View Full Version : Realm's Cooperating.
03-03-2010, 06:39 AM
Seriously, do syrtis and alsius need to cooperate lately?
Ignis is the most underpopulated realm at the moment.
Every morning a realm tries to invade us, then either syrtis or alsius jumps in,
and supports them?
Or like when syrtis has samal for a couple hours, then alsius take's meni,
and expect's us to come to meni?
Why cant you simply take Herbred, or Algaros.
Now, im not saying it's illegal to cooperate, or to camp both our forts at the same time. It's just very lame.
This is not a hate thread, i didnt point at anyone so please no flaming.
- Donato
03-03-2010, 06:47 AM
Theres no Cooperation at all..
Meni is taken by New players and mostly ex Tyr Folks then people end up going to meni because theres nothing else too do.
I havent gone to meni in the scenario you are talking about and many people like me bash people who constantly do the meni/shana run..
btw i think Alsius is getting the 25% exp bonus so i think were the underpopulated :p
not sure havent grinded in a while
03-03-2010, 07:54 AM
I agree it is completely lame to "fraternize" with another realm, and this includes little pvp sessions and players from another realm explicitly helping you capture a fort.
This just screws up the war zone for everyone else, as everything grinds to a halt. And having enemy players standing around dancing in your realm also gimps hunter track, putting everyone in danger.
But there is a small percentage of players on Alsius who seem to like to fraternize with Syrtis, to the point of inviting them to help us capture forts. These people shout down anyone who disagrees. And when some of our players try to kill these greens because they are screwing things up, these same players stand idly by while their realm-mates are slaughtered.
Fraternization just sucks for realm cohesion, to the point where it is no longer clear who you can depend on in a fight. It should stop.
Kudos to Ignis for not putting up with this crap.
03-03-2010, 08:25 AM
I play in Syrtis and i war as much as i can and i can honestly say that i have never ever witnessed my realm ever cooperating with any of the others. It could just be co-incidence that that meni was taken while we were fighting at Samal or Alsius/Syrtis was taking advantage of a situation where Ignius was occupied elsewhere and they decided to strike. Ignius does this alot too btw.
Theres no place in this world for bold accusations with a lack of evidence to back it up
If Alsius took herb instead of meni it could be seen as helping ignis...
03-03-2010, 09:09 AM
I think indeed that Ignis is the most underpopulated IN THE WZ at the moment.
But in my opinion is Ignis the one who is cooperating mostly with Alsius. When Syrtis captures Aggers I see very often that Ignis players go camp pp. Or when Syrtis gets Samal that Alsius players go camp pb.
Some people say that this is because some players have another account in other realms and then they switch there to convince other players to camp a bridge or to take a fort (how often have we seen Alsius taking Herb after Syrtis got Samal....)
Anyway maybe is all just coincidence and that the players do that just because there is nothing else to do.....
03-03-2010, 09:32 AM
Anyway maybe is all just coincidence and that the players do that just because there is nothing else to do.....
Right, i usually don't go to Menirah when Syrtis have Samal already because it's just boring, the alsirians who do that are usually level 30-40 looking for some easy fun.
So if we have a good group, we go Herb or Samal. If not, i go camp PB. But anyway, it ends with us being killed by greens. xD
03-03-2010, 10:03 AM
I play in Syrtis and i war as much as i can and i can honestly say that i have never ever witnessed my realm ever cooperating with any of the others. It could just be co-incidence that that meni was taken while we were fighting at Samal or Alsius/Syrtis was taking advantage of a situation where Ignius was occupied elsewhere and they decided to strike. Ignius does this alot too btw.
Theres no place in this world for bold accusations with a lack of evidence to back it up
i've screenshots that prove this:
last sunday (GMT+1 at 8.30 am circa) Alsius take Meni and syrtis attack
samal and shana on same time..
all the forts fall on enemy hands, alsius MOVE on arches near shana and
try to block our way to reconquer the castle (THIS IS PROVED WITH
SCREENSHOT) when we wipe them away we had to face syrtis on
shanarid and alsius on our back that try to harass to help gelf..
we killed the last gelf and GC at 3min of countdown remaining, EPIC FAIL
for both alsius and gelf... that we called GOALF now..
2 days ago (screenshot too) we take trelle... and there are alsius and
4 gelf hunters (barrom and 3 others.. don't remember but in screenshot
some of them have names..) alltogether trying to put us out... they
cooperate and cover each other (and also stay side by side or mixed)
we start applause(5) to magnify this... thumb down to goalf
the overpopulated that try to take us ... ARE WE SPARTANS?!! :D
this wont be a whine or a cry, but is a response to who said that this
never happen..
I witness it, and this is part of game with 3 realms that fight each others,
sometime there will be alliance, the strange is that alliance usually
are done by the weakest vs the strongest (or overpopulated)... and is
not this the case, cause we are really a tiny numbers if confronted to
the green zerg..
(but anyway, at trelle and at shana was really fun)
03-03-2010, 11:49 AM
this wont be a whine or a cry, but is a response to who said that this
never happen..
