View Full Version : Great Job Ignis :)
07-30-2009, 07:20 PM
Just wanted to say Great Job on killing Thorkul and the Invasion last night. Killing Thorkul was awesome. :beerchug:
07-30-2009, 08:08 PM
07-30-2009, 10:36 PM
This was my first invasion ever...
Loved it
07-30-2009, 11:21 PM
Gratz for your acomplishments.
07-30-2009, 11:59 PM
This was my first invasion ever...
Loved it
You are collecting tankys mace? :P
btw, Gratz :)
07-31-2009, 01:18 AM
This was my first invasion ever...
Loved it
Nice screen, and congratz to you for the Gem :-D
07-31-2009, 04:23 AM
You are collecting tankys mace? :P
btw, Gratz :)
Tanky's mace has rarity value now.
07-31-2009, 11:05 AM
This was my first invasion ever...
Loved it
Whoa is it just me or is that marks' head realy square o0
07-31-2009, 01:48 PM
Syrtis, read the chatlog on that screenshot...
Not only Ignis invade on monday morning's when Horus is quite dead, but they also are laughing at us because we don't. :devil:
07-31-2009, 03:02 PM
Syrtis, read the chatlog on that screenshot...
Not only Ignis invade on monday morning's when Horus is quite dead, but they also are laughing at us because we don't. :devil:
Like I would care... ppl get used to it (since it keeps happening).
/me casts Ignore(5) on the whole "Invasions" crap happening on Horus.
07-31-2009, 03:03 PM
/me casts Ignore(5) on the whole "Invasions" crap happening on Horus.
Here here :)
07-31-2009, 03:11 PM
Syrtis, read the chatlog on that screenshot...
Not only Ignis invade on monday morning's when Horus is quite dead, but they also are laughing at us because we don't. :devil:
I don't know what day it is where you are at but we invaded on Wednesday not Monday... hehe
and yeah we do laugh because we got out with 4 gems and all you guys can do is run stand at alsius gate and try and stop us from getting that last gem.
Why not worry about the Gems in your own realm and defending it and less defending alsius for them. Maybe more ppl will come out and stop grinding if they realise they don't have syrtis to protect them.
We may have bickering in our realm but i am proud to say I am ignis because when we want something we all work together to do it. Great teamwork guys.
07-31-2009, 04:06 PM
Syrtis, read the chatlog on that screenshot...
Not only Ignis invade on monday morning's when Horus is quite dead, but they also are laughing at us because we don't. :devil:
Leave it out Plat, this sort of thing always sparks off flame wars :closed2:
07-31-2009, 04:21 PM
Great organization by you guys yet again. You have become an almost unstoppable force.
I don't know what day it is where you are at but we invaded on Wednesday not Monday... hehe
and yeah we do laugh because we got out with 4 gems and all you guys can do is run stand at alsius gate and try and stop us from getting that last gem.
Why not worry about the Gems in your own realm and defending it and less defending alsius for them. Maybe more ppl will come out and stop grinding if they realise they don't have syrtis to protect them.
We may have bickering in our realm but i am proud to say I am ignis because when we want something we all work together to do it. Great teamwork guys.
Now as for protecting or helping Alsius...
Stopping you from getting that last gem prevents you from opening the portal for the millionth time. Considering the enmity you show towards Syrtis and the negative RLM malus Ignis most happily gave us recently, it really is in our best interest to do whatever we can to stop that portal opening. I don't consider it as us helping the goats but rather as helping ourselves.
Unfortunately for us, when you took the Sytris gems, most of our night time defence force had already logged for the night (which is par for the course) so we had too few numbers to defend. So tell me (and this is a rhetorical question), what other choice do we really have to prevent another portal opening?
07-31-2009, 09:45 PM
I don't know what day it is where you are at but we invaded on Wednesday not Monday... hehe
and yeah we do laugh because we got out with 4 gems and all you guys can do is run stand at alsius gate and try and stop us from getting that last gem.
Why not worry about the Gems in your own realm and defending it and less defending alsius for them. Maybe more ppl will come out and stop grinding if they realise they don't have syrtis to protect them.
