View Full Version : Barb class ...

01-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Well its sad to see touse days how at each update more classes are distroyed and anothers became gods.
But barb class became just very weak and usless:
-alrady at version 1.8.0 damage is is nerfred,and is very random,duno if is calculated anymore,i think calcul is like this one min and max.
(lots of barbs can see more dmg maked with one flamberge sword like one satraco's)
-ghost swings trick you and never know if realy hit or not.
-speed is nerfred long time a go(don't get ideea wy but that is)
After new engine update seem to new nerfs or another improved classes:
-my personaly ms lvl 5 not worked anymore after this update,(53 counted ms not one worked,alrady givet up at blund)
-UM(ustapable madnes ...complet distroyed ..cmon 4 knocks and 1 freez in same UM 5? that is unbelivble,i wonder wy is the stat resist 90%,..)
Whatever duno what i can use from this clas anymore:
-have knight dmg
-no resist at knocks etc
-no speed ...
If ther are more nerfs pls NGD change the stats at sppel not lie ppl with fake stats.
But i was very surpised to see knight ms work 100% and defencive stnce also.
Usualy now knights block 80% of hits and resist another 20%.
When i have see on knight vl 40 resist and block all my hits even 3 ms in a row..that is very shit from NGD.That mean they plans to make from barb class on legend ,not one class to be played.

01-01-2010, 04:58 PM
usualy now knights block 80% of hits and resist another 20%.



01-01-2010, 05:02 PM
-alrady at version 1.8.0 damage is is nerfred,and is very random,duno if is calculated anymore,i think calcul is like this one min and max.
(lots of barbs can see more dmg maked with one flamberge sword like one satraco's)
-have knight dmg

Barbs are still the best damage dealers on RO and can still put 2k damage SC.

-my personaly ms lvl 5 not worked anymore after this update,(53 counted ms not one worked,alrady givet up at blund)
-UM(ustapable madnes ...complet distroyed ..cmon 4 knocks and 1 freez in same UM 5? that is unbelivble,i wonder wy is the stat resist 90%,..)
Whatever duno what i can use from this clas anymore:

But i was very surpised to see knight ms work 100% and defencive stnce also.

When i have see on knight vl 40 resist and block all my hits even 3 ms in a row..

Very bad luck :rale:
shit happens...
You should try to play the lottery.

Usualy now knights block 80% of hits and resist another 20%.

lol, no comment.

01-01-2010, 05:50 PM
[QUOTE=Shining-Scias;899195]Barbs are still the best damage dealers on RO and can still put 2k damage SC.

Thats with conjurer buffs + Onslaught 5
and i dont know much ppl with ons 5 since its nerfed to 10 seconds and takes 400 mana....

01-01-2010, 05:54 PM
Scias to learn on think ,for make 2 k dmg must make lots of buufs and need lots o luck in real war to doit,is not one normal SC for make 2 k dmg.
U need all your mana what you have and special setup for this but your normal,are around 800-900.And 40% of sc are resisted.
So not complayne anymore about SC.
U need all buff normal +colosus +taxi 5 .But this mean ,your healt is low with 1k hp,no more UM,and more anothers bufs ,so u can be knoked,can be beatle swarmed ..etc is huge risk to make with SC 2k dmg

01-01-2010, 06:04 PM
Barbs suck.. it's true. In Tyr Knights own, if 1 lvl 50 knight from Syrtis comes, we're screwed. It's just hard to kill him with so few people.

01-01-2010, 06:48 PM
Barbs suck.. it's true. In Tyr Knights own, if 1 lvl 50 knight from Syrtis comes, we're screwed. It's just hard to kill him with so few people.

they own till they get hitted by a good ms. thats all..

01-01-2010, 07:01 PM
they own till they get hitted by a good ms. thats all..

So we own so long as we have a load of buffs on? We own with Frenzy, caution(reasonable defence) berserk, tfb, (unbuffed barb hits are nothing to cry over) and Um (so we can move more than 3ft without being knocked for 40 out of every 180 seconds)

Now go look up the durations of these spells and their costs, caution and frenzy arent to bad but tfb zerk and um are all high cost low duration spells.

I see your point, problem solved!

01-01-2010, 07:12 PM
The barb-whining about knights makes me so sad and tired...
I don't even know where to start to refute those arguments.

01-01-2010, 07:35 PM
The barb-whining about knights makes me so sad and tired...
I don't even know where to start to refute those arguments.

Barb moaning about knights is a good laugh, as warriors we are all in the same boat in many aspects, just knights dont have damage to back up their flaws, knights just live about 4 seconds longer, thats all.

01-01-2010, 07:40 PM
Indeed the problems with phantom swings, position lag and the selection-trouble should be solved first before a clear look can be taken upon balance.

01-01-2010, 10:19 PM
Barb moaning about knights is a good laugh, as warriors we are all in the same boat in many aspects, just knights dont have damage to back up their flaws, knights just live about 4 seconds longer, thats all.

"I'm gonna gonna have to go ahead and sorta disagree with you there..." - Bill Lumberg

My knight lasts 20sec to a full minute or sometimes more than my barb in similar battle situations.

But either way, warriors in general require some heavy fixing. They have many worthless, unused skills, in both their sub-class trees and the weapons and tactics trees.

Phantom Swings are bad; and while positioning is better it still needs some tweaking.

As it stands, both Barbarian AND Knight class could use some help with functionality, and a good start is lowering the mana costs slightly on many of their key spells.

