View Full Version : Crash when killed

04-20-2007, 07:25 PM
You got to fix this problem NGD, i was in the warzone the other day and everytime i died the game crashed :(

I was killed in action about 10 times and everytime i died the game crashed.

This was especially irritating because this caused me to not gain any realm points even though i injured and almost killed many enemies :fury:

So please NGD fix this problem fast, i hate to be missing out all the action in Warzone.

Valkyria - Dwarf Marksman of Valhalla Freedom Fighters :viking:

04-20-2007, 08:57 PM
I'm seeing the same thing but it is not just when you die. After combat PvP (RvR) and you die or live and use teleport (I think because they have the same effect -loading screen-) you crash. The crash when you die is right after you click the res button.