View Full Version : Another Horus Story

02-26-2010, 06:15 PM
Another story, enjoy.

Once upon a time Ignis was doing some junk, and everything was right in the world.

Winston was a very special member of the Ignis army. No matter how hard Winston tried, things never turned out his way. Often it was his own fault, but the deck of life was stacked against him, and failure was his role. The stern Ignites scolded his failure, the Jolly Ignites mocked him, and the emo Ignites made female characters to seduce him for lulz.

One day a very special guy came to Ignis. His name was Pontius. Pontius was a very powerful man, and many Ignites respected him wholly. Most did not. They coddled Pontius' ego, hoping he would use his power for their benefit.

On this day, as usual, Winston had failed again. In an effort to succeed he decided he would practice his skills on monsters, to gain strength. While happily grinding away, Winston came across one of the emo Ignites. The Ignite sat in a dark corner and watched, as Winston struggled with a monster, but did nothing. Failing once again, Winston turned and fled, shouting to the heavens, "What is wrong with me!?"

The Ignites - emos, jollies, and hardasses alike - began to tell Winston exactly what was wrong with him, and none too kindly. One of the crowd, hearing all of Winston's faults, asked Pontius to banish him. Hearing this, Winston shouted to the man, "You're such a noob!" The crowd of Ignites became angry, and chanted "Banish him! Banish him!"

Pontius, seeking to appease the crowd, yet maintain some level of lawfulness, cast a spell of silence on Winston, saying that calling another a noob was unacceptable. Seeing Pontius' power, the crowd was amazed. For the duration of the spell the Ignites laughed and poked fun at the silent Winston. Try as he might, he was unable to endure it any longer, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

The tear was a small thing, but Pontius was not an evil man, and so he lifted his spell immediately saying his lesson was learned and he was free to go. With the spell gone, Winston fell to his knees and shouted, "I did nothing to deserve that! You may as well banish me, if calling someone a noob is a crime!" His tears began to flow in force, and he called out "Banish me already!"

The mob began to chant again, and Pontius hadn't the courage to oppose them. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Winston spiraling out of Horus.

The End.

Disclaimer: This story is a fictional work, entirely from my own mind. No actual Horus players or events are represented in this story, and the names used are insignificant and were chosen at random.

02-26-2010, 06:18 PM
Disclaimer: This story is a fictional work, entirely from my own mind. No actual Horus players or events are represented in this story, and the names used are insignificant and were chosen at random.

Yeah, but we all know its acctualy not made up, you swapped out the names but its clearly a retelling of a recent 'event' that has caused enough problems without people dragging it back up.

02-26-2010, 06:25 PM
Yeah, but we all know its acctualy not made up

Yes it is.

you swapped out the names but its clearly a retelling of a recent 'event'

No I didn't.

02-26-2010, 06:26 PM
hurray for winston !!
hurray for pontius !!
hurray for emos !!
hurray for jollies !!
hurray for hardasses !!
but mostly hurray for Van the Storyteller !!

This reply has no relevence to any situation real or implied.

02-26-2010, 06:28 PM
No I didn't.

I somehow doubt a certain mod would agree with you.

02-26-2010, 06:29 PM
I somehow doubt a certain mod would agree with you.

Stop trolling, this is my Horus story thread, and I'd prefer if you stayed at least somewhat on-topic. I'd rather it didn't get locked because people assume it's something that it isn't.

02-26-2010, 06:33 PM
We will wait and see then, if it gets locked then its because that story is what I think it clearly is, not because I pointed out the very suspect similaritys.

02-26-2010, 06:51 PM
but mostly hurray for Van the Storyteller !!

Thanks! :D

I was thinking I might write some more, any ideas for future plots and conflicts? Or even constructive criticisms about my writing?

02-26-2010, 08:02 PM
I fail to see on which event this story could be based :D For me it's just fiction.

02-26-2010, 09:18 PM
Disclaimer: This story is a fictional work, entirely from my own mind. No actual Horus players or events are represented in this story, and the names used are insignificant and were chosen at random.

