realm wont get the game anywere, if we dont come to fight you, who will you fight? Horus has enough population issues as is without Ignis trying to make people leave the game.
Anyone who has been on the receiving end of this 'reward' admits its a stupid idea, and only the most narrow minded of those who havent cont see the big picture, its a stupid wish which makes grinding even harder for many players, if it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.
That it wont effect premium is near as NGD admitting its going to annoy a lot of people, but not wanting to annoy paying players, 'F2P'ers, meh we dont care fuck you.' No other game punish's players in this way and for so long.
Everytime someone uses the -xp perk we get threads like this with the majority of people saying its a stupid feature, so why is it still here?
Ditch it, come up with something else.
07-17-2009, 12:08 PM
I have exempt :p
Aye its a shit feature.
if it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.
<coughs> it aint used on RA?
07-17-2009, 12:12 PM
I have exempt :p
Aye its a shit feature.
IF it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.
<coughs> it aint used on RA?
Made the point a bit clearer for you :)
I will not go to Samal, Merinah, Shaanarid until -xp penality wears off. :devil:
07-17-2009, 12:55 PM
TBH We'd never pick that if there were a better alternative when +XP wasn't available.
Actually I'd vote for +gold on those off times because at least it's harmless, but I have the standard ‘democracy’ worries that if I don't vote with the crowd what enough others won't have that what I really don't want (ie. ‘There can only be one’) will win.
I guess what I'm saying is, that not being able to pick +XP repeatedly is silly. Yeah, it shouldn't stack like it did, and maybe we're ultimately to blame with our +60% RLM that we got in the first week of invasions, but c'mon. Until there's better options to pick from, ...
07-17-2009, 01:00 PM
Syrtis surely would be saying the opposite thing if the -xp had happened to another realm. Is a week of -xp so difficult for you guys? The majority is acting like it's lasting for a year. Guys take this opportunity to gather your strenghts in the war zone, less grinders means more players in the war zone.
Syrtis has such a great chance to invade any realm they want. You guys have so many players, the only thing left is the cooperation and orginisation. I remember a week or two ago Syrtis attempted an invasion on Ignis. We were 20 vs 50-60 and Syrtis still failed.
I definatly don't agree with those Syrtis who are leaving/quitting the game because of this matter. It is just showing that those players are simply sore losers.
07-17-2009, 01:18 PM
Then our choice has been met in the way we wanted it !! Hit them where it hurts was our mindset, so thank you for the post... made my day !! :beerchug:
Syrtis surely would be saying the opposite thing if the -xp had happened to another realm. Is a week of -xp so difficult for you guys? The majority is acting like it's lasting for a year. Guys take this opportunity to gather your strenghts in the war zone, less grinders means more players in the war zone.
Syrtis has such a great chance to invade any realm they want. You guys have so many players, the only thing left is the cooperation and orginisation. I remember a week or two ago Syrtis attempted an invasion on Ignis. We were 20 vs 50-60 and Syrtis still failed.
I definatly don't agree with those Syrtis who are leaving/quitting the game because of this matter. It is just showing that those players are simply sore losers.
syrtis already had the chance to give ignis -xp when we didn't have +xp for us as option available, yet we opted for gold.
and those ignis myths how 20 of you defended against 50-60 syrtis are laughable. if we attacked with that force you'd be still looking for your ass somewhere around warzone.
oh and as for you not agreeing with guys who quit syrtis for -xp, it's not us old players, it's all the people who will create an account in next 7 days and picked syrtis.
07-17-2009, 01:29 PM
Nightchill, thats not the point here. What you guys voted is a different story, has nothing to do with the vote for -xp on Syrtis.
Secondly, I was there for that one invasion attempt on Ignis. I tracked it myself and found you guys to be between 50-60. I know for a fact we were around 20.
And for those newcomers who shall choose between the realm should bring a balance to Horus. Syrtis are constantly outnumbering the other realms. And the reason why us Iggies were so many for the last invasion was because we planned to all log in at a certain time.
Obviously you are ticked off about this -xp. It's a GAME Nightchill. Won't be replying again.
07-17-2009, 01:38 PM
Nightchill, thats not the point here. What you guys voted is a different story, has nothing to do with the vote for -xp on Syrtis.
Secondly, I was there for that one invasion attempt on Ignis. I tracked it myself and found you guys to be between 50-60. I know for a fact we were around 20.
And for those newcomers who shall choose between the realm should bring a balance to Horus. Syrtis are constantly outnumbering the other realms. And the reason why us Iggies were so many for the last invasion was because we planned to all log in at a certain time.
Obviously you are ticked off about this -xp. It's a GAME Nightchill. Won't be replying again.
dude. i buy boosters. this effects me in NO WAY. and yes, i'm ticked off about this -xp, but not because you guys voted for it, rather because that such a retarded wish is available.
as for your tracks, we might have been 50-60, but you guys when you defend you NEVER have under 40 so i suggest someone calls mythbusters for you guys (
07-17-2009, 01:38 PM
I'm not actively playing on Horus. From what I know on Ra no realm ever choose -XP, and I'm glad about that. Always choose a reward for your realm since a good thing to do.
Really I found that sad, people choosing to "punish" other players even for a week.
07-17-2009, 01:51 PM
Stay and camp Samal and die from boredom :beerchug:
I will not go to Samal, Merinah, Shaanarid until -xp penality wears off. :devil:
This is already the case. You can't threaten to never go fight, when you really never go fight. Ignis attacks Herb, 25 Syrtis log on and zerg it and... log off. Ignis attacks Aggy, 20 goats log on and zerg it and... log off.
Ignis already waits. You cannot threaten to never attack, when you never attack anyway.
07-17-2009, 01:55 PM
I'm not actively playing on Horus. From what I know on Ra no realm ever choose -XP, and I'm glad about that. Always choose a reward for your realm since a good thing to do.
Really I found that sad, people choosing to "punish" other players even for a week.
