View Full Version : Lets Discuss Bans, and Customer Service

11-05-2010, 03:50 PM
"Inn: A place to gather around and chat about any subject."

Bans: lets talk about bans, and the lack of notification of them.... the absent-ism of response to them... the "new employee" company line of ignoring inquiries, and simply banning people, furthermore the lack of giving an explanation to them when requested... oh sure you will get "reason" ... but if you continuously inquire you will be told that "We can't give long replies as there are hundreds of tickets to reply a day." ... but... isnt that your job?...

As a "customer" we are owed an explanation for such action ....

Even if you are not contesting a ban, and only wish to know the actual "reason" or "incident"...

Should i add, that further inquiry for an answer will gain you an additional ban, while you are already banned...

That is right, you can get banned while you are ALREADY banned!

If you ask a simple and polite explanation, you can get banned again. So when did this become NGD's policy... a month ago? :eek24:

Oh, btw... a request to speak to a supervisor, or some one of higher authority will be disregarded completely by someone with an apparent Napoleon complex... and you will get the reply of "There will be no more replies about this issue." .... that is how "customer oriented" NGD has become...

If this is not NGD, then the people that are speaking for them,...

If that is the case, then NGD themselves need to take a strong look into thier staff and the way in which matters are now being handled...

Think it cant happen to you... after 3+ years of weathering everything that RO has been through, it happened to Rumple / Gringo .... and my guess is that before the bans are lifted Rumple will be the proud recipient of the infamous "perma-ban" ....

From a first occurrence ... to 1st ban ... to 2nd ban ... to Perma-ban, while still in the first 3 day ban ....

WOW! is that NOT great "Customer Service" or what? ... so I post a thread to inform the community of what is going on around them in their own home, RO.

And to think, it could all been handled with a simple "explanation", instead of exasperating the situation to show Rumple who is boss. :wiggle14:

Rumple says he will miss you all, his great extended family of fkrs, & fkress-es, it has been a privilege and honor to fight against and alongside you all.... and he has met many incredible and a few wonderful individuals in this game, his home for the last 3 years, and he will remember all of you fondly.... take care fkrs :ohill:

(Rumple also adds: you might also notice there is no "verbal abuse", and no moderators were injured in the making of this post) :razz:

11-05-2010, 04:10 PM
I miss Rumple very much, and I am very concerned about his ban...

Rumple/Gringo is a good player and leader in RO, his situation needs to be reevaluated by NGD and his accounts re-instated.

Others plz follow my lead in this petition,

11-05-2010, 04:12 PM
I miss Rumple very much, and I am very concerned about his ban...

Rumple/Gringo is a good player and leader in RO, his situation needs to be reevaluated by NGD and his accounts re-instated.

Others plz follow my lead in this petition,

True Story!!! Bring our Rumple back!!!

11-05-2010, 05:24 PM
Hmm there are many ppl who really deserve a Perma-ban....but not Rumple>.>
I want him back,asap!

11-05-2010, 05:41 PM
I would first like to say when foreskin is removed it is difficult to take it back.

Now im not saying that I dont want foreskin back, but it is a delicate procedure that is for sure.

So i would say we should join together and request that NGD do everything in its power to give our foreskin back.
:horsey: :lightsabre:

11-05-2010, 05:51 PM
He is not perma banned as of yet. He had a 3 day ban for verbal abuse which he took and agreed with. One day into that ban he recieved an additional ban of 7 days. So 2 days into the ban he is now awaiting the perma ban since they are stacking bans on him. :nunchaku:

11-05-2010, 06:12 PM
I hope ngd will lissin to ur thread. But I'm afraid they will not listen or will not even read.


11-05-2010, 07:23 PM
If Rumple gets a perma-ban I might boycott the game! :fingers:

11-05-2010, 07:25 PM
I fully agree with alot of the issues pointed out in this thread. I personally had a ticket open on some people in relation to the ones who reported this ban on him. However without having video of every item in their inventory video of them walking around video of them dancing video of them wiping their own butts ngd won't even think about a investigation. And upon responses to someone verbally abusing us someone takes 1 screen shot and gets us banned because their sucking someone in the company report line... either way this issue was poorly looked into along with other issues.