I dont think people are reading it all :<
ahha good job Van ^^

-ish veruh prowd-

02-26-2010, 11:49 PM
Maybe you could do one about an intrepid young archer who dedicated his life to Ignis and pwnd lots of people. Then he decides to go on vacation for a while, and while he's gone he notices that totalitarianism has taken hold of Ignis. Then he tries to write a letter to the editor of the Medenet Times, but someone who used to live in Ignis (but moved to Alsius where the neighbors like her better) didn't like it and made everyone tell the mailman to tear up the archer's letter. Then the mailman did. And the someone who used to live in Ignis but doesn't anymore's boyfriend was like "pfft, shouldn't have gone on vacation". So the archer secretly came back from vacation and gives the person who used to live in Ignis (and her boyfriend) the ol' snail trail every chance he gets.

You should do one like that.

02-26-2010, 11:57 PM
LULs hahaha
good story my friend. i like the twist at the end =p

02-27-2010, 12:07 AM
Thanks for the stories guys... I have to say they are way better than some of the other Horus Stories I have read ;). anyways cheers :beerchug: on the great job. Hope to read more soon.


02-27-2010, 01:40 AM
How about one like this.

After the banishment of Winston by Pontius, the realm of Ignis as a whole was divided. The first group of the emo, jolly, hard asses seemed to be happy with the banishment of the comical, yet infamous Winston. The other group could only ponder w.t.f just happened.

Alvania began discussing what had happened between the great Pontius and the Infamous Winston with fellow realm mates. All who opposed the actions taken by Pontius against Winston, were met with hostility from those who had great adoration for Pontius. After much debate those who supported Winston's banishment began calling for silencing of the dissenter and some even went as far to request her banishment. Pontius in all his great wisdom made a decree stating that all dissent of this sort would end, and no further discussion of the topic would be permitted. If anyone had further concerns about the powers which he has decided to use they could make requests of the great gods of Horus through prayer.

Vertann de Llama and Aldamante, though having respect for the gods of Horus, do not lay worship upon them and continued open discussion. Again Pontius flexed his mighty muscles and ended all discussion.

(The land of Horus continues to be Polytheistic, but is ruled directly by our omnipresent demigod Pontius.)

02-27-2010, 02:59 AM

02-27-2010, 04:11 AM
(The land of Horus continues to be Polytheistic, but is ruled directly by our omnipresent demigod Pontius.)

WOOT!!! :metal: and there is NOTHING you can do about it no matter how much you moan and whine :D

Seriously though why dont you just drop it now.

Nice story van, I too have no idea where you came up with such a storyline, But maybe the party to blame in the wrong was the Ignites (Emos, Jollies and hardasses) for being to aggresive and unaccomodating with Dar.... Winston.

Tell me Van which party where you in.... sorry i mean would be in?

02-27-2010, 04:25 AM
No I'm pretty sure that the moral of the story is that Pontius was in the wrong. Fairly certain that was the point.

Seriously though, why do you post in people's threads if you're just going to troll them?

Don't feed this guy people.

02-27-2010, 04:40 AM
maybe the party to blame in the wrong was the Ignites (Emos, Jollies and hardasses) for being to aggresive and unaccomodating with Dar.... Winston.
No I'm pretty sure that the moral of the story is that Pontius was in the wrong. Fairly certain that was the point.

I thought it was obvious... both Pontius and the Ignites were in the wrong, if it were real both parties would owe Winston an apology.

Tell me Van which party where you in.... sorry i mean would be in?

If everything were as black and white as it is in my story, I would most certainly be one of the Jollies.

02-27-2010, 04:59 AM
I thought it was obvious... both Pontius and the Ignites were in the wrong, if it were real both parties would owe Winston an apology.

My bad Van, I meant "in addition to" the Ignites, Pontius was in the wrong. Although I still contend he was MORE wrong, being as how he's the one with the powers and an angry mob, though wrong, is still an angry mob.

02-27-2010, 03:27 PM
Nice story. Quite interesting and I am sure purely coincidental that is resembles something that happened recently.
It is quite interesting that fiction mirrors reality sometimes. :sifflote:

Because what this is, is fairly obvious to those in the know, I am afraid I cannot comment one way or another as it is not really a 'black or white story'. The incident in question may be so but the back history behind it is not. That exists in a 'grey" area. Much as I am tempted to address this issue directly and in detail, I will restrain myself and refrain.

