View Full Version : Charecter name

05-01-2010, 03:32 PM
When i am trying to create charecter, i can't type name.
If I press enter game crashes, p-shows ping f-show fps

I am using linux Mint

05-01-2010, 03:35 PM
Try starting the game in windowed mode (at a lower resolution probably). I'm curious if you'd still be unable to type into it while in windowed mode. In the launcher there's a box to untoggle fullscreen.

05-01-2010, 03:46 PM
Thanks for the fast reply!
I have already tried to type in name in windowed mode and fullscreen.
Update: Changing video settings doesn't help.

05-01-2010, 04:20 PM
Are you a linux newcomer or do you know your way around it? I seem to recall this problem occurring before but it was because of a rare set of circumstances culminating in the window manager in use, and certain other options. You could try using a different window manager, at least for the char creation part of it.

EDIT: Specifically it was because the window manager was interpreting the keystrokes, like it had them bound to something, and that's why no text was able to be typed into the regnum window. Or something like that.

05-01-2010, 06:45 PM
Heh, what is linux newcomer ?
I am using linux for 1 year, yet I don' t feel like newcomer neither experienced user.
I also have solved my problem, the fault was that Regnum didn't want to run with my keyboard layout, why? dunno...

05-01-2010, 07:13 PM
I think regnum can only handle latin1, I'm glad you got it solved, have fun playing (: