View Full Version : Time to say Goodbye. A last hooray for the German Guardians

11-04-2010, 10:13 PM
It's really a pain for me to say, some of you may already have noticed:
The German Guardian Clan does not exist anymore and this is very very sad. We do not have enough members anymore to keep the clan alive.
We decided that it's not worth anymore to have a Clan wearing the well deserved honor we acomplished in the past and that it's better for everyone to keep the good times in our memories instead of carrying a dead thing with us. Several revival attempts failed and now it's finally over.
It's very sad to tell you, though I think there are just very few players left that know the days when we had a lot of active players.

Originally the Clan was founded by me on the 27th March in 2007 as "German Penguins". After the end of the beta we decided that Alegra should be the new leader because I did not have much time back then.
The clan was growing and people respected us a lot. The first little crisis arouse when Horus opened but we managed to cope with it and were able to go almost the same as before. The start of the German servers strengthened the team spirit of our clan because we all decided to stay on Ra together. As always the worst enemy is yourself. Internal trouble and private things like work etc. finally broke our neck. After that happenings I decided to stay clanless forever. There were constant tries to revive the clan but for me it was clear that it would never be the same again.
Surely I did not stay clanless forever though it was a very long time without a clan. Then I joined the FWS. Recently there was the latest try to get that clan alive again which I supported too. Now we failed and finally decided that it is over.
In our active time we had a lot of fun with some clans which deserve to get a very special thank although they are mostly inactive on Ra nowadays.
Thanks to the Guardians of Power, Clan Inquisition and of course the French Warriors of Syrtis. You made the time a lot better.

11-04-2010, 10:20 PM
Goodbye German Penguins/German Guardians, it has been a plesause to fight with/against you.:wiggle14:


I cant find the video of the presentation of german guardians

11-04-2010, 10:29 PM
It's not on youtube.
that should work. not sure. I lost the HQ original files after a HDD crash a long time ago.

11-04-2010, 11:28 PM
Although I mostly left RA some time ago, before I did GGs/FWS were the only people I had to talk to for ages after the opening of Horus killed off almost everything I knew and loved on RA. For a long time I despised Horus for that, although eventually I came to call it my home as well. It is the inevitable circle in this game - people leave, people change realms, people change servers.

Still I will not forget GGs & FWS being nearly the last English-speakers left on RA, that is really something and I am impressed that you all managed to stick it out this long even after the rest of us had already moved on. Good luck on the German servers, Horus, RA, or wherever it is you guys will end up. Here's hoping that more players return to the game than those who leave.


11-05-2010, 07:07 AM
There are some germans (like me) still alive on Ra. And I promise you non of them will switch to a german server :)

But Nessa forgot some other point so many players left over time: constant nerfs and unnecessary changes in the game itself, which caused a hugh drop in gaming quality and cooperation. That cooperation was the core quality of the German Guardians. Now lost forever. :(

11-05-2010, 08:43 AM
I'll never forget the GG's ;)
i really did had good time with them.
i just feel bad about seeing an entire clan like the GG's was disappear from Ra.

11-05-2010, 08:47 AM
It is always sad when there is a goodbye thread for any reason, but the loss of the German Guardians especially so. I have many fond and at times not so fond memories of fighting against them, IMHO they were the only clan that when you saw them coming over pp, or on a hunt that made us think (oh Shit.)

They were an efficient, well organised group of players with a brilliant sense of humour, I could list off many many stories about them, but i think it is not necessary. The time we were invited to their graduations and our conversations in mumble will always stay with me. Not only were they efficient, but each and every one had a great sense of humour, i recall several videos made by the clan including the 'lemmings' video they made.

I can understand the reasons why the clan has disbanded, but all the same its a sad thing to see happen. I wish each and every one of them the very best of luck in whatever they do in the future

11-05-2010, 09:01 AM
GG used to be a kick ass clan back in 2008 or so, one of the clans I always feared to meet on the battlefield.
Lately, the last remaining members of GG have only played their hunters, usually together with FWS, resorting to a playing style I can't respect like escaping with horses as soon as the odds are not in favor for them.

What I want to say is that, for me GG, the clan I used to respect, has been dead for at least 1 year already.
Still, it's sad to see this happening of course, and I hope the last remaining ex. members can still enjoy playing the game.

11-05-2010, 09:26 AM
I`ve never meet GG clan in WZ, but I understand your feelings.
Sometimes clan is just another tab in chat window, but sometimes clan is some kind of brotherhood.

When I`ve decided to left Horus I thought it is over and my clan Blizzard Force is dead. But during all time I spent on Ra I could not imagine that It was just begin of Blizzard Force.

Now at Nemon (young and very hopeful server) Blizzard Force has another reborn.

So don`t tomb your clan and yourself. Life is unpredictable. And all for the better.

11-05-2010, 10:10 AM
I'm really sorry to hear that. In my opinion, the German Guardians was the best of the Syrtis English clans, and you were always a blast to play alongside with. You may not have been a huge clan, but you were a tight-knit group. We at Inquisition looked up to you and some of our clan policies were modeled after yours. :)

If you ever move to Horus Nessa look us up! We'll be glad to have you over at INQ. :)

11-05-2010, 10:12 AM
GG used to be a kick ass clan back in 2008 or so, one of the clans I always feared to meet on the battlefield.
Lately, the last remaining members of GG have only played their hunters, usually together with FWS, resorting to a playing style I can't respect like escaping with horses as soon as the odds are not in favor for them.

