View Full Version : good bye

10-29-2010, 09:22 PM
well, im through with regnum now (dont ask why).

i just wanna say goodbye to all players of Ra. thanks for the good times
and the fun we had. i started 2007 in a clan called "the chosen ones of the dark"
with rampardos :wub2: and skarissa marna :wub2: with a lock called "charkov" (OMFG what a pt xD)

after that practice, i was one! one of the immortal legends ( in 2010 one of the last ).

i wish you all the best and my special regards goes to:

- Night Twix aka Vincent Vega
- Zord
- Arkenion
- Valour
- Aquilla (i loved your way to die xD)
- Boger (welcome back pt xD)
- Dark Venom Fang (cya in your shed ;) )
- TesiTrissSokolicka (sorry, but i have to do that)
- Leg (Legowskiiiiiii)
- Tiamat (alter rosa Kölner)
- Mattdoesrock
- World Demise
- Chassor
- Fluffy Muffin
- Piz
- K (the hunter who killed me when i was in the lvl 30´s)
- the German Guardians \o/
- Znurre
- Inkster
- Alexita
- Ali G
- Dunklermagier
- Axe
- Katastrophe (KAAATAAAAAA xD )
and all the ppl i forgot.

sometimes, on Ra there will be a pt hunter who looks after ;)

good bye

The Mow

Well, ignore this post, Triss forced me to stay. Cya all in the WZ

10-29-2010, 09:30 PM
Sad to see you leave, you were always a constant player on Ra.
Wish you all the best. :wiggle14:

P.s er can i have your bow XD

10-29-2010, 09:44 PM
Take care man, maybe you'll lurk around your friends sometimes anyway. Mayhaps you'll come back after a year to check out the game and who knows how it will end :P good luck, pity to see another Immortal go.

10-30-2010, 07:47 AM
My cat sends mhrrr to You. Take care mowie.

10-30-2010, 10:41 AM
Take care Mow!

10-30-2010, 10:48 AM
Good luck Mower, and take care.

10-30-2010, 10:48 AM
Oh noes mowie.
Take care and have a nice time :)

10-30-2010, 11:21 AM
Mowieleinschen geh nicht :(
Mein Rechner sollte bald im Ordnung sein so ich kann wieder spielen! Ich werde dich vermissen, wer würde an mich achten, wenn du weg bist :(

10-30-2010, 11:31 AM
arg, i feel bad about this
Good bye mowie and good luck

10-30-2010, 01:00 PM
Bye Mow :(
Was always nice seeing you in IRC and the game, and you were one of those few hunters I always respected for their playing styles.
Good luck with everything!

10-30-2010, 01:21 PM
hey mow ! i will miss your RP :P

hope all will be ok for you and be back soon (by the way i don't play as much as i had) but i will gladly kill you soon :)

cya :)

10-30-2010, 02:12 PM

I'd like to thank you for all the days you backed me up, chasing greens around. You were a soloist, but you were also willing to help other players who asked for it.

Whatever you do outside of Regnum, may it be successful (and maybe not as laggy).

Take Care!

10-30-2010, 03:00 PM
That's pretty sad Mowie ;_;

I'm going to miss you a lot on Ra, but you know?... maybe one day we will see us again.

Take care a lot, and enjoy your life, because you deserve it ^^

10-30-2010, 03:05 PM
:huh: Mow, I can't tell that I know you but in the few chats that we had I can tell that you are an amazing guy..
So, take care man and good luck on everything!

We will be waiting for you to come back as soon as you want :)

C yaa!

11-02-2010, 12:16 AM
It is always sad to see such great and respected players leave the game. Maybe after a leave of absence you may feel the need to come back and plonk an arrow in my butt :)

In the meantime, take care and good luck in whatever you are doing, also remember to pop into the forum now and again to say hi.

- Regards

12-19-2014, 08:28 PM
It is always sad to see such great and respected players leave the game. Maybe after a leave of absence you may feel the need to come back and plonk an arrow in my butt :)

In the meantime, take care and good luck in whatever you are doing, also remember to pop into the forum now and again to say hi.

- Regards

Hi :drinks:

I really miss a lot of the old Ra Players. But i just want to send greetings to
all my spanish speaking friends in this game. Thank you all for all the nice parties, for backing me up in war.

special greetings to all members of NPI , and to jeief, prinzessin blesse (i am pt, i need those conjus xD ) . I hope to see some of the old players back ingame.

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all :)