View Full Version : No singles?

02-06-2010, 12:34 PM
Hello there. I have been playing for alittle bit, 3 weeks or so (just made my forum account) and I have been wondering something.

Why is there no sexually active people here? by this i mean, well i will give an example: i asked somone to cyber with me and they said no, because they are taken. i played perfect world before this and everyone there is open minded and fun. and i beleive thats what this game needs more of. sometimes, i asked girl characters to cyber but they were actually guys, but it didnt matter cause we were roleplaying kind of

is no one in this game into internet relationships? i kept getting shot down and sometimes i feel kind of bad.... but i still play cause some of the people are really nice and i like to talk to them but the way some girls treat me is harsh. and i dont know why i gave one girl lots of things and she said she was my girlfriend then i asked to cyber and she said no and left me...
i guess i just want to know why there are no single people that are open minded?

if someone could give me pointers? or any singles want to chat please pm me

Sorry if the language is bad, english is only my third language.

02-06-2010, 12:41 PM
wow. Why won't you go to specific chatrooms placed on themed websites?
It's a fantasy war game, not a romance/sex game.

02-06-2010, 12:47 PM
yikes lol,

I don't think this is the right place to do that sorta thing though.

I am female, but I don't play this game to cyber with guys, its actually quite irritating. I'm not stuck up by any means, just because i'm female doesn't mean its fine to talk about it, i come to play not date.

02-06-2010, 12:53 PM
Is this a joke? If it is, it's both funny and well executed. If it's not, though....just creepy.

02-06-2010, 01:13 PM

Troll warning! I wonder where moderator is when he is really needed.

02-06-2010, 01:53 PM
wow. Why won't you go to specific chatrooms placed on themed websites?
It's a fantasy war game, not a romance/sex game.

Yeah! Make war, not love! ;)

However, I have seen some flirting in Syrtis chat lately, but I don't know if anyone is taking it further in private chat.

02-06-2010, 01:53 PM
"i played perfect world before this"

That explains it... Perfect world is just an online sex party. You have really scared the crap out of me with your post. Creeps are everywhere apparently.

02-06-2010, 01:56 PM
A good reason why I stick around the Regnum community is so that I can play a female character (being female IRL) and not get heckled/flirted with. I go on a game so I can play - there are tonnes of 'games' out there which really revolve around cyber dating/flirting and if I really wanted to do that, I'd go there.

Don't make Regnum a cyberdate MMO, it's got enough problems as it is. ;)

02-06-2010, 01:57 PM
First, this isn't PW

and secondly I don't want to be an ass but I think I would do he same
if you asked me to cyber and I don't even know what it mean, just sounds creepy.

But RO is a game not a sexual chat room I'm sorry if some people treated you harsh but this isn't the game to cyber.
And no I don't actually I know that isn;t what this game needs this game is perfect(except for the laggs, graphics, buggs, glitches, but no game is perfectly perfect)

So you could just play RO and leave those sexual ideas in the sex rooms:)

02-06-2010, 02:01 PM
The OP could maybe become an elf and have a relationship with a tree...

You get your sex, and never any nagging!

02-06-2010, 02:33 PM
Whoa, this one came from out of nowhere.

I come here to relax, take the edge off work. keep it simple. That's why I play RO. Your post may be one in jest but the tone of it does not suggest that. If that is what you need then maybe this game is not for you. By all means play the game, just don't expect explicit behaviour as the norm here.

This thread should be at best moderated with view to closing and moved to the inn as well. It is creepy. Plus you do realize that young children play this game? Maybe you do? Ack double creepy.

A small advice..... Go outside sometimes... there be girls out there. Keep it real man.


02-06-2010, 02:42 PM
and she said she was my girlfriend then i asked to cyber and she said no and left me...


(yes, similie added specially for this)