01-02-2010, 12:20 AM
Barb moaning about knights is a good laugh, as warriors we are all in the same boat in many aspects, just knights dont have damage to back up their flaws, knights just live about 4 seconds longer, thats all.

With the exception of when Ao1 is casted.....

01-02-2010, 02:03 AM
This is a load of BS.

(It's the Inn, I can say what I want!)

01-02-2010, 08:13 AM
-UM(ustapable madnes ...complet distroyed ..cmon 4 knocks and 1 freez in same UM 5? that is unbelivble,i wonder wy is the stat resist 90%,..)

I agree with that. I also use 5lvl Stoppable Madness and it very often happens to fail 4-5 times in a row!! It's obviously a bug or description is wrong. Its definitely not 90%.

Stoppable Madness is in practice comparable with archers spell elude, while archer has two extra Low Profile which gives 100% CC protection and Son of the Wind which in practice also gives 100% CC protection, moreover both in the same tree and both instant!! One can say that stoppable madness lasts longer, but also has 3min cooldown(1min longer), which after death makes it still not available for a long time and barb cannot fight. In contrast archers protection spells are only 2min cooldown on two different spells which are in fact in the same tree, so if one is used, second can be used immediately after without any pick point sacrifices destroying class.

Its impossible to still be barbarian and have 5lvl tactics to get 65% Defensive Stance and 90% Stoppable Madness. Both don't give protection that warrior deserves and have relatively long cast time(are not instant).

+1 for this part of thread, this spell needs reviewing because its completely broken and its stats: mana, cooldown, resistance are complete absurdity and wrong.

01-02-2010, 10:16 AM
Blah blah i still like barbs..ill still keep leveling mine :)

01-02-2010, 11:23 AM
I play barb and knight,and my barb does 2-3 times the damage of my knight :sifflote: If you think Madness doesn't work,and defensive stance does,use defensive stance then,its available to all warriors.And MS,well it has a 50% chance of dispelling 50% of the powers xD

01-02-2010, 11:43 AM
I play barb and knight,and my barb does 2-3 times the damage of my knight :sifflote: If you think Madness doesn't work,and defensive stance does,use defensive stance then,its available to all warriors.And MS,well it has a 50% chance of dispelling 50% of the powers xD

Well if u use defencive stance on barb is not anymore barb :)...
MS ya ms have 50% u think? hmm i can say before was 10% and now is 1%.
Wel for me,forgot what is one ms ,last ms what worked for me was before
new Engine ,i tryed i tought is bad luck,i keepd tryed but for me not worked anymore.
And if u think just drop all barbs speel to use warrior s speels that became crazy,
that is not anymore one barb.that was diference between barb and knight,knight have A01 and barb UM ,now ...barb have duno only run around and die,cast only o few area..and knarby make around 700-800 dmg and one barb 800-900
only if u knight is skilled for lvl 1 wepons barb can doit 2,3 times dmg.

Anyway the pointof discusion was to see if anothers have same troble or only me because i have normal items.

01-02-2010, 01:07 PM
Indeed the problems with phantom swings, position lag and the selection-trouble should be solved first before a clear look can be taken upon balance.

i can barely play my barb atm i like maces but have now switched to spears just for the extra range and still im getting positional bugs there's just no winning for us 400 pingers. don't get me started on the selection issues often i click on an enemy thinking i have selected him and doesn't register and i often have to try several times to just select them by that time your prob dead.

UM is tbh broken i don't even bother to skill for it now it fails often and costs alot of points/mana that could be used on other things.

01-02-2010, 01:12 PM
Barbarians are good for areas nothing more.
with UM lvl 5 i got knocked twice from the 5 knocks i got on me.
thats 90% resistance. anyway, i get to hit the enemey maybe 4 times which is enough to kill him but i need more hits because ussualy 1 - 2 hits are evaded. or its not enough to break the pylon..
then with full buffs i can pull of 1 lvl 5 area.
(1348 mana)

(btw for all barbarians lvl 2+ UM is a waste)
sorry that i have to whine about this but its just a big issue..
Hope you can all understand my english, sorry if you dont.


01-03-2010, 10:39 AM
I enjoy my barb BUT :

Unstoppable madness is not enough effective. Make it 100% resist for his actual manacost.

And yes, too many skills are useless, its a pity. All barbs use the same skills because we have not a lot of choices.

(i don"t speak about kinght, i see mostly knarbs, maybe because real knight powers like protective areas are broken, don"t know ...)

01-03-2010, 12:35 PM
I enjoy my barb BUT :

Unstoppable madness is not enough effective. Make it 100% resist for his actual manacost.

And yes, too many skills are useless, its a pity. All barbs use the same skills because we have not a lot of choices.

Huge +1

And to those who may decry the "unfairness" of UM @ 100%, let me remind you there would still be 4 ways to stop a barb, or otherwise make them wary to continue the charge, under UM.

1. Mindsquasher. If it debuffs, barb loses all, not just UM's benefits.
2. Beetleswarm. Annoying as hell to ANY warrior.
3. Stunning Fist. See Beetleswarm.
4. Killing the barb. Still quite easy to do.

And let's not forget the countless -% movement speed, -str, -const, etc. etc. debuffs that make a barb less of a threat and easier to kill...

Personally, I think all levels of UM should be 100% CC resist; the extra levels (and subsequent mana cost) would be for duration. Levels 1-5 would be like 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 seconds respectively. Even were it at level 5, those of you who love to knock-juggle barbs would still get a 2 minutes and 10 seconds window (considering the 3 minute cooldown) to have at it with any barb.
