View Full Version : A question to Horus player
12-09-2009, 12:53 PM
As the title of the thread reads, a question,
Why is it that 99% of you feel the need to whine about this game?
On RA there is a far less percentage (Spanish forum included)
Don't flame me, I just want to know
Before anyone asks how I know, I read the forum over my morning coffee every day
Ra players are fun to read, Horus players to me seem to just whine
12-09-2009, 01:24 PM
I have actually been wondering if this issue occurs on the Ra forums as well. The whining also happens on the main chat tab as well, one of many reasons I rarely look at it nowadays.
Also, there is a lot of realm hatred on Horus. Is that just us, or you guys, too?
Near as I can figure, there is a wierd sense of entitlement on the Horus server, though I am not sure why...
12-09-2009, 01:42 PM
Hi Ink,
I also read the forums with my morning coffee... You are correct in that ppl on Horus whine maybe a little to much, but it is not the majority. I think Americans ( I can only speak for them) are fairly spollied in there gaming experience, they have there Xbox and PS3's games which are very well done for the most part.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE RO!!! Its free and the RvR is the most fun I have had with any free game ever...
But there are flaws with RO, flaws that a big publisher (Activision, Ubisoft, EA) would not have. It's not NGD's fault, those publishers have hundreds on staff and would charge a fee to play RO.
Hope this helps Ink,
12-09-2009, 01:43 PM
I have actually been wondering if this issue occurs on the Ra forums as well. The whining also happens on the main chat tab as well, one of many reasons I rarely look at it nowadays.
Also, there is a lot of realm hatred on Horus. Is that just us, or you guys, too?
Near as I can figure, there is a wierd sense of entitlement on the Horus server, though I am not sure why...
On Ra I mostly play in Syrtis, however I feel always welcome among other realms. Also my clan mates of Les gaulois, really enjoy killing me and remind it to me on mumble :-)
There is no such things as realm hate it's stupid, the only people we should really hate are thoses evil dwarfs that destroys everything!
12-09-2009, 02:11 PM
Here we go again, RA people vs. Horus people :tsk_tsk: even though you wrote that you don't want to start a flame war, your question is really like begging for one. :S
Do you really fully understand what they say on the spanish forum? I think it goes the same way like here in the english forum, they whine as much like here.
We cannot judge a whole server popullation from what we know about 25% of them. For example, I think that most of the spanish RA players don't know the meaning of organization because when I played with some of them they were mostly just screaming around, randomly attacking enemies and didn't knew what to do. That doesn't make any sence just like saying that 99% of the horus population whines on the forums because most of the whining threads come from Horus players.
Trully - you'll see more whining threads from horus on this forum because that's where pretty much all of the english speaking people are. There are only a few left on RA (fraction of what is on Horus). Moreover, I think alot of the whining would stop if NGD kept us up-to-date more and actually delivered on things when they said they would.
12-09-2009, 05:16 PM
Here we go again, RA people vs. Horus people :tsk_tsk:
I was simply asking a question, take it as you will
Trully - you'll see more whining threads from horus on this forum
This been the case, ill probably use this forum less and less
12-09-2009, 05:33 PM
Do you really fully understand what they say on the spanish forum? I think it goes the same way like here in the english forum, they whine as much like here.
I don't fully understand but it often makes me smile from time to time to read them ^_^
And I'd like to say Horus people whining are really nothing compared to my "Oh fuck you" reaction !
12-09-2009, 06:03 PM
There's only one way to settle this: re-open Anum, allow players from both servers to log on there - and have a damn good bust up.
Ra vs the Horus whingers - who will win??!! :bear::bear:
12-09-2009, 06:23 PM
Haha that be fun! ^^
though i find people complain more from Horus mainly cause it's smaller so flaws and balance is alot more noticeable
12-09-2009, 08:32 PM
:tsk_tsk: :tsk_tsk:
12-09-2009, 10:32 PM
How can you judge a whole server by the whining of 20 people?
Sadly Inky....more and more people are paying real $$ for things in this game. When people invest money and they find bugs and/or issues they typically expect them to get fixed.