We may have bickering in our realm but i am proud to say I am ignis because when we want something we all work together to do it. Great teamwork guys.
I'm glad you find your zerg victory over a small force of low level Syrtis players and the few remaining higher levels who were able to stay up insanely late so amusing.
Fact 1: the Syrtis night crew is small compared to the numbers you have on during the same period of time.
Fact 2: many of the Syrtis night crew have other obligations (jobs, school, families) during the day which prevent them from staying up late during the week.
Fact 3: Ignis chose a good time to invade, knowing very well that there would be very little opposition at the gate. Good tactics for you. I notice that you keep using them.
I don't see how you can consider that your victory counts as such a great success since it was done with so little opposition to slow you down. I would think you'd find such one-sided battles unchallenging and dull, but, go ahead, pat yourselves on the back for another job well done anyway.
And don't bother with the snide remarks of Syrtis not putting up a fight to defend their own gems. If there had been enough of us online to defend, you would have seen a defense. Unfortunately, getting a good night's sleep is more important to the majority of the night crew than playing a game. We just don't have the luxury of staying up all night long to defend against the late night Ignis invasions which have become the frustrating norm.
As for the 10 or so of us who helped defend the Alsius gate last night (that was the sum of all the high level players online before I went to bed shortly after the Alsius Gate timer reset to 120minutes), what would you expect us to do? If we can prevent you from opening the portal, that's just common sense. You can call your overpowered zerg teamwork if you want. The real teamwork happened last night when Alsius and Syrtis worked together to prevent you from opening the portal.
07-31-2009, 10:42 PM
I don't know what day it is where you are at but we invaded on Wednesday not Monday... hehe
platyna is actually right on that one. ignis invasions and attempts on monday mornings has been noted for long time already.
08-01-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm glad you find your zerg victory over a small force of low level Syrtis players and the few remaining higher levels who were able to stay up insanely late so amusing.
Fact 1: the Syrtis night crew is small compared to the numbers you have on during the same period of time.
Fact 2: many of the Syrtis night crew have other obligations (jobs, school, families) during the day which prevent them from staying up late during the week.
Fact 3: Ignis chose a good time to invade, knowing very well that there would be very little opposition at the gate. Good tactics for you. I notice that you keep using them.
@ Fact 1: That's simply not true. If Ignis has more online at those hours on most days, it is not significantly more. When there's an invasion there are more online because they plan to be on then, but at that hour we usually don't have many more players than you do.
@ Fact 2: Noted. The same also applies to the "regular" Ignis night crew (not the invasion zerg).
@ Fact 3: Yep, good tactics. You should use them too. If you felt like planning an invasion, you should probably plan it at the same time as Ignis plans ours, since that is the time ALL realms are weakest.
I do mean this, with no sarcasm or ill-will. I think you should organize an invasion at that time and just see what happens. Unless you're lucky enough to plan it on the same night as Ignis, I really believe you'll stroll through Ignis' gates just as easily as we do through yours.
08-01-2009, 03:38 AM
My theory is that Ignis is made entirely out of shift workers and jobless bums like myself.
Although, of course, our invasion attempts tend to be just after lunch time, not in the early morning ;)
Just want to reinforce here — Ignis doesn't normally have that many on at these times (trust me, I log on to a more or less empty realm sooooo often, and these are the times when I'm on anyway), invasions at these times are organised. You'll notice our opportunistic invasion attempts when we have a lot on because then actual fighting happens.
Funny thing is that Syrtis can invade us when we have normal numbers on. I've seen it happen. I was the lone barb running back to the gate when a gazillion of you broke through it once, even (gazillion defined as "enough to make my framerate drop to one frame per week" or thereabouts).
That marksman (and the dark elf with the funny hat behind them) looks like the screenshooter has some kind of LoD setting for the player models....
08-01-2009, 08:20 AM
I don't know what day it is where you are at but we invaded on Wednesday not Monday... hehe
It was a metaphore, "ignis monday morning invasion" almost become a mem in Syrtis. :>
and yeah we do laugh because we got out with 4 gems and all you guys can do is run stand at alsius gate and try and stop us from getting that last gem.
