View Full Version : Mages Review (by the players of Regnum)

08-29-2009, 05:57 AM
This post is being made for mages to talk about their current skills and what they personally feel can be changed with their own class. Discuss what skill you have that are underpowered, and what skills you have that you feel are possibly overpowered.

Please keep the following format
Current level:
Skill Name:
What you feel should be changed to make this skill better:
Why you feel the change should happen:
Other comments/Pictures:

This is a constructive attempt for mages to gather and express on one collective post what skills they desire to be changed from their own class, so that they can compete in the RvR world of regnum.
5vs5 should be considered RvR
3vs3 should be considered RvR
To me anyone from another realm attacking you is RvR......

Goodluck everyone!
Please no flaming or fighting.. (even though we all love to do it)

08-29-2009, 07:59 AM


Current level:50

Skill Name:Blaze

What you feel should be changed to make this skill better: This skill needs to have a broader area range +2m more than what it has now forward and more 1m more on the sides left and right

Why you feel the change should happen: The skill misses the enemy too often even when you are standing right at the enemy

Other comments/Pictures:

08-29-2009, 02:26 PM
Class: Lock
Current level: 46
Skill Name: ALL
What you feel should be changed to make this skill better: Powers that dont cast should not go into CD
Why you feel the change should happen: Enemies who move even slightly out of spell range cause spells to go into CD, even though they dont cast. This costs mana and precious battle time. I think that, if one goes into casting mode, and enemy moves out of casting range, then casting should cancel entirely, with no mana loss, and no CD.
Other comments/Pictures

08-29-2009, 03:01 PM
Current level:50
Skill Name:Mirage; Protection Dome; Insightful; Summon Zarkit.

What you feel should be changed to make this skill better:
Mirage: Increase area of effect by at least 3m (New affect= 6m radius)
Protection Dome: Increase spell resistance gained for each level significantly.
Insightful: Increased effect, by at least 5% more at lvl 5.
Summon Zarkit: Reduce cooldown time by at least 1 minute.

Why you feel the change should happen:
Mirage: Increased area = Better used as a support spell.
Protection Dome: No noticable affect in current state.
Insightful: Barely noticable affect on powers with duration <40 (Sanctuary, karma mirror, regen self, etc...)
Summon Zarkit: 2 extra minutes of cooldown is too much penalty because of the extra 100 mana cost. (Being compared to other summons)

Other comments/Pictures: