View Full Version : syrthis tournament on horus
02-18-2010, 11:38 AM
syrthis is going to organize a gladiator tournament in the arena, when is not sure:p but we will.
the tournament is a sport game so there are rounds, u fight youre way treu the combatends to win the prize pot (magna).
the first time u will only be able to compete when u are 45 or higher, because it's a test, if it's a succes we will organize tournaments for lower lvl's.
u need to subscribe if u want to compete, so we can make rounds in advance.
for viewers: if u not want to compete but just watch u must bet at least on one match, the amount is not important just u need to bet (in mangna) the winners recieves his original bet + a quarter of the bet so: if u bet 10 magna u recieve 13 magna u bet one u get 2 magna, the magna that is still left in the pot goes to the winning gladiator, if there is no magna he will recieve gold or an item, if we run out of magna to give to the winners we will give the amount in gold so: there is one magna missing u recieve 10k gold.
the bet's are taken care of by my secundant tjanexmun who will watch over the tournament if i'm not online.
for questions pm or post here, hope u will compete and view.
02-18-2010, 03:39 PM
This sounds fun, and I love good bets and pvp's so I'll be there if I can get on at that time.
02-18-2010, 04:29 PM
i will anounce the date in realm chat the rulez will folow but first we need people to subscribe in the tournament, if u want to join just say it here and you are a gladiator.
to subscribe as a gladiator: type here the name, class and lvl of your character
the list of combatends and rounds will be taken care of by bloodmage, the bet's by tjanexmun
02-18-2010, 04:31 PM
I wanna help you Blood :)
02-18-2010, 04:36 PM
WOW! Gladiator`s tournament is much better than dancing at CS =)
02-18-2010, 06:24 PM
I wanna help you Blood :)
it's not necessary, but thx.
if you wanna join, just say it :p
02-18-2010, 06:26 PM
Make sure you give us (ignis) plenty of notice.
I smell an invasion.
02-18-2010, 06:27 PM
Make sure you give us (ignis) plenty of notice.
I smell an invasion.
For exactly that reason I think this would be best organised just in the private parts of the Syrtis forum :p
02-18-2010, 06:31 PM
For exactly that reason I think this would be best organised just in the private parts of the Syrtis forum :p
thats exactly what we do :p
02-18-2010, 06:32 PM
since we got some combatends i will post the rulez,
1)u fight to the dead, there is no 'over powering' u just fight, only your skill can save u, u will know your opponents in advance (we will pm) so u will be able to prepare yourself.
the combat is one on one.
2)if one of the gladiators don't show up, the other gladiator wins,
3)if sombody bufs u the battle is stopped for the duration of the buf, if it's a heal our conj will heal u and the battle starts over, we realy want to ask u DON'T buf the combatends, we want a smooth game and it would be realy dull if eny one buf's eny one so pls do not buf. the one who does buf loses he's bet.
when the battle is over our conj will heal the winner and the loser can take place in the public.
a gladiator can bet as well, if u want to bet on your self or sobmody else feel free but u CAN NOT bet on your opponent.
there are some rulez for the viewers
1) don't enter the field during a battle, we will step in and kill you and you will not be able to return to the arena and your bets will be lost.
2) don't buf the gladiators, but everybody will be smart enough to know this
3) if u need to leave during a battle pls tell this, you will recieve word from your bet later on.
4)you need to bet minimum ones on a match to enter, the max bet is 2 magna (we changed that for the reason that we don't want to run out of magna fast).
the tournament will take some time.
but we also want to add: he fun! see it as a nice day of sport!
grtz see u all at the arena, if there are eny questions please post them here or pm me or bloodmage or green angel, u can still subscribe here so feel free.
kind regards
ps. in order to give the other realms not good info the date will folow later on and we will pm the combatands, if there is an invasion, the game is stopped, everything will be noted down and we fight for our kingdom.
02-18-2010, 06:40 PM
3)if sombody bufs u the battle is stopped for the duration of the buf, if it's a heal our conj will heal u and the battle starts over, we realy want to ask u DON'T buf the combatends, we want a smooth game and it would be realy dull if eny one buf's eny one so pls do not buf.
Have you ever fought in the arena? I can only assume the syrtis arena works the same as the ignis arena. Inside the arena, everyone is an enemy and you can't buff them.
when the battle is over our conj will heal the winner and the loser can take place in the public.
When the battle is over, someone is dead and respawns outside the arena with full health.
don't enter the field during a battle, we will step in and kill you and you will not be able to return to the arena and your bets will be lost.
You can prevent people from entering the arena? Kill then when they enter, yes, but prevent?
Sorry to be a picky tomato, but someone needs to help this guy out. He has a cool idea, just not enough experience me thinks.
02-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Prebuffs yes/no? :p
As for keeping players out last time we did something like this me and a hunter (Pano I think) killed anyone who entered, trying not to let them influence the battle in any significant way (if a player wins with half hp left but the opponant took 1 16 damage staff shot then the fight isnt repeated) if they did we would restart.
02-18-2010, 06:56 PM
the combatans go 2 at a time in the arena (the tournaifield) the rest stays in the public zone.
i have tought it over about that not entering arena fact but what else can we do? if someone wants to ruin it he can cause there is nothing we can do, we can only hope everybody will have a bit of repect and intelegence to not do this
about pre bufs, let's say they can, but only your own! not those of a conj! if you are buffed by a conj (by wich i mean bear strenght, bless, feline dexterity etc) we wait for the spell to pass and then u may enter the field, and indeed, we need a high lvl player who is willing to stand on the combatfield and keep un wanted guests of the field.