I witness it, and this is part of game with 3 realms that fight each others,
sometime there will be alliance, the strange is that alliance usually
are done by the weakest vs the strongest (or overpopulated)... and is
not this the case, cause we are really a tiny numbers if confronted to
the green zerg..
You do realize it happens just as often where Syrtis takes trelle and Ignis take aggers, or some other combination where there are 2 farms in alsius at once...
03-03-2010, 12:43 PM
i've screenshots that prove this:
last sunday (GMT+1 at 8.30 am circa) Alsius take Meni and syrtis attack
samal and shana on same time..
all the forts fall on enemy hands, alsius MOVE on arches near shana and
try to block our way to reconquer the castle (THIS IS PROVED WITH
SCREENSHOT) when we wipe them away we had to face syrtis on
shanarid and alsius on our back that try to harass to help gelf..
we killed the last gelf and GC at 3min of countdown remaining, EPIC FAIL
for both alsius and gelf... that we called GOALF now..
first of all, this specific invasion attempt took syrtis about 30 mins to split our forces into two groups (we might be strong fighters and large in numbers but we are pretty retarded once you get to know us). once the headache of creating 2 parties was done (btw it resulted in all ppl with horses going to shaan and everyone else going to samal) we headed to our respective destinations. while running there the goats took meni... we had no idea of this plan nor did we care to be honest. if i remember correctly once Samal was secure we sent a party take out the goats at Meni.
*oh and btw if Alsius didnt take Meni when they did, we would have no doubt gotten your gates vulnerable so you should be thanking them
i dont see how this proves in any way that the two realms are working together. so keep your screenshots, i can produce a million of them of ignius doing exactly the same thing. We have two options when we attack an enemy, so does alsius. its 50/50 and unfortunatly somtimes ignius's name is drawn from the hat by both realms. its war, there are no rules. Quite frankly i enjoy the triple threat matches so dont get mad, get even.
03-03-2010, 12:58 PM
first of all, this specific invasion attempt took syrtis about 30 mins to split our forces into two groups (we might be strong fighters and large in numbers but we are pretty retarded once you get to know us). once the headache of creating 2 parties was done (btw it resulted in all ppl with horses going to shaan and everyone else going to samal) we headed to our respective destinations. while running there the goats took meni... we had no idea of this plan nor did we care to be honest. if i remember correctly once Samal was secure we sent a party take out the goats at Meni.
*oh and btw if Alsius didnt take Meni when they did, we would have no doubt gotten your gates vulnerable so you should be thanking them
indeed, as is now if the 3d realm take the remaining fort it help the
attacked (and usually this happen cause you gain 2 great things:
1- you can fight enemies 2- if the attacking manage to resist in his position
you gain a forward bridgehead to try to invade too) the strange
thing this time was the "checkpoint charlie" that we find at arches (near
shana) this was really strange and unusual, (indeed was fun and as you
see we breakthrough and head versus you)
i dont see how this proves in any way that the two realms are working together. so keep your screenshots, i can produce a million of them of ignius doing exactly the same thing. We have two options when we attack an enemy, so does alsius. its 50/50 and unfortunatly somtimes ignius's name is drawn from the hat by both realms. its war, there are no rules. Quite frankly i enjoy the triple threat matches so dont get mad, get even.
Maybe i was misunderstood, i write that i enjoy the situations, i just tell
that i've done screenshots cause someone (dont remember who... maybe you? :D) tell that without proof of evidence there is no possibility to accuse,
so i tell that'd proof of that.
Indeed, i get even, not mad, cause when a invasion is starting (being
in defense or atk) some fun can be shared, and this is WHY i play this
wonderful game... for sharing (and having) fun.. so, don't worry, i play
for fun also when fighting you and your damned hunting party :DD
03-03-2010, 01:15 PM
I agree it is completely lame to "fraternize" with another realm, and this includes little pvp sessions and players from another realm explicitly helping you capture a fort
Throughout history in real life not in games, mankind has during time of war allied with other countries. Usually there is an underlining reason for this, but if memory serves, it is called DIPLOMACY.
Try not to cry when something happens within a fantasy game as it does actually happen
03-03-2010, 02:51 PM
Seriously, do syrtis and alsius need to cooperate lately?
Ignis is the most underpopulated realm at the moment.
Every morning a realm tries to invade us, then either syrtis or alsius jumps in,
and supports them?
Or like when syrtis has samal for a couple hours, then alsius take's meni,
and expect's us to come to meni?
Why cant you simply take Herbred, or Algaros.
Now, im not saying it's illegal to cooperate, or to camp both our forts at the same time. It's just very lame.
This is not a hate thread, i didnt point at anyone so please no flaming.
- Donato
dude, i know exactly what u mean. like when syrtis had samal last night for about 6-8 hours and the whole time we were fighting, there were like 4 alsius bitchhunters killing off people that were resting (not syrtis ofc. just ignis).
03-03-2010, 02:54 PM
Theres no Cooperation at all..
Meni is taken by New players and mostly ex Tyr Folks then people end up going to meni because theres nothing else too do.
I havent gone to meni in the scenario you are talking about and many people like me bash people who constantly do the meni/shana run..
btw i think Alsius is getting the 25% exp bonus so i think were the underpopulated :p
not sure havent grinded in a while
no klutu. alsius is NOT underpopulated. i have no idea why u get the bonus when ignis has next to half your players. i have seen alsius uberzergs becoming more and more common. take yesterday for example. there were at least 25 of them at meni when it was not being fought over.
and i have also seen over 35 alsius at one fort. you should know, you were there.
03-03-2010, 03:03 PM
I play in Syrtis and i war as much as i can and i can honestly say that i have never ever witnessed my realm ever cooperating with any of the others. It could just be co-incidence that that meni was taken while we were fighting at Samal or Alsius/Syrtis was taking advantage of a situation where Ignius was occupied elsewhere and they decided to strike. Ignius does this alot too btw.
Theres no place in this world for bold accusations with a lack of evidence to back it up
Yesterday morning, 2 - 3 hunters from Syrtis, (which i wont mention, unless they dont mind) were helping Alsius at Trelleborg fort.
They were outnumbered, still it's no reason for cooperation.
And no we never take a fort of Alsius when Syrtis has one, we rather take empty forts, Because we dont have the numbers to take a camped one.
03-03-2010, 03:05 PM
no klutu. alsius is NOT underpopulated. i have no idea why u get the bonus when ignis has next to half your players. i have seen alsius uberzergs becoming more and more common. take yesterday for example. there were at least 25 of them at meni when it was not being fought over.
and i have also seen over 35 alsius at one fort. you should know, you were there.
i have noticed alsius having more of late..
like i have said Ignis is simply more populated at a Different Time then Syrtis & Alsius
@ Alsius Hunters at Samal i originally came on my hunter trying too help Ignis. not because i was trying too team i just don't like farming. so id attack a Warrior that was attacking a ignis warrior trying too assist,
Id have a ignis mark or lock attack me in this situation (instead of killing the warrior that is killing there team mate) looking for easy rp i guess :p
03-03-2010, 03:10 PM
True, but we have alot inactive people.
Though it's great to see Alsius has some numbers, so they can actually
start a war. They use to camp Aggersborg save 24/7.
03-03-2010, 03:14 PM
True, but we have alot inactive people.
Though it's great to see Alsius has some numbers, so they can actually
start a war. They use to camp Aggersborg save 24/7.
yes it is nice :p
Sucks hard! when you gotta try and compete in the same timezone as a mindless zerg.
03-03-2010, 03:16 PM
True, but we have alot inactive people.
Though it's great to see Alsius has some numbers, so they can actually
start a war. They use to camp Aggersborg save 24/7.
well they still do camp aggy save. but most people do that. in ignis, if you go to sam save. you will usually find at least one person there. same with CS.
no klutu. alsius is NOT underpopulated. i have no idea why u get the bonus when ignis has next to half your players. i have seen alsius uberzergs becoming more and more common. take yesterday for example. there were at least 25 of them at meni when it was not being fought over.
and i have also seen over 35 alsius at one fort. you should know, you were there.
Hamster - I was one of those "bitch" hunters. I'll have you know I was killing greens too - I kill everyone.
Now - the origional poster was complaining about Syrtis and Alsius teaming up - that is FAR from the truth. As a matter of fact, Syrtis were trying to get Ignis gates in danger and few of us went and took meni so that the timer would stop.
Now - stop bitchin about this stuff and play the game. Sadly Ignis has a habit that Alsius had some time ago. When a fort gets taken many ignis are out grinding. Alsius was plagued with this but recently things seemed to have turned for the better.
03-03-2010, 03:31 PM
To the point, each realm has some players which enjoy cooperating, duel realming. Ignis has some to, but i still think it isnt necesarry to cooperate.
If your friends play on a diffrent realm and you wanna help helm them.
Simply delete your character's and join that realm.
I wonder what happends to realm spirit as a duel realmer?
- Donato
03-03-2010, 04:23 PM
I duel realm, and as of now only my character in my main realm can war, but even when the other will be able to war i will kill or try to kill people from all realms.
Personally, i find it more fun when the realm don't cooperate. It's fun to fight all three realms
Depends on how you define "realm spirit" lol
03-03-2010, 05:37 PM
I duel realm, and as of now only my character in my main realm can war, but even when the other will be able to war i will kill or try to kill people from all realms.
Personally, i find it more fun when the realm don't cooperate. It's fun to fight all three realms
Depends on how you define "realm spirit" lol
The question still stands, not only for you.
What happends to realm spirit when you duel realm?
03-03-2010, 05:42 PM
I duel realm, and as of now only my character in my main realm can war, but even when the other will be able to war i will kill or try to kill people from all realms.
Personally, i find it more fun when the realm don't cooperate. It's fun to fight all three realms
Depends on how you define "realm spirit" lol
do you realize that you just got yourself banned. it is against the rules to multirealm.
03-03-2010, 05:52 PM
TBH this thread made me smirk.
Unless you get screenies of convo's containing things like....
"hey realm A is gathering for an attack on Fort X, lets go take Fort Y to help"'ve got no real evidence, of anything except 1 realm taking advantage of an opportunity.