Yes, it was fail. No one responded on our cries to prepare welcome comitee at the gate for us.
However you can't laugh at us that we can't get more gems than you do, if we invade in rush hours and you in dead mornings.
Why not worry about the Gems in your own realm and defending it and less defending alsius for them. Maybe more ppl will come out and stop grinding if they realise they don't have syrtis to protect them.
It is kinda hard to defend something when you sleep like a baby in your bed.
We may have bickering in our realm but i am proud to say I am ignis because when we want something we all work together to do it. Great teamwork guys.
Yes I was even wandering Ignis for a while on my noob char, and indeed your team work and organization is nice. Well it requires orgnization to gather invasion group on "monday mornings". No one denies you that.
08-01-2009, 09:23 AM
Not only Ignis invade on monday morning's when Horus is quite dead, but they also are laughing at us because we don't. :devil:.
Oh is that so?...i havent made an invasion for a while cos its 4/5 am for me when they sometimes go down...but i do try (i made thor, awesome job ignis )
/me goes a little off topic...
but as for the server being ignis quiet time, this is what we have to deal with..
(good job on this on thursday past ignis, wasnt easy, but we got em ..all )
And im pretty sure your in some of these pics stop whining about when we invade and either stay up and help, or just hush.
/me goes off to look for ' we never unite! ' protests...yeah right ya dont.
But to be honest, this was fun, so bring your friends next time so we can laugh as you beat eachother up again over who is actualy going to own the forts ^^
Now, do you want some cheese for that whine?...
/me goes off to look for ' we never unite! ' protests...yeah right ya dont.
Nobody said that, we said there wasn't a permanent truce. For this comment, I'm sure syrtis and alsius will get even more pissed off at you and unite even more often though.
But to be honest, this was fun, so bring your friends next time so we can laugh as you beat eachother up again over who is actualy going to own the forts ^^
I'm sorry, when was this? In our joint invasion attempt, we gave shaana to syrtis after losing meni.
08-01-2009, 12:06 PM
Nobody said that, we said there wasn't a permanent truce. For this comment, I'm sure syrtis and alsius will get even more pissed off at you and unite even more often though.
I'm sorry, when was this? In our joint invasion attempt, we gave shaana to syrtis after losing meni.
Firstly, ignis have alot of willpower and we dont need to ally with another realm, we prefer to do things ourself.
secondly, that was thursday morning, im guessing Alsuis was annoyed we killed Thorkul alone, and Syrtis were mad cos Ignis took their gems....
screenshots dont lie...
08-01-2009, 12:30 PM
This thread is ment to be to congratulate Ignis on a good job, which it was no matter how you look at it, as that has been said can we now just leave this thread before it turns into a full flame war, as its already starting to.
08-01-2009, 12:50 PM
This thread is ment to be to congratulate Ignis on a good job, which it was no matter how you look at it, as that has been said can we now just leave this thread before it turns into a full flame war, as its already starting to.
Absolutely agree. If syrtians put at least 10% of time they spend on posting
here and dancing at central save into making a counter invasion they would already
have those gems back :)
For those who invaded for the first time, I hope you had fun. But believe me
gate war is even better if opponent has some people to defend it.
Good luck, see you on forts.
08-01-2009, 01:34 PM
You have a point Selian. ;)
Screenies are nice, especialy that one when I am running with Repo...however what they are supposed to prove? It wasn't early morning, it was around 12 CEST. :)
08-01-2009, 01:42 PM
Lmfao. Enjoying that whine with your cheese platyna?:guitar:
08-01-2009, 07:02 PM
Oh is that so?...i havent made an invasion for a while cos its 4/5 am for me when they sometimes go down...but i do try (i made thor, awesome job ignis )
/me goes a little off topic...
but as for the server being ignis quiet time, this is what we have to deal with..
(good job on this on thursday past ignis, wasnt easy, but we got em ..all )
And im pretty sure your in some of these pics stop whining about when we invade and either stay up and help, or just hush.
/me goes off to look for ' we never unite! ' protests...yeah right ya dont.