Don't worry dracus, the only reason it hasn't been picked is simply because you're all pretty much incapable of invading, if you actually improved, then you'd see such a vote sooner or later (:
Froste, why do you think we do not like to go to Ignis forts?
Because of nice hell alot of SM mages?
Because of you wait half hour to gather zerg and then get fort for 2 seconds even, than you have save near?
Because you constantly camp Samal and do same - when it is attacked you log with hell of a zerg?
It is sad... it is sad that game turned into fort camping, mass alt grinding, invasion insane... lately i have most fun on algaros, trelleborg, merinah, because they usually are not camped and there i have old fort fun.
Every attemp to go to Samal especially ends with half hour waiting ignis to gather and then zerg us - because they do not want to give us RP... FFS RP's are shit and mean nothing except you can say - hey i'm in TOP 10 in Horus / RA.
Sorry for offtopic ppl.
07-17-2009, 02:14 PM
Ignis already waits. You cannot threaten to never attack, when you never attack anyway.
Many times dureing my timezone we go into alsius and syrtis and get either a pitifull party try once then leave or no one shows up at all, if you tot up the ammount of captures per week then I think the order would be Syrtis > Ignis > Alsius, even other players who have came to syrtis from other realms think of syrtis as the Wz's life blood most of the time.
Stop waiting, attack something.
Nightchill, thats not the point here. What you guys voted is a different story, has nothing to do with the vote for -xp on Syrtis.
Secondly, I was there for that one invasion attempt on Ignis. I tracked it myself and found you guys to be between 50-60. I know for a fact we were around 20.
And for those newcomers who shall choose between the realm should bring a balance to Horus. Syrtis are constantly outnumbering the other realms. And the reason why us Iggies were so many for the last invasion was because we planned to all log in at a certain time.
Obviously you are ticked off about this -xp. It's a GAME Nightchill. Won't be replying again.
Your an Idiot. For all reasons already stated by Syrtians, Alsians, and any non-idiot Ignis. -xp only harms the game and your figures for invasion numbers are total Bs, no way at all ever could 20 ignis break through the gate if we had 60 players. EVER. From the night crew I hear the numbers were more around 20 syrtis (6 level 50) and 40 Ignis.
07-17-2009, 02:26 PM
Froste, why do you think we do not like to go to Ignis forts?
Because of nice hell alot of SM mages?
Because of you wait half hour to gather zerg and then get fort for 2 seconds even, than you have save near?
Because you constantly camp Samal and do same - when it is attacked you log with hell of a zerg?
It is sad... it is sad that game turned into fort camping, mass alt grinding, invasion insane... lately i have most fun on algaros, trelleborg, merinah, because they usually are not camped and there i have old fort fun.
Every attemp to go to Samal especially ends with half hour waiting ignis to gather and then zerg us - because they do not want to give us RP... FFS RP's are shit and mean nothing except you can say - hey i'm in TOP 10 in Horus / RA.
Sorry for offtopic ppl.
I think we only have 2 24/7 SM Mages, but anyway.
I agree, its really boring how Ignis wants to wait at the save instead of trying to take back the fort for example when Syrtis got Samal.
We are pretty many at the start, we do a few attemps, we fail because Syrtis greatly outnumber us, many of us leave.
But what about those who stays?
We already know its hopeless, I dont know why others kept trying, but I know why I did.
I liked warring at all, at least its more fun than not trying.
Sure, I died 20 times and killed maybe 4 people, hurt a few too. But so what?
It beats waiting for reinforcements at the save for hours any day.
I think 4 people asked me something like this.
"Why are you trying, stay here and wait for others to come"
I answered "I think this is more fun than waiting".
I mean, I Do spawn back at save anyway...right?
The answer I got back was the same from most people
"Do you think its more fun to go back all the time and give away free Rp?"
Yes, indeed I do. Stand there and play with yourself while waiting for your friends to logg on, If I want to go and kill myself a couple of times while waiting, give me a reason to stop.
Ooh, Syrtis will be stronger than me, they will have more Rps than me.
Fuck Rps, I kill Komodos and Aquas day in and day out.
I am so bored of it already! I am a Knight, I dont use boosters and I pretty much grind alts whenever I dont have a Conju to support me.
I own my friends and randoms good people so much, I am 100% sure I would have deleted my Knight a long time ago if they werent kind enough to help me grind for a while.
So if you feel like it, stand at the save and wait.
I will be killing myself, tell me when you are about to make a move, but dont stop me from trying to have fun.
Off topic, btw +1 for you war, I agree ^^
07-17-2009, 02:31 PM
I think we only have 2 24/7 SM Mages, but anyway.
I agree, its really boring how Ignis wants to wait at the save instead of trying to take back the fort for example when Syrtis got Samal.
We are pretty many at the start, we do a few attemps, we fail because Syrtis greatly outnumber us, many of us leave.
But what about those who stays?
We already know its hopeless, I dont know why others kept trying, but I know why I did.
I liked warring at all, at least its more fun than not trying.
Sure, I died 20 times and killed maybe 4 people, hurt a few too. But so what?
It beats waiting for reinforcements at the save for hours any day.
I think 4 people asked me something like this.
"Why are you trying, stay here and wait for others to come"
I answered "I think this is more fun than waiting".
I mean, I Do spawn back at save anyway...right?
The answer I got back was the same from most people
"Do you think its more fun to go back all the time and give away free Rp?"
Yes, indeed I do. Stand there and play with yourself while waiting for your friends to logg on, If I want to go and kill myself a couple of times while waiting, give me a reason to stop.
Ooh, Syrtis will be stronger than me, they will have more Rps than me.
Fuck Rps, I kill Komodos and Aquas day in and day out.
I am so bored of it already! I am a Knight, I dont use boosters and I pretty much grind alts whenever I dont have a Conju to support me.
I own my friends and randoms good people so much, I am 100% sure I would have deleted my Knight a long time ago if they werent kind enough to help me grind for a while.
