View Full Version : To Upgrade or Not To Upgrade that is the question.....
08-31-2010, 02:36 AM
There has long been a discussion over whether or not you should do this. Some say to do it only for invasions, others still say do it when you want, and even others will say never do it.
Discretion is the better part of valour, yet we HNK'ers never think that way.
So the real question is , do you upgrade or do you not?
What is the "accepted" policy?
===The HNK Clan===
08-31-2010, 02:43 AM
When it comes to enemy forts you're holding, only upgrade if you're invading. Only upgrade to level 2 if you think an enemy might be hiding inside when you're trying to get a real fort war going.
When it comes to your own forts... Hell it's your forts and your money, do what you want with it.
08-31-2010, 02:55 AM
I don't like to upgrade because then if you have an even fight the guards and steel door make it kinds unfair for those trying to take it back. Especially if you have a superior force I see no reason to upgrade, only to make it hell to try to get it back for other team lol. Besides it's much more fun to see who can play abit better without the bonus I think^^ lol, I actually think the best fights take place when forts have no doors xD
When seriously invading upgrade all to 4 though.
08-31-2010, 03:03 AM
I actually think the best fights take place when forts have no doors xD
I couldn't agree with you more there... As a hunter I delight in camoing into a fort controlled by an enemy with no door. :imstupid:
08-31-2010, 03:30 AM
As long as it keeps Passive outta Algaros, I have zero problem with upgrading it to 2 or 3.
08-31-2010, 06:15 AM
i actually like having to fight a bunch of enemies hiding in a lvl4 fort. its a good challenge
08-31-2010, 06:50 PM
Well people talk alot about not doing it, upgrading, and we do it all the time.
I guess I really thought the purpose was to keep and hold the fort from being attacked.
I mean, a level 3 fort makes it really difficult for a smaller team to actually get the fort, and they make attempts all the time (or they did, seems that attempts on algaros have slowed since we started being so obssessive about defending it).
As long as it keeps Passive outta Algaros, I have zero problem with upgrading it to 2 or 3.
Your only saying that Wyna, because of his choice in pet names. :):)
08-31-2010, 08:37 PM
I mean, a level 3 fort makes it really difficult for a smaller team to actually get the fort
Just last night I took a level 3 algaros with 4 others and no conju with ease ^^
But I think its rather dumb to upgrade forts all together.
All it says is "I dont want to fight." or "Hey, I know we have more then you but I want to keep farming."
And you guys upgrading Algaros says the first one.
I guess I really thought the purpose was to keep and hold the fort from being attacked.
You act like forts arent going to be attacked. This is Regnum, a place where stuff to do is very limited. Forts WILL be taken. Its a fact. So why not, not waste your gold and have a fun fight. If you are the same patience hunter/Lock or w.e. then you should remember the night me and the same 4 others taking a level 4 fort from you guys. Even after your efforts to defend it.
So again, dont waste your gold :>
08-31-2010, 11:24 PM
Thats your business entirely. I think your statement is an exaggeration, but opinions are what they are just that. That be said, attacks generally on the fort in question have lowered considerably, either way you look at it.
I fully expect it to be taken, I invite it to be taken, you want to put all your effort, or in your case lack of effort, into taking it, be my guest. Thats your business not mine. I suggest you concentrate less on telling others how to play (where I think the OP is just asking for simple opinion), and more on your own style of playing, and how to better that. Or not.
08-31-2010, 11:32 PM
Thats your business entirely. I think your statement is an exaggeration, but opinions are what they are just that. That be said, attacks generally on the fort in question have lowered considerably, either way you look at it.
I fully expect it to be taken, I invite it to be taken, you want to put all your effort, or in your case lack of effort, into taking it, be my guest. Thats your business not mine. I suggest you concentrate less on telling others how to play (where I think the OP is just asking for simple opinion), and more on your own style of playing, and how to better that. Or not.
Exaggeration? Hardly. Ask your realm mates who defended it. I was merely showing two examples of how it is NOT that much harder to take a level 3 or 4 fort with a small force, if you read it then maybe you would understand.
In no way was I telling you how to play, as you said opinions are what they are, and in my opinion, leveling a fort is cowardly in general.
I was answering Patience-Ana, with examples and proof, though you can scroll up and see for yourself.
By the way, personal attacks are not classy.
08-31-2010, 11:36 PM
Personal attack, I see no personal attack in that post. I merely suggested that your statement MIGHT be a tad off.
Just to be clear, Calling someone cowardly for their that is a bit of an attack, even if its a generalization. Which means your not only calling 1 person a coward for the action, but an entire group of people for the actoin. Thats VERY unclassy.
08-31-2010, 11:46 PM
Personal attack, I see no personal attack in that post. I merely suggested that your statement MIGHT be a tad off.
Just to be clear, Calling someone cowardly for their that is a bit of an attack, even if its a generalization. Which means your not only calling 1 person a coward for the action, but an entire group of people for the actoin. Thats VERY unclassy.
I think you are delusional, but I can work with it.
let me pull up your post
Thats your business entirely. I think your statement is an exaggeration, but opinions are what they are just that. That be said, attacks generally on the fort in question have lowered considerably, either way you look at it.
I fully expect it to be taken, I invite it to be taken, you want to put all your effort, or in your case lack of effort, into taking it, be my guest. Thats your business not mine. I suggest you concentrate less on telling others how to play (where I think the OP is just asking for simple opinion), and more on your own style of playing, and how to better that. Or not.
Hi-lighted in case you still don't understand what a personal attack is.
And why yes, it is a generalization and yes, Im fine with being the one to say "Upgrading forts is cowardly"
I have agreed with it in the past for invasions, but even then it bothers me.
I think you misinterpret my post way too much and getting but hurt for no reason. :/
The OP posted for opinion and I posted mine, and a valid argument and proof for why this statement:
I mean, a level 3 fort makes it really difficult for a smaller team to actually get the fort
Is wrong.
08-31-2010, 11:59 PM
Thats your interpretation.
You are certainly entitled.
Its a level 3 right now, Adelle.
Have at it.
09-01-2010, 02:53 AM
DkySven, are you just gonna sit here and let Altara be attacked like this? Please close this before WynaWynn says more hurtful things.