What I want to say is that, for me GG, the clan I used to respect, has been dead for at least 1 year already.
Still, it's sad to see this happening of course, and I hope the last remaining ex. members can still enjoy playing the game.

Horses are the only useful tactic against the most overpowered class in RO atm.

11-05-2010, 10:20 AM
Horses are the only useful tactic against the most overpowered class in RO atm.I don't want to turn this thread into an argument, but I just have to ask you this:
Did you ever see me cast Deafening Roar and mounting a horse to run away whenever I encountered you on your hunter, while hunters were still the "best" class in Regnum?
What I find amusing is that you never have any problems attacking smaller groups of players no matter their class, but as soon as the numbers are even or slightly to your disadvantage you usually don't even try to fight.

I don't dislike you in general, as you should know, but I really hate your playing style.
Whatever, if you want to discuss it let's take it on Jabber later when I get back from work.

11-05-2010, 11:32 AM
I don't want to turn this thread into an argument, but I just have to ask you this:
Did you ever see me cast Deafening Roar and mounting a horse to run away whenever I encountered you on your hunter, while hunters were still the "best" class in Regnum?
What I find amusing is that you never have any problems attacking smaller groups of players no matter their class, but as soon as the numbers are even or slightly to your disadvantage you usually don't even try to fight.

I don't dislike you in general, as you should know, but I really hate your playing style.
Whatever, if you want to discuss it let's take it on Jabber later when I get back from work.

The point is not you or me: If i recall it correctly: "Warriors should be the main force of any army in RO and be the easiest to play. Mages the hardest." That goal is reached. And I play warlock atm and mostly alone because there are not many friends left to play with in RO.

So when I see a bunch of barbs running into my direction I use any mean to escape. Because it makes no sense to fight them.

11-05-2010, 11:57 AM
Great Clan !

Will be remembered...

11-05-2010, 01:19 PM
Znurre and Mellion,

For fucks sake, just stop!

If you have differences do it elsewhere NOT here

11-05-2010, 01:44 PM
Is really painful to read this, because in some moment, I was playing with GG's and I had a great time in Syrtis when I was there... just with them, fighting and everything else. I will remember them as a great clan, but also a bunch of nice people, BiB, Rolanda, Rana, Addaloe (pt xD), Myxir... awwwwww good memories... seriously.

Znu, Adda, can you stop this stupid discussion and talk it on Jabber or even on clan chat?, but not here... please.

11-05-2010, 02:28 PM
It is a sad day when the German Guardians are no longer. I used to love coming across you guys, as we new we had a good fight about to happen, something that i feel does not happen so much now.
You guys as a clan and as individuals , will and have been missed in wz and it saddens me to see a great clan dwindle and die.
So much has changed, some for the good some not so good. My hunter is now pretty much useless and i don't enjoy playing as much as i used to, mainly because i loved to play her.
I wish you all the best and hope that one day ill see you all at pp waiting to kill us like old times ( I can dream ) :) xxxxxx

11-05-2010, 03:43 PM
Can't say that I've logged in to Ra in a long time, but its sad to see the end of one of the oldest and friendliest clans I can remember.

11-05-2010, 04:32 PM
I completely understand you as a player and as a clan leader. I wish you, and all GGs I liked so much, good luck and stay the best wherever you move (including rl ^^ ).
Even you disbanded clan, you will be well remembered and never forgotten by those who met you back then, learned from you and had fun fighting together. Great people is not easy to forget.

Goodbye Happy Germans :ohill:
p.s. say hi to Rana if you re in touch with her

11-05-2010, 04:42 PM
It's been an honor fellow penguins! \o/

11-05-2010, 05:06 PM
Goodbye GGs!!! It was a pleasure :hat:

11-06-2010, 03:47 AM
That coordination combined with a shitload of fun on mumble is something ill never forget. Goodtimes.

11-06-2010, 12:56 PM
und wieder geht ein legendärer clan über die wupper....ich wünsche euch alles gute
und hoffe, dass ich den ein oder anderen mal in der WZ sehe.
wir hatten immer viel spass, da stand das besiegen des gegners nicht an erster stelle.
allen German Guardians viel glück und erfolg auf eurem weiteren weg. wir sehn uns

The Mow (finally back in the legends)

11-06-2010, 01:52 PM
Sad news, I won't ever forget playing along the side of the GG. You are all a bunch of nice players.

11-07-2010, 02:30 PM
As one of the former members of the German Guardians, and one of the few who still play, I feel I should say something here. There are a lot of good and bad things I could say, but I'll keep it at this: It was a lot of fun while it lasted, but for me the real German Guardians ceased to exist over a year ago. About what was left after that, I have to agree with Znurre.

11-08-2010, 07:12 AM
Wow, I still remember the German Penguins from beta, as I thought that was such a funny name. :wink: The GG's definitely had a playing style that was to be respected and looked up to. I remember going on several hunts back in the day with the group, and even got to join in on mumble a few times.

It was always a fun time with a lot of laughs, and good comic fun. Wow have things changed since then. Anyways, it has been a pleasure.


11-08-2010, 08:05 AM
Beeing a former member of the GG's (Lanac'toor - Conjurer) I had much fun in the clan and I remember the good old times.

I left the clan, cause I moved over to Horus, cause it's much easier to talk to the people there.

GG's you will never be forgotten...