View Full Version : Thank you Ignis [Horus]

04-11-2010, 04:19 PM
I really want to thank the Ignis Night Crew for last night. We had battles in front of Samal, battles behind Herb and battles at PB over the space of about 3 hours last night. No one outnumbered anyone - 15 players aside by my guess. That was the MOST fun I've had playing in quite a while and not a single fort was taken. I know for certain the majority of the Syrtis night crew had a blast. I hope you guys had as much fun as we did. Let's do it again, real soon. :clapclap:

04-11-2010, 06:05 PM
Nice to hear. We should do a no-forts-day once evry week. could be quite fun :D

04-12-2010, 07:55 PM
yes thanks you too acknor, i was there on my knight!!!
long time i had a fight like that!!
..and ofc no reason to farm other realms, it kill the game play....avoid a battle and zeg an empty fort!! no fun(well i believe)
and theres our reward, so much fun, close samal, behind herb, at pb and in open fields!!


04-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Hope you guys have the fun again.. :)

04-17-2010, 04:28 PM
Just if u look atm ... over europe day ... 70 syrtians ... 10 igneans ... all time ... atm also ... we cant gateher more then 4 players ... and someone will say its fair balance ... ok that in night was ok ,but over day is shame for balance formula

04-17-2010, 07:17 PM
Hi, Im here to say stuff about fair balance :D

As you can see here http://rostatus.heroku.com/stats/horus Syrtis only really becomes a imbalanced force in the warzone between 18:00 PM GMT and 23:00 PM GMT.

On the other end of the scale Syrtis is borderling dead in the warzone between 2:00 AM GMT and 8:00 AM GMT.

Note: We never have 70 Syrtis execept possibly at an invasion, and If we have for example taken Samal during Syrtis's super zerg period Ignis often has more than 5 players camping PB and 20 or so at Samal, so dont give me the '70 vs 10' rubbish :)

04-17-2010, 08:00 PM
Ugh! I post something to say I had a fun time in a balanced fight and yet again the whole imbalance issue comes up. :dumbofme:

There are tons of other threads about that. Leave this one alone!