09-01-2010, 03:01 AM
Because neither party in the last brash of posts is being nice, (Wyna and Adelle), I ask that this post be closed. Both parties are being just as unkind as the other.
09-01-2010, 03:11 AM
In that video we had a follower a low/high 30's barb come with us, so instead of my first five count we had five and a half when that one occurred.
So I dont think I need to prove myself to you. :]
09-01-2010, 03:43 AM
I asked for the thread to be closed , Altara, your behaviour isnt in the spirit of discussion, and its inflammatory. Please Moderators, close the thread.
09-01-2010, 03:47 AM
I disagree.
09-01-2010, 03:59 AM
Ok, Time to clear the air here, Altara, obviously misread my statement, So Im going to break it down for simplictics sake.
I fully expect it to be taken, I invite it to be taken, you want to put all your effort, or in your case lack of effort, into taking it, be my guest.
This statement is in response to your statement below
Just last night I took a level 3 algaros with 4 others and no conju with ease ^^
But I think its rather dumb to upgrade forts all together.
By lack of effort, I am responding to your statement that you did it with great ease, ergo a lack of effort was used to take the fort.
I suggest you concentrate less on telling others how to play (where I think the OP is just asking for simple opinion), and more on your own style of playing, and how to better that. Or not.
You dont take constructive critistim very well, yet you seem to give it to others without problem. Where by defition contructive criticism is defined as a point meant to offer advice to better oneself, not meant an attack, though you seem to take it that way. Perhaps you should reflect more, but again thats entirely up to you, not me.
On the issue of upgrading forts....its a person's business to do it. Call it cowardly if you like. It doesnt matter. People are going to do it. To you it really shouldnt make any difference, becuase if you take it , that means more money for you. So I fail to see why being so resistent about it being done is such a big deal.
If you dont like it, You dont have to attack that fort. No loss there either.
09-01-2010, 04:04 AM
Only after you are called out by someone other than me do you wish to "clear the air"
I have nothing to say, mostly because talking to you is like hitting your head against a brick wall. Idiotic and pointless.
All I did was state my opinion, you took it the wrong way.
And by the way, what is a defition?
09-01-2010, 05:01 AM
Well, Wynn was only coming to my defense. So how about I join him and come to my own defense? In my opinion, upgrading a fort to allow time for additional defense forces to arrive is very very logical. It is not cowardly. And by calling it cowardly, Altara, you are being inflammatory. And furthermore, it looks like you DID exaggerate a bit, after all, didn't you? There were more than 5 when you took the ugpgraded Algaros, huh?
I am not an experienced forum poster. I have other priorities. But I am tired of hearing so much whining and bitching about the upgrading of Algaros. Just deal with it, ok? Because frankly, we will continue to do what we deem to be appropriate regardless of what anybody thinks. Obviously there are varied opinions. It seems that many are not grounded in logic, but instead are quite subjective.
09-01-2010, 06:12 AM
Preparation H is good for inflammation.
Divisis angiportis et plateis constitutis arearum electio ad opportunitatem et usum communem civitatis est explicanda aedibus sacris, foro reliquisque locis communibus. Et si erunt moenia secundum mare, area, ubi forum constituatur, eligenda proxime portum, sin autem mediterraneo, in oppido medio. Aedibus vero sacris, quorum deorum maxime in tutela civitas videtur esse, et Iovi et Iunoni et Minervae, in excelsissimo loco, unde moenium maxima pars conspiciatur, areae distribuantur. Mercurio autem in foro aut etiam, ut Isidi et Serapi, in emporio; Apollini Patrique Libero secundum theatrum; Herculi, in quibus civitatibus non sunt gymnasia neque amphitheatra, ad circum; Marti extra urbem sed ad campum; itemque Veneri ad portum. Id autem etiam Etruscis haruspicibus disciplinarum scripturis ita est dedicatum, extra murum Veneris, Volcani, Martis fana ideo conlocari, uti non insuescat in urbe adulescentibus seu matribus familiarum veneria libido, Volcanique vi e moenibus religionibus et sacrificiis evocata ab timore incendiorum aedificia videantur liberari. Martis vero divinitas cum sit extra moenia dedicata, non erit inter cives armigera dissensio, sed ab hostibus ea defensa belli periculo conservabit.
09-01-2010, 06:23 AM
Necro is awesome.
Divisis angiportis et plateis constitutis arearum electio ad opportunitatem et usum communem civitatis est explicanda aedibus sacris, foro reliquisque locis communibus. Et si erunt moenia secundum mare, area, ubi forum constituatur, eligenda proxime portum, sin autem mediterraneo, in oppido medio. Aedibus vero sacris, quorum deorum maxime in tutela civitas videtur esse, et Iovi et Iunoni et Minervae, in excelsissimo loco, unde moenium maxima pars conspiciatur, areae distribuantur. Mercurio autem in foro aut etiam, ut Isidi et Serapi, in emporio; Apollini Patrique Libero secundum theatrum; Herculi, in quibus civitatibus non sunt gymnasia neque amphitheatra, ad circum; Marti extra urbem sed ad campum; itemque Veneri ad portum. Id autem etiam Etruscis haruspicibus disciplinarum scripturis ita est dedicatum, extra murum Veneris, Volcani, Martis fana ideo conlocari, uti non insuescat in urbe adulescentibus seu matribus familiarum veneria libido, Volcanique vi e moenibus religionibus et sacrificiis evocata ab timore incendiorum aedificia videantur liberari. Martis vero divinitas cum sit extra moenia dedicata, non erit inter cives armigera dissensio, sed ab hostibus ea defensa belli periculo conservabit.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
09-01-2010, 10:10 AM
Its a level 3 right now, Adelle.
Have at it.
Challenge accepted.
And furthermore, it looks like you DID exaggerate a bit, after all, didn't you? There were more than 5 when you took the ugpgraded Algaros, huh?
You're right I apologize we did do it six instead of five, so we did it with four.
Pay close attention, my favorite part is the credits.
The OP posted for opinion and I posted mine, and a valid argument and proof for why this statement:
I mean, a level 3 fort makes it really difficult for a smaller team to actually get the fort
Is wrong.