So if you feel like it, stand at the save and wait.
I will be killing myself, tell me when you are about to make a move, but dont stop me from trying to have fun.
Off topic, btw +1 for you war, I agree ^^
A rare honest insight into Ignis +1 :)
"You must spread some Rep before giving it to Dannboy again" merrh...
07-17-2009, 03:34 PM
...Ignis attacks Aggy, 20 goats log on and zerg it and... log off.
If true, that's news to me.
I GOTTA start playing more during "peak" hours! xD
07-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Your an Idiot. For all reasons already stated by Syrtians, Alsians, and any non-idiot Ignis. -xp only harms the game and your figures for invasion numbers are total Bs, no way at all ever could 20 ignis break through the gate if we had 60 players. EVER. From the night crew I hear the numbers were more around 20 syrtis (6 level 50) and 40 Ignis.
I remember a week or two ago Syrtis attempted an invasion on Ignis. We were 20 vs 50-60 and Syrtis still failed.
I think what was actually said was that 20 ignis DEFENDED their own gate against 60 syrtis. Sounds about right to me, I'm guessing the syrtis zerg ate a sultar, and then our barbs killed all the conjurers before they got up. 20 defending vs. 60 attacking at the realm gate is nearly an even fight, imo.
07-17-2009, 04:05 PM
Dann, once again , your spot on, sometimes ignis doenst wanna wait at save for regroup, i like you , want to war, but we can be tragically outnumbered, but yeah, its just a game, so if i die , i die, it doesnt lose me xp, or items, so there really is no harm in it, but then, sometimes i have been known to wait for the reinforcements, but thats usually due to me dying a crapload of times lol (but thats mostly on my conju...hunter = charge machine :P )
And yeah, -xp can hurt the game, but some of Ignis, myself included, get sick and tired of the constant zergs, having to retake our forts 5 times a day, can get a bit on our nerves, so ignis gets mad at the worst offenders...syrtis.. and it does affect most of the realm, lvl 49 and below, i would be super pissed if i was a few hundred k from lvl 50 and trying to do it with no boosters or someone pointed out, its a psychological thing.
07-17-2009, 04:30 PM
Dann, once again , your spot on, sometimes ignis doenst wanna wait at save for regroup, i like you , want to war, but we can be tragically outnumbered, but yeah, its just a game, so if i die , i die, it doesnt lose me xp, or items, so there really is no harm in it, but then, sometimes i have been known to wait for the reinforcements, but thats usually due to me dying a crapload of times lol (but thats mostly on my conju...hunter = charge machine :P )
And yeah, -xp can hurt the game, but some of Ignis, myself included, get sick and tired of the constant zergs, having to retake our forts 5 times a day, can get a bit on our nerves, so ignis gets mad at the worst offenders...syrtis.. and it does affect most of the realm, lvl 49 and below, i would be super pissed if i was a few hundred k from lvl 50 and trying to do it with no boosters or someone pointed out, its a psychological thing.
This is more than a physical war, its turned into a psychological war. The hate and tensions between players has peaked, and to me they are the sole backbone of every decision.
When you have people in Syrtis like the Italians who do tactics I will not name, you will obviously have people in Ignis who will retaliate.
Its common sense, whining about it won't do anything. Although I don't agree with the invasions rewards, I'm going to just say here logically, that reading about people leaving Syrtis just because of a bonus is a laugh for me, it really does show weakness. I'm not here to point fingers, but if Ignis was in this position they would not be giving in to it, they would be busy organizing a revenge.
And there's your damn difference greenboys.
07-17-2009, 04:33 PM
Don't worry dracus, the only reason it hasn't been picked is simply because you're all pretty much incapable of invading, if you actually improved, then you'd see such a vote sooner or later (:
If you say so!
07-17-2009, 05:08 PM
TBH We'd never pick that if there were a better alternative when +XP wasn't available.
there is better alternative, but ignis can't pull it off without major dramorama.
yes, the option to be one, is kinda "drama loaded", but still. it's not like you are able to invade just once in a year.
having to retake our forts 5 times a day, can get a bit on our nerves, so ignis gets mad at the worst offenders...syrtis..
this made me laugh hard. so here we (alsians) are, fighting with syrtis over trele. while we bang on door, aggers gets taken by ignis. oh well, we take trele, run to agg, take it back fast enough. meanwhile syrtis is back in trele, so re run back there. of course aggers gets taken by no less than... ignis... ping-pong repeats until both syrtian and ignean armies gets tired.
next day... while alsians are fighting with syrtis at aggers, imperia gets taken by ignis. not herb, not efe. it's allways gangbang at alsian lands.
lately it seems to me that ignis and syrtis just doesn't have balls to fight with each other more than one or two times a day, so alsius gets gangbanged all the time.
"retake our forts 5 times a day, can get a bit on our nerves..." laughable, when alsius faces with 5 forts a hour sometimes.
07-17-2009, 05:16 PM
Its common sense, whining about it won't do anything. I'm not here to point fingers, but if Ignis was in this position they would not be giving in to it, they would be busy organizing a revenge.
This is the EXACT reason I posted what I did to my INQ clanmates (which was quoted a few pages back). The "night crew" (as we are affectionately known) have had to defend against most if not all of the Ignis invasion attempts on Horus. Maybe if those who play during our day were in our shoes, the taste for revenge might be there. If we could ever get our numbers sufficient at night, you can be sure there would be attempts as I most certainly want revenge - not necessarily for me (I finally hit level 50 so the XP means nothing) but for the lower levels who now have to contend with the -XP "reward" or any other bonus Ignis decides to choose for itself.
Nuff said.
Acknor - Level 50 Barbarian - INQ (Horus)
07-17-2009, 05:34 PM
I agree with Aknor. The lack of attacks into ignis by the peak team, really displays a lack of balls.
Here we are with negative exp, and even today with six more days of this, there are people on realm chat, "lets take Trelle, go to Pinos." It really burns me.
