View Full Version : Knights became hell
01-03-2010, 03:30 PM
Like i sayd before in my opinion balance barb vs knight is complet broke..
New engine come with new nerf or improvet knight class.
Now knights block 80% of hits and resist another 20%.
Ppl talking about Syrtis nerf ..can be noone knows.
Screenshot talk and in next days i will post anotehr lots of this screenshots:
01-03-2010, 03:52 PM
That's just Randumbness, that knight was really lucky and you were just unlucky :P, it has nothing to do with high or low blocking chance, actually, Blocks got already nerfed last year but people are still complaining that it's still too high.
What's next? Knight auras range are still too big?
01-03-2010, 03:53 PM
Knights are to strong, lol, good one.
01-03-2010, 04:08 PM
That's just Randumbness, that knight was really lucky and you were just unlucky :P, it has nothing to do with high or low blocking chance, actually, Blocks got already nerfed last year but people are still complaining that it's still too high.
What's next? Knight auras range are still too big?
Sorry dude if u not noticed ,once with new engine is this change:)
And is not anymore ramdom,became usual,lots of players can tell this.
I will prove u with lots of new screenshots this days.
And if u say i am unluky then this game is not calculated and is just one chaos of random thinks.
01-03-2010, 04:17 PM
yea ban da knigz dey're too powerfullll lolololololo they hit for 500000 (each normal hit) they haz +90% passive dmg resistanse they blok too much they haz too much range lolololololololo and dey can alllllways scape and catch any1 lulululululululu (your post deserves my post)
01-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Knights...block...too much?
What the f**k have you been smoking.
I dont know if that Knight had a good day, you had a bad day or whatever.
But KNIGHTS are NOT all.
Playing a Knight made me QUIT the game.
What the f**k?
Knights have been nerfed so f**king much...
Its impossible to play a Knight unless you have the good ol' Axe with SC (5) or a mommy that likes to spend money.
Dont you come here and complaint about 3 f**king blocks.
Blocks have already been nerfed, Warrior attacks have been nerfed. That means KNIGHTS have been nerfed.
Barbs have their own offensive attacks in their tree.
What do we have? Shield Bash?
We have gotten so badly nerfed that most of us have made new classes, gone Knarb or simply left the game.
I have taken a break untill NGD balances out Knights, and I have been unofficially gone for 7 months now.
NGD is getting better, and Im not mad or irritated at them.
What I am pissed about, is motherf**kers that COMPLAIN about things that have already been "fixed".
You cannot keep nerfing.
Instead of saying NERF THE KNIGHTS, THEYRE OP, find ways to improve your own class.
And why do you think Knights block too much?
Because you got blocked 3 times in a row...
We have nothing left, and still you want to punch us in the face.
Thank you, fkr
01-03-2010, 04:41 PM
Judging by this, and your previous posts, I think you should not be so fast with jumping to conclusions.
Random is random afterall, or atleast as random as it can be, right?
Besides, this isn't a very high block rate imo. and totally fair no matter what.
01-03-2010, 05:06 PM
You show us a screenshot of 4 blocks and then say that knights are overpowered?! That's not really strong prove. Also, I'd like to see what's further back in your log. I doubt it's the same blockrate.
01-03-2010, 05:06 PM
lol. :sifflote:
01-03-2010, 06:34 PM
You show us a screenshot of 4 blocks and then say that knights are overpowered?! That's not really strong prove. Also, I'd like to see what's further back in your log. I doubt it's the same blockrate.
Up on my log u can see ARES resisted at 2 ms as u can see in chat window Lord Casper complayn.
And i will make more screenshots.One ignis lvl 40 knight what blocked 12 hit from me and Tigerous in a row and resisted 3 ms.
Dark-Wind got ms-ed 7 times in pvp one by one, by one ignis knight.Can be random or bad luck but this make the game unplayble for some classes.If play at luck for what all ppl beat for items?
And i begin this post after more confirmation not in first day when i have seen this.
After new engine all changed.
But i tested day by day to see if random or usual,yes became usual tha mean there are changes.
Yes true one screenshot not prove more but some records of battle and more screenshots will.
01-03-2010, 06:55 PM
yea ban da knigz dey're too powerfullll lolololololo they hit for 500000 (each normal hit) they haz +90% passive dmg resistanse they blok too much they haz too much range lolololololololo and dey can alllllways scape and catch any1 lulululululululu (your post deserves my post)
The word "barbarian" comes into English from Medieval Latin barbarinus, from Latin barbaria, from Latin barbarus, from the ancient Greek word βάρβαρος (bárbaros). The word is onomatopoeic, the bar-bar representing the impression of random hubbub produced by hearing a spoken language that one cannot understand, similar to blah blah and babble in modern English.
are you SURE your a knight :P
01-03-2010, 07:02 PM
here another screenshot with rate of blocks.He blocked blocked around 12 hits from all ppl ...sorry can't record lagg make imposible this for moment but the rate from my hits:
01-03-2010, 07:07 PM
maybe if you took less screenshots, you lag will improve :p
I dont have that much of a problem with knights blocking!!