Again valid proof. So stop with the personal attacks, attempts of trolling, grow up a tad and re-read everything I have posted in this thread. Maybe you will get it now. :]
09-01-2010, 10:50 AM
Now that we have that settled, here's keyboard cat:
09-01-2010, 04:59 PM
Ok, I admit that "really difficult" was a poor choice of words. Upgrading a fort just means it takes a smaller team more TIME to take the fort. AND, if there are players online who care about defending the fort, they might be able to get there in time to prevent its capture. Or, if someone is actually AT the fort, they can alert allies to the attack when it begins, and possibly prevent capture of the fort. In your video, it appears that the fort was unoccupied. When we invited you to try and take it, the fort was occupied. Speaking for myself and Wynn only, I don't believe either of us were even logged into the game when you made that video.
Necroverus, I believe that posts to this forum are supposed to be in English, aren't they?
It seems that you are one of those people, Altara, who always has to have the last word. So, just note that if I don't respond to any future posts by you, it is NOT because I am intimidated or I concede that you have "won". It will simply be because arguing with you is not how I choose to spend my time.
And I am already very much grown up...probably more so than you, so let's not go there. That statement is yet another example of an inflammatory statement by you.
09-01-2010, 07:38 PM
This is where Ill remind everyone that its called a "war" zone for a reason. There is a war going on. And in conflict, there are conditions, if you really want to get political about it, fine, call it Just Ad Bellum. You step on my soil, and take my fort, I have the equal right to take yours, or stop you from taking mine, for whatever level that takes. In the case of regnum there is a clearly defined path to a goal in this conflict. Collection of gems to gain an advantage over your opponents in the continuing conflict. Albeit true that the war in this case is ultimately never-ending, or it seems that way, its still just that. A war.
If Fort upgrading keep you from farming the fort for RP, great.
If Fort upgrading keeps you at bay for just a few more seconds, so I can call in reinforcements, great.
If Fort upgrading introduces you to a Guard captain when the door goes down and it takes you a while to recover from that, Great.
Kinda cheesy to do it, but Ill even cite the Sun Tzu.
**Breaks out his english translation**
" Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can? " -- Sun Tzu
09-01-2010, 10:21 PM
Capturing an empty level 3 is easy of course. Without doubt however, it does increase the time taken to capture the fort, and I can see how it would give time for reinforcements to arrive should the fort be camped.
Whether an individual or group choses to upgrade a fort within their own realm, is entirely up to them if that's the way they wish to play the game, who am I to say "No, you must play in this way".
I am personally against upgrading enemy forts that we may capture, especially when we already outnumber the enemy. It just ruins the fight, and there is no challenge involved in farming the enemy.
I see no problems with upgrading forts within your own realm though. I actually enjoy taking part in capturing an upgraded fort, knowing that there's gold waiting for me!
Also, imho, I don't see how it is cowardly to upgrade a fort preemptively.
09-01-2010, 10:55 PM
I see no problems with upgrading forts within your own realm though. I actually enjoy taking part in capturing an upgraded fort, knowing that there's gold waiting for me!
I will agree with that. :drinks:
09-02-2010, 12:28 AM
Aside from invasions, there are only two reasons people upgrade forts, neither of which I find acceptable.
1. Because you want to avoid a fight
In the off hours often times the only action you can make (on horus) is at Algaros, Trelle, or Menirah. If you upgrade these before anyone can capture them, you're just making less action in the war zone when it's already pretty dead. Upgrading Herbred, Aggers, or Samal renders them borderline uncapturable without a massive zerg since there's almost always someone there to defend it and bring help.
2. Because you want to farm
When you capture an enemy fort and upgrade it, it's pretty clear why you did it; you don't want to "lose." Obviously you'll lose eventually, even if it takes hours, but at least you'll be able to feel as if you've increased the size of your virtual penis, due to all of "teh noobz u pwnt."
So I guess to me upgrading is only okay when you're invading, or being invaded. Of course I can't tell anyone else how to play, just my opinion... which you did ask for.
So tell me, why did you make this thread? It seems like you asked for opinions on a subject, and then started raging because you don't agree with the opinion someone gave. If you're just looking for someone to validate your own opinion I'm sure you and WynaWynn could jerk eachother off via PMs.
It seems that you are one of those people, Altara, who always has to have the last word.
Maybe, but it seems you got the last word in this one... interesting.
09-02-2010, 02:10 AM
Aside from invasions, there are only two reasons people upgrade forts, neither of which I find acceptable.
1. Because you want to avoid a fight
2. Because you want to farm
Don't forget
3. Because you have just too darn much gold and want to give some away.
It's worth noting that the 'you' is (sometimes, at least) a noob, fresh to the warzone with a pocketful of gold, and probably not much help with the actual fighting, who sees upgrading as a way to help out the realm, not necessarily the consensus of the entire group at the fort.
At least that was the case when I was a noob, fresh to the warzone with a pocketful of gold, and not much help with the actual fighting. I upgraded, much to the annoyance of some of the elders, one of which kindly took me under his wing with some helpful words: "Wtf, Ogg, you stupid pt, don't upgrade!"
1, I don't see very often, there are easier ways to not fight than to huddle inside a level 4 fort, I do see 2, sometimes accompanied by "Well, they've farmed us often enough!"
Sometimes a small group will upgrade, expecting a zerg of defenders, so leveling would actually prolong the fight. Sometimes the zerg shows, sometimes not, and sometimes owning an enemy fort makes your own zerg show up (in dribs and drabs, but the effect is the same).
09-02-2010, 02:17 AM
You think I'm raging????? Well, I have not looked up the official definition of raging, but I really can't imagine that my words would qualify as raging. And I didn't expect that everyone would support my own position. I just wasn't looking for disparaging remarks. I was looking for logic, I suppose. And some have been quite logical as to why they have the opinion they do. Others have been quite candid without being inflammatory. So no, I was not looking just for agreement. It does seem to be a rather controversial topic.
09-02-2010, 02:41 AM
I was looking for logic, I suppose. And some have been quite logical as to why they have the opinion they do. Others have been quite candid without being inflammatory. So no, I was not looking just for agreement. It does seem to be a rather controversial topic.