You have to bear in mind that, no matter what NGD wants, the main driving force in the game is to kill the enemy and gain RP. Invasions only force the defending realm to retake forts, not encourage the taking of them in the first place.....sry drifting.
Every morning a realm tries to invade us, then either syrtis or alsius jumps in,
and supports them?
Or like when syrtis has samal for a couple hours, then alsius take's meni,
and expect's us to come to meni?
Why cant you simply take Herbred, or Algaros.
Now, im not saying it's illegal to cooperate, or to camp both our forts at the same time. It's just very lame.
This is not a hate thread, i didnt point at anyone so please no flaming.
Even with an increase in the player base (for all realms) it is still tricky(or a nightmare) to try to organise an invasion. It therefore makes perfect sense for the 3rd realm to take advantage of one to try to get a gem. (last time i was on when syrtis was invaded, i defended the gate for the whole time it was vuln, and was zerged by Als, then Igg, then Als, then Igg, then Als, then Igg, and with 5mins or so between each co-operation or just good timing?.....personaly i couldnt care was FUN.
Maybe Als has learnt that after holding samal for a while, a certain amount of us get bored and leave.....usually just after igg takes samal. Now if Als take meni before this, they know that they will gat a fight as there will already be a igg zerg at samal which will then goto meni....Which is prob for them FUN
Take herb/alga.....they do...although not as much as igg take herb when syrt are at aggers (from what ive experienced)......This does bug me as well to a point....number of times im not doing much and looked at the map and gone "im going there...X is bound to att"...and nothing happens :D
You can't call 2 realms lame....and then ask not to be flamed :clapclap: thou i think you managed it xD
dude, i know exactly what u mean. like when syrtis had samal last night for about 6-8 hours and the whole time we were fighting, there were like 4 alsius bitchhunters killing off people that were resting (not syrtis ofc. just ignis).
Sooo...4 hunters were running around the edge of a seige and killing the attackers....your point is?....what you expect them to do? to the door, attack a defender....then try to not only get away from the fort b4 dying, but get thru the attackers lines as well.......Even if the attackers wernt there 4 hunters would be toast trying to attack a camped fort.
The co-operation there is is between players rather than realms, and the general impact is pretty low...if not non-existant.
Your perception of co-operation is just that....your perception.....I got killed yesterday by an als force while att they must be helping you. Or they're just trying to kill both of us, and i was closer than you.
03-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Throughout history in real life not in games, mankind has during time of war allied with other countries. Usually there is an underlining reason for this, but if memory serves, it is called DIPLOMACY.
Try not to cry when something happens within a fantasy game as it does actually happen
Uh, there's no diplomacy in this game. In fact the game says flat out, the enemy "speaks another language" when you try to talk to them. This is the intent of NGD with their product. Also note this is not real life, but a game with a certain set of rules.
All this cooperation happens extraneous to the game through channels like 3rd party IRC. It's lame and degrades gameplay for everyone in the two realms involved. The people who do this should stop being selfish and let others get on with playing.
And who's crying? It's the ones who hang out with greens dancing in our war zone who start to whine like panhandlers with their welfare checks cut-off whenever you try to clean things up. Man-up for God's sake.
03-03-2010, 06:04 PM
How many languages apart from English can you speak to some extent?
I personally speak several so within this fantasy game the option of been able to speak in a tongue not native to your own is in actual fact not that ridiculous.
Please note i did say in REAL life not in a game in my earlier post.
If i choose to play alongside some friends who happen to play in another realm, this does NOT make me lame.
The people who do complain however is another question
03-03-2010, 06:04 PM
There are 3 realms, on Horus at least only Syrtis really has the numbers to be fighting in 2 realms at once, and having those numbers even in Syrtis is quite rare.
So as long as the populations can only support 1 fort war at a time if the 3rd realm attacks anyone then depending on perspective they are 'helping' a realm.
If Syrtis is in Samal and Alsius attack Meni then Alsius is 'helping' Syrtis
If Ignis is in Aggers and Syrtis attack Samal then Syrtis is 'helping' Alsius
And so on...
03-03-2010, 06:08 PM
Uh, there's no diplomacy in this game. In fact the game says flat out, the enemy "speaks another language" when you try to talk to them. This is the intent of NGD with their product. Also note this is not real life, but a game with a certain set of rules.
All this cooperation happens extraneous to the game through channels like 3rd party IRC. It's lame and degrades gameplay for everyone in the two realms involved. The people who do this should stop being selfish and let others get on with playing.
And who's crying? It's the ones who hang out with greens dancing in our war zone who start to whine like panhandlers with their welfare checks cut-off whenever you try to clean things up. Man-up for God's sake.
Amen to that ! +1
03-03-2010, 07:41 PM
TBH this thread made me smirk.
Unless you get screenies of convo's containing things like....
"hey realm A is gathering for an attack on Fort X, lets go take Fort Y to help"'ve got no real evidence, of anything except 1 realm taking advantage of an opportunity.
You have to bear in mind that, no matter what NGD wants, the main driving force in the game is to kill the enemy and gain RP. Invasions only force the defending realm to retake forts, not encourage the taking of them in the first place.....sry drifting.
