View Full Version : Why did you pick that realm?
03-08-2010, 08:38 PM
In game chat yesterday, the subject of how the syrtis zerg can seem to magically double or triple in seconds. A thought occurred to me in between respawns, 'What makes syrtis realm so attractive to new players?'
I can honestly say that I was leaning toward the ignis realm after reading the back story on the realms/races and learning of the evil visited upon the dark elves, and I tend to lean toward the 'bad boy' side in everything. Red is my favorite color of the three realms, and the +10% bonus was maybe the icing on the cake that made me click the button.
I apologize now if this is a rehash of a previous post, but I'm way to busy hurling headlong into the crushing wave that is the syrtis zerg to search for it.
So what say you? Why did you pick your realm?
03-08-2010, 08:41 PM
Kyro made a poll to this effect a while ago, Ill see if I can dig it up, as for me, basicaly because I like the colour green and live near a parky area so spend a lot of time with people out in feilds and forests and such...
03-08-2010, 08:51 PM
I Originally chose Syrtis due to Green being my Favorite color i didn't look into realm history back then.
then i chose Syrtis on Horus again! because i was comfortable with grinding ect in that realm so i just wanted to grind as fast as i could (which i didnt xD)
Then i finally got tired of Syrtis Zerging Stupidity so i moved too Alsius best move i ever did :D
now for me the issues involving Balance could happen because of the background of each realm..
For me..
Syrtis is a non hostile friendly realm who protects it's land (complete opposite :P)
Ignis is the realm built on Revenge and Hatred wanting to get back at Syrtis for expelling them for there necromancy ect ect..
Alsius sorta reminds me of Vikings/Saxons having longboats and such. But too me Alsius doesnt fit in the story of the 3 realms
Syrtis &Ignis are in this fight for revenge and such and Alsius is just sorta there digging for gold seeking new lands :p
Most people wanna be the "good guys" so thats to me is why people chose syrtis
03-08-2010, 08:53 PM
I chose Ignis (on RA) originally, simply down to "eenie meenie miny mo." :D
03-08-2010, 09:19 PM
Uh my brother was in it so I went there too
[/awesomely exciting story]
03-08-2010, 10:08 PM
Reminds me of this old thread ( Still a good topic of discussion.
03-08-2010, 10:13 PM
I picked it because of a friend, if she hadn't been there then i would've picked using a coin toss. I like all three realms
lol i forgot about that thread, sorry kyro XD
03-08-2010, 10:21 PM
if she hadn't been there then i would've picked using a coin toss.
Just out of curiosity... which side would be Ignis, which side would be Syrtis, and which side would be Alsius?
03-08-2010, 10:52 PM
Back in the day (when the only choice was Ra) I chose Syrtis because it was the first one. I only switched to Ignis when I moved to Horus because I wanted something different.
03-08-2010, 11:10 PM
Just out of curiosity... which side would be Ignis, which side would be Syrtis, and which side would be Alsius?
Hehe I hope one side Ignis, the other one Alsius and... Well, Syrtis if it lands on the edge. Everybody should do that from now on :cuac:
03-09-2010, 12:36 AM
Hehe I hope one side Ignis, the other one Alsius and... Well, Syrtis if it lands on the edge. Everybody should do that from now on :cuac:
If that happened, I have a feeling coins would start falling on their edges regularly :p
I chose syrtis at first for a couple reasons. First I had a friend who played there. Second I've always been an 'archer' fan, particularly hunter kind of class, and elves/half elves are naturally the stereotypical race for that kind of class. I liked the portrayed setting of the realm too, forested and lovely. As an afterthought it was by far the most 'beginner friendly' looking realm. I don't know what about it made it seem like it would be the place for a noob, but it did, and i chose it. When I took a swing at horus I went to alsius because after playing for over a year I found that alsius was the terrain I liked the most and i couldn't resist making a dwarf archer :p Also alsius was in bad shape on ra at the time and i'd heard it was in even worse on horus, so I felt some sympathy.
