View Full Version : Hotwo access your desktop with regnum in fullscreen

03-29-2010, 01:49 PM
I thought this might be useful. So I want to share it with you. Maybe someone already did, I don't know.
If you usually play Regnum in fullscreen mode you cannot access your desktop. ALT+ENTER makes you crash or Regnum just returns a black screen then.
The solution is to have Regnum running at your desktop resolution with disabled window decoration and hidden panels.
I did that with compiz. You need the Compiz Config Settings manager. In the option "window decorations" there is a line called "decoration for windows". By default it is set to (any).

If you want to disable it for Regnum you have to modify it like this:

!(title=Regnum Online & !(title=Mozilla)) & (any)

I used title because the Regnum window seems to not provide other information that this.
This option removes window decorations for all windows that contain Regnum Online. If they also contain Mozilla it is not disabled. If you leave the mozilla part away the decoration of the browser will also be removed if you visit this site.
If you use another browser you might want to change it to opera or whatever.
In case you don't use compiz Devils Pie (http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie) might help you with that.

I did not find a good solution for the panels yet. I right click them and added buttons to hide them.
I would prefer a solution that hides the panels or that makes Regnum be over them.

I think this is a nice thing because you can use multimedia keys read notifications and you can switch to your desktop anytime without crashing.

03-29-2010, 02:18 PM
Its worth adding that you can also undecorate windows in openbox simply by using the window context menu. Thats how I run regnum, at my resolution, in windowed mode, but with window decs turned off. Openbox doesnt have panels by default.

03-31-2010, 01:10 AM
I just set the resolution to my screen and drag the titlebar above my screen using ALT+CLICK

04-01-2010, 09:32 AM
I worked out a method for something simlar some time ago.

Here is the thread (http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48175)

Works well under Gnome without Compiz and might work with compiz running I just cant speak for it personally.

I usually just run RO in window mode and hand edit game.cfg to a very specific size that fills my desktop and snaps to the panel, just as a maximized window should.

i.e. On my 1280x800 desktop the following fits perfectly for me:

vg_fullscreen_mode = 0
vg_screen_height = 748
vg_screen_width = 1278

the wmctrl command can show you your maximzed window size:

onemyndseye@onemyndsmobile:~$ wmctrl -G -l
0x01a00003 0 0 1552 1280 24 onemyndsmobile Bottom Expanded Edge Panel
0x01c00020 0 0 0 1280 800 onemyndsmobile x-nautilus-desktop
0x044000b4 0 0 54 1280 749 onemyndsmobile Mozilla Firefox
0x0220002f 0 0 0 1280 400 onemyndsmobile Guake!

Showing all window info you can see that Firefox is fullscreen. :) I shaved 2 pixels to account for the windows border.

04-09-2010, 11:12 AM
any hints for kde4 users?

i 've set game in a windowed mode for now...

04-09-2010, 12:00 PM
any hints for kde4 users?

i 've set game in a windowed mode for now...Right click the title bar, Advanced, Fullscreen :)

If that doesn't work, just right click the title bar, Advanced, No borders.
Then right click again, Advanced, Keep above others.

There you go.