Even with an increase in the player base (for all realms) it is still tricky(or a nightmare) to try to organise an invasion. It therefore makes perfect sense for the 3rd realm to take advantage of one to try to get a gem. (last time i was on when syrtis was invaded, i defended the gate for the whole time it was vuln, and was zerged by Als, then Igg, then Als, then Igg, then Als, then Igg, and with 5mins or so between each co-operation or just good timing?.....personaly i couldnt care was FUN.
Maybe Als has learnt that after holding samal for a while, a certain amount of us get bored and leave.....usually just after igg takes samal. Now if Als take meni before this, they know that they will gat a fight as there will already be a igg zerg at samal which will then goto meni....Which is prob for them FUN
Take herb/alga.....they do...although not as much as igg take herb when syrt are at aggers (from what ive experienced)......This does bug me as well to a point....number of times im not doing much and looked at the map and gone "im going there...X is bound to att"...and nothing happens :D
You can't call 2 realms lame....and then ask not to be flamed :clapclap: thou i think you managed it xD
Sooo...4 hunters were running around the edge of a seige and killing the attackers....your point is?....what you expect them to do? to the door, attack a defender....then try to not only get away from the fort b4 dying, but get thru the attackers lines as well.......Even if the attackers wernt there 4 hunters would be toast trying to attack a camped fort.
The co-operation there is is between players rather than realms, and the general impact is pretty low...if not non-existant.
Your perception of co-operation is just that....your perception.....I got killed yesterday by an als force while att they must be helping you. Or they're just trying to kill both of us, and i was closer than you.
Is your dot button broken or something? No need for the million of dots..
Anyway, maybe it's true that Alsius then Ignis jumped on your gate.
But it wasnt done at the same time, im pretty sure of that.
Even if we did, it wouldnt be necesarry.
Ignis + Alsius cant even beat Syrtis atm. (well at the gate, thats when their afk zerg wakes up)
03-03-2010, 07:44 PM
How many languages apart from English can you speak to some extent?
I personally speak several so within this fantasy game the option of been able to speak in a tongue not native to your own is in actual fact not that ridiculous.
Please note i did say in REAL life not in a game in my earlier post.
If i choose to play alongside some friends who happen to play in another realm, this does NOT make me lame.
The people who do complain however is another question
No offence against you, but this does make you lame.
Why cant you join their realm?
Would you enjoy being Killed by a Syrtis and Ignis hunter at the same time?
This really destroy's the game for me..
03-03-2010, 07:45 PM
do you realize that you just got yourself banned. it is against the rules to multirealm.
Do you realize nobody has ever been banned for multi-realming? Not to mention the majority of Regnum players do have a character in another realm. Really it's just a game, and it's not a sin to be friends with the other team.
03-03-2010, 07:47 PM
Do you realize nobody has ever been banned for multi-realming? Not to mention the majority of Regnum players do have a character in another realm. Really it's just a game, and it's not a sin to be friends with the other team.
True, i dont know anyone who ever got banned for Multi-Realming.
Though i do know people who got banned for having multiple accounts.
It's the same thing, so they should give a ban to that.
03-03-2010, 07:51 PM
Sooo...4 hunters were running around the edge of a seige and killing the attackers....your point is?....what you expect them to do? to the door, attack a defender....then try to not only get away from the fort b4 dying, but get thru the attackers lines as well.......Even if the attackers wernt there 4 hunters would be toast trying to attack a camped fort.
oh yea, i forgot to mention, it happens every time somone takes samal from ignis for more than 10 seconds. if alsius is there, gelfs hunt Orc camp. if syrtis is there, alsius kills off attackers. i have never seen this at any other fort. anywhere. maybe its just my imagination.
and i dont know what to expect from hunters anymore. but i kinda hope after 8 hours of being zerged by syrtis, they could show a little sympathy and go kill some grinders or something instead of making it harder for the realm to get the fort back.
by doing this, chances are that the realm that wasnt involved wont get attacked because the realm that was zerged wants revenge on the the realm that did the zerging. this was sort of the case last night. after we got samal, we did go to aggers but immediatly left for herb. then hit efe. failed at efe because we lost so many and they had a GC. so we chilled at herb for awhile. (chilled = revenge on syrtis)
03-03-2010, 08:06 PM
oh yea, i forgot to mention, it happens every time somone takes samal from ignis for more than 10 seconds. if alsius is there, gelfs hunt Orc camp. if syrtis is there, alsius kills off attackers. i have never seen this at any other fort. anywhere. maybe its just my imagination.
Samal, Aggers and Herb all experience it. This I'm sure of (and most other hunters are too probably). Samal may be the most frequent, but it's certainly not the only place it occurs. Even castles and outer forts see the 3rd party hunters occasionally. So yes, it is just your imagination.
and i dont know what to expect from hunters anymore. but i kinda hope after 8 hours of being zerged by syrtis, they could show a little sympathy and go kill some grinders or something instead of making it harder for the realm to get the fort back.
In regards to yesterday at Samal, some of us did try to help against the green zerg at first, but ignis apparently didn't want our help and attacked us. So don't be complaining about that.