However, I will give van a +1 in spirit for the intelligent and crafty way this was done.

The incident was what it was and is now past tense. All parties will probably perceive it different ways and learn something from it (or not) and that is that. The beat goes on.


02-27-2010, 06:58 PM
Another story, enjoy.

Once upon a time Ignis was doing some junk, and everything was right in the world.

Winston was a very special member of the Ignis army. No matter how hard Winston tried, things never turned out his way. Often it was his own fault, but the deck of life was stacked against him, and failure was his role. The stern Ignites scolded his failure, the Jolly Ignites mocked him, and the emo Ignites made female characters to seduce him for lulz.

One day a very special guy came to Ignis. His name was Pontius. Pontius was a very powerful man, and many Ignites respected him wholly. Most did not. They coddled Pontius' ego, hoping he would use his power for their benefit.

On this day, as usual, Winston had failed again. In an effort to succeed he decided he would practice his skills on monsters, to gain strength. While happily grinding away, Winston came across one of the emo Ignites. The Ignite sat in a dark corner and watched, as Winston struggled with a monster, but did nothing. Failing once again, Winston turned and fled, shouting to the heavens, "What is wrong with me!?"

The Ignites - emos, jollies, and hardasses alike - began to tell Winston exactly what was wrong with him, and none too kindly. One of the crowd, hearing all of Winston's faults, asked Pontius to banish him. Hearing this, Winston shouted to the man, "You're such a noob!" The crowd of Ignites became angry, and chanted "Banish him! Banish him!"

Pontius, seeking to appease the crowd, yet maintain some level of lawfulness, cast a spell of silence on Winston, saying that calling another a noob was unacceptable. Seeing Pontius' power, the crowd was amazed. For the duration of the spell the Ignites laughed and poked fun at the silent Winston. Try as he might, he was unable to endure it any longer, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

The tear was a small thing, but Pontius was not an evil man, and so he lifted his spell immediately saying his lesson was learned and he was free to go. With the spell gone, Winston fell to his knees and shouted, "I did nothing to deserve that! You may as well banish me, if calling someone a noob is a crime!" His tears began to flow in force, and he called out "Banish me already!"

The mob began to chant again, and Pontius hadn't the courage to oppose them. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Winston spiraling out of Horus.

The End.

Disclaimer: This story is a fictional work, entirely from my own mind. No actual Horus players or events are represented in this story, and the names used are insignificant and were chosen at random.

Epitome of Troll-aciousness! /me bows to Van. But commenting strictly on the literary aspect of it, Brilliantly written :)

03-06-2010, 06:51 PM
Hello again everyone, I was planning on writing some more for you guys, but I'm really lazy. Instead I logged into RO and asked players to tell me a story. The best one was written by an Ignis knight named wolvf. As you can probably guess by his name, he's not the best speller around... but there are more important things than spelling when it comes to story telling. I've replaced the names used by wolvf with generic names, as the ones he used are actual characters and I wouldn't post any fiction about them without their permission. Besides that everything is exactly as it was told to me, by wolvf.

A Romantic Science Fiction Ghost Story,
by wolvf

a long long time ago in a galexy farr far
a virgen was once to be found
his name was JOHN
lost with out any knowledge he knew not what was up
he never knew a woman with in his heart or love with in his soul
herb is getting attacked now
so upon his life with in his prayers he found JANE the only friend he could ever kno
that day upon his happiness the only smile he could share was his last
sry people i am going to get killd here
tell me where u r
cum by yah my...
as they raised his head thinking it was a true warior named john they found out it was u reading this that was truly cumming out the closet was no more
i want another lezbien lover there great

The End.

If you see wolvf in game be sure to thank him for his story. In case anyone was wondering, "the morl of story who were reading my words were comming out of closet and u wer never there." I hope you all take this valuable lesson to heart. If not, that's okay too, because story teller wolvf says, "dude i dont even get it i am buzzed."

03-06-2010, 06:55 PM

03-06-2010, 10:14 PM
:lol: OMG I was able to hear Wolvf's fabulous story in party last night... I Laughed so hard I cried when reading this post. Keep up the good stories guys.