02-18-2010, 07:53 PM
I sure hope this will be live-streamed, and not on tape-delay like the stupid NBC Olympic coverage!
Srsly, I know you can't really live-stream it - "Oh, look, the Lets-Invade-Syrtis-Now Show is starting!", but you might want to put together a highlights video to be posted later. :swordfight: --> :theking:
02-18-2010, 09:21 PM
i will try or ask my secundants to record the battles if not i will give u a typed report of the matches.
02-19-2010, 10:56 AM
i'm in a dilemma here, i want to say the other realm the date of the event so we can ask to not attack us for a moment but on the other hand there are always people who want to ruin the party for every one, so what to do? eny idea's?
02-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Keep it a secret? Duh?
02-19-2010, 11:07 AM
and we also need people who keep order, who kill eny one who enters the combatfield unwanted and act as a sort of referee
02-19-2010, 12:28 PM
i'm in a dilemma here, i want to say the other realm the date of the event so we can ask to not attack us for a moment but on the other hand there are always people who want to ruin the party for every one, so what to do? eny idea's?
Some people would respect the tournament, but if someone else in-realm finds out and says "Let's invade" and not "They're all at the Syrt-lympics, let's invade" we could end up going.
If you're reasonably sure you can keep it a secret, that's probably safest.
If you think it's likely to get out anyway, make it public.
02-19-2010, 02:23 PM
If we let people know 1 day before syrt-lympics than you guys can''t organise an invasion anymore that is not possible in 1 day gather 50-60 people for an invasion...
02-19-2010, 02:52 PM
we PROMISE not to spoil your fun (wink wink nudge nudge) :angel1:
02-19-2010, 03:11 PM
we PROMISE not to spoil your fun (wink wink nudge nudge) :angel1:
thx :D, are you ignis? or alsius? or the beste one syrthis.
02-19-2010, 03:20 PM
thx :D, are you ignis? or alsius? or the beste one syrthis.
he's ignis (watch logo) and there are no best in this game, i have respect for all realms and there players.
ow btw: a hunter can not enter the battle in camo, just to be sure but i think it's quit obvious
02-19-2010, 03:46 PM
i put it on the syrtis forum, there's more info...
02-20-2010, 05:55 PM
he's ignis (watch logo) and there are no best in this game, i have respect for all realms and there players.
ow btw: a hunter can not enter the battle in camo, just to be sure but i think it's quit obvious
lol thats no fair! its a spell hunters have,let em use it!! :p
btw i have a feeling that one overpowered barb or one overpowered marks is gonna have a lot of mag after this(i think you know who i mean) :rolleyes2:
02-20-2010, 05:58 PM
I agree with Fighting_Irish here. You can't just say hunters can't use their trademark spell. Unless you meant they can't camo before they go in arena...
02-20-2010, 06:02 PM
that's what i ment, u can't enter the field in camo, as is in the rulez, u just fight no matter the way.
02-21-2010, 07:03 PM
the list with gladiators:
Barbarian: barb
Tsukuyomi: warlock
Jakob: knight
Herome: knight
Honore: knight
Dyland: hunter
Sap: barbarian
King of tjan barb
Smrda music barb
Yadi barb
Zeric of ga: knight
Gondu. conj
only one can be syrtis finest, place a bet on who you think will win the tounament, u can bet with me, bloodmage and spaarbank tyr (tjanexmun).
02-21-2010, 07:28 PM
I agree with Fighting_Irish here. You can't just say hunters can't use their trademark spell. Unless you meant they can't camo before they go in arena...
Camo shouldn't be allowed because the hunter will just need to camo and wait until the buffs of his opponent finishes to easily win with ambush + confuse then, so, fully buffed hunter vs unbuffed + confused target, it's not really fair...
02-21-2010, 07:39 PM
pff, i'm afraid if this keeps going this way we will have to cancel everything, no one wants to bet, so how on earth can we give the winner a good price, people realy don't intrest in others wanting to add some fun, i gues everybody just wants to go on in end les pointless fort wars and grinding.
this is realy sad, pls people we just want to give u some fun.
02-21-2010, 07:54 PM
Camo shouldn't be allowed because the hunter will just need to camo and wait until the buffs of his opponent finishes to easily win with ambush + confuse then, so, fully buffed hunter vs unbuffed + confused target, it's not really fair...
You do have a valid point there...
02-21-2010, 08:14 PM
first round in the tournament:
yadi vs king of tjan
gondu vs jakob
barbarian vs dyland
zeric of ga vs sap
smrda mudic vs herome
elrik vs tsukuyom
good luck in your fights!
bets are open on the matches and who do u think will be syrtis finnest
02-21-2010, 08:27 PM
For all the info about this tournament, an maybe the next tournaments look at
02-22-2010, 09:52 AM
hope it will be soon
03-07-2010, 10:48 AM
the tournament starts today, we will try to record it and post it on youtube so the others can watch as well
03-07-2010, 02:54 PM
we (the organizers) congratz tsu with his winning of the tournament, we where not able to record it but i will tell what was going on:
the final was between tsu and smrda
tsu played a clever game by never alow srda to come close, smrda could hit a hard hit of 960 dmg but it was not enough to stop tsu from eating his mana an life away.
again,congratz tsu, the prize pot contained 20 magna this time so hope u will all join the next time (btw bet more!:p)
Thanks to Xia, you will be able to see some of the battles, and a final one too!,1493.0.html
Congrats to Tsu for victory and Smrda too :)
Maybe for next tournament ROTV project ( could cast it live.
03-08-2010, 09:38 PM
ej thx, i was worried about that, thanks xia! and thanks to anpu for posting.
question for xia, do you want to do this for future tournaments?
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