I've said things on realm chat and get the "We want to have fun." "shut up" treatment.
For a few months I never even went into Alsius. There is no point in fighting there. If Syrtis attacks Alsius when Ignis already holds another fort there, then the Syrtians in that group are simply cowards and RP whores. If we fight in Alsius under negative exp from Ignis, then we are morons...and we are filled with morons.
Let the whining and equivocating begin.
07-17-2009, 05:37 PM
And one more thing...
Even during our successful invasions of Ignis, there are always those idiots on realm chat saying, "you are wasting your time" "You will never get thier gate down" "The goats took Stone, come back and help"
They are defeated even before we took the first step toward the gate. Remind me never to have you on my side in a pick up game of anything. You people are morons too.
Where's my metamucil!
07-17-2009, 05:45 PM
Here we are with negative exp, and even today with six more days of this, there are people on realm chat, "lets take Trelle, go to Pinos." It really burns me.
i was actually amazed that even when getting invaded by ignis and getting -xp on top, syrtis didn't bother with attacking ignis forts at all. (at least while i am on - that would be eurodayshift). RPfarming is nice and keeps morale up, but seriously - are you really too afraid to attack iggies? (personally i find battles with ignis to be more entertaining than with syrtis, but most of my realm disagrees)
07-17-2009, 06:37 PM
Regarding the recent opening of the Syrtis (Horus) gates by the iggies. The Nite Crew and a few other players were enjoying a really good fight with the Alsians at Trelle when the Iggies decided to attack the Syrtan forts and castle. That put an end to our fun as we all suicided (Alsius got a bit of free RP... lucky them) to get back to our own territory to try to retake our forts and castle.
Out of habit, whenever I find someone in the warzone who I haven't seen before, I add them to my friends list. If they are high enough to play in the warzone (or not but come anyway) they are on my list. We typically play beginning at 8pm to 11pm Eastern (GMT -4 currently). The night I'm talking about, my friends list showed 10 people online (not including the low level players that haven't come to the warzone yet). Of those, 6 or 7 were level 50 and the others were below 40.
We arrived at Alga to discover easily 10 Ignis players in the fort. A couple other players scouted Herb and EFE and found better than 15 players at each location. So, totally outnumbered again with no chance of taking anything back, we went to the gate. Unfortunately, I had to go to bed... my pumpkin was about to expire and staying up for who knows how long to defend the gate just wasn't an option. That left 5 or 6 level 50 players (2 barbs, 1 or 2 hunters, 1 marx and ???) at the gate and a few very low level players from the inner realm. After I logged off, Ack told me that one of the tracks from our gate revealed 43 enemies grouping for the attack. It was no big surprise when Ack came to bed shortly thereafter and told me that it took about 30 seconds for the gate to go down. I appreciate that the Iggies organized themselves and had a large number show up for the invasion. It's a shame that we weren't able to give them more of a challenge but they clearly have the time zone advantage over us in the western hemisphere's evenings.
The whole point to this post is that I don't think it's always apathy on the part of Syrtans. When the Nite Crew is playing, there are often fewer than 15 high level players online. We can't expect people to stay up all night long or neglect family or jobs to play a game. I won't be put in a position where I lose sleep (not much anyway) because the Iggies are invading at night. We can't win against their numbers until we have a stronger player base at night.
I don't play during the European evening hours very often so I'm not really sure what the dynamics are then. Maybe someone who plays during those times will add a comment.
Now then... just to point out the reality of what someone described as a Syrtan failed invasion a while back. Did you really think that we were seriously trying to invade? Sure, the Nite Crew took your forts and your castle. We did it with between 8 and 12 people. We had no intention of invading. We just wanted to wake you up and make you fight. Seems it worked. You did come to the warzone and retake your fortifications but not without dropping a bit of RP in our laps in the process. Thanks for the fight!
07-17-2009, 06:41 PM
Acctualy you would be suprised about the chat going on, one statement was, Ignis just camp everything all the time, so let them, we will go fight goats and I bet they will do nothing, another was they gave us -xp I dont want to fight them.
Low and behold, we had many fights at Trele/Alga ping pong, and Ignis were no were to be seen for the several hours I was on, camping something Id bet. Alsius were putting up great fights and were on top of us in terms of numbers quite often, a nice change for them :)
Also remember a lot of Syrtis are sick of Ignis tactics, wait at save for half an hour for zerg to build, sultar everything and take fort in 5 mins, tends to be what happens quite a lot, and yes it is partially syrtis fault since many of us choose to fight about 50m from the save rathter than at the fort...
07-17-2009, 06:56 PM
I am not going to bitch about -xp thing - if NGD made it available for players we shouldn't be suprised they used it.
One thing I will criticize are aforementioned myths, Ignis can only handle Syrtis when they are outnumbering us or when there are just newbies online (but well I remember situation when a true zerg nof newbies performed quite well).
Ignis knows it very well that's why they were waiting for dead hours for Syrtis - on the Invasion days, I had some maintenance works to perform and monitor the results, so I got up at 4 AM CEST, I felt like I am alone on Syrtis - no one on CS, no one at friend list online, at about 5:30 you have invaded.
I don't blame you - it is obvious design flaw of the game, quite hard to be worked on (so I underestand NGD too), but don't say stuff like that you can defaut us in 3:1 ratio - you can't.
07-17-2009, 07:23 PM
Yeah im on gmt time, part of the plans this time to pull it off and get the gems. Meant i stayed up all night n went sleep at 9am, but was well worth it. We had 2 choices all in all when we opened the portal, the "Can only be one" Dragonic gem, or 2 hurt another realm... So we opted for the hurt another realm, and it seems to have caused many ripples in the pond. The games ultimate goals as i see it is to capture the gems from the enemy realms and open your portal, this can only be achieved with teamwork and communication, timing, and luck are factors also... but ya know... thats the way the cookie crumbles as we say, hard cheese as we say... Be proud you syrts of our hatred of you in a way that we make sure your grinders get damaged, thus it effects your realm as a whole... mind you, if you lot spent more time playing and getting on rather then flaming threads on here then you too may get to..."cough" open a portal :superpusso:
07-17-2009, 07:35 PM
I appreciate that the Iggies organized themselves and had a large number show up for the invasion.
