View Full Version : knights of the old republic 2

07-27-2010, 02:40 AM
hey guys as you may know im a star wars fan but i have no experiance in modding but i know there are people out there that can help me with this problem i have. you see i got this mod off of file front which turns me into a krayt dragon seen on tattoine when you get the star map i seem to have my camera inside of it well which is not cool. i need some one to tell me how to zoom out in the game which is modding ofc. can any one help me here?

07-27-2010, 06:49 AM
come on theres got to be some one out there that can help me >.<

07-28-2010, 12:44 PM
I never modded the second KOTOR, but I did screw around with the first one a bit. The best thing to use is the modding program that they have on the website you posted. It should be pretty self explanitory once that's installed. You will be able to add items to your inventory and modify the game-save in other ways. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Have fun!

PS: Brief note; KOTOR II was where I stole my knight's name "The Exile" from :p