True, i dont know anyone who ever got banned for Multi-Realming.
Though i do know people who got banned for having multiple accounts.
It's the same thing, so they should give a ban to that.
They were probably banned for abuse of multiple accounts, not simply for posessing them.
No, they shouldn't give a ban for this. And they almost definitely won't. Do you know how many people have multiple accounts? A pretty large majority I'd wager. It's been discussed before in other threads so let's not discuss it here.
03-03-2010, 08:08 PM
True, i dont know anyone who ever got banned for Multi-Realming.
Though i do know people who got banned for having multiple accounts.
Over half of Regnum has more than one account because its gone unenforced for so long, so long as you dont multi-account just to make trouble (flame other realms etc) NGD are fine with it.
And If they did ban everyone with more than one account at this point then the game would pretty much die.
03-03-2010, 09:37 PM
If i choose to play alongside some friends who happen to play in another realm, this does NOT make me lame.
The people who do complain however is another question
For the record Inkster, I did not say you are lame, but this behaviour is because of its ripple effect. Your "choice" to play with other realms goes far beyond your little group and impacts the entire war zone of your realm.
For example, I was almost killed the other night at Trelle when I was ambushed by a red hunter who I couldn't track because we had three greens "helping" us take the fort. Someone was there to help me, but if he hadn't been, I'd have been dead.
This is why playing with "friends" from other realms is lame and selfish. It brings down the game for everyone else logged on at the same time as you.
03-03-2010, 10:37 PM
I think the concept for 3 realms is a cool one. It adds a dynamic not seen with 1 realm vs 1 realm.
It makes things far less predictable and more chaotic.
I've found myself, many times actually, showing up at an RP farm between syrtis and ignis (often times during the hours I play it's Ignis farming herb into the wee hours of morning), and I "generally" try to apply balance to the fight but will defend myself if the lesser-populated side wants easy RP.
That being said, I think an event, where some sort of temporary, invading 4th realm from the sea is introduced and all 3 in-land realms need to work together (temporarily ofc) to defend the land. Just like in history of the real world, sworn enemies often become allies when a greater threat emerges.
(E.G. The Japanese Feudal Lords working together to fight off the invading Mongolians)
It could be a few hours, a few days or a week or so. The 4th realm is populated by "randomly generated" characters, level 30-50 with randomly generated equipment. It could be a bunch of scripted NPC's or as an option for new players to try the game without committing to grinding; the caveat being that all 4th realm characters would be deleted upon the event ending.
It would be a good change of pace for the veteran players and a great way to introduce RO's warfare to new players every so often.
03-03-2010, 10:47 PM
Its been nearly a year since the last time I saw a post like this. Gracias para revival..
03-03-2010, 11:04 PM
03-04-2010, 06:34 AM
Keep this bullshit out of my thread.
03-04-2010, 06:55 AM
Keep this bullshit out of my thread.
U mad?? :wiggle14:
03-04-2010, 09:46 AM
(E.G. The Japanese Feudal Lords working together to fight off the invading Mongolians)
because the Mongols were known for thier great naval victories :thumb_down:
03-04-2010, 09:51 AM
This whole issue boils down to hunger for RP and has nothing to with realm cooperation at all.
When Syrtis attacks Samal/Shaan/Meni... we always hear complaints that pb is being camped by Alsius. Theres no rule saying they cant. instead of looking for rp, why not let the rp come to them. so simple. im sure syrtis and ignius do the same at times.
usually when 2 realms fight they manage to muster up a big zerg until they get their forts back. So i dont blame alsius for taking meni (example) while Syrtis is fighting as Samal. Its alot easier to get RP when defending than it is when attacking and after by doing this you would be guaranteed a good fight.
oh and btw..... these arent dots.... they full stops.... and when put after each other.... like this.... they're called ellipses.... just thought you should know
03-04-2010, 11:13 AM
Im pretty sure that there is realm cooperation. Ive seen it repeatedly throughout my year playing in Ignis.
Just 2 nights ago we were at trelle and there was 2 or 3 syrtis hunters standing with the alsius, being protected by the alsius. I would try and attack them, and the alsius would try and kill me while the syrtis ran into their group.
I saw a low lvl alsian start to attack the syrtis, then suddenly stop. Seemingly as if someone said hey, they are helping us get our fort back...
Oh and how about the 2 hunters that have been lurking near samal recently. 1 syrtis 1 alsius. not fighting each other, just hunting together.
It will always be this way. It was happenign much more frequently last year when Ignis dominated the WZ. Invading atleast once a week.
03-04-2010, 01:09 PM
because the Mongols were known for thier great naval victories :thumb_down:
Considering they had a navy and the Japanese at the time had none? Yeah...look up the word "Kamikaze" and find its origins ( It was really the only thing that saved Japan from mass-invasion.
The Kamikaze (神風, Japanese for divine wind), were a pair or series of typhoons that are said to have saved Japan from two Mongol fleets under Kublai Khan that attacked Japan in 1274 and again in 1281.
