View Full Version : Mob health regeneration
10-10-2010, 11:11 AM
this is the situation:
Im grinding my lvl 13 conj, I attack a mob lvl 13.
when the mob is like half dead i run away,, after all the mob runs back to its
spawn position. but while doing that it regenerates its health with like 25% per seccond...
I had this a few times now and its realy annoying :/
i know there was an update recently wich had these regenerations in it but
is this normal? that fast regeneration?
10-10-2010, 11:20 AM
yeah i noticed it's a bit extreme, an agro that is nearly killed by ws spamming runs back to he's position and has full health in no time.
i can imagen this makes grinding a pain and grinding in groups isn't always an option cause there might be noone online, maybe lower the regeneration a bit.
10-13-2010, 10:29 AM
i know there was an update recently wich had these regenerations in it but
is this normal? that fast regeneration?
This is most hilarious thing! That update was supposed to prevent archers from kiting based grinding, but in my opinion it hit mages the most, especially warlocks, as they relay on damaging spells, or mental to keep mobs away. With current, high, rate of mob resistance you have to stay and get hit, and energy barrier won't help you much, or you can let mob run back and let regenerate his health. I don't feel much pain on my archers as mana regenerates much faster now so i can use damaging spells more extensively, but grinding my lock became a nightmare (as i dont have SK for mobs now). Fortunately i have only half a level to 50 on both my conju and lock.
And you know what? I think that XP scrolls for ranged are waste of money now.
I saw maybe 3 people (max, including me) in Horus/Ignis using kiting for grinding. By introducing that "feature" they made harder lives of many, many more people. Maybe this is that NGS's policy of making game more attractive to new players, but i don't know how making something boring like grinding harder is going to make game more attractive.
As an archer it did not change much.
My hunter just uses the pet to stop the mob returning and as such that part is easy.
My marks has a decent range so I can basically stun fist or ambush before it tries to return. Optionally, I need to let it hit me only once to let it hold position. I can kill challenging easy with no epic or magical gear. I still grind my marks with lvl 16 armour. No problems.
Melee has to engage so no problem there.
For the mage, I skill beetle as high as I can get it and hit that first. I can then attack without the Mob noticing me. After that I can Ivy. As a lock I can DoT and freeze.
Optionally, I also hit the mob as normal and cast beetle on the way to me. I stand in the middle of the attack and return cycle then. The mob passes me under beetle and returns but it will not recover as the return phase now becomes the attack phase part 2. This must be timed carefully as beetle must end before the return phase. Because I stand a little off to the side, the mob (most times) will be out of beetle and will change direction to hit me and actually not regenerate. By this method I extend the attack cycle range , giving my dots time to operate.
In most cases the mob hits me once or sometimes not at all. If the sequence fails at least I have barrier up to block the hits. If I am high enough to get a golem I can use that as a distraction.
10-13-2010, 06:27 PM
I must agree the health regen is a bit extreme. While grinding my conju and warlock, I often beetle a mob running towards me to prevent it attacking me. Of course the mob continues running past me, next thing I know, it's running back to its original position and regenerating health faster than I can do damage to it. The beetle + mob running too far + regen doesn't happen very often to me though.
10-14-2010, 01:10 AM
Hp regen... is not good. We don't really need it
10-14-2010, 06:39 AM
I feel kinda sorry for the new players who have to kill those pendant holders without hit and run tactics.
I think NGD's plan was to make grinding easier for warriors. This however was translated into making grinding harder for all other classes to balance it out. More mana for archers helps alot tho.
10-14-2010, 07:11 AM
Ancient Igneo is impossible when you have quest to kill it - congratz NGD
Same as with Mad igneo - hard mobs when you get quest.
I can't image 49 lvl quest with killing v hard mob (orc)
Is that hard to change quest-target-mobs? Hex -> hex?
On the other side we , in Ignis, have quests to kill unchall pantheras (to get stupid 1 item, aprox. 40 mobs you need to get it), v easy tol tards (25 lvl quest, they are normal at 23)...
About regen.. imho thats bad idea, maybe it will prevent killing bosses (?), but who does it by pulling them? They have enough high regen...
10-14-2010, 08:43 AM
I feel kinda sorry for the new players who have to kill those pendant holders without hit and run tactics.
Yea I can never kill the pendands alone.. I always killed it for like 25% and rest then again 25% etc. But thats what they wanned to prevend with this update i guess.
it also affects the superbosses
Yesterday Everdim had just 5% health left, and its not so funny to see it in full health in secconds :P
10-14-2010, 01:30 PM
As an archer it did not change much.
Agree with hunter, hold a mob in place with a pet.
But for a marx, having to let a mob hit them, forcing a ranged character into melee is a bad move....whats nxt? making the ranged mobs keep range?