Maybe ngd hates you ^^
01-03-2010, 07:08 PM
Up on my log u can see ARES resisted at 2 ms as u can see in chat window Lord Casper complayn.
Ok. And? Do you think that knights are the only characters who resists? Wanna see more than 100 pics of people resisting 2 skills in the same fight AS MINIMUM, being even lvl 20? Do you? Check this post if you want. There are around 103 pics there.
And i will make more screenshots.One ignis lvl 40 knight what blocked 12 hit from me and Tigerous in a row and resisted 3 ms.
Could be:
1) Protector
2) Luck
Dark-Wind got ms-ed 7 times in pvp one by one, by one ignis knight.Can be random or bad luck but this make the game unplayble for some classes.If play at luck for what all ppl beat for items?
= Luck.
Yes, this game is about luck. Dont you like it? No, I dont like it neither. What can we do? Nothing.
And i begin this post after more confirmation not in first day when i have seen this.
After new engine all changed.
New engine != balance changes.
But i tested day by day to see if random or usual,yes became usual tha mean there are changes.
Tell me.. do you want me to upload 3 or 4 pics of me blocking 5/53 hits? Do you?
No. Blocks still suck. You're just unlucky.
The word "barbarian" comes into English from Medieval Latin barbarinus, from Latin barbaria, from Latin barbarus, from the ancient Greek word βάρβαρος (bárbaros). The word is onomatopoeic, the bar-bar representing the impression of random hubbub produced by hearing a spoken language that one cannot understand, similar to blah blah and babble in modern English.
are you SURE your a knight :P
ye i ham lolololo
01-03-2010, 07:08 PM
here another screenshot with rate of blocks.He blocked blocked around 12 hits from all ppl ...sorry can't record lagg make impossible this for moment but the rate from my hits:
Does this happen often? Or are knights blocking 4/5 of the hits quite rare? It can be that sometimes knights block a lot and sometimes nothing. This is randomness and really, it hurts knights a lot. Blocking is not a reliable defence, and the rates you're posted are very rare to me.
01-03-2010, 07:20 PM
ye i ham lolololo
yummy ham that is
01-03-2010, 07:21 PM
yummy ham that is
Honey-roast ham????
01-03-2010, 07:35 PM
I guess thats how long it took the spammers to take over this thread.
01-03-2010, 07:38 PM
The problem here is.... that the guy who made the thread does not know anything about balance (or other characters), doesn't know how to play, or maybe Surak hates him :P
01-03-2010, 07:38 PM
I guess thats how long it took the spammers to take over this thread.
we said ham not spam xD
01-03-2010, 09:00 PM
01-03-2010, 09:09 PM
Johan blocked one of your hits! Zomg overpowered call the nerf brigade :rale:
01-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Matt and polish people, there's something about it ;)
01-03-2010, 10:35 PM
If I took a screenshot of my knight's log after every time this sort of thing happened to me... (zero blocking in a fight), I'd have like... well several dozen screenshots
But yeah, it happens a lot. Then in some fights I notice I block everything from only 1 player, as odd as it may sound, it happens. Still, I never manage to block the meteor spamming that tends to come down in torrents upon my poor tin-can.
01-03-2010, 11:34 PM
Yep, I also has DOZENS of screenshots of near 0 blocking. I've pretty much just stopped taking pics no, my HDD doesn't like me anymore.
How many screenshots do I have of me blocking loads?