That is my long, drawn out explanation of why I chose my realm xD
03-09-2010, 12:58 AM
I started playing Ignis because it the best realm for me - I love everything about the desert style, the story and the colours. Dark Elves are awesome characters. I deleted my character and chose Sytris by random. Someone helped me on my 1st day in Sytris and its much more friendlier than my experience in Ignis [I only lasted 2 days there].
My point is try to be more friendlier to new players and don't flame them for any reason as they can just jump realms. My signature should be Zarozinia Falchu|Level 48 Dark Elf Conjurer|Ignis *shrugs*
03-09-2010, 01:57 AM
meh, I forgot why I chose alsius.....actually, come to think of it, why DID I choose alsius??
normally I would have chosen syrtis (the scenery and my fav colour green) or ignis (I like deserts and the moloks look pretty cool)
so why did I chose alsius? dwarves? the goats? the colour blue? that uber looking hammer on the alsius logo???
all I know is that by the time I reached lvl 5 I realized I would never leave this wonderful realm (or rather, I couldn't leave since by the time I found out you could change realms by deleting all your chars I was already lvl 29 and I didn't want to start all over :p)
03-09-2010, 09:12 AM
I chose Alsius, because all Canadians love snow and winter :D (though I live in Vancouver to avoid the stuff).
Like the song says: Mon pays, ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver.
03-09-2010, 09:54 AM
i chose syrtis on tyr because there was a friend of mine playing there, also in was underpopulated (i understand i u don't believe but it was alsius zerging back then). besides, favourite colour is green and i love elven archers, so i'm a marks.
03-09-2010, 11:33 AM
i chose syrtis because ive always wanted to be an elf and when reviewing the classes the hunter class interested me the most. to be honest if dark elves could be archers i would have joined ignius but here i am in syrtis now.
im considering doing what klutu did by jumping over to alsius because they need more players on that side and being in the "overpopulated" realm is getting kinda lame now. too bad im too lazy to start over and the risk of getting flames is kinda high and being a hunter here makes it worse
03-09-2010, 11:51 AM
Picking a realm is simple
alsuis has the best warriors
syrtis the best archers
ignis the best mages (not sure)
so you shoud chose a realm for
the class you love/like to play
but i didnt go by that rule
i chose my realm for the ammulet and rings
maybe that was wrong maybe not
but who cares
03-09-2010, 12:14 PM
03-09-2010, 12:52 PM
If that happened, I have a feeling coins would start falling on their edges regularly :p
Hahahah Syrtis' zerg is even strong enough not to obey mathematical rules ^^
03-09-2010, 01:39 PM
I started on Alsius, and got a few chars to level 30, but the realm got kinda boring after a while, and, I dunno, I got dis-enchanted with it.
So, I decided to try Ignis, and I am in fact much happier there. Ignis is definitely more of a challenge, and I personally believe it creates better fighters due to the fact that almost every level from 8 upwards is Quest and Grind out the rest, where as in Alsius, there are several mid-levels that can be done entirely on the back of quests.
The constant need to grind in Ignis, against extremely challenging dust storms, and creatures that seem a lot more aggressive, I believe creates a better class of fighter, one that has really thought about attack strategies, and trying to get a kill the fastest way using the least HP.
It's amusing to see that out of every 20 people entering the initiation zone, maybe only 5 will make it to Level 30. I think its by far the hardest and cruellest realm to play, but it is easier to grind in, in my experience. I also like the dark aspect to it, and I think it reflects part of my character.
03-09-2010, 02:17 PM
Hahahah Syrtis' zerg is even strong enough not to obey mathematical rules ^^
they dont teach maths in syrtis, in fact they dont really teach anything here. we just get given and and pushed on into battle
03-09-2010, 02:29 PM
My older brother was in Ignis already and when I saw Uthgars I prefered gay elves than furries ;D
03-09-2010, 02:51 PM
My friend Lord Allos dragged me to Ignis. I was about to pick Syrtis, the 'good' realm, you know ^^
After a while I discovered all the realms had their own faults, so there was no real 'good' realm. So I sticked with Ignis... still... I like the trees...