Well I basically said the exact same thing as Altara did, so I'm not sure why you raged about her opinion but not mine. You raged because she said upgrading is cowardly... but that's what everyone else opposed to it is saying as well, whether they used that exact wording or not. Perhaps you didn't glean it from my post, but I also think in most situations upgrading is cowardly, or down right poor sportsmanship.
You think I'm raging????? Well, I have not looked up the official definition of raging, but I really can't imagine that my words would qualify as raging.
3. raging
What someone does when they are pissed off on the internet.
people that are raging are:
Spamming forums
cussing people out on the internet
obviously angry
Most often occurs after the rager is trolled.
Also, you just punctuated a question with 5 question marks. I'll accompany the definition with a generic, unrelated example:
Altara, you are being inflammatory. And furthermore, it looks like you DID exaggerate a bit, after all, didn't you? There were more than 5 when you took the ugpgraded Algaros, huh?
I am not an experienced forum poster. I have other priorities. But I am tired of hearing so much whining and bitching about the upgrading of Algaros. Just deal with it, ok? Because frankly, we will continue to do what we deem to be appropriate regardless of what anybody thinks.
In this example we see what I like to call "mild rage." There's not much spamming (yet), but we can see here some minor cussing, along with obvious anger. Since this is just a generic example I can't say whether or not the rager was being trolled, would have to see it in context.
09-02-2010, 02:45 AM
Well I basically said the exact same thing as Altara did, so I'm not sure why you raged about her opinion but not mine. You raged because she said upgrading is cowardly... but that's what everyone else opposed to it is saying as well, whether they used that exact wording or not. Perhaps you didn't glean it from my post, but I also think in most situations upgrading is cowardly, or down right poor sportsmanship.
Also, you just punctuated a question with 5 question marks. I'll accompany the definition with a generic, unrelated example:
In this example we see what I like to call "mild rage." There's not much spamming (yet), but we can see here some minor cussing, along with obvious anger. Since this is just a generic example I can't say whether or not the rager was being trolled, would have to see it in context.
"you must spread..."
that post was written like a true pr0. you make me want to turn gay sometimes:wub2:
09-02-2010, 03:43 AM
In this example we see what I like to call "mild rage." There's not much spamming (yet), but we can see here some minor cussing, along with obvious anger. Since this is just a generic example I can't say whether or not the rager was being trolled, would have to see it in context.
Haha, the way it is explained it is like a science xD
On topic, whenever I see someone go in to donate gold and then the flag suddenly becomes the captain guard, I don't think what a coward or noob or anything like that. I say to myself, now there's a dude who can afford repairs lol
09-02-2010, 04:19 AM
Well, Vandaman, it seems like you have decided to take over the trolling role for Altara. As for raging, I don't believe I did any cursing, mild or otherwise.
I'll repeat what I said earlier.
So, just note that if I don't respond to any future posts by you, it is NOT because I am intimidated or I concede that you have "won". It will simply be because arguing with you is not how I choose to spend my time.
09-02-2010, 04:24 AM
As for raging, I don't believe I did any cursing, mild or otherwise.
Are you going to label everyone of the opposite opinion on fort upgrades as trolls, and dismiss whatever they have to say? I'll repeat what I said too:
So tell me, why did you make this thread? It seems like you asked for opinions on a subject, and then started raging because you don't agree with the opinion someone gave. If you're just looking for someone to validate your own opinion I'm sure you and WynaWynn could jerk eachother off via PMs.
09-02-2010, 04:43 AM
Well, Vandaman, it seems like you have decided to take over the trolling role for Altara. As for raging, I don't believe I did any cursing, mild or otherwise.
I'll repeat what I said earlier.
What Van is saying is true, just because we dont agree with you does not mean we are trolling you. Our opinions are different, and on a game forum, where you post, be ready to get different opinions. Especially in a thread where you ask for other peoples opinions.
You're new to this whole forum thing, are you?
Okay...I'll bite.
You originally started this thread to ask the community their opinion on upgrading forts.
When Altara gave hers - and it's an opinion I and almost everyone on this forum agrees with - you called her a troll.
She gave you an answer to your question which you did not like. That does not make her a troll. Calling her one, however, does make you kind of an ass. I say kind of because I don't want to get an infraction point.
Why do you make a thread asking for opinions, then call someone who gives their opinion which you don't agree with a troll? Why are you getting upset over someone's opinion on a video game forum? Why do you care at all about her post?
Upgrading a fort is cowardly and against the spirit of this RvR game. Not just arguably, or in my opinion, it just is, logically. Upgrading a fort bolsters your side with automated defenses which are capable of defending the fort against a small group with absolutely no effort on your part. It also greatly increases the rate at which you gain rp for 'fighting' at the fort.
09-02-2010, 02:44 PM
Unless we are in an invasion i don't like an upgraded fort. If the fort gets upgraded past lvl 2 i will fight in open ground until i die or I will simple leave the fort and go do something fun.... like grind.
09-02-2010, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Necrovarus
Upgrading a fort bolsters your side with automated defenses which are capable of defending the fort against a small group with absolutely no effort on your part.
I believe the above statement is a contradiction to what was asserted earlier by Altara.
Below are some of the definitions of trolling currently given by the Urban Dictionary, which appears to be just a compendum of people's opinions. One can state one's opinions without being insulting, I believe.
Originally posted in the Urban Dictionary
Being a prick on the internet because you can.
Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards.
Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone.
To use the internet to ... insult ... others.
09-02-2010, 04:56 PM
If you're going to keep repeating yourself, so will I; there's no point asking for opinions if you're going to label everyone who disagrees with you as a troll and disregard everything they say. Seems you accidentally skipped some of the most important parts of the trolling definitions there.
However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such.
See? Not a troll. However, according to the page you just sited...
Just as bad as trolling is "Feeding the Trolls".
So if you really are convinced we're trolls, why are you still here?
09-02-2010, 05:19 PM
As I stated, the Urban Dictionary appears to be just a compendum of opinions, anyway. I chose the opinions that apply to what *I* think a troll is, and you chose the opinions that apply to what *you* think a troll is, Vandaman. The opinions are not all consistent with each other. I invite the readers to look at the Urban Dictionary for themselves, to see.
I could have chosen to quote some other opinions that would have been more insulting, but I chose not to do so.