Me - all I want fixed is:
1) Transfers
2) Pets running faster than their owners
3) Pets leaving/going into forts
4) Positional bugs
Outside of that...I could care less XD
12-09-2009, 11:50 PM
12-10-2009, 12:04 AM
Good question Inkster and I always wanted to know how is Ra with game.Well as I read the forum a lot, I see many times the same treaths again and again.. What I dont like here only threads like : NGD must do this or this cuz it must be done cuz somebody said some people should wake up with this .. But Horus is also young padawan :lightsabre:
With all due respect, why are Ra players elitist dicks?
Enjoy your coffee
12-10-2009, 12:46 AM
With all due respect, why are Ra players elitist dicks?
Enjoy your coffee
Honestly, from my time on both servers(which has been considerably more on ra but still a decent portion on horus) it is the horus players who hold ra players in more contempt than the other way around. The worst welcome I ever received in my life was from horus ignis, when one person who heard i played syrtis in ra started yelling traitor at me until i just deleted my character and moved to alsius. Even in alsius there are people who have given me a heck of a time calling me a, and i quote, "stuck up ra pig" when all I did to deserve this was mention that what they were yelling zerg at a force that really looked quite small to me :p
So, maybe some ra players feel they are better because they have been around longer or have more RP by a landslide(which i think is stupid as RP in no way reflects playing skill) but I have found ra people, the spanish, french, mexicans, and english alike to be far more welcoming and definitely take the game lighter. I like that because it brightens my playing experience to not be called elitist dick, or stuck up ra pig ^_^ So enjoy horus, and if you are ever in syrtis ra give me a chat ;) i will introduce you to all our stuck up elitist ra dicks we have over there!
P.S. - The examples used by no way mean to generalize and state that all horus players gave me this kind of crap, they were simply two that I could think of on the spot.
King of Angmar,
I do not actually believe my previous statement was true. I was merely pointing out the smugness of the original poster's question. I made it as simple as I could so it was easy to detect the sarcasm, but I guess you didn't notice.
12-10-2009, 02:00 AM
There's only one way to settle this: re-open Anum, allow players from both servers to log on there - and have a damn good bust up.
Ra vs the Horus whingers - who will win??!! :bear::bear:
FYI Amun IS open right now, but new tech client is mandatory. Cheers.
For the topic. I think we whine more beause a lot of the fixes made to gameplay are for the higher population server, and while they work on Ra, the playerbase on Horus is too small. Most of the whining is about balance, see? And that changes with population variations. And you notice more when there's less players.
Also Horus seems to run much laggier than Ra, don't know why (under general load I mean, not at invasions).
12-10-2009, 02:45 AM
Because that's where this is headed.
12-10-2009, 03:13 AM
As the title of the thread reads, a question,
Why is it that 99% of you feel the need to whine about this game?
On RA there is a far less percentage (Spanish forum included)
Don't flame me, I just want to know
Before anyone asks how I know, I read the forum over my morning coffee every day
Ra players are fun to read, Horus players to me seem to just whine
simple, like its said before, instead of creating a flaming thread (and dont say thats not your purpose, anyone with any ounce of common sense can see where this thread will lead to). First read the spanish forums, I am fluent in spanish, and most of the threads there are "whining"... secondly go to any game forum, you will see most threads there are about whining. In fact stop seeking attention for yourself, just do like you said before and stop reading this section, boom problem solved, EASY. SO please save everyone the trouble, get over yourself, and let people play the game how they want to, if there is a problem people will whine, its only natural.
12-10-2009, 03:23 AM
Posters above be nice or he will see these as a personal attacks. This thread is NOT for flaming as said in original post.
I think Inkster may have exaggerated about the 99% of Horus players whine but even so statistically he is correct. Ra does have a smaller percentage of whiners, but they also have more people so it would be very hard to keep such a high rate of whine with that large userbase.
12-10-2009, 03:52 AM
Let's take a look:
Horus has only been open 1 1/2 years. Considering the time it takes to get to 50, and the fact that most of these players didn't start playing immediately when it was launched ,we can deduct that over 80% of the player base of Horus hasn't been 50 except for around 6-8 months at the most.