03-09-2010, 04:05 PM
alsuis has the best warriors
syrtis the best archers
ignis the best mages (not sure)
so you shoud chose a realm for
the class you love/like to play
thats exactly what people should NOT do. that is not the case because even thought thats kinda how the story goes, the classes from one realm are not any better because they are from that realm. realms need balance between the 3 classes, encouraging people to go to syrtis to play warriors etc, is not going to help that.
as for my story, i went to ignis because my buddy Overclock was there. from what i understand, his reason for picking ignis, "it was really simple, i saw it as gay elves, goat people and midgits, or badasses"
they dont teach maths in syrtis, in fact they dont really teach anything here. we just get given and and pushed on into battle
that would explain the very often "mindless zerging". just because you have collected a bunch of people without math skills doesnt mean you suddenly get some (I.E. 0+0=0)
03-09-2010, 04:40 PM
Goats :clapclap:
Blue is my fav colour :superpusso:
03-10-2010, 02:31 AM
I chose alsius on ra cuz a friend of mine, who is all into the underdogs, chose it because they were the underdogs. The when horus opened he moved to ignis because, and he tricked me into joining it saying that lvling there was a loooot faster, he eventually quit the game. I wanted to quit ignis, but when i was lvl 30 i ran into a friend from ra alsius (i hate you) and decided to stay, and now i dnt play for ignis, but for the people i like.
03-10-2010, 03:05 AM
i chose syrtis because ive always wanted to be an elf and when reviewing the classes the hunter class interested me the most. to be honest if dark elves could be archers i would have joined ignius but here i am in syrtis now.
im considering doing what klutu did by jumping over to alsius because they need more players on that side and being in the "overpopulated" realm is getting kinda lame now. too bad im too lazy to start over and the risk of getting flames is kinda high and being a hunter here makes it worse
haha id welcome you with Open Arms! :D
The flaming can be sorta fun at times but can also piss u off :P
First trip in the wz Syrtis at trelle went entirely out of the way to Murder me over the Alsius group lol
lvl 31 barb went splat real and had like 20 people dancing and teabagging me :P
if! you ever did join alsius 1-30 can be done in a day and i may be able to conj u bit in higher lvls ^^
03-10-2010, 03:21 AM
I was a long time barb player in diablo(all of em)and Iggy seemed to have the closest to the kinda char I enjoyed there for many years-(me/ waits for dual wield soon?)
Now its been roughly 1 1/2 yrs and i still love my decision:clapclap:
03-10-2010, 04:27 AM
First trip in the wz Syrtis at trelle went entirely out of the way to Murder me over the Alsius group lol
I did that to say hello, and because you were always fun to fight xD
if! you ever did join alsius 1-30 can be done in a day and i may be able to conj u bit in higher lvls ^^
Pfft how come I never got that offer? :P Hehe jk
I chose Alsius on horus because I played there on Ra (later). Syrtis on Ra because I thought it was easier to lvl (but I only tried the first 15 lvls, later found out after joining Alsius due to underpopulation that 20 - 30 was much easier).
the classes from one realm are not any better because they are from that realm.
Well tbh, they are :p
Dwarves = best barbs (str + const), goat = best knight (size + const + mana) or also barb if you prefer mana to str.
Esquelio = best mage (small + int + const)
Half elf = best archer (hp + dex), wood elf too if you prefer mana to hp.
03-10-2010, 06:50 AM
For me it was a toss up between alsius and ignis, i had decided i didnt like the syrtis shield and somehow syrtis reminded me of slytherin the evil house in HP.