03-07-2010, 04:16 AM
I think I just pissed my kidney out of mine pee hole.

03-28-2010, 07:38 PM
Woot, it's time for another story. Had some free time again, so I came up with this one myself (even though I'm sure wolvf could've done an even better job). Hope you like it.


The sun was low on the horizon, as the Ignis night crew quietly gathered outside Samal fort. It had been an eventful week for the group, and they were all suffering from lack of sleep. As they began to settle into their nightly routine, Jack Swiftshadow - one of Ignis' most experienced hunters - came charging up to the fort. His leg was ripped open just above the knee, and blood was pouring out at an alarming rate. Erika wasted no time trying to patch the wound, but DB pushed past, eager to deliver his news.

* * * * * * * *

A small Syrtian task force marched through the swamp at a brisk pace. Scias trotted along mounted on his infamous white steed, his brow wrinkled in concern. The hunter they had just lost would surely give them away, he could only hope it would be too late. With a word to one of the warriors, they picked up the pace, climbing out of the swamp and jogging past Shaanarid's altar.

* * * * * * * *

The first Ignis arrived at Shaanarid on horses, panting from hard ride through the desert. Xyan dismounted and readied his sword, walking toward the empty bridge. All was quiet, but there were signs of battle everywhere. He knelt beside a fallen guard, feeling for a pulse that was no more. He examined the remains of the sturdy iron door, seeing that it was far beyond repair.

Several minutes later, the less wealthy members of the Ignis night crew arrived on foot. Most were baffled, not understanding why the Syrtians would destroy the castles defenses and disappear, but Xyan knew. He leaned against the stone wall, deep in thought. Devkarven came to his side, and put a hand on his shoulder in silence.

"We're going to have to strike first this time," Xyan mused.

Devkarven nodded in agreement, "I'll send out the word." He called three of the group's hunters, and sent them running out across the desert.

"We're going to need everything we've got for this one," chuckled Xyan, "Is the signal ready?"

Devkarven's eyes lit up with glee, "Most definitely! About time we get to put this sucker to use." He ran to top of Shaanarid tower with excitement and began tinkering with his newest invention. "It's ready, I just need a couple more to come power it up!" he called down to Xyan.

Xyan beckoned to Overclock and Din, "Go to the top of the tower, and do whatever Devkarven needs you to." The young barbs made a sign of respect and hurried into the castle. A couple minutes passed, and Xyan saw something appear against the clouds in the sky, in the direction of PB2. The signal was up, and it was time to move.


Devkarven returned to Xyan's side chuckling, and joined the group that was preparing to depart. Xyan gave him an inquisitive glance, not seeing anything to laugh about, and Devkarven winked, and tilted his head toward the tower. Xyan raised an eyebrow and looked back as the group began to move out, to see Overclock and Din running in what appeared to be a giant hamster wheel, powering the signal.

* * * * * * * *

One of the Menirah fort guards was suddenly ripped out of his sleep, by the screech of metal on metal. He looked around, in a daze, still recovering from his nap. He fell to the ground, but wasn't in pain, all he felt was warmth surrounding his head. He tasted salt. Maybe it was just a dream, he shut his eyes again.

* * * * * * * *

The Ignean army approached the bridge between the steaming swamps of Ignis and the cool fields of Syrtis. Xyan smiled briefly, seeing a familiar face sitting on the dark bridge below the light projected into the sky. He dropped from his horse, the men greeted each other, and moved away to discuss the situation.

The Ignis forces continued to gather, but faces began to grow solemn, as the numbers weren't nearly what had been hoped for. Efrendi and Xyan returned, and divided the troops into two parties, 8 with Xyan and 12 with Efrendi. At a word the groups marched in opposite directions, the larger toward Eferias castle, and the smaller toward Algaros fort.

* * * * * * * *

After hours of brutal fighting, the Syrtian army abandoned its outer defenses, and moved back to reinforce their realm wall. Ignean hunters sent out the word, and the forces of Ignis began to mass in forest before the great wall.