Thats the whole key despite our inner realm soap opera's we still as A REALM managed to do it ,i actually took a nap for a few b4 we did it--lol:drinks:
07-17-2009, 07:54 PM
Gordo, saying "thats just the way it is, deal with it" dosnt realy cut it, the whole invasions system is flawed, yes a lot of planning went into your invasions, as did our (few) invasions, but in the case of both plans they exploit a huge whole in invasions balance, timezones, by attacking when the enemy has next to no high levels online you walk through whats ment to be a very difficult system. You got the gate down in under 60 seconds, so dont anyone say you had hardly any players,
Anyway, just saying meh deal with it, is like me coming to your house, taking a dump on your sofa and walking off, then saying meh deal with it, I made the effort to come to your house. But as a twist, you need to leave it there for a week.
07-17-2009, 08:18 PM
Ignis knows it very well that's why they were waiting for dead hours for Syrtis - on the Invasion days, I had some maintenance works to perform and monitor the results, so I got up at 4 AM CEST, I felt like I am alone on Syrtis - no one on CS, no one at friend list online, at about 5:30 you have invaded.
I don't blame you - it is obvious design flaw of the game, quite hard to be worked on (so I underestand NGD too), but don't say stuff like that you can defaut us in 3:1 ratio - you can't.
The invasion was setup to fit everyone's time. Because it was organized so that everyone could partake in it. It was the morning here in GMT+1 which is early for Europeans, and pretty late for Americans, contrary to the popular belief that Ignis invades the other way around. This time it was more in favor Syrtis I would say timewise.
Really, can you please just drop the stupid time crap? I understand you like to stand out like some elite, but its not anyone's fault that they live on the other side of the world. You know damn well why things went the way they did. I just gone done watching the videos from last nights invasion and to be honest Syrtis was at its worst, kind of rampaging wherever it could gnaw its teeth into via a lot of unorganized flanking and rushing.
3:1 ratio's happen quite frequently. Its called defending *surprise*
The defenders have defense, (I know its astonishing) which helps them survive better.
07-17-2009, 09:27 PM
Syrtis always whine and moan on forums about how weak Thorkul is, how strong Evedim is(they kill it more then Ignis do Dean), how unfair balance is, how unfair invasion times are and other trolling... PLONK
So we should tell You, ok we are organising invasion at ...<here time> be prepared ?
People being that stupid deserve stacking negative bonus everyday for years! :naughty:
Actually more people taking part in invasion were European time and it was morning for us, but we decided to invade. So saying that we are Americans is another trolling..
ENJOY Your negative bonus while we still have ours :D Its nice to lvl up conjurers before 1.0.7 :D
Syrtis should understand one thing "Stop crying and whining when You lose cause Regnum will never be developed to suite one realm needs which is the most crying one!!" You wont achieve anything except spamming forums.
You had the same chance to invade!!
Finally Syrtis are heavy save campers I can provide tons of screenshots proving that, load of syrtis camping samal save to kill one Ignis that just spawned there. Thats piftul, so if You want to save camp, now You finally have the reason, I hope You enjoy it, next time if we manage to get all gems I vote the same way :D
07-17-2009, 10:17 PM
ENJOY Your negative bonus while we still have ours :D Its nice to lvl up conjurers before 1.0.7 :D
Syrtis should understand one thing "Stop crying and whining when You lose cause Regnum will never be developed to suite one realm needs which is the most crying one!!" You wont achieve anything except spamming forums.
You had the same chance to invade!!
Hahaha, dont worry, we WILL enjoy ;D . Having less 15% exp means we'll spend 15% more time grinding to get that lost exp, which means less time doing war with you ... oh wait.... that was your plan right?
Errr, whatever; The only good thing about invasions is that you can go inside other realm's Inner Zone, and check out the landscape and do a little travelling.
PS: Alsius is really nice, and those yetis are awesome *.*
07-17-2009, 10:47 PM
as we can plainly see now, syrtis can organise an invasion.
of course it's alsius again. my suspecting about lack of balls still stands.
(ofc i understand that alsians did fail miserably (only 4 survided sultars at gate, of whoom 2 were inside), but well... that's how we learn. turns out that for many of dayshift it was first invasion ever :D)
EDIT: of course, when syrtis took trele, ignis took aggers. as usual.
07-17-2009, 11:20 PM
as we can plainly see now, syrtis can organise an invasion.
In fact it wasn't organized invasion, just it happened so that people
at trelle crying "imperia" accidentally outnumbered those crying
"I don't care about invasions", "Invasions are flawed" etc. :)
07-17-2009, 11:42 PM
i would be super pissed if i was a few hundred k from lvl 50 and trying to do it with no boosters or someone pointed out, its a psychological thing.
Well most of us who get to 49 have boosters thus negateing -xp
I'll still be gradding soon no matter how much -xp :razz: :drinks:
07-18-2009, 12:26 AM
Personally, I voted for "There can be only one" and I dislike forcing everyone to grind more. Its annoying, pointless and all it does is cause less war.
Everything everyone accuses everyone else of is true for all realms. However, if you're bitching about Ignis camping in Samal, I would have to question your actual drive to war. If all you want to do is take empty forts and just sit in them how are you any better than those you accuse of camping. Part of war is defending, so why not defend your own forts when there isn't anything else to do.
07-18-2009, 12:43 AM
I think the samal camping accusations are rather funny, we don't camp samal. What you're seeing is us looking for a warzone group, and samal is the place to find one. If an Ignis player is looking for some action in the warzone we go sit around in samal, and within 15-20 minutes you're almost guaranteed to head off to aggy or herb.