So why am I still here? That is a very good question. I only wish to point out the inconsistencies and apparent intent of some of the posts here. But really, it is probably not worth my time.
09-02-2010, 05:35 PM
As I stated, the Urban Dictionary appears to be just a compendum of opinions, anyway. [...] I only wish to point out the inconsistencies and apparent intent of some of the posts here. But really, it is probably not worth my time.
If it's just random opinions why did you bother citing it at all? Here's an inconsistency for you - quoting definitions from a website, using them as evidence that everyone who disagrees with you is a troll, and then saying everything on said website is meaningless gibberish, all while complaining about inconsistencies.
I chose the opinions that apply to what *I* think a troll is, and you chose the opinions that apply to what *you* think a troll is, Vandaman.
So you're pretty much saying you were taking bits and pieces of the information that suited you and quoted them out of context, while intentionally skipping over the stuff that didn't suit you. I didn't choose ones that I agree with, I chose the ones you intentionally skipped. There's a difference.
I think you've got it backwards, you're the troll, and we're all shamelessly feeding you. Fatty.
09-02-2010, 05:51 PM
Back on subject,
I cannot speak for Alsius, nor can I speak for Ignis. I have, however, heard a great deal of what Syrtis thinks about the constant upgraded state of Algaros. From what I've heard, they are mostly mad because: (1) it's a waste of money, and (2) they fear that goats (or iggies) won't try to take Alga if it's leveled all of the time (in other words, we want our forts to be taken). Let me explain
From what I read on this forum and in-game, it seems that Algaros is constantly leveled out of some sense of duty to protect Syrtis from enemies. The problem is that many players don’t share the same attitude; most players (especially those who have been level 50 for a long time) play this game primarily for fun and not necessarily for duty. Having said that, many of those players actually want their forts to be taken so they can have a good fight and, hence, have fun. Personally, everyday I hope that a realm makes our gate vulnerable because that guarantees me 2 hours or more of war (I wouldn’t even mind if they broke our gate). I’m not being disloyal to my realm; I just want a good war, as do many players.
Back on the subject of Algaros, if it is constantly upgraded, many fear that it will rarely be taken; they believe that there will be less wars at Alga……..and they might be right. I may be wrong, but it seems as though decent-sized goat zergs don’t take Algaros that much anymore. Instead, they seem to funnel into Herb and Efe more. (once again, I may be wrong. This is just what I observe).
Last is the matter of gold. I am currently aware of a member of the HNK clan who has sold at least 200 magna to another one of my friends for GOLD to upgrade Alga. It is a big waste of money, another reason why players get angry. With the magnanite that he sold, he could have probably bought a nice item from another player, or maybe even more.
While everything I’ve said is the opinion of some players, this is just a game and players are free to do anything that entertains them. I am just answering the question of why some players get angry when a fort if constantly upgraded.
Kind Regards
09-02-2010, 06:00 PM
Must I remind you, Vandaman, that *you* were the first one to cite the Urban Dictionary? So, I was merely using your *own* "valued source" as a source of information for my reply to you. And, I was giving my opinion about the reliability of that source. And, in my opinion, you DID choose the definitions that you agree with, because there are others I left out that you did not include in your own list. That is why I invited the readers to check it out for themselves. I must say, you are even more inclined to want to have the last word than Altara is.
09-02-2010, 06:21 PM
Must I remind you, Vandaman, that *you* were the first one to cite the Urban Dictionary? So, I was merely using your *own* "valued source" as a source of information for my reply to you.
I never made any claims about the value of Urban Dictionary, I was merely pointing out that you used a source to prove your point and then immediately discredited your own source... and then complained about inconsistencies.
And, in my opinion, you DID choose the definitions that you agree with, because there are others I left out that you did not include in your own list.
The others I left out were already covered in your list, they were left out because they had already been quoted, or that they were similar to ones already quoted. That said, the definitions I quoted weren't presented as unbiased, while yours were. If you read my post again you'll see that I was intentionally pointing out the ones that are contrary to your opinion, because you failed to do so yourself.
I must say, you are even more inclined to want to have the last word than Altara is.
It seems to me you're the only one keeping track of who gets the last word. Every time you point out that someone is desperate to get the last word, you're making a feeble attempt to shut them up, so that you can have the last word yourself. In case you didn't understand that, what I'm saying is that you are the only one who cares about getting the last word.
09-02-2010, 06:22 PM
get back on topic ffs....Personally I say upgrade if you can always as a rule. Dont let the vets intimidate u they are like old people Useless. Full of wisdom but not much action and most dont even play.
09-02-2010, 08:37 PM
you are even more inclined to want to have the last word than Altara is.
Can you stop bringing me into this?
I know you have some weird crush on me but its not going to work out,
Im sorry. :/
get back on topic ffs....Personally I say upgrade if you can always as a rule. Dont let the vets intimidate u they are like old people Useless. Full of wisdom but not much action and most dont even play.
Pretty much everyone who has posted in this thread still plays. And even Vets opinions still matter.
Upgrading forts is a war killer, especially on a server that has limited war time in the first place.
Oh, and this:
Aside from invasions, there are only two reasons people upgrade forts, neither of which I find acceptable.
1. Because you want to avoid a fight
In the off hours often times the only action you can make (on horus) is at Algaros, Trelle, or Menirah. If you upgrade these before anyone can capture them, you're just making less action in the war zone when it's already pretty dead. Upgrading Herbred, Aggers, or Samal renders them borderline uncapturable without a massive zerg since there's almost always someone there to defend it and bring help.
2. Because you want to farm
When you capture an enemy fort and upgrade it, it's pretty clear why you did it; you don't want to "lose." Obviously you'll lose eventually, even if it takes hours, but at least you'll be able to feel as if you've increased the size of your virtual penis, due to all of "teh noobz u pwnt."
So I guess to me upgrading is only okay when you're invading, or being invaded. Of course I can't tell anyone else how to play, just my opinion... which you did ask for.
09-02-2010, 10:13 PM
Yes, let's DO get back on topic.
Thank you, Aasiora, for your candor. It is hard for me to imagine actually WANTING our realm to be invaded. I mean, if all that is wanted is a good fight, why not just have staged fights? Why bother to have realms and forts and such? Is it all just a big stage for fighting, regardless of what realm you are in? Is that how people see it?