Finally, the underpop bonus decided it for me xD
03-10-2010, 08:42 AM
lvl 31 barb went splat real and had like 20 people dancing and teabagging me :P
I remember that day :p Half the zerg was trying to 'dibbs' you and we had players coming from half way over the map for a shot at you, we are so kind to realm hoppers xd
if! you ever did join alsius 1-30 can be done in a day
Your 1-30 is stupidly easy :p Lots of running around but a mount eases the pain, still you can do like 18-30 just off quests 0.o
03-10-2010, 12:03 PM
First, joining Syrtis was not an option. I hate elves ;) since i read Kiryll Eskov's ( The Last Ringbearer. (You can read about this book here ( and here ( Mind it, i have no dark elf char, only Moloks and Esquelios.
While i was downloading the game i checked war status and i found one of Ignis forts being captured by Syrtis, so i thought: they losing, they need help.
And i still think that as soon as we deal with greens and cabras, we will "take care" of those nasty dark elves too.xD
03-10-2010, 12:54 PM
Why Ignis ?
Syrtis, a realm full of white guys with blonde hairs and boring french country side landscape ? I'm not playing Barbie but Regnum Online, and i love exotic landscapes.
Alsius ? Snow hurts my eyes, and there are too many trees, and they always whine (the english speaking community of Alsius is an exception though).
So Ignis, hot dark elves, a plain desert as hostile as the people populating it, its wonderful volcanic zone ( i want a VZ in WZ :D) and dangerous swamps. And Shaanarid is the most bad ass looking castle :clapclap:
03-10-2010, 01:54 PM
Ignis is anything but plain though. granted it may not always have been. First time I played I thought, meh yes desert, maybe some rocks. Thougnh thats true for the general landscape, you have a beautiful bridge separating Altaruk and Allahad (which in itself is a cozy seaside resort with a nice beach, and some palmtrees, rolling green hills :)
That huge temple thing in the arteries, dunno what it is..but its pretty..and that wizards tower is awesome (yeah I had to run all the way to the top)
Even the port you start in, as you travel to the villages, its lovely.
Later you get to explore the VC which I've never seen a opposite of in the other realms. The swamp which is fun to hide, hunt and drown in.
so don't try and pretend your land is ugly..because as much as I like green hills and flowers..its honestly boring :)
As for alsius, my experience is limited (toher than sightseeing during invasions) But I was amazed at the new init zone, the statues, the ships, the huge shipping winches.
I shall have to venture into Syrtis' init zone as well, but as afar as I remember it looks basically the same.
03-10-2010, 02:42 PM
When I got to know Regnum(day after the official launch) my brother was playing in Alsius(although he played Syrtis in beta) and since I always liked Nordic scenery and preferred dwarfs over elves, I went to Alsius too.
I did play a bit in Syrtis when my brother returned there after a few weeks, but Alsius dragged me back. I love the scenery and the people playing there are mostly very nice.
03-10-2010, 05:01 PM
I was going to join Alsius because they had dwarves and I really liked the look of the realm shield. Then I noticed the gold and XP bonuses, and for some reason I thought they marked the more "advanced" realms. Well hey, nothing tells you that they're underpopulation bonuses so it's really any newbie's guess.
So anyway, I rolled my first char in the "default" realm that had no mysterious bonuses. After all, it's no big deal since one account can have three characters, and my second could be in Alsius....
03-11-2010, 12:43 AM
Just as a strangely random sidenote....from what I've seen on this thread it looks like half of the population is in ignis :p Or maybe it's just mostly ignis people who are proud enough of their realm choice that they all post why. :clapclap:
03-11-2010, 03:03 AM
might aswell add my story
started playing years ago on ra(cant remember when) i joined syrtis and made a knight. after playing a week or so my GFX cards fan failed Causing the card to fry itself since there was like NOONE that spoke english that was on when i was i thought meh and moved on to a different game
when i saw that horus had opened up i thought about giving regnum another try it was a tough choice to pick a realm i knew from my previous experience that some syrtis quests were broken so i chose to go with either alsius or ignis. it was a tough call but ignis had a realm bonus at the time so i joined them. i don't regret my choice much found myself a great clan and a ton of people to play with. although sometimes i do think maybe i should have given alsius a try.