Despite this fact, many Horus players think they know the game inside out. In reality, most Horus players I talk to know nothing about how the game works underneath because they weren't around back when the forum had a real balance section, MegriM posted, and we actually got some information about the game internals. I've only found one person so far who even knew the basic formulas for statistics that has even been posted on Regnum Wiki for over half a year now.
Lastly, Horus tends to not only have lower population counts, smaller wars and more open field battles and hunting, but because of the lower population and low prices for Magnanites a good deal of the server has decent to very good equipment, much better than even 10% of the players on Ra are capable of getting due to the high population of that server and rarity and expensive prices of drops. A single Magnanite on Ra is 35K of gold, and most good items go for at least 1K of Magnas.
All of these things combine to create situations where Horus players face serious balance issues - much more serious than those of us in Ra are used to, and because of that they tend to be the most frustrated with the game. Ample supply of good items, only moderate combat experience and lack of knowledge about the game's internals and the true underlying behaviors of powers, combined with population count is a recipe for disaster and fully explains why Horus players are the ones who whine the most.
And the simple fact is, most of it is not their fault, but some of it is as well.
12-10-2009, 05:24 AM
Back on topic, here's an interesting newspaper clipping.
12-10-2009, 06:32 AM
Here are a couple things I could think of as to why their would be more complaints:
1. Typically ppl expect things to work right, especially if they have paid for it regardless of it being an F2P game. While true no one is forcing anything to buy something it is constantly reminded to the player to do so. You log in you have a premium Buy Now window open up. Some players on Horus have invested a lot of money into their characters. They left due to other reasons, but lack of return on investment was one.
2. The game is supposed to be fun, intuitive and generally creative in order to maintain a player base. This game is open to 13 year olds so why should it be necessary to compute the developers algorythms in order to find a decent setup? Just starting out like this is going beyond the everyday gamer and it shouldn't be shouldered on them when some of them just started using a computer recently. On the fun side this game is for RvR, but not a lot of people make it to level 30. There isn't always a grinding party available for these players during their time zone play either so it is doubly reinforced grinding. At level 30 when they do peek out the gate they sometimes don't feel capable because they die relatively easily. Other RvR games are popping up now with more polish, developers and budget so some gamers are jealous or insecure that RO can't keep up or just leaving all together.
3. The server hasn't been around as long as Ra so the player base doesn't have an affinity for the game or the experience so some fort wars are between the REMFs. These players do not have any experience with a dev like MegriM, all they have known until recently is a lack of communication so they aren't that involved. Not only that as stated the patches applied to the servers universally, while cost saving, just reinforces Horus as a low pop server. This further frustrates the player base.
4. As someone said earlier more english MMOs have more refinement than RO has, with the community somewhat at ease with this it creates somewhat of a culture shock for new players. New players do not understand the work arounds that have been in place for so long, as they do not understand why the issues havent been fixed yet. It does not boost confidence to stay when a veteran player says "oh yeah, that bug has been around for ages."
5. I live in Arizona in the desert and do have access to cacti if the need arises for me to start swinging one.
You might as well be asking the smallest guy in prison why his ass hurts.
12-10-2009, 06:55 AM
5. I live in Arizona in the desert and do have access to cacti if the need arises for me to start swinging one.
You might as well be asking the smallest guy in prison why his ass hurts.
Because he tried swinging around a cactus using his butthole?
I mean, that, guy... wow. With his bare hands?! :eek:
12-10-2009, 11:55 AM
Trully - you'll see more whining threads from horus on this forum because that's where pretty much all of the english speaking people are. There are only a few left on RA (fraction of what is on Horus). Moreover, I think alot of the whining would stop if NGD kept us up-to-date more and actually delivered on things when they said they would.
Horus = english server, this section = english part of forum
No need to be Einstein to understand that ;)
And as said above, only a few horus people speak on this forum ...