As for Alga, the observation has been made by many that until HNK took an interest in it, the fort was often more or less ignored by the realm, even if it was occupied.
To me, the game is about defending our realm (as well as getting and keeping the gems, of course). It seems more victorious to prevent forts from being taken in the first place than to have to take a fort back from the enemy. To me, increasing my RP is not the objective.
And when you talk about wasting gold....that is just a puzzle to me. I mean, is there a concern that the other realms will get all our gold from taking our upgraded forts? If anyone "wastes" gold, it is their own gold they are wasting, is it not? What good would their gold do for anyone else, unless it was used for a strategic upgrade? Is it just irritating to those who don't have any gold because they are finished leveling and have to grind for loot to repair their armor? Really, I would love to hear more about the concept of "wasting" gold.
09-02-2010, 10:20 PM
Is it all just a big stage for fighting, regardless of what realm you are in? Is that how people see it?
Hey, I think you're starting to catch on!
09-03-2010, 02:42 AM
Is it all just a big stage for fighting, regardless of what realm you are in? Is that how people see it?
Exactly!!! :drinks:
People primarily want to have fun when they play Regnum. There are times when the warzone is peaceful........which it's not supposed to be. It's the WARZONE!!! When people take forts, it creates a lot of activity in the warzone. Forts are also a way of uniting players. When forts are taken, players flock to them for war. Most of the time, zergs are formed because of forts being taken by the enemy. If a fort is constantly lvl 4 defended, however, that = peace = no fort wars = boring.
It is hard for me to imagine actually WANTING our realm to be invaded. I mean, if all that is wanted is a good fight, why not just have staged fights? Why bother to have realms and forts and such? Is it all just a big stage for fighting, regardless of what realm you are in? Is that how people see it?
Why are you taking a video game so seriously? Why do you fucking care so much about winning a fight to the point where it becomes a completely hollow and boring experience?
09-03-2010, 09:11 AM
get back on topic ffs....Personally I say upgrade if you can always as a rule. Dont let the vets intimidate u they are like old people Useless. Full of wisdom but not much action and most dont even play.
That's retarded.
And, since I really do love getting the last word;
09-03-2010, 10:09 AM
get back on topic ffs....Personally I say upgrade if you can always as a rule. Dont let the vets intimidate u they are like old people Useless. Full of wisdom but not much action and most dont even play.
The vets arent too bad. they took care of my cat nicely
09-03-2010, 10:30 PM
Well, it takes all kinds, I guess. If we were all alike, that would be rather boring. To me, fighting just for the sake of fighting seems somewhat hollow. The question becomes how much tolerance there is of varying points of view, and styles of play, it seems.
09-03-2010, 11:18 PM
Well, it takes all kinds, I guess. If we were all alike, that would be rather boring. To me, fighting just for the sake of fighting seems somewhat hollow. The question becomes how much tolerance there is of varying points of view, and styles of play, it seems.
Your opinion is opposite of mine, Troll.
Last word.
09-04-2010, 03:26 AM
Your opinion is opposite of mine, Troll.
Last word.
This statement is exemplary of one possible entity, following the MH guide to Trolldom.
Type 1 --
The Old Warrioress Troll. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that. She has little time to spare for those who have not been there and done that. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that to such an extent, in fact, that she is always right. Anyone who disagrees with her, therefore, is wrong by definition and should just sit down and be quiet. Old Warriors place a very high premium on one's credentials relevant to the subject matter discussed – failing to understand the logical fallacy of appeals to authority.
ok, back to the discussion. :)
09-04-2010, 03:52 AM
This statement is exemplary of one possible entity, following the MH guide to Trolldom.
Type 1 --
The Old Warrioress Troll. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that. She has little time to spare for those who have not been there and done that. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that to such an extent, in fact, that she is always right. Anyone who disagrees with her, therefore, is wrong by definition and should just sit down and be quiet. Old Warriors place a very high premium on one's credentials relevant to the subject matter discussed – failing to understand the logical fallacy of appeals to authority.
ok, back to the discussion. :)
Snap, I hope it didn't take you too long to look that up since all it did was make you look stupid. :/
Go re-read the entire topic and look up the definition of sarcasm.
Ill even go back and pick out specific parts.
lrn2rd pt
Are you going to label everyone of the opposite opinion on fort upgrades as trolls, and dismiss whatever they have to say? I'll repeat what I said too:
You originally started this thread to ask the community their opinion on upgrading forts.
When Altara gave hers - and it's an opinion I and almost everyone on this forum agrees with - you called her a troll.
I must say, you are even more inclined to want to have the last word than Altara is.
It seems to me you're the only one keeping track of who gets the last word. Every time you point out that someone is desperate to get the last word, you're making a feeble attempt to shut them up, so that you can have the last word yourself. In case you didn't understand that, what I'm saying is that you are the only one who cares about getting the last word.
09-04-2010, 04:09 AM
This statement is exemplary of one possible entity, following the MH guide to Trolldom.
Type 1 --
The Old Warrioress Troll. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that. She has little time to spare for those who have not been there and done that. The Old Warrioress has been there and done that to such an extent, in fact, that she is always right. Anyone who disagrees with her, therefore, is wrong by definition and should just sit down and be quiet. Old Warriors place a very high premium on one's credentials relevant to the subject matter discussed – failing to understand the logical fallacy of appeals to authority.
ok, back to the discussion. :)
You guys almost got the last word that time, never give up! However, Altara isn't the one saying everyone who disagrees with her is wrong... you (and OP) are the ones labeling all the players with a different opinion as trolls. On a side note, using a thesaurus to make every word as large and difficult to pronounce as possible doesn't fool anyone. You should tone it down a bit, if it sounds more natural people won't know you're doing it intentionally, in an (failed) attempt to belittle them. I realize you're fairly new to trolling the internetz, but if you want to do better next time, I suggest you get some tips from Tigerious.
09-04-2010, 04:09 AM
Nah I was going to go with the Contrarian Troll originally, but your collective use of sarcasm defeats that. I would then have assumed, knowing what I know about trolls, and the fact that Ive been in the past, an active moderator on a forum or two 100s of times bigger than this one, To assume something like the Affected Profundity Troll, but you dont post mindless lengths of drivel in your posts, so I cant really use that argument either.