Gordoarcane is probably at samal 90% of the time he's online, but it's not like Gordo logs on every day saying to himself, "Yes, another fun-filled day of sitting 1 meter down on the samal ramp, staring out toward the limit." Gordo is just lookin' for a piece of the action.
As far as this negative xp whining goes... Syrtis deserves it. I'm tired of being shat upon by italians over and over on top of my save. I'm tired of having to deal with glitchers that walk through fort and castle walls. I'm tired of syrtis players making ignis chars and spamming our realm chat with nonsense. I'm tired of syrtis glitching to get gems from other realms.
Yes I know not all of syrtis do those things. Yes I know you think it's not fair to punish the whole realm for those things. No, I don't care. The cheaters, save campers, and ignis-realm-chat-spammers are on the same team as the fair players, and there's no way to pick and choose which players get negative xp and which don't. Sorry.
Finally, I'd like to give some acknowledgment for the syrtis "night crew" that have to deal with invasions. You guys are always outnumbered, and you try your best. I don't even think I've seen you guys try to win by glitching (amazing, eh?). It's a shame that you guys are the ones that get steam rolled.
P.S. Gordo you're my hero!
07-18-2009, 01:00 AM
For a few months I never even went into Alsius. There is no point in fighting there.
agreed. they fight back for 10 mins then they go back to grinding. worst fights ever since invasions popped in were and still are vs alsius. shame, specially when i remember some really epic battles vs them while tyr's zorn was still playing.
Finally Syrtis are heavy save campers I can provide tons of screenshots proving that, load of syrtis camping samal save to kill one Ignis that just spawned there. Thats piftul, so if You want to save camp, now You finally have the reason, I hope You enjoy it, next time if we manage to get all gems I vote the same way :D
your whole post is crap (like usual) but this paragraph really ticked me off into saying that you're a complete fucking idiot for a few reasons. first and foremost, because there is no such thing as save camping, second - even if you do feel camped you can always rezz at wall, third - if we control samal then the save isn't really yours, is it now? fourth - if you can't kick us out of your realm it's your fucking fault.
As far as this negative xp whining goes... Syrtis deserves it. I'm tired of being shat upon by italians over and over on top of my save.
you sound like a tired man, go get some sleep. oh btw, let me quote myself on what i just wrote to mashu:
third - if we control samal then the save isn't really yours, is it now? fourth - if you can't kick us out of your realm it's your fucking fault.
so check it, it's not italians that are to blame, it's your own realm who can't kick them out.
07-18-2009, 02:37 AM
if we control samal then the save isn't really yours, is it now? fourth - if you can't kick us out of your realm it's your fucking fault.
so check it, it's not italians that are to blame, it's your own realm who can't kick them out.
If you control samal, the save is still ours. We're the only ones that can save there, and the save isn't inside the fort, it's just near it. Anyway, most of the time the italians don't control the fort. They'll sit at shaan save camping the same people over and over for hours, with no intention of going to any fort or to shaan. And as for not being able to kick them out, that's actually not the case. We can kick out syrtis over and over, but since you don't stay dead you keep coming back. The only way to stop that is to camp our territory, which drives you people to complain about us camping our stuff on the forums. So which is it Nightchill, do we camp our territory or not?
07-18-2009, 03:20 AM
But you often don't control samal when you camp the save, and don't bother to try and take it. Tsk. Clearly we should spawn magical extra allies whenever someone comes near our saves to get rid of them.
Saying that save camping doesn't exist is an outright lie, Nightchill. You know it does. Even people from your own realm have said things like "I'll still savecamp because I don't care about the -RP"
It must be some kind of miracle that whenever I'm on and trot past samal to see if there's anyone ready to form a warzone party and venture off to capture herb or mess with grinders somewhere, there's no-one there (except sometime a bunch of Ghosts who appear to be nonresponsive and must be asumed to be afk or ignoring me for some reason *shrug*). In fact the only times when significant numbers are on in Ignis at all in the times I play is when there's an organised invasion happening and the Americans have stayed up late and the Europeans (most of our attacking force) have got up early or when we've managed to raise the alarm about Syrtis trying to invade - so you can put the timezones theory to rest as well. Alsius only seem to try invasions at these so called ‘peak’ times.
Because I so rarely see other people from my own realm in the warzone I'll often venture out into Syrtis and trawl Eferias beach, and even then finding an enemy is such a surprise that I forget to buff properly and get my ass handed to me by a level 45 hunter when I attack them. More usually when I find no-one I might fall back on hunting in Alsius where I'm more liable to find Syrtians hunting than any Alsians. I was pleasantly surprised this week to find Alsian hunters running around Syrtis for once (by the way I don't appreciated being clapped at for actually bothering to fight rather than make a pathetic attempt at escape which will never work. One barbarian can never outdistance a hunter and I die because I lag. If only people would run in a bloody straight line I could hit them a couple of times before doing so).
Oh and for the reason we attack Alsius forts? I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with Alsius actually bothering to come and try to take them back with less than three times the people we have. Although it could be because certain vocal individuals shout out "No! Aggers!" even when I'm crying out to attack Syrtis. Whatever, normally when I venture into Alsius with a fort taking group it's retaliation for you guys picking on Menirah.
The "fort camping" is one of the reasons I made the suggestion I did about moving them to the rivers.
07-18-2009, 05:33 AM
problem is ,as attacker, you can got up early once, but as defender, they need get up early everyday, could they? or can you tell them the day you will make invasion?
my first post and maybe the last
07-18-2009, 06:54 AM
problem is ,as attacker, you can got up early once, but as defender, they need get up early everyday, could they? or can you tell them the day you will make invasion?
This is a definite problem, and I for one think the timing issues might stem from the fact that the server is located on the geographically opposite side of the internet from a whole lot of people and marginalises one third of time zones. It's fair to say there's a big load of no-one on at the same time as me because asia-america-sweden will never give good enough latency and any internet pipes going across continental asia through the middle east and then europe are completely useless. I've stayed on RO for 30 hours straight once and I noticed that for about ten hours in the day there is a huge lack of anyone in any realm on (unless syrtis and alsius spend the same 10 hours a day grinding inside realm only). Similarly if the server was hosted in, say, Japan, you'd see only people from these ten hours (and maybe some Americans).