Snide comments aside, willful ignorance is not generally considered a good thing :P
03-04-2010, 03:04 PM
I play in Syrtis and i war as much as i can and i can honestly say that i have never ever witnessed my realm ever cooperating with any of the others. It could just be co-incidence that that meni was taken while we were fighting at Samal or Alsius/Syrtis was taking advantage of a situation where Ignius was occupied elsewhere and they decided to strike. Ignius does this alot too btw.
Theres no place in this world for bold accusations with a lack of evidence to back it up
What is it with you people needing evidence for evrything?
You think i made this all up for fun?
Seriously i dont need to provide a "lack of evidence".
I have 30 people who can confirm that players from diffrent realms team up.
03-04-2010, 03:39 PM
RO is a game. It is designed for people to have fun, and when there is winning and losing involved, not everyone will have fun.
Again, it is just a game. Does it really matter so much if people from different realms have fun doing something together?
03-04-2010, 05:22 PM
Considering they had a navy and the Japanese at the time had none? Yeah...look up the word "Kamikaze" and find its origins ( It was really the only thing that saved Japan from mass-invasion.
Snide comments aside, willful ignorance is not generally considered a good thing :P
that was my point exactly , it was an epic fail. sorry I didnt make that
very clear. thought you'd catch the satire and take it with the humor it was
intended. evidently not.
03-04-2010, 11:05 PM
that was my point exactly , it was an epic fail. sorry I didnt make that
very clear. thought you'd catch the satire and take it with the humor it was
intended. evidently not.
My bad, I was alluding to the resultant land-battle which the Mongols won (but apparently thought it was too easy and didn't want to fall into a trap so they left....).
/me cue music
waa waaa waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa.
The Japanese may have lost that battle but they at the time came together to fight the invaders.
Anyway, sorry I didn't catch that. I did, however, see your sig line; that made me laugh pretty good. xD
03-05-2010, 12:10 AM
RO is a game. It is designed for people to have fun, and when there is winning and losing involved, not everyone will have fun.
Again, it is just a game. Does it really matter so much if people from different realms have fun doing something together?
This point has been addressed further up in the thread.
The "fun" some people get playing with other realms directly impacts the "fun" other people have in the game.
For example having 2 greens dancing at Agg save for twenty minutes means for those 20 minutes the realm's hunters are unable to track reds or other greens coming into Alsius to attack us. It also means individual hunters get a free pass to kill as many grinders as they can during that 20 minutes without being tracked.
As has also been said before, playing with "friends" from other realms is selfish because it means your realm-mates have a greater chance of being killed, decreasing their enjoyment of the game.
03-05-2010, 02:19 AM
Why is this thread still going? People aren't going to stop just because you want them to, if the tracks are being messed up, go kill the interferance. You can't make people play the way you want them to.
03-05-2010, 03:39 AM
Keep this bullshit out of my thread.
03-05-2010, 06:41 AM
hahahaha xDD
03-05-2010, 07:10 PM
Theres no place in this world for bold accusations with a lack of evidence to back it up
does this help...
but these really aren't a fair example you really had to be there. maybe video would have been better. I didn't really mind all that much. Sure it was annoying that we were being farmed for 2 hours then Sytris show'd up and joined, but all this accomplished was we left them all to rot in meni and later took it back after most got bored and left. Beside we do our fair share of farming just we do it on our own. :)
03-05-2010, 07:34 PM
Sick of all this moaning, there are 3 realms for gods sake sometimes people are bound to work together either by teaming on one realm before moving to attack the other, or 'defending' another players realm...
Yesterday Ignis took Herb and Alsius took Alga :O
Today a party of Ignis attacked Syrtis players at Herb when Alsius owned it :O
The other day Alsius camped PB when Syrtis owned Samal :O
The other day 5 Syrtis players attacked the Ignis at the gate of Meni when Alsius owned it (then we ran away :p) :O
Seriously, its a 3 realm game, your going to get ganged up on now and then, there are no secret conspiracy alliances saying 'If Alsius Ignis and Syrtis meet in battle then Alsius and Syrtis must team Ignis' or any such crap, people will fight where it benifits them and they have the most fun.
Now either get over it or go play a 2 team game.
03-05-2010, 08:05 PM
Yesterday Ignis took Herb and Alsius took Alga :O
Today a party of Ignis attacked Syrtis players at Herb when Alsius owned it :O
The other day Alsius camped PB when Syrtis owned Samal :O
The other day 5 Syrtis players attacked the Ignis at the gate of Meni when Alsius owned it (then we ran away :p) :O
I don't even see those things as two realms "teaming up" to fight the third. It does bother me however, when 3-5 syrtis will come stand right in the middle of the alsius, and fight along side them to help retake trelle or aggers. Two independent realms attacking the same realm is one thing, but players from two realms standing in a single group, and beating on a single door is a bit lame. But I really don't care if you want to stand at the save and dance with a friend from another realm, or even hunt with a friend from another realm.
03-05-2010, 08:30 PM
even though i see alsius teaming with syrtis a lot. i do remember one awesome battle at samal where there was a zerg from each realm all fighting each other.
syrtis vs. alsius vs. ignis
it was an awesome battle and it is one of the things that keeps me playing the game (battles like that).