The Ignis conjurers moved off to the side of the camp, delegating responsibilities and making aura teams. Barbarians sat around a campfire, coordinating their war cries and drinking. At the moon’s highest point in the sky, Efrendi stood and signaled the troops to ready themselves. The camp came alive in an instant, and the army was soon prepared for battle.

As the army came into view of the Syrtian gate, a group of eager elves along with the gate guards charged out toward them. Ignean hunters appeared on their flanks and knocked them to the ground, where they were turned into pincushions by Igean marksmen. The larger group of Syrtis stood in formation at their gate, with rangers lined up atop the great wall.

Efrendi raised his sword in the air, Xyan roared, and the onslaught began. Ignean warlocks threw the entire Syrtis army to the ground, and the barbarians were on them in a second. The few Elves that survived fled inside, and prepared for the worst.

* * * * * * * *

The gate fell in seconds, and the Igneans charged through, killing everything in their path. They hiked across the realm, gathering the Syrtian gems one by one. The elves were unable to defend their first gem, still recovering from their defeat at the gate. It was picked up by Devkarven, and 2 conjurers were placed at his sides.

The army moved on, deep into the forest in search of the next gem. After 10 minutes trudging through the woods, Dimera called out to the group. The gem was in sight, but 60 meters away. As the group turned, an Alsius hunter appeared next to the gem, it was Samhael of the Alsirian Legion. He smiled and waved, bending over to snatch the gem.

Suddenly, a young Ignis knight appeared, and like an alpaca out of f*cking nowhere, landed a swift kick in Samhael’s rump, grabbing the gem and sprinting toward his allies. Samhael was knocked flat on his face, and upon recovering he turned and disappeared into the woods.

Xyan called for the army to take a quick rest, and Efrendi took the young knight Syrlyland aside. He explained the boy that it was tradition to allow whoever grabbed the gem the honor of being its barer, and he could not force him to hand it off, but that getting the gems out of Syrtis was a very important matter.

Syrlyland nodded in understanding, and walked back to the army. He handed the gem off to Musashibo Benkei, and stepped back into formation. The group moved on, headed toward the gem portal, and the last of the gems.

* * * * * * * *

10 Syrtis warriors sat at the portal, with the last of their gems, waiting fearfully for the inevitable. The Ignis army soon appeared, and the warriors prepared for a battle they knew they couldn’t win. They rushed at the army, and chaos ensued. In the confusion, a low rank barbarian called No Naim rode her horse to the portal, and grabbed the yellow gem. When the Syrtians were defeated, Choronzon and Johannes the Silent plucked the remaining gems from the portal.

With a sigh, Xyan called for another brief rest. Efrendi took No Naim aside, for a short talk. They returned to the army several minutes later, and No Naim took her place between two conjurers, still holding the gem. There were whispers among the troops, and a general sense of confusion.

Xyan mumbled some words beside Efrendi, and they looked back at the confused group. Efrendi’s voice called out, “No Naim wishes to carry her gem,” and continued with a grim look, “Conjurers please ‘babysit’ her, her health will drop fast.”

Devkarven’s face grew pale, and he strode to Efrendi and whispered something in his ear. Efrendi looked back in shock at No Naim, “I hope you’re not planning on losing that gem intentionally.”

“I left Syrtis a long time ago, and I have no plans of helping them,” scowled the small barbarian. Devkarven and Johannes exchanged a glance.

Johannes the Silent finally spoke up, “She was with the Syrtian forces that raided our realm last night.”

A young warlock piped in, “There’s nothing we can do about it now, we have to get moving.”

Efrendi nodded his agreement, “We’re going, protect the carriers at all costs,” and with a signal they began the march back to the gate.

* * * * * * * *

The army came to the gate to find 50 elves, and a full force of guards waiting for them. “This is it, I hope you’re ready,” called Xyan. The group of 40 Igneans readied themselves, the conjurers prepared their auras, and with a cries of war from the barbarians they sprinted toward the massive hole in the Syrtis wall.

Efrendi’s voice rang out over the armies, “Don’t stop for anything, get the gems out at all costs!” and then everything was drowned out by the sound of battle. Musashibo Benkei, Johannes the Silent, Devkarven, and Choronzon sprinted through with the army, and nearly out the gate.