There, I've finally said it. I've been wanting to for months.
07-18-2009, 07:29 AM
But you often don't control samal when you camp the save, and don't bother to try and take it. Tsk. Clearly we should spawn magical extra allies whenever someone comes near our saves to get rid of them.
Saying that save camping doesn't exist is an outright lie, Nightchill. You know it does. Even people from your own realm have said things like "I'll still savecamp because I don't care about the -RP"
second - even if you do feel camped you can always rezz at wall, third - if we control samal then the save isn't really yours, is it now? fourth - if you can't kick us out of your realm it's your fucking fault.
and in addition to that, savecamp is just an old term, there really is no such thing and if you get killed at save repeatedly that means you're too dumb to rezz at wall or you just want to bitch all over forums.
If you control samal, the save is still ours.
And as for not being able to kick them out, that's actually not the case. We can kick out syrtis over and over, but since you don't stay dead you keep coming back.
1) no it's not
2) then why do you bitch about italians if you can keep them out of your realm? obviously you can't.
07-18-2009, 10:41 AM
Early morning GMT is by far not peak Syrtis time, If I log on at 9GMT in the morning there is no one in INQ, and maybe 2 players at Cs, I play in Syrtis "peak times" (Im often on from about 12gmt to 10/11gmt and Ignis have invaded 30 odd times now, I have never seen them pull a successfull invasion, as such no one can argue that timezone imbalance isnt a issue with invasion on horus, well Ignis will anyway because of paragraph 2.
To many people are to stubborn to see anyones point of veiw other than their own, so no matter what reasonable argument anyone comes up with its shot down with "5 Italians save camp, so fuck everyone in syrtis" Or "Ignis just sits at the save all day" or "Alsius just grind" or the rather pathetic "eveyone in x realm are glitchers and we have never ever glitched no sir!"
So Kailer Lock this thread, its not doing anything but stir up more realm hate, yay for invasion.
07-18-2009, 10:43 AM
Alsius, you had gorillas at The Wall, but it was your bad luck we had some skilled players online.
And it was you who were rushing with sultars when we were regrouping, but it is gross that:
1. Level 50 idiot conju (I will not mention the name, everyone knows who I have on my mind), was giving away L50 zarkits, so almost every lock had one, conjurers were buffing them and we used them to kill lower levels.
2. Your sultars being aborted by level 36 marskmen (sic), greetings for my guildie, The Elite Marsksman.
3. You forgetting your conjurers and leaving them behind when retreating, or idiot conjurers rushing first, like the aforementioned zarkit donor.
While Syrtis managed to improve aforementioned things, you still did not, hence the invasion, that didn't really required any planning.
07-18-2009, 11:05 AM
While Syrtis managed to improve aforementioned things, you still did not, hence the invasion, that didn't really required any planning.
You can't talk crap about something you don't know, you can pop on your Ignis char or leech what you can off some people, but you will never understand the backbone of the war machine. I don't need to explain to you how much planning and work goes into making an invasion, and Ignis isn't going to post on the forums a convenient time to tell you when they will invade. When something happens it happens for a reason, even if you do not realize that reason. You don't need to object to everything wherever you can just for the sake of which side you play on, you just keep playing.
I don't care what Syrtis does, I don't care what Ignis does. Each realm has its own freaking problems and advantages, so get over it and accept that instead of blowing off the same end of the pipe. Think what you want, just please don't share it on the forums.
In the case of most of the bitching which game mechanics are not blamed for, you need to adapt in order to survive. Only the strong survive, its simple as that.
These bitchwars are getting out of hand.
07-18-2009, 11:12 AM
So Kailer Lock this thread, its not doing anything but stir up more realm hate, yay for invasion.
Guys stop posting, its just pointless and wont get anyone anywere now, no one listens and im pretty convinced that when someone posts their realm is of more influence in the reply than the acctual content of the post.
07-18-2009, 01:03 PM
your whole post is crap (like usual) but this paragraph really ticked me off into saying that you're a complete fucking idiot for a few reasons. first and foremost, because there is no such thing as save camping, second - even if you do feel camped you can always rezz at wall, third - if we control samal then the save isn't really yours, is it now? fourth - if you can't kick us out of your realm it's your fucking fault.
I am happy with You that You enjoy your -XP bonus :naughty:
This is just another gelf trolling. Go back to your sweet forest.
When a party of 50lvl 6+ ready to attack Syrtis wait half an hour at Samal save in hope to finally kill by surprise one Ignis that might spawn there first time because did not expect anything is called lame camping.
Now You have reason to keep doing that :D
Oh... some of poor Syrtis say that they wont fight us?
Great it will be easier to take eferias and invade again :D If this will happen You know what I will vote for :lol:
07-18-2009, 02:32 PM
Alsius, you had gorillas at The Wall, but it was your bad luck we had some skilled players online.
And it was you who were rushing with sultars when we were regrouping, but it is gross that:
1. Level 50 idiot conju (I will not mention the name, everyone knows who I have on my mind), was giving away L50 zarkits, so almost every lock had one, conjurers were buffing them and we used them to kill lower levels.
2. Your sultars being aborted by level 36 marskmen (sic), greetings for my guildie, The Elite Marsksman.
3. You forgetting your conjurers and leaving them behind when retreating, or idiot conjurers rushing first, like the aforementioned zarkit donor.
While Syrtis managed to improve aforementioned things, you still did not, hence the invasion, that didn't really required any planning.
first of all, you are wrong on almost all points
1) it's not that syrtis had good players online, it's that alsius didn't have enough good ones and we screwed up badly.
we shouldn't have been sultared outside of gate at all, as gorillas at gate is next to useless against zerg. even more - we probably could defend imperia castle, as we did 3 times on second attempt.
that solves your 1. 2. and 3. points. it shouldn't happen at all.
there was many other things wrong with alsius, but hopefully the lesson is learned.
