View Full Version : Thank you NGD

09-19-2009, 05:11 PM
Ok i'm sick of the whole 'way to go ruin the game even more.....' and 'this sucks i'm quitting regnum.'

I'm saying Thank you NGD honestly this is the best attempt at balance i've ever seen whilst playing and what looks like an exciting new direction in gameplay.

I know archers cant move to attack big deal. There will still be ways to defeat your enemy you just have to find them.
As for locks i thought the opportunity to use a slow high dmg staff for high normals and still have the same speed for casting spells would be awesome.
Hunters as far as i've seen they havent nerfed things like stunning fist and confuse espcially ambush. With the 100% increase of attack speed your going to get in 6+ attacks before the warrior even reaches you.

As far as i see it NGD has just given warriors a chance to catch archers and if you play well archers can still beat them and if you cant you always got s.o.t.w, mobility :P Locks get better normals with the same cast rate.

The only class that has been nerfed badly imo is support conjs but maybe even this will make combat more exciting and fast pace

and especially Thank you NGD for listening to us about bugs and changing the update with suggestions from us in mind.


09-19-2009, 07:17 PM
So....iz haf tu leve teh regnum dsnt haf tu leve teh regnum anywei? O.o

09-19-2009, 07:55 PM
I never said things like you mention in the beginning but I do think my Conjurer will be a bit screwed and since I suck at playing my hunter ...:sifflote: basically none of my characters will be interesting for me ;] (although I am trying to start a warlock now ;D)

I do enjoy the graphic changes, I am going to do a new special rock video when the update reaches servers ;D I like the design of initiation zones, even if Syrtis is treated with least care, I still think it looks awesome. Surely I would be more eager to play as a new player. It's a pity that we still have to wait before the rest of the world changes but I am a patient person ;D

I must say that I am a rock-a-holic. I love rocks. They are awesome, I loved Morrowind and those rocks are similar, I love them, great work NGD xD

I also love clouds. I love the storm with lightnings, I love when it rains in Regnum even inside the buildings. I've cracked the design of the rain quickly, looking at the |-+-| pattern and I love the sound of the rain, I wish it would rain more often xD

I still am angry though with the "transparent" moon. I mean, the stars are in front of it, and that is quite disturbing. But maybe the Lion King theory with fireflies stuck to the sky is quite alright here ;] I wish that night sky would be more realistic, because I am a "visual" person and it really matters to me ;D

I really enjoy little things like small rocks, flowers and various amounts of grass in some regions, I enjoy its movement and I like the water reflections. I even love how the bridges are put in Dohsim, I was staring at it whole day today xD

Maybe I am an idiot when it comes to game mechanics. I can't really fight, I just rely on advices given by my friends to not suck completely, I am not an RPG fan, I never read any quests, although I perhaps should, sometimes they are quite funny ;D

BUT I enjoy Regnum Online a lot, I love hyenas teeth, snake movements, little bushes in the swamps, animated trees, flying beetles, I LOVE this game no matter how much it would be screwed in the gameplay and bugs.

I'll stick to Regnum for how long it would exist ^^. Cheers, NGD.

09-19-2009, 08:06 PM
I never read any quests, although I perhaps should, sometimes they are quite funny ;D


We'll be together soon, for me to ride for days.


09-19-2009, 08:13 PM

We'll be together soon, for me to ride for days.


xD see, that's why I regret not reading them before <3 awesome

09-19-2009, 08:39 PM
The only thing I dislike with the changes are how they were presented to us.
They were presentes as "the answer to positional problems and melee vs ranged balance".

In fact, to me all changes so far have done the opposite.
I have never felt this weak before.

My autoswing does not work properly.
My attackspeed% gear does not seem to affect time between hits and skills (not between skills, since I understand this should be controlled by Global Cooldown).
Positioning feels worse than ever.
I cannot properly cast any skills/buffs with casting time without stopping until I release press any movement key again or cancel the casting time after time, wasting all my mana in no time at all.

Hopefully things will get fixed before they go final, but in the current state I would not call the changes positive for melee classes - or anyone for that matter.

That said, I do really like that NGD are trying their best to resolve this problem.
You have my respect for that.

09-20-2009, 01:55 AM
I still am angry though with the "transparent" moon. I mean, the stars are in front of it, and that is quite disturbing.

That's no moon!

09-20-2009, 04:20 AM
That's no moon!

"It's a space-statio--"



09-20-2009, 07:06 AM
Maybe it's a planet so huge that stars located billions of light years away are in front of it. Imagine the size.. oh god my imagination is flowing /me goes off before his head explodes

09-20-2009, 07:16 AM

Seriously though, I'm pretty pleased that NGD has been communicating with us more often with the new patch. :hat:

09-20-2009, 11:20 AM
So....iz haf tu leve teh regnum dsnt haf tu leve teh regnum anywei? O.o

Exactuli , NGD, if Dann leaves, you got some splainin to do!!

/me also agree's with Piz's first post, conju = almost unplayable, hunter...im saying nothing, and i understand fully how hard NGD worked on this, and of course there will be ALOT of complaining , but im sure NGD will do thier best to fix it all or i really do see a mass exodus of so many players, alot , like me , who buy xim, and thats notsogoodforregnum :/

11-19-2009, 02:39 PM
I am also sick of people whining because NGD didnt tweak the game to their demands. Yes, there are some problems that need fixing and i know that they may be very tough to fix. buy you have to expect that.

On the other hand, i also think that NGD needs to take action so that ignis isnt so completely underpopulated that it goes from a 3 realm game to a 2 realm one.

That said, many problems such as the positional bug can be very tough and complicated to fix. I think that NGD is doing all that they can to fix the problems that are the biggest issues or the most relevant.