But to be honest, this was fun, so bring your friends next time so we can laugh as you beat eachother up again over who is actualy going to own the forts ^^
Now, do you want some cheese for that whine?...
or this
08-01-2009, 07:11 PM
I personally never said "we never unite" because on the rare occasion that doing something together will yeild a reward that we cant acheive solo, its in the better intrest of both realms to work together for a bit,
The key word here being RARE.
or this <snip>
Or this:
Wait- what?
08-02-2009, 12:12 AM
Or this:
Wait- what? you caught purpley teaming with syrtis! His main is syrtis, he's only in ignis to spy.
08-02-2009, 02:32 AM you caught purpley teaming with syrtis! His main is syrtis, he's only in ignis to spy.
I have seen him on and off a lot during our invasion attempts... We all had a suspicion but never could prove it... Thanks for the screenie whoever posted it :)
BTW, wtf is he still in pwnie?
08-02-2009, 05:30 AM
I have seen him on and off a lot during our invasion attempts... We all had a suspicion but never could prove it... Thanks for the screenie whoever posted it :)
BTW, wtf is he still in pwnie?
other way around his main is ignis and he has a syrtis character. i wouldnt consider him a spy :)
08-02-2009, 06:58 AM
other way around his main is ignis and he has a syrtis character. i wouldnt consider him a spy :)
I talked to him about it after I heard an accusation about 2 months ago (from a certain ignis sm conju who likes to start rumours.) He claimed his nephew has a syrtis character.
08-03-2009, 10:46 AM
I have seen him on and off a lot during our invasion attempts... We all had a suspicion but never could prove it... Thanks for the screenie whoever posted it :)
BTW, wtf is he still in pwnie?
I will have words with him, and then the leaders of Pwnie will make a decision upon this.
08-03-2009, 11:41 AM
I heard he was Moo from syrtis, but that was a few months ago..
rumours ftw!! :P
08-03-2009, 07:09 PM
I will have words with him, and then the leaders of Pwnie will make a decision upon this.
Lmao the funniest thing ive seen for weeks. Cheers :p
08-08-2009, 12:08 AM
I heard he was Moo from syrtis, but that was a few months ago..
rumours ftw!! :P
moo was awesome, i remember talking to him in the christmas event, what happened to him?
08-08-2009, 12:21 AM
moo was awesome, i remember talking to him in the christmas event, what happened to him?
Bah i miss Moo :(
if i remember he left for Wow or another Mmo.
part of my reason i left Syrtis all the old timers i played with moved on :(
indeed Moo was Awesome
08-08-2009, 08:04 AM
Lmao the funniest thing ive seen for weeks. Cheers :p
Almost as funny as when you look in the mirror every day perhaps ?
08-08-2009, 01:15 PM
Almost as funny as when you look in the mirror every day perhaps ?
Nopes almost as funny as when i bothered to lvl a hunter to 50 in your realm :)
08-08-2009, 11:49 PM
This was a congratz post so if you guys could take it somewhere else that would be awesome. Why is it that wherever she goes it turns into a flame war? can you ever refrain yourself Meco?
08-09-2009, 01:11 AM
This was a congratz post so if you guys could take it somewhere else that would be awesome. Why is it that wherever she goes it turns into a flame war? can you ever refrain yourself Meco?
I believe Gord started this one, go blame someone else :p
08-09-2009, 02:05 AM
Some people really need to get a handle on reality, read their own posts, et cetera.
:fsm: Pastafarianism applies here :fsm:
08-09-2009, 08:58 AM
My grip on reality is fine.
I just like having the last post :p
08-09-2009, 05:02 PM
Was just looking back through the thread to decide "who started it" /me reverts to being a 5 year old
He hit me first so I hit him back!
He started it!
Wah wah...
Anyway, remembered all the rubbish about "we will never unite with Alsius etc etc" Well you did a mighty fine job teaming with Alsius a few times to stop us killing Evendim, well done, you did stop us, but next time you bring up the "Wah wah you teamed we never team" rubbish remember that, and remember teams only occure when both sides share a common goal. As such they normaly last a half an hour at best.
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