Also i agree with all that the rate of regen is far to high.
I can see why its been done, it encourages group grinding, but its doing it with a stick rather than a carrot....even a small carrot (lots have been sugested) would be helpful.
10-14-2010, 02:43 PM
Im guessing the pendant holder quests are more challenging now as well
Yes ,I was very concerned about rate of regeneration and raised the topic very early on when it hit AMUN. I also felt that NGD was not going to change back either.
Because of this I felt the need to try and formulate some kind of strategy. Now, I am a very poorly skilled archer so I am not really one to debate this properly.
Before, my marks would get hit regularly before I could finish the mob. usually once or twice. This could be because of my abysmal marks skills. After the range patch I could basically kill with impunity using only RA and Maneuver with a 35 range bow. I hardly used any mana, lost no health and suffered no armour damage. Since the patch I use controls and sometimes have to let the mob hit me once or twice to pin it. I suffer a penalty but not too bad.
With all this said I do agree that the rate of regenerate is too much. The mob should regenerate but not at that ridiculous rate. Also it should only regen to a point and stop or slow. Example, if you cannot get it past below 75% it regens quickly to 100% . If you get it to below 75% it regens to 75% quickly and more slowly after that. Same for 50% and 25%.
The thing with this is that it hurts conjurers much harder that it hurts the marks and hunter. In effect it compounds the problem for lower level conjus who have to contend with the new summons, SM cuts and now regens. It hurts locks somewhere in between the two extremes.
10-14-2010, 06:41 PM
How would players feel if whenever a player got out of your attack range..they regained full hp?
I dislike it because it adopts a different system for pve that should work the same in both pvp/pve, thats why i also think the soulkeeper and heal resistant summons are stupid. I dont even own a lock but i think that spell should work in pve..theres no reason why it shouldnt aside from adding undue frustration to grinding.
And yes this adds more. not fun. ive always thought grinding should be monotonous, but not hard, just something to get thru before you are ready for pvp, and to some extent show the player how skills/gameplay works, but how can they when we have this trend that is making up different rules for different instances.
10-15-2010, 05:47 AM
Agree with hunter, hold a mob in place with a pet.
But for a marx, having to let a mob hit them, forcing a ranged character into melee is a bad move....whats nxt? making the ranged mobs keep range?
Big time exaggerating. Marks is IMO better that before since you may not to worry about mana so much. Only thing that changed is that you have run around mob (mob's starting point to be exact) at some certain distance to not to let him turn back. If mob gets too close, no problem, winter stroke or ambush him to gain some distance. So is with hunter, I can now cast 2 ensnearings(5) per mob without hurting my mana at all. This regen mob health "feature" hit archers very, very little.
10-20-2010, 09:55 AM
fact, but since they tend to resist a lot (still) you have to be lucky.
10-20-2010, 10:47 AM
fact, but since they tend to resist a lot (still) you have to be lucky.
Still, as I said before that hit mages a lot more, I didn't kite my mages while grinding, well, not much. I don't say that didn't cause any problems at all, but I still rely on normals while grinding archers. So my point is that, this "feature" as a solution for kiting is a fail. Completely not necessary fail.
The mob does not regenerate if you die in place, so you can kill the pendant holder by dying a few times.
10-26-2010, 10:14 PM
I discovered a bug on the inner realm beach in alsius today, i was grinding my conjurer saw an aquantis on the waters edge, after dealing quite a bit of damage it run towards me with the insane regen speed, it was not a position bug as a couple of other people witnessed it.
It happened a few times but only with mobs on the waters edge, not fun
10-27-2010, 03:28 PM
It bothers me mostly cause it looks silly, makes no sense at all etc.
They could have reduced the resist/evasion rate on the attack phase and increased it much more on the return phase. In this way norms and non Dot spells are the only ones affected. It would have an equivalent effect of improving the grind quality for melee and make kiting a rather irritating way to grind for rangers at the same time.
11-14-2010, 06:36 PM
Not that I can even begin to imagine what was wrong with kiting in the first place (a ranged attacker is supposed to keep range to the target -- duh!), nor how this kludge would have any effect on that practice (we just have to kite in a circle now) but to make it less confusing I would like to suggest that the perimeter of the area which the mob has to stay within, lest it shall mysteriously heal itself to 100%hp before it charges back at the player to rip his/her head off the shoulders, be clearly marked with a red circle on the ground and that a label stating "UGLY KLUDGE ACTIVATION LIMIT" in large friendly letters hovering above said red circle, repeated all along the perimeter so that every new player to the game is well informed that the game is currently in an severly kludged state of hackiness and that very strange and highly non-intuitive events to the players disfavour and confusement can, and indeed will, occur.
11-14-2010, 09:28 PM
no need for that when u get experience, u get to know the distance by instinct :pumpkin:
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