03-16-2010, 06:41 AM
There are situations were players from two different realms, equipped with at least half a brain, don't need to be able to talk in-game to conclude that they have mutual interests.
Guess why they put three realms there, not just two.
03-16-2010, 07:20 AM
03-16-2010, 05:01 PM
:O oh no, I'm cooperating!
03-16-2010, 05:21 PM
:O oh no, I'm cooperating!
lol With all the dancing maybe they should make an island for all the people to compete xD
03-16-2010, 05:23 PM
lol With all the dancing maybe they should make an island for all the people to compete xD
oh noes! then nobody will be in warzone :o :p
03-16-2010, 05:39 PM
:O oh no, I'm cooperating!
I seem to remember that one screenshot ending with all the goats killing us and taking herb xD
03-16-2010, 05:47 PM
Lol Van, yeah that did happen :D
lol With all the dancing maybe they should make an island for all the people to compete xD
Oo you mean like this? The first two were at Central Island during the event xD
And who needs an island when there's Syrtis CS haha
03-16-2010, 11:14 PM
Another funny event i missed? -.-
03-17-2010, 03:04 AM
Not only you. I've yet to see central island. One day i'll teach my knight how to swim and get there! ... I foresee lots of necro lol
03-17-2010, 07:42 PM
I don't remember the last time Alsius helped Syrtis, honestly. The only Syrt I really help is trying to guard Rios when he's drop grinding. Thought he other day Igs and Alsians did camp PB together when Syrtis was zerging Samal. So really we'll help Ignis before we'll help Syrtis.
03-18-2010, 01:15 AM
So really we'll help Ignis before we'll help Syrtis.
The way I see its actually part of the game. The core game is invasions and acquiring gems to win the "event". Therefore in a 3 realm game if one realm is closer to winning then hell yeah its part of the game to stop that realm from winning. Everyone knows if one realm invades another, the other realm will turn up to cause chaos [Syrtis expects this :)]. On the flip side Alsius could invade Ignis to take their gem so they can better defend it from a future Syrtis invasion [valid option in game terms].
I assume everyone played some type of boadgame with 3 players or a 3 player network game. If one player is clearly stronger than the others then it reasonable to work together to bring that player down. Its also reasonable to expect the weaker player to be left alone completely [say if Ignis have no gems!!!] and the other two stronger players fight.
03-18-2010, 09:36 AM
The way I see its actually part of the game. The core game is invasions and acquiring gems to win the "event". Therefore in a 3 realm game if one realm is closer to winning then hell yeah its part of the game to stop that realm from winning. Everyone knows if one realm invades another, the other realm will turn up to cause chaos [Syrtis expects this :)]. On the flip side Alsius could invade Ignis to take their gem so they can better defend it from a future Syrtis invasion [valid option in game terms].
I assume everyone played some type of boadgame with 3 players or a 3 player network game. If one player is clearly stronger than the others then it reasonable to work together to bring that player down. Its also reasonable to expect the weaker player to be left alone completely [say if Ignis have no gems!!!] and the other two stronger players fight.
+1, my thoughts exactly!
I will side with Ignis and Syrtis the way I see fit. Some players are totaly againts it, under any circumstance, but I think it's quite clever to do so given the right circumstances :angel1:
03-18-2010, 03:13 PM
When running through the warzone solo, if I happen to come across across 2 goats fighting 4 gelfs... naturally I would attack the gelfs, it's my best chance to survive. I've actually had this exact situation come up several times. Usually I run up and start killing one of the syrtis, and immediately all 6 stop what they're doing, obliterate me, and go back to fighting eachother :clapclap:
Makes no sense whatsoever... but hey, I guess when you're pwn everyone wants to pwn you :P
03-18-2010, 08:24 PM
When running through the warzone solo, if I happen to come across across 2 goats fighting 4 gelfs... naturally I would attack the gelfs, it's my best chance to survive. I've actually had this exact situation come up several times. Usually I run up and start killing one of the syrtis, and immediately all 6 stop what they're doing, obliterate me, and go back to fighting eachother :clapclap:
Makes no sense whatsoever... but hey, I guess when you're pwn everyone wants to pwn you :P
If I was one of those goats you mentioned, I would let you help kill the greens, and if we succeeded, I would then attempt to kill you.
I do have an exception for this... hunters and their trolls :superpusso:
I would most likely just kill them first, just for the sake of it xD
03-18-2010, 08:34 PM
I do have an exception for this... hunters and their trolls :superpusso:
That explains why she killed you first Van :D
03-18-2010, 08:58 PM
That explains why she killed you first Van :D
You sir, are out of line!
03-18-2010, 09:09 PM
You sir, are out of line!
Yes, get back in line so Any can kill you in the correct order!
03-18-2010, 11:11 PM
Yes, get back in line so Any can kill you in the correct order!
Aww.. Im a good troll :angel2: She wont kill me :p
Aint I cuteee?
03-19-2010, 02:06 AM
Aww.. Im a good troll :angel2: She wont kill me :p
Aint I cuteee?
you know I used to be scared witless by that thing when I was little? gave me nightmares, it did :p
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