I would say a Sophist Troll, but that assumes you use lengthly philosophical arguments in your posts, you dont seem to do that either.
Thus that negates the, though I thought about it too, The Forum Cultist Troll. Pride involved for sure, but to what extent is unknown.
So i went with the Old Warrior(ess) troll.
Best classification amongst the 25 classic troll types I could come up with.
I can of course attempt to continue to pontiff on it , if you would like.
09-04-2010, 04:13 AM
Nah I was going to go with the Contrarian Troll originally, but your collective use of sarcasm defeats that. I would then have assumed, knowing what I know about trolls, and the fact that Ive been in the past, an active moderator on a forum or two 100s of times bigger than this one, To assume something like the Affected Profundity Troll, but you dont post mindless lengths of drivel in your posts, so I cant really use that argument either.
I would say a Sophist Troll, but that assumes you use lengthly philosophical arguments in your posts, you dont seem to do that either.
Thus that negates the, though I thought about it too, The Forum Cultist Troll. Pride involved for sure, but to what extent is unknown.
So i went with the Old Warrior(ess) troll.
Best classification amongst the 25 classic troll types I could come up with.
I can of course attempt to continue to pontiff on it , if you would like.
Want to know why you cant classify me under your obsessive troll chart?
Because Im not a troll.
The obvious eludes you doesnt it?
Since you dont like people disagreeing with you I have a place you can try (
09-04-2010, 04:21 AM
Nah, its the obstinate nature in which you insist to call others a Troll.
By fact in matter, Invoking yet another Helm Law, you classify yourself as a Troll by calling others a troll, without a whole lot of substantive proof to that effect.
The ultimately cheese, and its yet to happen, is the foolish idiot who will turn around an invoke Godwins.
Im not going near that, nor intend to, because its a huge arse lame low blow. And anyone cheesy enough to do it, probably shouldnt think about to begin with.
Ok everyone, Funs over, Nothing to see here.
These arent the droids you are looking for.
He can go about his business.
09-04-2010, 04:22 AM
Just out of curiosity, could you share your professional opinion... what kinds of trolls are all the other people that disagree with you?
Nah, its the obstinate nature in which you insist to call others a Troll.
By fact in matter, Invoking yet another Helm Law, you classify yourself as a Troll by calling others a troll, without a whole lot of substantive proof to that effect.
Okay, but that makes you a troll as well. Also, if you read the entire thread, I don't think Altara was the first one to call anyone else a troll. That honor goes to the original poster.
09-04-2010, 04:29 AM
Its not a matter of disaggreement.
It goes back to your cowardly statement, which is borderline Vulgar Troll. The minute you made a broad general statement about a group of people based on something they do , using a derogatory term like Cowardly, It became trollish in nature.
Im not accusing anyone but the person who used the word cowardly as being at troll.
You want to go and take it back, and try to use something alot less abrasive than the word cowardly, great. You are not really a Troll in my mind from that point forward.
Its all about word choice, and Im not calling anyone else in this thread a troll, just the user of the word cowardly, and nor will I start.
09-04-2010, 04:38 AM
Its all about word choice, and Im not calling anyone else in this thread a troll, just the user of the word cowardly, and nor will I start.
I can recall without even looking through the thread at least 3 people who used the word cowardly, to describe upgrading forts in certain situations. There were probably more. There's nothing terribly abrasive about it, it's just the most accurate way to describe what people think is wrong with upgrading.
09-04-2010, 04:39 AM
Just out of curiosity, could you share your professional opinion... what kinds of trolls are all the other people that disagree with you?
Okay, but that makes you a troll as well. Also, if you read the entire thread, I don't think Altara was the first one to call anyone else a troll. That honor goes to the original poster.
Uh no. Altara wins.
Again valid proof. So stop with the personal attacks, attempts of trolling, grow up a tad and re-read everything I have posted in this thread. Maybe you will get it now. :]
09-04-2010, 04:44 AM
Uh no. Altara wins.
"stop with the [...] attempts of trolling" is not the same as calling another poster a troll. That is labeling another post or statement, not labeling another user. Also, why do you only respond to the boring parts? I still want to know what makes Altara a troll for using the word coward, but not the others who used it.
09-04-2010, 04:52 AM
Ok, Its obvious this discussion refuses to go anywhere but down.
**Invokes Godwins Law**
Thanks for the interesting discussion. :)
"Heavens to Murgatroyd, exit stage left!" -- SnagglePuss.
09-04-2010, 04:54 AM
I don't see what gay marriage has to do with any of this.
09-04-2010, 04:57 AM
You cant help who you fall in love with,
if a man loves a man so be it.
09-04-2010, 05:00 AM
You can't help but be a coward if a man falls in love with another man.
I think love is a beautiful thing. If WynnaWynn wants to marry another man, that's his inalienable human right and you and Van shouldn't be calling him a coward for that. This thread makes me sick. Don't worry Wynna, I've got your back.:closed1:
09-04-2010, 05:10 AM
Edit: Sorry for the late reply, guess its pointless since WynnaR invoked Godwin's Law.
You can't just invoke Godwin's law. The conversation actually has to degenerate into that state.
Also @ WynnaWynn, you know what really pisses me off? Stupid jackasses like yourself, who come into a game forum, have no standing in the community, and brag about how big their epeen is. Pour example "I've moderated forums hundreds of times as big as this one". Good, I'm glad, go back to them. All you sorry ass people do is come to shit disturb. Well, here's a clue. Nobody gives a rats ass about your forum moderation prowess. Also, since I haven't posted on topic this whole time; upgrading a fort is cowardly. Period. It's done by douchebags who are either farming, or trying to hold for their zerg to get there and farm. NO exceptions. Go away now. Nobody likes you.
09-04-2010, 01:22 PM
This post is directed only at those who have posted since Wynn's invocation of Godwin's law. It applies to posts made by the same posters prior to that invocation, as well as posts made by them after that invocation.
The question becomes how much tolerance there is of varying points of view, and styles of play, it seems.
It seems to me that the above question has been answered from your point of view. And the answer is that you have zero tolerance for points of view that are different from yours. You accuse me of the same, but I think that is an erroneous accusation. You have gone to great lengths, including personal attacks (which you deny) to try to discredit those who disagree with you.