01-04-2010, 12:08 AM
I founds the problems! Here itiz:
/* Regnum Online attack resolution */
enum { Block, Evade, Hit, Critical } attackresult(struct ro_character *attacker, struct ro_character *defender) {
static int hitnumber = 0;
/* First, ensure Arathael always fails */
if (!strcmp(attacker->name, 'Arathael'))
return Evade;
if (!strcmp(defender->name, 'Arathael'))
return Critical;
/* 25 attacks in a row fail, then 25 attack in a row succeed */
if (hitnumber % 50 < 25) {
if (defender->class == Knight)
return Block;
return Evade;
} else {
if (hitnumber % 3) // Every third attack should be a crit
return Hit;
return Critical;
01-04-2010, 10:10 AM
I founds the problems! Here itiz:
/* Regnum Online attack resolution */
enum { Block, Evade, Hit, Critical } attackresult(struct ro_character *attacker, struct ro_character *defender) {
static int hitnumber = 0;
/* First, ensure Arathael always fails */
if (!strcmp(attacker->name, 'Arathael'))
return Evade;
if (!strcmp(defender->name, 'Arathael'))
return Critical;
/* 25 attacks in a row fail, then 25 attack in a row succeed */
if (hitnumber % 50 < 25) {
if (defender->class == Knight)
return Block;
return Evade;
} else {
if (hitnumber % 3) // Every third attack should be a crit
return Hit;
return Critical;
:metal: Ahaah very cool script :)))
So Matt ..ppl as u can see say this game is luck based.U complayn about no blocks like me
what i have no luck and knights block moust of hits. :)
So how someone posted early that hapens once..but next 100 atcks u bloccked all :))
Ofc knights love to block a lots and i don't expact to say omg i block a lots :))))
They are happy of this change and are afraid for one new nerf :)
01-04-2010, 11:46 AM
you dont like oppy and malty very much do you ?
01-04-2010, 12:33 PM
Regnum is so lucky game
My probleme is not about one class but about one playeur he doing on me always critical (but not on other in my realm only on me)
He is just very lucky VS me and i am just very unlucky NGD can't change that
critical hit from barb buffed = 1800 dmg ;)
01-04-2010, 12:47 PM
Like i sayd before in my opinion balance barb vs knight is complet broke..
New engine come with new nerf or improvet knight class.
Now knights block 80% of hits and resist another 20%.
Ppl talking about Syrtis nerf ..can be noone knows.
Screenshot talk and in next days i will post anotehr lots of this screenshots:
I think most knights would agree that they have been nerfed enough as it is. I've seen a lot of people pack up and leave RO because of their frustration with this subclass. They are lucky if they block at all anymore.
Leave the knights alone. If anything, they need improvements before they become extinct.
..will help no one.
As a side note for you knights out there; mad props for making it look easy. :)
01-04-2010, 02:33 PM
Looking through all the whine and general comments, one commonality seems to stand out, "NGD please nerf anything that manages to beat me, or that I can't one hit kill every time".
Seriously, knights are defensive and as such, are designed to block and tank.
They do less than 1/2 the damage with a good epic weapon than a barb does with a generic merchant purchased p.o.s.
You complain about MS not working, duh, there is a fail chance on EVERY spell. Knights simply have a higher chance of resist. I get *my* MS blocked/resisted 75% of the time AND I"M A KNIGHT!! Your screen shots of 3 blocks (not even in a row) during a melee is not very impressive evidence of a problem.
Maybe at 10-12, in a row, I could see your point.
If NGD did most of the nerfs everyone asked for, you would end up with a game full of half-assed barbs killing each other an no other classes.
01-04-2010, 10:41 PM
I think most knights would agree that they have been nerfed enough as it is. I've seen a lot of people pack up and leave RO because of their frustration with this subclass. They are lucky if they block at all anymore.
Leave the knights alone. If anything, they need improvements before they become extinct.
..will help no one.
As a side note for you knights out there; mad props for making it look easy. :)
Just be glad Seth Green isn't doing the nerfing...
...or the in-game customizable haircuts
I was also trying to find an old SNL fake commercial for the "Nerf Crotch Bat!" but can't seem to locate it...
...that's all I found. It cut out the part at the end regarding the "Nerf Crotch Missile" but still you get the idea.
01-10-2010, 10:07 PM
Yes, us knights are waaayyyy too overpowered.* why, they should remove the ability to block altogether, then we would really be able to tank :P* Maybe lower knights attack powers as well to force us to only be able to cast auras.* But then the auras would need to be nerfed because people would say they are op spells*** Maybe take away our shields as well \o/and give us a passive -10% spd decrease cause we are already so hard to kill-
sarcasm ftw xD
Knight block is not op.* It is random, just like sometimes an archer evades or resists 3 attacks of mine in a row.* Ignore the flukes and just keep playing and have fun ^^
p.s knights don't need block, i mean look at the way we ride horses, we are ninjas xD
01-11-2010, 02:05 AM
why, they should remove the ability to block altogether, then we would really be able to tank :P* Maybe lower knights attack powers as well to force us to only be able to cast auras.* But then the auras would need to be nerfed because people would say they are op spells*** Maybe take away our shields as well \o/and give us a passive -10% spd decrease cause we are already so hard to kill-
sarcasm ftw xD
Knight block is not op.* It is random, just like sometimes an archer evades or resists 3 attacks of mine in a row.* Ignore the flukes and just keep playing and have fun ^^
p.s knights don't need block, i mean look at the way we ride horses, we are ninjas xD
This should actually happen..... replace random blocking with something reliable :o
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