03-11-2010, 03:48 AM
Hmm. Well, let's see....
Dark Elves are Badass (I said on realm chat just the other day, no other race exists for me... until I bite the bullet and make an archer). They would be more badass if concentration actually did anything, of course.
Need another reason?
Well okay. When I first tried to join the game, I had a pretty shitty machine (mostly the graphics card). Ignis was the only realm where I had more than 5fps in the noob zone.
03-17-2010, 08:14 PM
I tried all the realms, but settled in Alsius because blue is my favorite color, and the mountains and evergreens remind me of home.
03-18-2010, 06:42 AM
I'm a thief player by heart and the Archer was closest to thief so I wanted to pick one.
Then I checked the highest Dex races and among them the ones with the most Int for extra mana and more special attacks. Yeah, call me a powergamer.
The truth is I was going for the +10% XP but when I looked at each realm the inhabitants of Syrtis were the most appealing to my eye, especially the elf in the lower right hand corner. :)
03-18-2010, 12:38 PM
Alsius was the obvious choice as I simply can't stand the Tolkien-styled 'elves!' Had there been a realm of orcs, then I would have picked that.:devil:
OT: Tolkien ripped the name 'elf' from nordic folklore where it is best known as denoting various mythical beings. The original 'elves' however, were a tribe of perfectly normal people, with normal looking ears, who lived in an area that today is around the southern border between Sweden and Norway. The exact area is unknown, but the region was once called 'Alfhem' from its western and eastern borders defined mainly by two rivers. (Göta Älv in Sweden and Glåma in Norway. 'Elv,' 'älv' etc means river and 'hem' means home.)
03-18-2010, 02:57 PM
For any hardcore gamer i believe syrtis is more attractive simply beacuse, on Horus, all the highscores are almost dominated by syrtis... they have to the top 4 rp, top guild, and top everything. Who wants to play to loose?? join the team that wins. Thats most likely the reason, along with the syrt pvp videos up on Youtube. If someone looks for Regnum and pvp they find syrt over the other relms. Im loyal to ignis now tho, i like tha challenge of being the "small" relm. :ignis:
03-18-2010, 03:05 PM
For any hardcore gamer i believe syrtis is more attractive simply beacuse, on Horus, all the highscores are almost dominated by syrtis... they have to the top 4 rp, top guild, and top everything. Who wants to play to loose?? join the team that wins. Thats most likely the reason, along with the syrt pvp videos up on Youtube. If someone looks for Regnum and pvp they find syrt over the other relms. Im loyal to ignis now tho, i like tha challenge of being the "small" relm. :ignis:
and i assure you, that every ignian that is currently playing thanks you for it.
03-19-2010, 01:24 AM
Actually, Tolkien merely utilised concepts inherited from centuries of English Folklore, itself adapted from a rich background of multiple folklores, nordic and otherwise. Remembering here that most of the British Isles can claim a fair chunk of norse antecedence anyway.
03-19-2010, 05:11 AM
Was simply because i like blue and i get alot of snow where i live so it felt more like home than the others^^
03-19-2010, 06:34 AM
Was simply because i like blue and i get alot of snow where i live so it felt more like home than the others^^
Interesting. For the exact same reason I did *NOT* pick blue. :D
Erm started on Ra - Syrtis as an elf warlock...
To be honest i still dont know why i chose syrtis... Maybe i thought that elves fit better for mages... Anyway i sucked as warlock. I never was good :P
But.... in syrtis i met INQ and my love Mira :P
When Horus launched, we discussed it and decided to create 2 hunters. And as you all know teh best race for archer is half elf ofc.... So Inq + half elf was the best combine for us.
03-19-2010, 09:26 PM
Interesting. For the exact same reason I did *NOT* pick blue. :D
lol, got tired of shoveling the deep snow eh? xD
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