07-18-2009, 04:47 PM
You can't talk crap about something you don't know, you can pop on your Ignis char or leech what you can off some people, but you will never understand the backbone of the war machine. I don't need to explain to you how much planning and work goes into making an invasion, and Ignis isn't going to post on the forums a convenient time to tell you when they will invade. When something happens it happens for a reason, even if you do not realize that reason. You don't need to object to everything wherever you can just for the sake of which side you play on, you just keep playing.
I don't care what Syrtis does, I don't care what Ignis does. Each realm has its own freaking problems and advantages, so get over it and accept that instead of blowing off the same end of the pipe. Think what you want, just please don't share it on the forums.
In the case of most of the bitching which game mechanics are not blamed for, you need to adapt in order to survive. Only the strong survive, its simple as that.
These bitchwars are getting out of hand.
+1 to you fella.. spot on.
07-18-2009, 05:49 PM
If this will happen You know what I will vote for :lol:
First you need to invade again :D
Yea, oppions.
07-18-2009, 08:14 PM
Yea, oppions.
Rabble Rabble Rabble!!!
Undecided, I bet some of you just likes to troll >.<
Ignore the KKK, if thats possible -.-
07-19-2009, 12:41 AM
Yea, oppions.
Er opinions*? .....but aye lock this thread.
07-20-2009, 08:20 PM
A few thoughts.
1. The syrtians who invaded alsius earlier this week were morons. What the hell are you RP whores thinking? Ignis tries to invade regularly and you want to put both alsius gems in Syrtis...why? Is it to ensure they will try to invade every night? Not planned is a good word for it…it was completely without thought.
Am I against invading Alsius? No. But why make it easier for Ignis to get all four gems with one invasion? Let them invade 2 realms to get all four. I imagine most of the night crew would agree that we are glad you only got one gem. Words cannot describe how short sighted you are.
2. Even with a exp negative you screw around in Alsius. Was there even an attempt at Ignis gate this week? If you constantly are in Trelle and Aggers you are totally without balls.
3. Extra guard captains at the gate are no insurance policy and killing them is nothing to brag about. The extra guards are not only extremely stupid, most die without a fight, and the gorillas are easily handled by a larger force. I’ve seen 4 or 5 of them go down in a few seconds at Syrtis gate at night.
07-24-2009, 12:07 PM
Oh yes, it is better to just sit and wait till Ignis will take all the gems.
WTF strategy it is to not take other realm gems? FAIL.
This is why Syrtis doesn't want to invade - because they are confused hearing obvious BS:
- We are ALWAYS not enought.
- We ALWAYS can't invade.
- We don't have a plan, oh, oh, the only successful Syrtis invasions were purely spontaneus.
- We need to take all gems at once - WTF?, since when Ignis takes all gems at once? ;) They had 4 gems for weeks before they decided to invade Syrtis. And what was Syrtis doing to get these 4 gems from Ignis? Nothing, so we asked for that what happened to us. Sorry guys.
Dear Platyna please get your facts straight:
- We are ALWAYS not enought.
A lot of these spontaneous invasion attempts invlove 15-20 people of whom maybe 10-12 are level 50. Of that bunch, I can honestly say that even fewer know how to play their classes as team players.
- We ALWAYS can't invade.
See above.
- We don't have a plan, oh, oh, the only successful Syrtis invasions were purely spontaneus.
The only 2 times Syrtis successfully opened it's portal was after carefully planned invasions that involved inter-clan coordination with people who actually knew what roles they had to play.
- We need to take all gems at once - WTF?, since when Ignis takes all gems at once? ;) They had 4 gems for weeks before they decided to invade Syrtis. And what was Syrtis doing to get these 4 gems from Ignis? Nothing, so we asked for that what happened to us. Sorry guys.
That is an insult to the people who defended our gates for weeks on end. Ignis did try to invade during that period. Syrtis also mounted several attempts at invading. Obviously we were unsuccessful.
For the rest of Syrtis, stop crying. Ignis is out-thinking us and out-playing us through good teamwork and planning. Some of them may not be the best players individually, but as a team they are hard to beat. Learn something from them please.
I hope this wakes you up on reality.
07-24-2009, 05:46 PM
I often feel that many people pushing invasions in Syrtis want to run before they know how to walk. There's more to breaking a gate than running towards it yelling "BANZAI!" and yet a stubborn bunch of players insists on doing this over and over, I guess expecting to get a miracle someday. What's more depressing is that they lucked out in Alsius last week and now they think that disorganized zerging works great. :( Unfortunately, what really happened is related to how a broken clock is right twice a day.
It's okay to have epic fails attacking a gate if we learn from it. It's NOT okay to have epic fails and rush back into the fray without realizing our mistakes.
07-24-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm not saying don't invade. I'm saying do something lots of people don't have the nads to do...Invade ignis first.
I don't mind having 4 gems. As long as 2 of them are Ignis gems. But only morons do the work of ignis for them. If you are one of the morons live with it.
To think that Ignis did not try to invade Syrtis when they had four gems speaks volumes. It is rediculous. There are a group of people that basically do nothing but defence almost every night in Syrtis. Basically they are standing between you and a regular negative realm bonus. I help them out occasionally, maybe you should thank them. Losing players like SoL doesn't help.
I agree with Xia.
07-24-2009, 08:13 PM
Then our choice has been met in the way we wanted it !! Hit them where it hurts was our mindset, so thank you for the post... made my day !! :beerchug:
soooo, with NGD trying its hardest to reach realm balance, you are hard at work to prevent said balance, by discouraging new players?
Thinking like that will get Horus shut down for good. "They don't want balance!"
07-24-2009, 09:40 PM
its part of the GAME get over it or get your realm to invade that's what is supposed to happen:closed1:
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