12-10-2009, 12:31 PM
Not only that as stated the patches applied to the servers universally, while cost saving, just reinforces Horus
I just want to clear out this point. It is not (yet) possible for NGD to have live-servers with different settings. Ra, Horus, Tyr, Muspell and Niflheim are all the same and this can't be changed. So it also isn't possible to change things like quests for one server alone. NGD is planning on making this possible.
(before you ask, I know this since I am GM1 of Tyr and moderator of the Dutch forum)
12-10-2009, 12:56 PM
Every few months we have a thread like this. Why? It never gets anywhere.
12-10-2009, 09:07 PM
Every few months we have a thread like this. Why? It never gets anywhere.
because they feel the need for more attention?
12-11-2009, 12:41 AM
Because he tried swinging around a cactus using his butthole?
I mean, that, guy... wow. With his bare hands?! :eek:
Seperate line items. The first I was incinuating I have a cactus I can swing if it comes to it. The second line was referring to a small population server that suffers when patches are applied with larger servers in mind, an analogy to the small guy being a prison bitch in the penal system. Awesome though that the thought that crosses your mind is him utilizing the cactus as a barbarian proctologist.
Second note: DkySven
Actual advertisments to get more english speaking players would be better in the long run. Server load balance is part of the problem, individual server patches can institute a whole lot of additional problems.
12-11-2009, 03:01 AM
I was simply asking a question
Dude.. seriously? Honestly you didnt wanna start a flame? :p
This been the case, ill probably use this forum less and less
Would do wonders for your sanity :D
Horus generates more revenue for NGD than the uber populated Ra. Paying players ask questions and have the right to be discontent. That might answer your first question.
12-11-2009, 05:10 AM
Actual advertisments to get more english speaking players would be better in the long run.
Yes, though I do belive player retention is more important. Just reading the relam chat for 5 minutes at peak hours or even trying to get someone's attention gives you a grasp at what newbies have to get through when they start. Not to mention the constant invites to clans that only seek to get as many members as possible (at least on ra it happens. It's so annoying you'd end up in any clan just to stop getting invites from everyone).
Situations like this are not quite welcoming to the player, wich ends up feeling isolated. Some eventually quit, never realising the full potential of the game. Some stay and that's your playerbase. If that holds true, ads alone won't do the trick :|
Sorry for the off topic.
Hi Inkster,
Whining is OK, if it's substantiated. Most of Horus is reasonable. The people you see whining here are actually the minority. I mean 90% of stupid whine threads/posts here are written by the same 10 people anyway. Unfortunately they also seem the most vocal, hence misrepresenting the server.
12-11-2009, 05:44 AM
Horus generates more revenue for NGD than the uber populated Ra. Paying players ask questions and have the right to be discontent. That might answer your first question.
It would be better if you provided thoses kind of assertion with references.
Hey Ink, RO forum just follows development of its game. As RO became from "game with soul" to "just another MMO", same happened with forum. :) Its one of "just another MMO forum".
12-11-2009, 02:51 PM
There's only one way to settle this: re-open Anum, allow players from both servers to log on there - and have a damn good bust up.
Ra vs the Horus whingers - who will win??!! :bear::bear:
Thats not a bad idea really...
Maybe this kind of event can close all the players from different realms and servers...
12-11-2009, 03:04 PM
Second note: DkySven
Actual advertisments to get more english speaking players would be better in the long run. Server load balance is part of the problem, individual server patches can institute a whole lot of additional problems.
I was just commenting to your what you said about Horus people disliking having the same updates as Ra on things like bosses. I also just told what NGD can and is planning to do, I didn't make a suggestion.
12-11-2009, 04:32 PM
Oh i did forget to mention
I love fishing xD
12-11-2009, 08:43 PM
Oh i did forget to mention
I love fishing xD
Thanks and so long for all the fishes :)
12-12-2009, 05:17 AM
I was just commenting to your what you said about Horus people disliking having the same updates as Ra on things like bosses. I also just told what NGD can and is planning to do, I didn't make a suggestion.
Fully understood, I just made the additional comment that it could make more problems in the long run if the servers aren't load balanced.
12-12-2009, 09:21 AM
Fully understood, I just made the additional comment that it could make more problems in the long run if the servers aren't load balanced.
My bad, I misread.
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