Even if the initial ban is warrented a SECOND ban was placed while this player was already banned... I'm pretty sure this isn't how NGD wanted or thought they operated. It seems like someone has gone overboard with what little power they were given. The "napoleon complex" in the above mentioned post.

Also with no reply on WHY the first ban was placed a second ban is placed with NO reason given as to why the second ban was placed while the first ban was in effect seems rather impossible to me to begin with.

In my mind its impossible to me that a player that can't login or access his account can can preform another offence to get banned again on a disabled account...

11-05-2010, 07:31 PM
Thats sad, while i wont go into whether or not he deserved it or not (i dont know any details and dont play on alsius)

I did know him as my clan mate on Ra, and he was a pretty good guy and friend.
And i knew knew him back then to be disruptive at all.

11-05-2010, 09:55 PM
+100000000000000000000000 and :fingers: NGD if you dare to perma-bann him for such a stupid reason...

11-05-2010, 10:26 PM
"Inn: A place to gather around and chat about any subject."

That is right, you can get banned while you are ALREADY banned!

I don't see why this is so surprising a fact. If there are multiple and seperate reported abuses why would you not be able to have another ban added after the first as the next case is dealt with? Now I am not saying this is what happened in this case nor am I defending NGD if they did decide to ban someone just for asking for an explanation as to why they are banned. If they did that then I believe that is completely wrong but I also won't accept someone's word saying they got an extra ban just for asking a polite explanation. This is why posts on specific bans should not be placed on these forums because there are only 2 parties for sure who can know what actually happened and how. An even then in most cases as with any other type argument each party given the chance to explain will prolly have different explanations to the same incident. So to be an optomist for once, I will continue to believe that NGD is not banning for people for such things as people asking for polite (not rants sent to them) explanations and there is some other explanation here as to what happened that we are not knowing because for NGD to discuss it here would be against there own rules as far as I know about discussions on bans. Unless of course NGD decides to come out an say we will ban you for asking for an explanation, if they did such as that then I would prolly just stop playing.

11-06-2010, 01:20 AM
Stacked bans is a bug, but making them not stack is an inelegant solution. Instead bans are to be given a random duration depending on level.

11-06-2010, 01:27 AM
Stacked bans is a bug, but making them not stack is an inelegant solution. Instead bans are to be given a random duration depending on level.

wait does that count for lvl 50's? just asking :imstupid:

11-06-2010, 03:15 AM
"Stacked bans is a bug, but making them not stack is an inelegant solution."

And this is why certain cases need human intervention... Especially when a review is requested...

11-06-2010, 05:32 AM
reverse the circumcision and give us back our rumpled foreskin!

11-06-2010, 07:41 AM
NGD is not doing the support anymore. It's just some cheap service they buy.

11-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Ok sorry for the bad post..but i will say this, BRING BACK RUMPLE!!

Please NGD, he really is a well liked and respected player that doesnt deserve such a severe ban...

11-06-2010, 12:42 PM
As a "customer" we are owed an explanation for such action ....

Even if you are not contesting a ban, and only wish to know the actual "reason" or "incident"...

Should i add, that further inquiry for an answer will gain you an additional ban, while you are already banned...

That is right, you can get banned while you are ALREADY banned!

If you ask a simple and polite explanation, you can get banned again. So when did this become NGD's policy... a month ago? :eek24:

Sadly that part is completly true. Whoever is in charge of support, he sure does enjoy banning people, even Obvious innocent players... I sure will never forget...

11-06-2010, 02:38 PM
Even after removing posts, people still don't keep this thread on-topic and instead focus on a specific case. While I can understand that there is frustration, everybody here ought to know by now that discussing specific ban-cases(in a completely impolite way) at the forum is not allowed to prevent the inevitable flamewar that follows.

If you have reasons and proof not to agree with this ban, please send a ticket using the support system.

If you have a complaint about current moderation and ban policy, please mail to community@ngdstudios.com.ar