View Full Version : Repetitve crashes with ROL new version

12-16-2009, 10:24 PM
Help NGD !!!!
I can't play anymore as the game is crashing randomly and too often !!
I tried to reduce some texture/shadow qualities but without any succes

Often the crash begins when suddently a white page appear (only some round shadows where some chars are) In fact the page seems becoming a water texture. (little waves on it)
If I try to change my char I got the joined image. I got a presentation with water but without any char to choice.
It seems that the crash happens more often while the realm map is open

Please find attached a log file and some hardcopy
- when the page becomes blank
- when I try to change my char after the page become blank
- the options setted in the game (which seems different than the one setted at game start in the start panel)

Thx for any help

My config is :

CPU AMD athlon 64X2 dual core proc 4600+
Graphic card Nvidia Geforce 7300 LE/PCI/SSE2
NVidia driver version 173.14.12
Display 1280x1024
Linux Kernel 2.6.24-25-generic (distro ubuntu)
Memory 3Go
X Server release: 1.4.0
XVidMode Extension version 2.2
Xinerama Extension version 1.1
OpenGL version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.12
OpenGL Shading Language version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler

12-16-2009, 10:34 PM
Help NGD !!!!
I can't play anymore as the game is crashing randomly and too often !!
I tried to reduce some texture/shadow qualities but without any succes

Often the crash begins when suddently a white page appear (only some round shadows where some chars are) In fact the page seems becoming a water texture. (little waves on it)
If I try to change my char I got the joined image. I got a presentation with water but without any char to choice.
It seems that the crash happens more often while the realm map is open

Please find attached a log file and some hardcopy
- when the page becomes blank
- when I try to change my char after the page become blank
- the options setted in the game (which seems different than the one setted at game start in the start panel)

Thx for any help

My config is :

CPU AMD athlon 64X2 dual core proc 4600+
Graphic card Nvidia Geforce 7300 LE/PCI/SSE2
NVidia driver version 173.14.12
Display 1280x1024
Linux Kernel 2.6.24-25-generic (distro ubuntu)
Memory 3Go
X Server release: 1.4.0
XVidMode Extension version 2.2
Xinerama Extension version 1.1
OpenGL version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.12
OpenGL Shading Language version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler

mmmm your nvidia driver it's too old. The last version driver its 190.42 from Nvidia Site. Check it!

12-17-2009, 01:45 PM
yes.. I agree this is probably the issue... I THINK 190.* is still beta (atleast for x64) however I would say the new RO client requires 185.* MINIMUM

12-17-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanx to both of you. I'm going to install and check it.
I'll let you know the result.

PS: I tried with the pipelining instead of shadow and that works (not so good than shadowing but it works
without crash and loose textures :) )

12-18-2009, 03:20 PM
It's not a driver problem, i have the latest and still hae see this waterworld.
With shader 2.0 the problem seems to be gone.
Since i have try with shader 4.0 again and no more water world(for the moment) maybe it has been fixed now.

12-19-2009, 01:54 PM
Thanks again to all of you.
I upgraded my nvidia driver to 190.53 and now it seems ok.
Before, I tried to use shadow 2.0 but I had quite the same issues. Only pipelining was "playable".
Now I can play with shadow 2.0 with a fps around 25.
I didn't try shadow 3.0 as I've seen the fps was around 15.
I recently read too that there was some bugs with GLX and NGD fixed them.
See you on ROL ! :)