It was never my intention to enter into yet another form of competition and gameplay. I wasn't thinking of the forum as some kind of pvp arena. Many of you appear to see it that way, and once a person steps into the arena, it seems cowardly not to defend oneself, and call a spade a spade.
But I tire of your tactics. I tire of continued repetition of the same thing, over and over again. And the last round of posts was just blatant jabbing.
Obviously, HNK is does not take a conformist approach to playing the game. Why make a new clan if it is just going to be like any other clan? Our reasons for upgrading are not the reasons you assume that we have for upgrading. I have explained the reasons, but you continue to operate on your original assumptions.
I can say without reservation that farming is not a goal of our clan. On the contrary, those who oppose our defense of Alga are more likely to have the goal of farming. As a matter of fact, one player specifically indicated that he did not want us to take back the fort one time because he wanted to continue to farm rp. At that time, the enemy outnumbered the Syrtis forces. Obviously, his only goal was to gain more rp. Personally, I felt like we, the Syrtis fighters, were being farmed.
Okay. Let's take another shot at this.
The reason you cited for upgrading was, more or less, to make it easier for your side to hold the fort.
This is exactly what we're against. How can you possibly find watching some AIs fight enemies fun?
This post is directed only at those who have posted since Wynn's invocation of Godwin's law. It applies to posts made by the same posters prior to that invocation, as well as posts made by them after that invocation.
k. I don't quite understand the need to summarize in 2 lines what could be summarized in, well, none, but k.
It seems to me that the above question has been answered from your point of view. And the answer is that you have zero tolerance for points of view that are different from yours.
Uh huh. No, actually, it went something like this...
You ask community's opinion.
Altara gives her opinion.
You get offended by said opinion and start attacking her.
You accuse me of the same, but I think that is an erroneous accusation.
I think it's absolutely correct. I also find it somewhat odd that you only seem to address Altara to any great point in your points. Got an e-crush on her, have you? Well that's adorable.
I wasn't thinking of the forum as some kind of pvp arena. Many of you appear to see it that way, and once a person steps into the arena, it seems cowardly not to defend oneself, and call a spade a spade.
A forum is a forum. You don't want to reply? Then don't.
I tire of continued repetition of the same thing, over and over again.
I tire of the fact that you are ignoring all of our arguments. If you addressed them, if you actually read and paid attention to our posts, maybe we wouldn't have to constantly repeat things to you.
Obviously, HNK is does not take a conformist approach to playing the game.
The game is relatively lax in that regard - almost all playing styles and setup styles are viable, instead of being pidgeon-holed into a specific setup like many games. I don't understand why you have to "not conform" by ruining everyone else's fun though.
I am mad, bro.
Obviously. Listen, if you don't want to listen to what we have to say, there's this ignore option in the user CP.
To be honest, I'm really beginning to think you're a genuine troll now. If you are, just admit it because you did a good job. You really had me going there.
09-04-2010, 02:29 PM
Upgrading a fort just means it takes a smaller team more TIME to take the fort. AND, if there are players online who care about defending the fort, they might be able to get there in time to prevent its capture. Or, if someone is actually AT the fort, they can alert allies to the attack when it begins, and possibly prevent capture of the fort.
The above is my explanation for why we upgrade Algaros. One player stated to me, after this thread was started, that he thinks it is a waste of gold to upgrade Algaros because it takes too long to get there. So...even with upgrading, the odds that it will be taken are pretty high. But without upgrading, (and even with upgrading, as Altara has pointed out) the fort is highly likely to be taken. Our point is that we like to have a chance to actually fight before the fort is taken, rather than waiting until the enemy has the advantage of being in the fort.
So we are not trying to ruin everyone else's opportunity to fight with other players. We are actually INCREASING the chances that you, the enemy, and we, Syrtis, will have the opportunity to fight with other players. The enemy has the element of surprise. All we are trying to do is work with a viable response to surprise.
09-04-2010, 02:57 PM
Wow, Necro, you seem to have edited your post before I even composed my reply. And you seem to have initially replied pretty much immediately after I posted. Are forum posting and playing RO your occupations in life?
As for my feelings about Altara, well, they are quite the opposite of a crush. I'm not into women (although I can't be certain that Altara actually IS a woman) and even if I was, I would not be into the "Old Warrioress" type of woman. In case my gender is in question here, I am not one of those people who plays a character that is not the same gender as the player themselves.
And I did not say, "I am mad, bro". I said I am weary. Weary is not the same as mad, at all.
Here we go with the personal attacks again.
Yeah, I edited (<-- this button is here so you don't have to double post!) my replies before you posted. Both times. Does it matter? Does it matter that another point came to mind?
Let's have a look at all the personal attacks you've subtly (not really) hidden in this post.
Are forum posting and playing RO your occupations in life?
Btw, I care about your opinion of me.
Deeply and with great fervour.
(although I can't be certain that Altara actually IS a woman)
I'm going to go back to my previous question. Why are you getting so upset over someone's opinion on a video game forum?
Upgrading a fort to level 4 is stupid. It becomes nearly uncapturable and constantly camped. Levels 1 to 3 are pretty fine.
For me level 4 have to be restricted and enabled only if gate timer is started. In that case you being and attacker or defender will receive and valuable aid from GC. All other cases getting fort to level 4 simply kills the fun.
Last night we tried 5 times to get level 4 Aggers that was doorless. We failed. Do we played bad, i do not think so! We gived up and logged. Is this fun?
09-04-2010, 03:47 PM
Btw, I care about your opinion of me.
Deeply and with great fervour.
I'm going to go back to my previous question. Why are you getting so upset over someone's opinion on a video game forum?
Such a nice piece of work, there, Necro. It's not opinions that upset me. It's behavior that bothers me and makes me weary.
K, so someone's behaviour on a video game forum.
That makes it all better and understandable now, doesn't it?
What's been said in this thread is pretty simple. But now you've backed into arguing on irrelevant points. Time to accept that nobody likes your pathetic upgrading.
09-04-2010, 04:17 PM
The discussion no longer has to upgrade or not as a subject. I am closing this for going off-topic.
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