View Full Version : +1 power
02-19-2010, 01:00 AM
Purely for fun:
What if at level 50, you could pick one additional power from any subclass? You get no additional power points, but can put as many as you want into it. What would you choose?
Warlock: Camouflage lvl 1
Conjurer: Army of One lvl 5
Marksman: Sultar's Terror lvl 5
Hunter: Meteor lvl 5
Barbarian: Meteor lvl 5
Knight: Unstoppable Madness lvl 5
02-19-2010, 03:12 AM
Lock: Camo lvl 5
Conjurer: UM lvl 5
Hunter: Terror lvl 5
Marks: AO! lvl 5
Knight: Regenerate lvl 5
Barbarian: Camo lvl 5
02-19-2010, 03:39 AM
Warlock: track ally lvl 5
Conjurer: execution lvl 5
Hunter: martial defense lvl 5
Marksman: rigorous preparation lvl 5
Knight: elemental exposure lvl 5
Barbarian: shield piercing lvl 5
02-19-2010, 03:48 AM
ALL CLASSES: Frozen Storm lvl 5 omgomg best spell evar!
02-19-2010, 03:49 AM
Knight: greater healing 5
Barb: lightning arrow 3
Marks: ambitious sacrifice 5
Hunter: ons (taxi version) 5
Conj: sultar 5
Lock: control monster 5
02-19-2010, 04:23 AM
Conj: Sotw 5
Lock: Confuse 5
Hunter: TFB 5
Marks: Sadistic Servants 5
Barb: Barrier 5
Knight: MoD 5
02-19-2010, 04:28 AM
Knight: Heal Pet
Conjurer: Brain Pierce
Warlock: Finesse
Barbarian: Sadictic Guards
Marksman: Blindness
Hunter: Performance
02-19-2010, 09:48 AM
Army of One for my hunter! ohey \o/
Knight - Confuse
Conjurer - Sultar's terror
Barbarian - Steel skin
Warlock - Low profile
02-19-2010, 12:59 PM
Knight- Greater Healing
Conjurer- Confuse (revenge!! :devil:)
Hunter- hard one... TFB maybe.
02-19-2010, 02:25 PM
Hunter: idk.. Ao1 maybe
Marks: Wild Spirit
02-19-2010, 02:48 PM
For my chars:
Barb - A01 - Because it would be evil
Knight - UM - So I can acctualy move
Marks - Terror (at range 40 :O)
Conju - Can I swap sanc for LP? :p Otherwise SK
02-19-2010, 03:36 PM
Lock sanctuary [5].
imagine walking right into the syrtis zerg untouched and sultaring them, only to walk out again, still untouched.
02-19-2010, 04:12 PM
barb either Ao1 (5) or camo (5).
i know this is purely hypothetical, but it would be a horrible idea to implement this :P
OOH! and for a knight... BERZERK (5)
02-19-2010, 06:20 PM
Marks: Possess Summoning
Barb: Possess Summoning
Hunter: Possess Summoning
Knight: Possess Summoning
Conju: Possess Summoning(!)
Warlock: Divine Intervention
It's just too much fun to steal them. :sifflote:
02-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Marks: Possess Summoning
Barb: Possess Summoning
Hunter: Possess Summoning
Knight: Possess Summoning
Conju: Possess Summoning(!)
Warlock: Divine Intervention
It's just too much fun to steal them. :sifflote:
I lol'd
Frozen storm for everyone.
02-19-2010, 08:19 PM
Probably either Heal Self (5) or Heal Ally (5) for every class.
For conjurers, definitely Tame Monsters (5).
Knight: Master of Doom
That'll get everyone's focus alright =D
02-19-2010, 09:49 PM
Knight: Master of Doom
That'll get everyone's focus alright =D
Dayyyum, I hadn't thought of that one. This would actually give people a reason to attack knights. I suggest NGD implement this immediately! xD
02-19-2010, 10:07 PM
Conju: Maestro de la destruccion
Brujo: Ejercito
Tira: Camu
Caza: rAfaga
Caba: Empuje Mental
Barb: Sacrificio
02-19-2010, 10:24 PM
Barb/knight/marks/hunter: Sultar's Devouring mass(1),cause its not fair if only mages can be uber enough to have it :3
Warlock/Conju: Troat cutter (1), staffs can be sharp you know :p
02-19-2010, 10:32 PM
El Fauno, son pocos a saber los nombres de los skills en español aca xD
(translation if wanted : El Fauno, a few of them know the skill names in spanish here)
Conju: Master of Doom
Lock: Army of One
Marks: Camo
Hunter: burst of wind
Knight: Mind Push
Barb: Ambitious sacrifice
02-19-2010, 10:36 PM
El Fauno, son pocos a saber los nombres de los skills en español aca xD
I get the aca part!
/me buffs and starts looking around nervously
02-20-2010, 01:20 AM
simple all max'd at 5 ofcourse
Conju: SOTW
Lock: Army of One
Marks: zerk
Hunter: heal self
Knight: zerk
Barb: Army of One(ohh a barb doing 1.5k hits and getting hit for 100 or less)
02-20-2010, 06:01 AM
02-20-2010, 06:30 AM
why spring sotw is nearly as fast and same duration :) with bonus spell resist 100pct(well it feels like 100pct)
02-20-2010, 08:45 AM
Warlock: Arcana strike 5 (we've so many shitty skills in elements :rale:)
02-20-2010, 12:44 PM
Conjurer : Sotw
Warlock : UM
Barb : Soulkeeper
02-20-2010, 04:38 PM
Knight: Master of Doom
That'll get everyone's focus alright =D
good one :clapclap:
That would serve a knight's purpose so well :D
02-20-2010, 08:50 PM
El Fauno, son pocos a saber los nombres de los skills en español aca xD
(translation if wanted : El Fauno, a few of them know the skill names in spanish here)
Thanks for the translate... :D
see ya around guys...!
el fauno
02-21-2010, 03:58 PM
Warlock: Arcana strike 5 (we've so many shitty skills in elements :rale:)
Yeah and I'm glad about it, I wouldn't find points for another one xD
Awesome thread btw, really exciting topic!
On my warlock SotW would be great, to catch people or to fight others, if you don't have to use CC for 15 seconds you have time to deal a LOT of damage :clapclap:
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