No Naim, however had run into the thickest part of the Syrtis war group, kept alive by 5 conjurers sweating with exertion. With shouts from Efrendi and Xyan, the Ignis army turned and threw itself into the mass of Elves No Naim had rushed into.

No Naim threw her gem onto the ground, where it was grabbed by an elf hunter, who sprinted away. Half of the Igneans were killed, and another gem was recovered by the elves. 10 soldiers and 3 gem carriers escaped, covered in sweat and bruises, most dripping with blood.

The invasion had struck home, but it was a hollow victory. The remaining Igneans glumly returned home, preparing for the flood of Elves they knew would be at their doorstep within hours.

03-29-2010, 07:13 AM
this would be a really great fictional story if we could like add something with us running into a alsuis zerg ten foot from the syrtis gate and a even bigger syrtis zerg behind them not attacking them. man i love this story you should write fictional comics :clapclap::clapclap: keep up the good work.

03-29-2010, 09:45 AM
Fabulous story xD I <3 Fiction...

03-29-2010, 03:53 PM
Hehe, nice story even if it's nothing else than the Great Organized Ignis Army invading the Huge Unorganized Syrtian Zerg, but even I like it :D

Scias trotted along mounted on his infamous white steed


03-29-2010, 06:08 PM
I wonder how you come up with plots for your 'fictional' stories ;)

Again, nicely written, Van. My best part is 'ignis marksmen making pincusion out of the syrtis' lol. :clapclap:

03-29-2010, 06:26 PM
Nicely written. You certainly have a knack for fiction writing. So good it could almost be something that happened...

I enjoy these stories.


03-29-2010, 10:27 PM
man i love this story you should write fictional comics :clapclap::clapclap: keep up the good work.

Writing I can manage (sorta) but a comic... I can barely do stick figures :P

03-30-2010, 12:53 AM
Sorry I'm late on this, but this gem....

a long long time ago in a galexy farr far
a virgen was once to be found
his name was JOHN
lost with out any knowledge he knew not what was up
he never knew a woman with in his heart or love with in his soul
herb is getting attacked now
so upon his life with in his prayers he found JANE the only friend he could ever kno
that day upon his happiness the only smile he could share was his last
sry people i am going to get killd here
tell me where u r
cum by yah my...
as they raised his head thinking it was a true warior named john they found out it was u reading this that was truly cumming out the closet was no more
i want another lezbien lover there great

...made up for this whole crappy month.

Thanks, and keep on posting!

04-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Sorry I'm late on this, but this gem....


...made up for this whole crappy month.

Thanks, and keep on posting!

Yeah, that one was epic, I love wolvf.

06-09-2010, 03:02 AM
I know I already posted one of wolvf's stories, but he's just so amazing I can't resist. Here's the newest one:

with in truth ourlifes are granted to us for only one reason and that is to die
what we hav found is to live with iun our time
for there were three people that found each other
people of heart and soul and that just did not giv a fuk
sand volari and kenneth
Volari allways had a cookie in her hands
sand was a want to be hard ass but he had a good heart
and kenneth well he was just kenneth allways with a beer
[Dark Sorrow: u grinding now]
no telling fuking stories
that is all so far
[I Hate Sand: That's the end of the story?]
[Volari: To be continued?]
yess i need to pisssss

06-09-2010, 10:38 PM
rofl i love his stories, theyre just so epic. thanks for posting them Van ;)

06-10-2010, 10:59 AM
I would have enjoyed the most recent story more if it wasn't true -.-
I can say having a gelf log on to an igg to take the gem and hand it to the gelfs was one of the worst feelings I had ingame. Kind of like a hatred mixed with sadness and hurt and betrayal -.- All I can say is after that invasion we never saw No Barbie in Ignis again.....

But more on topic their nice stories :D

06-11-2010, 11:20 AM
Not only does he tell wondrous stories, he also writes beautiful poetry:
(ahem I did want to write it out so heres a screenie)


05-25-2011, 02:51 PM
Sorry for dragging up and old thread (it was linked in a thread with a recent post) but van tells a good story, and wolvf.... :)

Vans last story set me off doing something I meant to do a long time ago, checking out where some players got their names from, which led me to this...

He writes a good story, heres the index...