View Full Version : position lag. getting worse

10-22-2010, 11:05 AM
the movement system is some what torn a little some times i see archers shoot over 50 meters away other times i have to be right on top of them to kick them down or in front of them. this is a serious problem NGD please fix this as soon as possible. drive all attentions to the movement system or your gonna have a angery mob kicking down ya door.....

10-22-2010, 11:22 AM
As far as i recall the range of kick means you have to be up their ass in any case.

Marks range is pretty far now remember that (range 35 bow + Parabolic Shot lvl5 35% + Foresight foresight lvl5 15%), position lag is a minor issue now, your post doesn't really specify anything apart from basically the game running ok

EDIT: or are you after a spell to make your kick leg longer, if it happened you'd be running round in circles with an odd limp :D

10-22-2010, 03:52 PM
im speechless........................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............................

10-22-2010, 04:13 PM
As far as i recall the range of kick means you have to be up their ass in any case.

Marks range is pretty far now remember that (range 35 bow + Parabolic Shot lvl5 35% + Foresight foresight lvl5 15%), position lag is a minor issue now, your post doesn't really specify anything apart from basically the game running ok

EDIT: or are you after a spell to make your kick leg longer, if it happened you'd be running round in circles with an odd limp :D

Perhaps for you position lag is a minor issue now. I know personally positioning with the new network code is 1000% times worse for myself then it was. I play normally with single digit FPS and Pings in the upper 300's ( I understand, my issue FPS wise but not ping wise....I have a very good ISP). Before the new network code I would rarely get phantom swings, now I am forced to spam spells like forcefull blow to manage to get a hit in because it seems 7 of 10 swings is a phantom swing. Knocked/unmoving targets I find I have to find a spot usually 3-5m away from them to stand to actually be hitting them even 30 seconds after they stop moving, this was not the case before the network code change. Not to mention all the teleporting around now that players and guards do on my screen compared to what used to happen. Also area skills such as roar/onslaught/howl ect are an extreme pain in the ass now, as the new network code seems to not effect there casting at all. So I can be standing right next to someone and onsl and do I hit them? No.

Edit: Also as funny as this sounds even if I run up to a knocked target just because I can stand in one spot and cast something like forcefull blow does not mean standing in that same spot I will manage to get an actual normal hit in and not a phantom swing even without the target moving.

10-22-2010, 04:52 PM
I will always remind this post because of the following sentence:
I have to agree with DB.

While grinding my knight the last weeks since the update it was getting worse with position problems.
Right after the update I had a "not facing your target" every now and then when I kicked or casted feint on a mob. Balestra never was a problem. Now almost after every balestra i get "you are not facing/out of range".
The problems with knocks got worse too.

And I really often see other players kicking targets from 30 meters. We were in mumble, i received a kick from like 30 meters. Everyone in mumble saw them at the same position than i saw him. Fun thing was with my 25m bow i could not shoot him though he should have been right behind me. Suddenly he was right on top of me and gave me a southcross.

The positioning problems really need to be adressed as fast as possible.

10-22-2010, 07:09 PM
Im simply not getting the problems on my barb or knight it seems it affects some people and not others

10-23-2010, 04:23 AM
Im simply not getting the problems on my barb or knight it seems it affects some people and not others
I think a salient question here is, what's your ping like?

At a minimum of around 340ms (and that's on an extremely good day), I notice results so variable that I have, before now, received an "out of range" message for spiritual blow followed almost immediately by landing a normal hit – quicker than two players running fult tilt at each other could have closed such a gap. I've kicked a player only to see them slide about 10 metres away on their ass. When they don't, I get out of range messages for someone who hasn't moved.

At other times (normally when there's no more than five or six players around), it seems to work perfectly. Well, except for the kicking someone down and getting "out of range" or "you are not facing" immediately afterwards.

10-23-2010, 06:54 AM
if my tcp ping is 25ms and udp ping is 50ms and i cant hit mob, i just kicked/feinted, i believe there is some problem with code or algorytm, not my ping.

i am also seeing swedish people teleporting around, and they are supposed to have very good ping.

10-23-2010, 09:58 AM
I live in Sweden, have an average of 30 ping and all my enemies jumps around and I have a hard time attacking enemies.
That's the intented effect of the new network protocol.
Do I like it? No.

10-23-2010, 10:12 AM
Arafails I just logged in with my knight, and my ping was around 135 with 10+ players close by

10-23-2010, 12:03 PM
I live in Sweden, have an average of 30 ping and all my enemies jumps around and I have a hard time attacking enemies.
That's the intented effect of the new network protocol.
Do I like it? No.

Similar for me. Though I live in Germany and my ping is average 45.